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The Official NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams thread

Pure Valley 168620

OK, I think I've got Pure Valley covered for now. :lol I'm still stuck at the second rank. I wish they let you see the leaderboard instead of just giving you your rank.

Gwanatu T

Junior Member
I actually got invited to someone else's My Dream yesterday, I thought it was a friggin miracle really. Funny thing was that (she) didn't have anything but a single nightmaren in her garden.

Do any of you do anything with the garden? I haven't added anyone from GAF to my friend list (there's just so many people here), but I'll add anyone who wants to be added.


I played a Japanese guy who kicked my butt at Pure Valley three times in a row. :lol He kept picking other boards, but even when I picked random, we still ended up at Pure Valley. Maybe I have to unlock them first...

I haven't done much with My Dream, but the race mode seems alright online. Too bad there's no online battle mode.

BTW This game is pretty damn awesome for fans of the original. I have to admit that the chase mission of Crystal Palace, with its NiGHTS powers (multi NiGHTS! Giant NiGHTS!) and cool reflection dynamic for hitting links might actually compare favorably to some of the Saturn version's stages.


Gwanatu T said:
Are you guys just putting things over top of the controller? I could imagine that such a "mod" would hinder performance by not allowing you to have full range of motion. I'm considering taking apart the controller and just sanding down the 8-way parts to make it smooth, but I'm not having much of an issue any more. I aced the first mission of the desert level and really don't have as much of an issue with the 8-way as I did when I first started the game.
it does, slightly. But it helped me more than it hurt. Especially cause I suck at NiGHTS games. My highest link was like 63 in the challenge.

Gwanatu T

Junior Member
Innotech said:
it does, slightly. But it helped me more than it hurt. Especially cause I suck at NiGHTS games. My highest link was like 63 in the challenge.

It takes a while to get high links. Lots of redoing stages, figuring out where the hidden links and orbs are, etc. I might try such a thing; how did you stick the ring to your controller, just tape it?


PowerSmell said:
Pure Valley 168620

OK, I think I've got Pure Valley covered for now. :lol I'm still stuck at the second rank. I wish they let you see the leaderboard instead of just giving you your rank.


The Hermit

So I just finished Will's Dream and this game is by FAR the best effort from Sonic Team in the last years.
It gave me some Sonic Adventure 2 vibe(my mom even asked me if it was Sonic!), with many stages/missions, with different objectives each and grades, but WAAAAAYYYY better than that piece of crap. The music alone is fantastic and the last stage is incredible.

So a few questions:

Does Helen Path worth it?
Getting A in everything will give me something?
I've never, ever played the Original NiGHTS... should I?


Baiano19 said:
So I just finished Will's Dream and this game is by FAR the best effort from Sonic Team in the last years.
It gave me some Sonic Adventure 2 vibe(my mom even asked me if it was Sonic!), with many stages/missions, with different objectives each and grades, but WAAAAAYYYY better than that piece of crap. The music alone is fantastic and the last stage is incredible.

So a few questions:

Does Helen Path worth it?
Getting A in everything will give me something?
I've never, ever played the Original NiGHTS... should I?
-Helens path has some amazing stages. Definitely do that one.
-I know getting at least C ranks does. Im sure all A's does too
-I cant believe youre actually asking that.
ivysaur12 said:

I get most my points on the first part, as it's the one I've practiced the most.

For the first part you should be able to link the whole thing from beginning to end, after a lap switch to rocket NiGHTS and go for another 2-3 laps (you should try to find a balance between link score and the time bonus. This imo is where the new NiGHTS scoring mechanic becomes very deep). The rocket form will allow you to score links that you wouldn't be able to without the blue chips, and it also allows to not capture the bird as long as you don't dash into it. I can get something 30000pts this way. On your first time trying you should also get a hugely improved score.

For the second part you should start off as rocket NiGHTS, as this is the only way to certain links. Like for example the part just before the treasure chest over the water. I only go for a single lap with this, but I'm sure with practice I can get a much better scoring with 2 laps.

