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The Official NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams thread


I actually only have a wavebird, i wanted to know if this game is enough of a reason to go grab the Classic controller.
I just tried it with my Wavebird, and I don't know if my analog is just "broken in" or something, but it feels kinda smoother than the CC.
I think there's no need to get a CC for this. In fact, I think I'm going to start using the Wavebird instead of the CC.
Just finished off Will's and Helen's story mode. Other than the missions on foot (specifically, Helen's last one and Will's only one), Sega done did good by me. I'm gonna have to fool around with the controller setups for a while to see which one I'll stick with, though. I played using mostly my Wavebird.


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
So far my playtime with NiGHTS has been horrific. I literally gave up two times to pick it back up a third to see if I was controlling it wrong. Checked the manual about 5-6 times to see if I was being an idiot... but nope. I had been doing everything right all along. Two other people stopped in to try it out and, well, they thought it was frustrating too.

I thought for sure this would be the game that would amaze me with Wii controls. But, it has been the biggest disappointment for me on the Wii to date. They screwed it up for me and my memories of NiGHTS. My expecations were too high for this, but it was SEGA, so it's only my own fault for putting trust in a shoddy dev that can't deliver quality content on a consistent basis anymore.

Well, I'll be trying this again tomorrow after reading some impressions and reading some tips on what helped people ease their pain with the game -- maybe it will help me out too and maybe I might just like it someday down the road.

Oh, and who casted the voice-actors? And who was in charge of that terrible 'tutorial'? We aren't in 1990 anymore. I feel violated :(


PowerSmell said:
I just tried it with my Wavebird, and I don't know if my analog is just "broken in" or something, but it feels kinda smoother than the CC.
I think there's no need to get a CC for this. In fact, I think I'm going to start using the Wavebird instead of the CC.

Cheers dude.


Finished it about halfway so far! All that's left now are A ranks and the Dream Drops. Absolutely love this game, maybe I'm a heretic and all, but I easily put this game on Mario Galaxy's level in terms of the how amazing and magical it's been. I like Mario too, but NiGHTs has been literally a journey into dreams for me. On a side note though...

Helen's levels > Will's levels XD

I also didn't mind any of the on foot levels at all. In terms of what they were trying to represent and the visuals, it was really captivating. Be it escaping the Crystal Castle or Broadway, both of them were really neat.

edit, my impressions from elsewhere:

Sonic Team revives a classic for the Nintendo Wii! Explore the dreams of young Will and Helen with the magical dream Jester, NiGHTs, and save the world of Nightopia. Although, it's not quite the same as the Sega Saturn classic, there's still some faithful elements. The main gameplay is still made up of flying through out the different worlds on rails. But now you're chasing these birds that captured you from checkpoint to checkpoint. You can still chain link for a high score, but it's not quite the same. Other the changes this time around include revisiting the areas and completing other goals. This has been one of the big complaints about it, on top of the unnecessary modern addition of trying to give the game a story. But most of it isn't too bad, some of the on foot parts are pretty neat. Such as playing as the kids and escaping a labyrinth of mirrors, or crossing the skyline of Broadway with neon everywhere. Besides all that, the worlds themselves are absolutely captivating, like a kids fantasy. Accompanying all that is one beautiful soundtrack that really will put you into their world. NiGHTs maybe intended mainly for kids, but if you have that child at heart that dreamed of flying freely in a jovial like manner in fantasy-like worlds, no other game can really capture that feeling. It's quite literally a "Journey of Dreams


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
I've just finished half the game with Will's game.

I'm quite happy. The game isn't without a few blemishes here and there, but I don't see how anyone can look at this game and not see it for what it is; a gigantic love letter to all fans of the original game! Everything from little musical cues to all out arrangements of NiGHTS tunes, to the little sound effects when clearing stages. Hell, the last stage where
you fly on your own
made me grin from ear to ear as I relived my memories of the original in a new way!

SEGA = somewhat redeemed for now. ^_^
So has anybody found some of the new things in scoring mechanic of the game?

I just learned that the tricks will add 10 points for every ring you pass through while performing them.
So a few of you are enjoying the game? Hmmm. Well, I suppose if I can honestly say I enjoyed AVP: R then you are free to enjoy JoD.


evilromero said:
So a few of you are enjoying the game? Hmmm. Well, I suppose if I can honestly say I enjoyed AVP: R then you are free to enjoy JoD.

