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The Official NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams thread


bwahhhhh said:
i plugged my Gamecube-to-PS2 controller adapter into the Wii and tried a PS2 controller, MUCH MUCH better.
Can I ask which brand PS2-to-GameCube adaptor people are using? Apparently some of them aren't fully functional with Wii. Also, I'd like something that retains the rumble if possible (there were PS2-to-GameCube adaptors that provided that).
Didn't play the original, but I am loving this game. I like the look, the music, the mechanics, even the little kids vs fear plot. Here's hoping that Sega listens to some of the criticism and applies it to future sequels as this is a franchise I am eager to revisit.
Is this game one part aerial slalom racer (the harlequin’s levels), and one part ultra basic platformer (the kids' levels)?

I've never played Nights but based on the vids that's what I'm gathering its formula is.

Also, do the level themes vary significantly? In the vids, all the levels have the same basic look. You know how a lot of arcade-style games will have like a spooky dark level, a sunny cheerful level, a metallic and mechanized level, yadda-yadda-yadda? I'm not seeing that in the vids.


GremlinInTheMachine said:
Is this game one part aerial slalom racer (the harlequin’s levels), and one part ultra basic platformer (the kids' levels)?

I've never played Nights but based on the vids that's what I'm gathering its formula is.

Also, do the level themes vary significantly? In the vids, all the levels have the same basic look. You know how a lot of arcade-style games will have like a spooky dark level, a sunny cheerful level, a metallic and mechanized level, yadda-yadda-yadda? I'm not seeing that in the vids.

There are six main areas in the game, each with five stages. Each area has one regular Nights stage (ariel slolem) with a boss, one Nights link attack (more ariel slolem), and a remixed boss stage. The remaining two stages vary depending on the area. In the whole game there are only four platformer stages (five, if you count the hub area).

As for level variety, there game is cheery throughout. The boss stages are the only times when the game tries to be spooky or dark.


Allright, do you remember my gameplay complaints about this game?

Well, today I plugged in my good 'ol Wavebird and... good god, what a jesus monkey slap on my balls, now I'm getting "A" or "B" in pretty much every level, and I'm finally able to link a lot of chips and rings.

What the hell, I didn't know the nunchuck was such a piece of shit, it made the game barely playable for me.

Now that cutescenes are gone, I'm loving the game a lot.


So what's the deal with this game? Is it any good or should I not waste my time? I loved the first on saturn and the christmas nights demo btw.


Synless said:
So what's the deal with this game? Is it any good or should I not waste my time? I loved the first on saturn and the christmas nights demo btw.

It's DIFFERENT, but it's still good. Once you really "get" the changes and accept them, the game is pure fun. It has a lot of fan service too, you will grin a lot while playing.

And play it with a GameCube or Classic controller, you will be a happier human beign.


Chao said:
It's DIFFERENT, but it's still good. Once you really "get" the changes and accept them, the game is pure fun. It has a lot of fan service too, you will grin a lot while playing.

And play it with a GameCube or Classic controller, you will be a happier human beign.
You can play with a gamecube controller? Sweet!!! Hey now my next question is this Rental or Buy? I will pick this up within the next week or so if it's worth the buy or just rent it over the weekend.
Synless said:
So what's the deal with this game? Is it any good or should I not waste my time? I loved the first on saturn and the christmas nights demo btw.
It really seems like YMMV on this one. Even if you liked the original, we've got people who love this sequel (I'm one of them, I think it's more than worthy), and people who fucking hate it. No matter what, it's a flawed game in a few ways, so be prepared for some stuff you will blatantly dislike about it. If you can get past that stuff, I think it's an extremely wonderful game.

In my opinion, even if this game had come out in normal time as a sequel, when Sonic Team was known for rocking, I'd still think this game was worthy. Everyone seems to forget that games like Burning Rangers and the original NiGHTS had their share of noteworthy flaws as well.