For the third part you'll want to use rocket NiGHTS when you enter the cave with the camera behind you. You should be able to link the whole cave, and as soon as you exit switch back to normal NiGHTS so you can paraloop the blue chips by the time freeze item (that thing that changes the screen to negative color) and then switch back to rocket and get the lines of blue chips on the first two slide-wire things (you can't get the 3rd line of blue chips to link).

Then, the most difficult part, is killing that piece of shit demonic Puffy quick enough to get the double multiplyer.

Something you might want to consider in general for this new NiGHTS is that you might want to leave certain groups blue chips alone so that you can keep a link going for another lap instead of just paralooping the whole thing. Also, you should always try to go as fast as you can even when not linking, as you get 1000pts for each remaining second!

Alot of people have said that the capture the bird method sucks, but I think they just haven't discovered the depth to it. I remember the original NiGHTS also being misunderstood when it first came out, before people learned how to maximize bonus time.


I hate having to replay the whole level when the boss kills me. I've to face this boos that hides behind cards and stuff and time runs out and I have to go through the stage again and I just hate having to repeat the same stage just because I don't know what to do with the boss >_<


Here's an interesting titbit from http://www.nightsintodreams.com/NiD/index.htm

have some cool news from one certain lovely lady Julissa Aguirre, NiGHTS' voice actor in Journey of Dreams. (Yes they spelt her name wrong in the credits e_e mrrgh). She recently said to DiGi, and i quote:

"There will be another game coming out soon where the NiGHTS character is written in to the story line. Let the fans know I'm very flattered that they like the game and thank you so much for the support!"

So this brings up a whole heap of speculation on the next NiGHTS title. We already know about M&S DS, Sonic Riders Zero Gravity and of course Sega Superstars Tennis... but... could this be NiGHTS 3? Here's hoping.
Sounds interesting, but I'm guessing it will be something like a story mode for Superstar Tennis.

fresquito said:
I hate having to replay the whole level when the boss kills me. I've to face this boos that hides behind cards and stuff and time runs out and I have to go through the stage again and I just hate having to repeat the same stage just because I don't know what to do with the boss >_<

Paraloop the background until you find the cards, then follow the cards in decreasing order to the ace, the boss will be there.

There's another way you can beat him quickly by paralooping as soon as the level starts then dashing ahead of him. Here's a vid of someone defeating him in 11 seconds with the method. http://youtube.com/watch?v=BeoQ-oOmQXM


Interview with the music composers of Nights Journey of dreams

If you happened to own a Sega Saturn back in the 1990’s, you probably owned NiGHTS Into Dreams. Many look back fondly on the title and consider it to be the definitive game for the system. It has taken SEGA eleven years to whip up another adventure in the world of Nightopia, but it’s finally coming to the Wii just before Christmas.

Fans will tell you that one of the elements that made the original NiGHTS Into Dreams such a magical experience was the soundtrack, composed by Tomoko Sasaki, Naofumi Hataya, and Fumie Kumatani. With that in mind, I’m certain fans will be delighted to know Tomoko Sasaki (lead music composer) and Naofumi Hataya (sound director/composer) have returned to handle the music for NiGHTS Journey of Dreams, and we have conducted an exclusive interview with the duo.

M4G: Two generations of consoles and more than a decade have elapsed since the original NiGHTS Into Dreams was released on the Sega Saturn. What technological changes have you encountered while transitioning the world of Nightopia to the Nintendo Wii console, and how have they helped or hindered your task of scoring NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams?
Sasaki-san: While the original NiGHTS used a built-in sound source to play the music of Nightopia, the Wii version directly plays the recorded music. To be honest, I enjoyed the built-in source more, because I was controlling all the tones myself. Now the quality of the game has increased significantly on the new version. Additionally, there are several people now that contribute in creating theme music and many times the theme turns out differently than I expected.

A single man production effort has many limitations; however miracles can happen when you gather the abilities of many people!

Hataya-san: At that time, the system of changing music as you play could only be accomplished by the built-in sound source. A similar system is also featured in the new version, but it uses a recorded stereo waveforms. I was allowed to use many acoustic instruments and since there were no limits in terms of expressions, Sasaki-san and I were able to increase the quality of the music within the game.