Well like every recent sega game, you have to wade through the crap to get to the good stuff. I dont regret buying it, I can say that much.
TheDuce22 said:
Well like every recent sega game, you have to wade through the crap to get to the good stuff. I dont regret buying it, I can say that much.

After you get past all that "crap" (which isn't all that bad) then you're left with the equivalent of the orginal NiGHTS game, 6 levels of awesome NiGHTS action. I seriously can't understand how any NiGHTS fan can't enjoy those levels.
I'm enjoying the game...tried with classic and nunchuk. They feel about equal to me. I'm going to try my wavebird tomorrow. Mydream was a huge letdown. I thought it could've been something fun to come back to...but its a waste of space.


Hey guys, what are your high scores?


Aqua Garden - 116,755
Crystal Castle - 111,112
Memory Forest - 103,873
- 106,229


Pure Valley - 86,694
Lost Park - 100,360
Delight City - 106,001
- 91,712
Here are mine so far.

Pure Valley - 139540
Lost Park - 138992
Delight City - 92628

Aqua Garden - 122364
Crystal Castle - 137340
Memory Forest - 110330


damn. Great scores. I suck so hard at the game (and the original). I love it so much though! The music and art definitely suits a NiGHTS game.



Aqua Garden - 67,639
Crystal Castle - 103,590
Memory Forest - 88,468
- 106,476


Pure Valley - 59,120
Lost Park - 96,630
Delight City - 65,895
- 100,220

Some poor scores, but the higher ones were when I actually went back and replayed. Definitely can improve the other ones, but my goal at first was just to clear and get that final Ideya, I look forward to competing with all of you :D


Great game, quite challenging to boot. Never played a Nights game before and I am enjoying this. Dont quite understand how Sega got IR messed up though.


Innotech said:
chameleon boss
kicked my ass. How do I beat him?

Make long horizontal paraloops instead of the usual circles to unveil the cards. You'll find him at the ace. It only takes one paraloop to finish him off.

Also, I don't know if anyone posted this, the soundtrack listing for Journey of Dreams! Over 70 tracks! 9 editions of "Dreams, Dreams"


Disc 1
1. NiGHTS:Journey of Dreams
2. Solitude
3. Eloquent Echo
4. Drifting Donbalon
5. Eloquent Echo:Fluffy Catch
6. Eloquent Echo:River Rescue
7. Drifting Donbalon:Hard Ver.
8. Wandering Wildness
9. Cackling Chamelan
10. Wandering Wildness:Bomb Panic
11. Wandering Wildness:Coaster Rescue
12. Cackling Chamelan:Hard Ver.
13. Dreams Dreams:Located Link Mix(Instrumental)
14. NiGHTS And Reala
15. Electrical Entertainment
16. Clashing Cerberus
17. Electrical Entertainment:Neon City Battle
18. Electrical Entertainment:Broadway Guide
19. Clashing Cerberus:Hard Ver.
20. Growing Wings
21. Persona Non Grata
22. D’Force Master
23. Win a Goal
24. Dreams Dreams:Will Ver.

Disc 2
1. Dreams Dreams:Adult Ver.
2. Conscience
3. Sweeping Seashore
4. Giant Girania
5. Sweeping Seashore:Aqua Challenge
6. Sweeping Seashore:Marine Escape
7. Giant Girania:Hard Ver.
8. Crystal Choir
9. Bony Bomamba
10. Crystal Choir:Labyrinth Guide
11. Crystal Choir:Jewel Fever
12. Bony Bomamba:Hard Ver.
13. Merry Memory Go Round
14. Queen Bella’s Ball
15. Merry Memory Go Round:Forest Adventure
16. Dreams Dreams:Sky Concert
17. Queen Bella’s Ball:Hard Ver.
18. Cruising Together
19. NiGHTS And Reala:Theme of A Tragedic Revenge
20. Sonatinas for Two Violin
21. Applause
22. Dreams Dreams:Helen Ver.
23. On The Way Back
24. Memento of NiGHTS
25. Dreams Dreams:Sweet Snow
26. Fragmented NiGHTS