Segata Sanshiro said:
It really seems like YMMV on this one. Even if you liked the original, we've got people who love this sequel (I'm one of them, I think it's more than worthy), and people who fucking hate it. No matter what, it's a flawed game in a few ways, so be prepared for some stuff you will blatantly dislike about it. If you can get past that stuff, I think it's an extremely wonderful game.

In my opinion, even if this game had come out in normal time as a sequel, when Sonic Team was known for rocking, I'd still think this game was worthy. Everyone seems to forget that games like Burning Rangers and the original NiGHTS had their share of noteworthy flaws as well.
I'll rent it first and give it a shot, even if I beat it if it's good I'll buy it.
If there is no world ranking listed under a category, does that mean that you haven't done well enough to even chart? Is there some numerical cutoff for this, or does it require that you have an A to register or something?

Seems like the game bombed (surprise!), I'm somewhere around rank 200 in
Cerberus part 2
in one attempt.

Synless said:
You can play with a gamecube controller? Sweet!!! Hey now my next question is this Rental or Buy? I will pick this up within the next week or so if it's worth the buy or just rent it over the weekend.


Get past the shitty cutscenes and stuff (which you don't have to watch when replaying stages) and the game is grade A stuff.
PowerSmell said:
Speaking of score attack, how's that been going for you, Segata Sanshiro (Sega Sataaaan SHIRO)?
I've been separated from my Wii due to holidays and packing/moving, so I haven't gotten a chance to get back into it. Bad enough I took a night off from packing/moving to play through the whole thing. ;)

It'll be fun to try and catch up with everyone's scores! Keep em coming, guys.
I will have to say, next to Excite Truck this is probably my second favorite Wii game. Nights is a game I really thought I'd never see again and this one takes me back to the original. GAF had me expecting a total disaster and this game isn't that bad at all. Its not perfection, but I still am having fun with it. Thanks for making this game Sega!


The game itself is a whole lot of fun and I find it hard to stop, but good god are the graphics disgusting during the cutscenes or when running around as one of the kids. That's my only complaint, really, as I never played the original and think this is a really fun game.
It isn't the top score. Before this score, I had gotten one that was 4th ranked, but it went down to 5th. After I got this score it still stayed at 5th, so there are people working hard on their scores!
As for a vid, I've actually just ordered one of these, but it will take a while to arrive as I live in Saudi Arabia.
Am I wrong, or were people saying Helen's side was better? I did Will's first to save the best for last, and I'm finding that Helen's is way shittier.

FUCK this musical note concert shit sucks. I need that drill bit to come in the mail. Fuck this.
AdmiralViscen said:
Am I wrong, or were people saying Helen's side was better? I did Will's first to save the best for last, and I'm finding that Helen's is way shittier.

FUCK this musical note concert shit sucks. I need that drill bit to come in the mail. Fuck this.
man admiral i looooove that level

it's like

doo doo do do dod odooo doo do dododoodoooooooooooooooooooooo
dod dododododdodododoooooooooooooodooooooooodooo
somethingsomethignspecialone la la hit the noooooooooooote
then you fly some more and thel leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevels done
I always (well, twice) miss a note, try to nab it and then use my turbo to catch up with the owl, only to eventually fall behind. I haven't had a problem with the 8-way analog to this point, but hitting the sets of close notes is hard. Having to watch the cutscenes and load screens hasn't bothered me to this point either, because I've beaten almost everything in one shot.


Her runaround levels sucked too, I definitely prefer Will's side. Maybe I'll feel differently when I'm just replaying the chase stage of each level.
AdmiralViscen said:
I always (well, twice) miss a note, try to nab it and then use my turbo to catch up with the owl, only to eventually fall behind. I haven't had a problem with the 8-way analog to this point, but hitting the sets of close notes is hard. Having to watch the cutscenes and load screens hasn't bothered me to this point either, because I've beaten almost everything in one shot.