M4G: While listening to the music featured in the new trailer, there’s an arrangement of the original NiGHTS main theme, giving the orchestral sound a significant upgrade. What tools are being used to compose for the score for NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams, and will the score feature any live performances? Will any other familiar musical themes make an appearance?
Sasaki-san: For the orchestrated theme music, I asked Minobe-san (Delfisound Inc.) for a rearrangement and he recorded the music at FOX Studio in Los Angeles. I asked for a dramatic arrangement, since the characters have more lines compared to the previous version, putting more emphasis on the game’s storyline.

Hataya-san: The main tools are Digital Performer and Pro Tools, which are the standard tools in music production. Since it was important for us to exchange the data smoothly, I tried to work in the same environment as Sasaki-san as much as I could.

Live performance isn’t planned at the moment, but when it happens, I’d definitely like to listen as an audience member.

The game features many other familiar music themes that are based on the feeling of each level.

Click here to play "Theme of Aqua Garden"

M4G: The score for the NiGHTS Into Dreams featured an interesting blend of orchestral, pop, and jazz. Many of the pieces convey a carnival atmosphere, and there are even some tracks that sound inspired by the holiday season (the use of jingle bells and bell tones). How did the team decide what musical direction the title should take? Have your personal musical backgrounds influenced the music you have created for NiGHTS?
Sasaki-san: The NiGHTS music has a dream theme. It’s important that the world is packed with a broad range of music, and this is why I think the genre can be anything. But when composing theme music, I made sure that each theme includes the exhilaration of flying in the air. This is because the exhilaration of freely flying in the air is the core gameplay element for this title.

I don’t have a clear musical policy. For example, death metal musicians rarely sing love ballads. I think that’s because they have a policy. I try and keep an open mind, it enables me to work on and create a variety of music. It’s not easy for me to stay in one place, and I have a strong desire of wanting to change myself. I think this is why I became a musician rather than an artist; you have to have that frame of mind when you are producing themes for title such as NiGHTS.

Hataya-san: As Sasaki-san said, the music of NiGHTS has been produced focusing on the concept of being able to deeply empathize with the exhilaration of flying in the air as well as the wonderful world and characters regardless of the genre.

Under the direction of Iizuka-san (the director) the new version has a greater sense of adventure, allowing the players to enjoy a wider range of emotions. It also has an enormous amount of music variety as well. In addition to composing music, I also specialized in theme arrangement; choosing the right music theme that best suits each game situation. I have arranged Sasaki-san’s music in many different ways.

The two of us produced about 70 percent of the whole music, and the rest is produced by SEGA’s proud Sound Team. Each member is skilled and has worked on the themes of SEGA’s representative titles. I know each member’s talents more than anyone else, so I can ensure that the music of NiGHTS has nothing left to desire. It’s perfect.

My feelings toward the music production itself haven’t changed at all. The teams’ deep understanding of the ins-and-outs of NiGHTS has enabled us to create music themes perfect for NiGHTS.

M4G: How did you come to be involved with NiGHTS and Sega in general? Can you describe your experience working on the game, and your reaction to the positive response to the score? Sasaki-san, as “DREAMS DREAMS” is one of the most popular pieces from the game, would you care to comment on this piece in particular?
Sasaki-san: Iizuka-san and I joined the company in the same year. I really admired his attitude. He offered a different and fresh, almost unpredictable, way of thinking; we get along quite well.

I left SEGA and became self-employed, but we exchanged New Year cards every year with a message saying “Let’s make a sequel this year”, so there should be at least 10 cards with this message. It took a while, but the moment for a NiGHTS sequel finally arrived. When Iizuka-san extended an offer to me to create the music for the sequel, I was really happy at heart.

It’s great to hear the positive reaction toward the music though, since it took more than 10 years for the sequel. There is enormous pressure to meet the expectations piled up in 10 years, in fact I have more pressure now to create great musical themes than the first time I composed the music. There are so many people waiting for this game and I really hope people enjoy the finished result.

DREAM DREAM doesn’t feel like a piece I created. To me, it’s more like a musical classic of unknown composition. This is a wonderful theme that is universal and there are various arrangements as well.

Hataya-san: As long as Iizuka-san and the main staff of the original NiGHTS remained with SEGA, I believed that there would always be a chance of creating the sequel. And I decided that when the day ever arrived, I wanted to be the organizer of the music.