Disc 3
1. Dreams Dreams:Kids Ver.
2. NiGHTS:Journey of Dreams(Short Ver.?
3. Gate Of Your Dream
4. Encounter
5. When The Night Falls
6. Sweeping Seashore:in Daylight
8. Catch Me If You Can
9. Duel in Dream
10. Al-Di-La:Lavender Ver.
11. Reala Returns 11. Reala Returns
12. Peaceful Moment
13. Al-Di-La:Sandal Wood Ver.
14. Bad News
15. Twist of Fate
16. Al-Di-La:peppermint Ver.
17. Captive
18. Suspicion
19. Belief
20. Al-Di-La:Bergamot Ver.
21. Precious Orgel
22. Sentimental Separation
23. Thank You NiGHTS
24. Dreams Dreams:Located Link Mix
25. Dreams Dreams:Sweet Snow (instrumental)
26. Dreams Dreams(instrumental)

Preorder here! http://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/B000YIRSGM/

Already placed mine! I'm a bit surprised no ones done an ingame rip yet. I seriously want the Sweet Snow version of "Dreams, Dreams". Been having to settle for the youtube version :/


thanks. I kept hanging around the J, Q,K cards thinking the ace was behind those. He was the other direction :lol

This game is so trippy.


So this game is pretty playable with the nunchuk stick or CC stick? I'm wondering how necessary something like a Dual Shock adaptor is...


Teddman said:
So this game is pretty playable with the nunchuk stick or CC stick? I'm wondering how necessary something like a Dual Shock adaptor is...
This is honestly the first and only time I want to use a dualshock controller. As much as I hate that thing, the analog design is perfect for NiGHTS.
I got past all of Will's cutscenes (why do they let you skip the CG one but not the in-game ones?) and through the first Dream, and I really don't see how a fan of the original could despise this game. Or even dislike it. It all seems to be there.

I don't really dig the 'chase the bird and then the lap is over' thing, but that's pretty minor. I don't think the controls are clunky either, it's not that hard to aim the analog stick between the notches.

I'm going to be playing the game in bits over time (AC, ME, RE:UC in the batting order).

edit: Using nunchuk


I'm using wiimote and nunchuck myself, no problems here. But if you could do innotechs mod, that'd probably be pretty helpful. I'm just pretty adaptive to controls.


kiryogi said:
I'm using wiimote and nunchuck myself, no problems here. But if you could do innotechs mod, that'd probably be pretty helpful. I'm just pretty adaptive to controls.
many of the NID.com members have modded their nunchuks to have a circular cutout. My dad's got all the tools necessary to do it, I just need to take the time to do it. But it will be so worth it. Reports are that it feels just like the Saturn game with the mod. Its worth sacrificing a 20$ nunchuk in the name of NiGHTS nirvana.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
I'm loving that OST cover. And yeah, kind of disappointing there's no game rip yet.


Woo, acrobatics do give you a score bonus! Thru rings anyway. Accidently discovered this while doing the one Memory Forest stage were you fly through the notes and play Dreams, Dreams. Got some good score attacking done today :D Did like 120k on that stage. Got my Aqua Garden score to an A.


Innotech said:
many of the NID.com members have modded their nunchuks to have a circular cutout. My dad's got all the tools necessary to do it, I just need to take the time to do it. But it will be so worth it. Reports are that it feels just like the Saturn game with the mod. Its worth sacrificing a 20$ nunchuk in the name of NiGHTS nirvana.

I'd like to play this game with a DualShock (never thought I would say that) or a 360 controller. Wii-GameCube-Classic controller analogs are the worst to play NiGHTS. Maybe I should get a converter or something, because I'm not that sure about killing my nunchucks.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
kiryogi said:
Woo, acrobatics do give you a score bonus! Thru rings anyway. Accidently discovered this while doing the one Memory Forest stage were you fly through the notes and play Dreams, Dreams. Got some good score attacking done today :D Did like 120k on that stage. Got my Aqua Garden score to an A.
PowerSmell pointed this earlier on this page, it's indeed a sweet feature. :D


I have to say though, overall, NiGHTS JOD is actually more fun than NiGHTS into Dreams.
Blasphemy I hear you say, but its got so much more to do, and most of it does involve flying as NiGHTS.
ivysaur12 said:
Damn you, Power Smell, I almost had you for Pure Valley. I got a 122,166.