Her runaround levels sucked too, I definitely prefer Will's side. Maybe I'll feel differently when I'm just replaying the chase stage of each level.
she has that fucking maze which is definitely balls, but her other stage is like a minute and a half long so that's good.

i gotta say, once the game is beat and you can just go back to the chase stages, it really is a grand sequel.

i'm playing it right now though ghost squad is definitely PENDING my friend
Segata Sanshiro said:
she has that fucking maze which is definitely balls, but her other stage is like a minute and a half long so that's good.

i gotta say, once the game is beat and you can just go back to the chase stages, it really is a grand sequel.

i'm playing it right now though ghost squad is definitely PENDING my friend

Yea, I don't have much doubt that that'll be awesome. I'd still say I like more than half of the "filler" levels. Have you been replaying those?

Let me know how you feel about GHOST SQUAD, Sega's other fall epic. I've got it sitting in my Amazon cart with a Nyko Perfect Shot just waiting to be bought.
AdmiralViscen said:
Yea, I don't have much doubt that that'll be awesome. I'd still say I like more than half of the "filler" levels. Have you been replaying those?

Let me know how you feel about GHOST SQUAD, Sega's other fall epic. I've got it sitting in my Amazon cart with a Nyko Perfect Shot just waiting to be bought.
I've replayed some. There are some I really hate, and don't play now that I've gotten As. But some are really fun. None of those are the platformers levels sadly.

Ghost Squad's fun, but it has to be pointed out it is a lightgun arcade game. It's very, very short, and your longterm fun is going to come from redoing stuff over and over for new paths and unlockables. I feel it's very much worth $30, but then... I still play VC1 and VC2 and feel no pangs at paying $50 for them.
I spent like $90 on Dreamcast light guns earlier this year and outfitted myself with several Dreamcast light gun games, it should work for me.

Are you using just the Wiimote?
AdmiralViscen said:
I spent like $90 on Dreamcast light guns earlier this year and outfitted myself with several Dreamcast light gun games, it should work for me.

Are you using just the Wiimote?
I've got the zapper but i'm not going to say it really makes a difference. It's a decent light gun game for cheapish.

If hitting the notes is giving you trouble then try changing into dolphin form, as it has a larger frame then normal NiGHTS. And you're not supposed to follow the owl, you're supposed to follow that horizontal "}" at the bottom.

Also, Ghost Squad really is one the best light gun games ever, and it has the highest replayabilty of any light gun game out there, too.

Gwanatu T

Junior Member
Ah yes I can finally jump in to this thread now that I have it and have played a fair amount. I'm on the third world now and I'm absolutely stunned with Sonic Team. They pulled it off; not flawlessly mind you but they brought out a true successor to the original NiGHTS. The music is fantastic and really makes me giddy like a school girl when I hear it. The gameplay, albiet a bit weird in places, is very interesting and varied. Sonic Team has been good about variation in their games since Sonic Adventure 1, and although the non-Sonic parts of those games usually sucked pretty hard comparatively they seem to have done a great job of mixing things up in this game. I'm especially pleased with how they put together the My Dream feature. I'm disappointed that there seems to be no one online willing to share their gardens, but maybe it's too early for that? I really don't know.

Other than that I'm extremely pleased with the game as a whole. They did a fantastic job with the environments, and although the absolutely poor character animation really makes the game look terrible during cutscenes, NiGHTS moves perfectly during the actual gameplay sequences, and I'm happy to report that tricks are still in the game (saw some people that were unsure if they were still in the game; just press the triggers on the classic controller if you use that like I do). Bravo Sonic Team, you did a fantastic job. Thank you for finally delivering the goods. NOW GET CRACKING ON A BURNING RANGERS SEQUEL!
PowerSmell said:
If hitting the notes is giving you trouble then try changing into dolphin form, as it has a larger frame then normal NiGHTS. And you're not supposed to follow the owl, you're supposed to follow that horizontal "}" at the bottom.

Also, Ghost Squad really is one the best light gun games ever, and it has the highest replayabilty of any light gun game out there, too.

I'm supposed to stay in the yellow field, right?

I'll try the dolphin thing, thanks.
The dolphin thing worked, thanks for that.