Being able to receive the user’s comments has allowed us to integrate that feedback early in the process. This feedback has always been the driving force for this production.

Click here to play "Dreams Dreams"

M4G: You have now worked together on the original NiGHTS, Feel the Magic XX/XY, and NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams. Can you describe your working relationship and your interactions while working on music for these titles?
Sasaki-san: Hataya-san has always been an integral part of my inspiration in creating music. Whenever I’m stuck writing, he comes up and tells me how great my music is. Even if I stopped writing after four bars, he would emphasize how amazing those four bars are and his compliments would inspire me once again, allowing me to continue producing music.

Hataya-san mostly planned the sounds for NiGHTS and all I did was to say “good” or “bad” to his plans. His love for NiGHTS is far superior to mine. All he talks about is NiGHTS, almost bringing me to the brink of insanity -- He is a true NiGHTS freak.

Hataya-san: Sasaki-san is my most trusted composer. Not only is she a melody maker who produces “rough stones” from scratch, she’s also a concept maker. My job is to flesh out what she produced, develop them in a different approach and implement what is missing.

We have a good relationship, and only she can offer me honest and shrewd advice toward what I composed. This is how our music themes are refined.

M4G: NiGHTS Into Dreams was fortunate enough to receive a full soundtrack release back in 1996, and a follow-up remix album, A NiGHTS REMIX ~ Another Dreams in 1997. Can we hope to see a soundtrack release for NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams, and perhaps subsequent arrangement albums now that game music can be more widely distributed over the Internet? You have many fans in the West who are eager to hear your music after waiting more than ten years.
Sasaki-san: I think delivering the NiGHTS music over the internet would be great!

Hataya-san: We have plans for releasing the soundtrack inside Japan. It will go on sale on January 17, 2008 by Wavemaster. However, there are no plans for releasing the soundtrack overseas or downloading via the internet, but there should be a good possibility if there are many requests from the fans.

I hope people all over the world will listen and enjoy the music from NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams on their CD players and iPods.

M4G: What would you like to say to your fans in the West who loved the original NiGHTS and have been desperately awaiting the release of NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams? If you’re at liberty to tell us, what will the two of you be working on after NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams is complete? Can we expect to see the two of you working together again in the future?
Sasaki-san: I’m relieved that NiGHTS is finally coming out. NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams reveals the back story which was shrouded in the original NiGHTS and the characters look more alive than before. I personally want you to bring your attention to the Nightopian (A-LIFE character). Their attitudes and expression have evolved immensely since the last NiGHTS.

“Smash Brothers X” will be released on January in Japan and I composed 2 music themes for this project. Hataya-san is my eternal partner, so I’d love to work with him whenever I have the chance.

Hataya-san: To the fans of the previous series, thank you for waiting for such a long time.
During the composition, I have been playing the game objectively as “a representative of the NiGHTS-loving fans”. This is a great game I can truly recommend regardless of whether you’re familiar with the previous version or not.

I don’t know what I will be working on next, however after completing the game, let us know your thoughts and impressions. That will be my motivation for my next activity.

I’ll definitely have a chance to work with Sasaki-san again and I look forward to our next project together. Thank you.
Thanks for posting that, Mazyora. Nice interview, but they kinda sound like they're into eachother.:lol Where was it taken from though?

So Tomoko Sasaki is working on two tracks? That could mean that the other people working on Smash Bros Brawl are also working on multiple tracks.

One of the tracks he's working on has already been revealed on the Smash Bros Dojo. It's the Ashley theme from Wario Ware Touched.

I've uploaded a vid of me playing Pure Valley (152,836).



Lobster said:
SEGA said if they made another NiGHTS game it would be on Wii.

Hmm, hope they will put more effort into the game execution. Nights: Journey of Dreams had the ideas but the execution is just not there imo. Overall its still a pretty decent game.

Baiano19 said:
Does Helen Path worth it?

Helen path is way better than Will's imo.


crystal castle alone is by far one of the best stages. I dare to say its as good ad soft museum on Nights into dreams. Play helens stage for sure.