:lol I'm having trouble beating my own score.

Innotech said:
I have to say though, overall, NiGHTS JOD is actually more fun than NiGHTS into Dreams.
Blasphemy I hear you say, but its got so much more to do, and most of it does involve flying as NiGHTS.

The chase levels really are fantastic, as are the Octopus link challenge levels which are similar to the link attack in Xmas NiGHTS.
The bird chase is really interesting. I find that some parts I can getting a better score by catching the bird in the first lap, and in other I can score better by going two laps (sometimes different routes, I use the rocket if it's the same route). I've noticed that you won't grab the bird if you're changed into the other forms.


I think the only parts I dont like that much are as everyone says, the platforming levels with Will and Helen. The controls themselves arent the issue, as I am quite content to play those levels, but they are frustrating and confusing to navigate. Especially the delight city one with the switch bridges. Fucking hell.
Just beat the roller coaster level as Will.

I love this fucking game.

But I don't know why they made me run around with Helen for 5 minutes before playing the level. But I forgive it.

No idea why the boat level gets so much hate, they're nice interludes and at the end you get right back to good old NiGHTS gameplay.

Innotech said:
I have to say though, overall, NiGHTS JOD is actually more fun than NiGHTS into Dreams.
Blasphemy I hear you say, but its got so much more to do, and most of it does involve flying as NiGHTS.

I'm feeling that way too I think. But I played it for the first time in June or so.
AdmiralViscen said:
No idea why the boat level gets so much hate, they're nice interludes and at the end you get right back to good old NiGHTS gameplay.

I know what you mean. I think the game has gotten too much negativity over those missions. Other than the on foot mission, all the missions are based on or derived from NiGHTS gameplay. The fucking octopus should've been in the original NiGHTS.
If you're not willing to sit through 2 minutes of cutscene and play 5 minutes worth of bad missions to get the core NiGHTS stages then you are missing out big time. NiGHTS into Dreams lasted it's fans ages, a decade for some, it's essentialy an arcade game with fuck loads of replay value, it isn't a game that you play to finish once or twice or see the ending (like most mainsteam gaming reviewers probably have done with original and sequel). Some might not like the non-chase missions but they will eventually take up a fraction of the overall play time if the chase mission (core NiGHTS JoD gameplay) are played like the original NiGHTS.
Personally, I think this game could have had 360/PS3 Sonic the Hedgehog as one of the missions and it would still be a fantastic sequel to the original game and one of the best fucking games this year.


A question to those of you who beat the game proper and are now replaying for greater scores -- so, CAN you keep playing the levels and finding ways to increase your scores? Is it just a matter of the most links ? Do you get any kind of feeling like the original - you know, "I know if I hadn't messed up that one time, I could've scored way higher links". ??


Cafeman said:
A question to those of you who beat the game proper and are now replaying for greater scores -- so, CAN you keep playing the levels and finding ways to increase your scores? Is it just a matter of the most links ? Do you get any kind of feeling like the original - you know, "I know if I hadn't messed up that one time, I could've scored way higher links". ??

Oh, definitely.
I like this game.

When it's being a game.

You see, it's got this problem where the game doesn't let me play the game. In order to play the game, I have to watch terrible 10 min cut scenes that either make me get up and do something else until they're over, or stop playing.

I really want to play it, but I just groan thinking about having to watch as much crap as I play, because these fucking things don't let up and happen at the beginning of every new mission AND can't be skipped. Why, sega? You have basically turned this game into a fucking childrens program that lets you play nights after I watch videos with all the intellectual stimulation of Dora the Fucking Explorer. At least then I might learn some Spanish. It does seem that the characters stare at the screen just as often.

Unforgivable. This game fails. Pretty music, though.
Cafeman said:
A question to those of you who beat the game proper and are now replaying for greater scores -- so, CAN you keep playing the levels and finding ways to increase your scores? Is it just a matter of the most links ? Do you get any kind of feeling like the original - you know, "I know if I hadn't messed up that one time, I could've scored way higher links". ??

That's exactly what it's like. Also, with the new forms NiGHTS can change into, the bird with the key, the time bonus from linking (+1 sec for every four links), there are more things to consider.

ivysaur12 said:

I'm catching up :D

Keep it up!
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