Finished the game, now I'm gonna go for ranks and high scores and figure out how many of the stages I actually like.

Do you know where I could get a save with all the A rankings and dream drops collected? I really want to listen to the original OST and play as Elliot and Claris. I am too lazy to do it the hard way.

Halp him plz


I don't know if this is old but:

If another NiGHTS is made, it will be on Wii

“When we decided to finally make a sequel to NiGHTS, we didn’t know which console it would be for. We only decided later on that we would develop the game for the Wii. But I think it was a good choice – should we make another installment, we would make it for the Wii.” - director Takashi Iizuka

The source is a banned site starting with a "go" and ending with a "nintendo". Are they reliable?

Also, for people who didn't see it: NiGHTS remake + artbook for PS2 on P-A:

Nightopia Dream Pack!!!


Also, I'm near the end of Will's story, now I'm in the on-foot mission of the city level, and I don't know how am I supposed to find all the dreamdrops.

Edit: also, I love this scene:



I think that the Dreams Dreams notes stage is my favorite of all. such an incredibly brilliant idea. I REALLY hate some of the on foot levels though. the kids walk so gorram slow.

so anyway guys, how the hell do I beat
? I have to say that Bellbridge looks in-fucking-credibly beautiful.


Chao said:
I don't know if this is old but:

The source is a banned site starting with a "go" and ending with a "nintendo". Are they reliable?

Its reliable. Its from an interview that was translated (not by g0nintendo)

I made a thread lol.
Innotech said:
I think that the Dreams Dreams notes stage is my favorite of all. such an incredibly brilliant idea. I REALLY hate some of the on foot levels though. the kids walk so gorram slow.

so anyway guys, how the hell do I beat
? I have to say that Bellbridge looks in-fucking-credibly beautiful.
Wizeman throws fireballs - Dragon mask
Wizeman uses water tornados - dolphin mask
Wizeman makes copies of himself - rocket mask

in all forms get up to him using the mask and hang on until the other nights reaches him, then hit the button to hurt him. 3 shots will do.


Thinking of controller mods, wouldn't it be possible to just stick a ring of some sort on the classic controller in order to reduce the movement to the internal circle? Similar to the 4-way restriction ring for the Neo Geo Pocket Color. I don't think the minor loss in 'depth' would be a problem, as the full pressure zone is generally treated well within this area by developers.

edit: failing that, I wonder whether there are any good concave PS2 controller options. I'll need something for the PS2 NiGHTS re-release anyway.

The Hermit

Just as I predicted I´m having more fun with this game than all the last Sonic games, including Rush and Secret of Rings.

Very awesome, although sometimes ugly, game.

Gwanatu T

Junior Member
The PS2 controller would work fine simply because it has a smooth analog stick canal, which is why the 8-way notches in the classic controller's canal leaves a bit to be desired when it comes to accuracy.


dock UK said:
Thinking of controller mods, wouldn't it be possible to just stick a ring of some sort on the classic controller in order to reduce the movement to the internal circle? Similar to the 4-way restriction ring for the Neo Geo Pocket Color. I don't think the minor loss in 'depth' would be a problem, as the full pressure zone is generally treated well within this area by developers.

edit: failing that, I wonder whether there are any good concave PS2 controller options. I'll need something for the PS2 NiGHTS re-release anyway.
thats what I did. I taped a cardboard ring to the inside of the housing. It worked for a while but it just fell off the controller last njight so I have to devise a new solution.


Innotech said:
thats what I did. I taped a cardboard ring to the inside of the housing. It worked for a while but it just fell off the controller last njight so I have to devise a new solution.

Maybe a plastic ring from a small bottle of water or something like that could do the trick?

Gwanatu T

Junior Member
Are you guys just putting things over top of the controller? I could imagine that such a "mod" would hinder performance by not allowing you to have full range of motion. I'm considering taking apart the controller and just sanding down the 8-way parts to make it smooth, but I'm not having much of an issue any more. I aced the first mission of the desert level and really don't have as much of an issue with the 8-way as I did when I first started the game.
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