NeoGAF: my new HOME
Eurogamer Review;

Providing you can overlook a few of the aforementioned quirks, and providing you're not so cynical that a big-hearted game can't win you over, there's a lot to like here. A short run-time and some middling levels used to pad out each of Nightopia's dream environments probably did the most to wear down my goodwill toward it, but there was nothing fatally dispiriting about the experience and ultimately it has more to fuel the player's affection than not, like skyscrapers bursting into balloons. More of that, game developers. Indeed, if SEGA can adopt the principles employed here to reinvigorate a few of its other declining character-driven properties, it won't just be the publisher's increasingly savvy acquisitions and collaborations that drive strength back into its portfolio, it will be the very things that made it such a celebrated name in the first place. A good game, and definitely worth considering.



Tuh fuck. No I don't care about Mario or Zelda for that matter.

I'm a NiGHTS fan but I dunno if investing my money on a Wii so I can play this is a sound idea. Will I be disappointed as a fan?


Endow said:
The question is : should I buy a Wii for this game. I'm a NiGHTS fan but I dunno....

It's the reason I bought a Wii. Well worth it. Some levels are even better than the original. Bell Bridge and Crystal Castle come to mind.
Wow. I picked up this game yesterday (PAL gamer) & just finished Will's path, and I wasn't disappointed in the slightest. The reviews had me slightly worried at first, but virtually none of my fears were realised. Bell Bridge nearly had me in tears (long-time NiGHTS fan).

Got A's in everything, which I gather unlocks something. Will move onto Helen's path & go for all the Dream Drops next.


I really want to like this game. I can see the goods, but... but on the other hand, I can feel the bads :(

No matter how awesome some stages are, I find myself spending more time watching stupid videos and roaming around with the stupid kids. I see a total failing logic behind the direction of this game. In fact, it's one of the worst directed games I've played as of late. Content ranges from okay to great, but it's like they wanted gamers to suffer all the bad before getting to what's good.

Was it so difficult to make only Night stages and include an option to skip videos?


fresquito said:
I really want to like this game. I can see the goods, but... but on the other hand, I can feel the bads :(

No matter how awesome some stages are, I find myself spending more time watching stupid videos and roaming around with the stupid kids. I see a total failing logic behind the direction of this game. In fact, it's one of the worst directed games I've played as of late. Content ranges from okay to great, but it's like they wanted gamers to suffer all the bad before getting to what's good.

Was it so difficult to make only Night stages and include an option to skip videos?

Do what I did: do something else while the cutscenes are running. When you finally finish both stories and all you have to do is playing the funny stages you learn to love NiGHTS JOD a lot more


Aye just play it ignore all the fluff story and beat it then it becomes Nights again and you can do your rankings as normal without the story :D

Gwanatu T

Junior Member
When all is said and done it's still Sonic Team, and they really haven't improved at all since the advent of the Sonic Adventure's, which were both fantastic games if you ask me but had the same exact flaws NiGHTS JoD has. No biggy really, you just have to look over the stupid parts and try to experience all the good this games has to offer. The regular NiGHTS flying stages are nothing short of astounding, and hold some of the best gaming moments for me since the original NiGHTS. I can't wait to play through the whole thing and just constantly go through the stages getting better scores.
Finished Helen's path last night (better than Will's IMO). Overall, very happy with the game, though I'll state the obvious and say I wish ST had focused on the typical NiGHTS stages rather than throwing in all the other stuff.

If there's a next game, and assuming ST keep to the 3,3,1 formation for the stages, 3 missions for each'd be ideal. A 'Normal' run (i.e. Mission 1 from JoD), a Link Attack challenge (like Octopaw), and then an 'Advanced' run with more challenging laps & the tougher boss. Cut out the storyline & all the stuff involving the kids.


Got the game today and LOVING it. Can't wipe the smile off my face.

Cutscenes really don't bother me, the playing as NiGHTS stuff is fantastic and true to the original, the levels are fun as hell to replay and the music.... Wow.

As a long time NiGHTS fan, I am extremely happy.

Gwanatu T

Junior Member
Glad to see the other Sega fanatics around here loving the game. Do we have any sales data on it yet by chance? I'd like to see how it did, because I know they are considering another one for the Wii.


Also, I really don't understand the complaints with the Wiimote only control, it seems to work fine and control really smoothly to me.


Bought this today (Pal release) and I must say I'm severely disappointed. Too much story, too much saccharine style and it feels like a preachy christmas movie. :(

The controls work well I guess but I think thats all I can say in its favour. Good to see some people are enjoying it though.

Gwanatu T

Junior Member
temjin said:
Also, I really don't understand the complaints with the Wiimote only control, it seems to work fine and control really smoothly to me.

Yeah I agree it's not bad at all, but I still prefer to use the classic controller for this one. I'm too trained to control NiGHTS with a joystick.


So this game is great and the haters can go cry a river? Excellent! When I finally get my hands on a Wii, this game shall be mine!

I got my friends hooked on the original when I brought my Saturn over, and I'm sure they'll pick up the sequel when they eventually get a Wii as well!


Well, I've finally written my review (in spanish).

I'll say that I really wanted to like this game. I really tried hard, but in the end I can't. I really like the first stage of each level, they are fun, impressive, clever, they are fantastic for the most part and I really wish the game was more like that. But even these have their shortcomings; having to repeat the whole level if the boss kills you is... is just inhuman. Other than some camera problems and control problems related to the eight-ways analog stick designed by Nintendo, I love these levels.

The other levels don't do that much for me. If the big amount of levels where like the first of each world, I would like these short of time trials and events for a change, but the are the majority of the game. They are too short and not that fun or fantasy inducing. But they are ok, just not wonderfull.

Then there're all these problems I can't seem to be able to overcome. I don't understand the direction of this game. Videos are worthless, and they add nothing, but well, if you like them in there, that's okay, just let me skip them if I feel like. Don't force to see the same video over and over again if I happen to die in a stage. Yes, I know I can go away and do something while the video is playing, but when I sit in front of my console what I want to do is enjoy a game, not anything else.

And if cutscenes aren't enough, then there's thise nosense of making the kids be part of the gameplay. Their inclusion is the inclusion of a subpar platforming experience and the innecesari addition of an ugly game lobby. The A-Life mode is useless, there's no point in visiting other gardens when you can't comunicate with people.

So, in the end: The game is awesome in the long stages where you get to fly and marvel at things you feel and see. The game is okay on the other stages. The game is dull in boss fights and kids sections. And the games is unbearable in its direction.

I'm sprry, but I can't like Nights :(


i must say that the difficulty of the game is much higher than that of the original, which i like. it is such an enjoyable game.

thanks sonic team and sega for such an amazing effort.

next time, work on simple things like cheap cut scenes and repeating them when unecessary. otherwise, amazingingly awesome game.

my goty so far :)


Bought yesterday (GAME had a £20 when bought with anything else deal) and so far it's failing to impress me much. Being a big fan of the original I wasn't exactly going in with high expectations but so far the game feels like an unpolished mess, with some good bits here and there that don't last long enough.

No stunt Loops (unless they show up later on?): why even have the stunts if there is no purpose for them? Same with the Orbs, now there is no orb collector they have purpose other than to build up links. The score hub is so tiny I don't even really notice what kind of score I've got other than the grades, and the new chase-a-bird-three-times thing is just not the same.

Also, while the levels look nice when NOT in cut scenes, it still feels choppy and not at all like a game released this year on a console that's supposedly twice the power of the Gamecube. It almost looks like a Dreamcast game, ported badly.

Can't wait till I've got past all the cut scenes. They make the Sonic Adventure 1 scenes look brilliant in comparison. This game really needed another six months of development time. I'm going to play the whole thing and see if I eventually warm up to it, but so far it's not doing it for me like the original did..


it seems to me that enjoyment of the game relies entirely on if you were expecting a identical experience ot the original, or if you were willing to overlook some of the weaknesses in JOD just to relive that feeling of flight and looping. the game pulls off that original element VERY well. It falls short in alot of areas but for people who just want to experience a new NiGHTS adventure, I think its a good purchase. Sorry for those of you who were disappointed. I guess hype was too high and time was too short.

Play Bellbridge level and perhaps you will get that familiar feeling back. Its an amazing stage.


by the way, can someone either direct me to or tell me the notes/'chords to the song Dreams Dreams (like the way it is played in Sky concert)
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