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The Official Prototype Thread


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
pixel monkey said:
I appreciate what you're saying, and particularly the way you said it. I'm really not on any kind of crusade against Prototype. I was very much looking forward to the game, I had it pre-ordered and was sorely disappointed that it didn't live up to my expectations.

I only shared my impressions as a warning to others. I'm not looking to get into any battles over it, and I'm certainly not going to engage in the prolonged defense of my impressions that I did last week.

I said my peace, and I'm on to other titles that I'm still very excited about...Ghostbusters in 7 days being the next!

Cheers, Fuu!
I do appreciate your input too, mate. What got me curious at first is that you were very emphatic about it while there aren't many people who can properly argue/agree because almost no one has played the game yet. I can empathize with expecting a lot from a game and it not delivering (I believe everyone went through this at least once while dealing with pre-release hype).

Everyone is entitled to their opinions and who knows, in the end I may as well feel the same as you about Prototype (although I do have my expectations in check by now). Unfortunately the thread is in cryogenic state at the moment since we don't have reviews and just a handful seem to already have the game. We'll see how this rolls this week.
neojubei said:
This whole embargo on the review has me a bit hesitate to even pick up this game. Usually when this happens something is wrong.

Well if you are one who waits until a review is released to make your judgement, how does an embargo bother you? The game isn't being released earlier than the review. Is it really that bad that a review is held until the game releases? If you care about reviews you'll wait for the review no matter what.


Apparently the review embargo has now moved until friday night... that's really quite long, don't know if it's worldwide or EU only though.


Fuu said:
pixel monkey, I haven't played the game yet and I agree with some of the issues that have been worrying others but why do you feel you have to go on a crusade to make everyone lose interest in the game?

I mean, you've already positioned yourself very clearly in the other thread, with screenshots, statements and everything else. This thread is basically for the people who are still interested in the game one way or another and you're clearly not even a bit anymore. Prototype apparently doesn't have one single redeeming quality in your opinion, so why waste your time with it any longer?

I'm not trying to attack you, I'm just curious on why you don't "move on".

you're not new to GAF...


pixel monkey said:
I went into more detail in an earlier thread and was relentlessly attacked for it by the Prototype defense force.
Your impressions are welcome (and were so, in the earlier thread) but the fact remains that it was you who 'relentlessly attacked' the game; you were simply called out for it. There is no Prototype Defense Force as evidenced by this lethargic official thread. It wasn't that you criticized (based on an hour of watching someone else play), but it was your tone and constant and redundant attacks that were at issue. So please don't play victim here.

We need more impressions and reviews. I held off on Infamous and got Red Faction. If this is good enough I'll pick it up at full price. Otherwise, eBay.
BenjaminBirdie said:
How far into the game are you after 17 hours? And is there much variety overall?

I've done 25 of 31 missions, but I also have gold on every challenge except one. The challenges are pretty repetitive but some of them are quite fun while others are not. The missions are actually quite varied but as the point I'm at now the difficulty is really ramping up. This is with me being two upgrades away from everything upgraded.

It's certainly not a perfect game, but I've had fun with it. One thing that annoys me is the way the collection of orbs works, there is no indication on where they are, in crackdown you had the sound and afaik in infamous you can scan the area. In this game they're just hidden and sometimes the drawing distance causes them to not even be shown even though you're standing on a high building looking at a spot where there actually is a orb. I have 113/200 landmark orbs and 29/50 hint orbs and it feels like I'm not running into any orbs at all now.


Mesijs said:
Apparently the review embargo has now moved until friday night... that's really quite long, don't know if it's worldwide or EU only though.

Wait, what? Isn't the game out on Wednesday?


Jack Random said:
wow, wtf?

whats the theory of review embargoing until post game release? Not depress launch day sales with bad reviews? I have no idea, but any reason i can come up with isnt "good"


Mesijs said:
Apparently the review embargo has now moved until friday night... that's really quite long, don't know if it's worldwide or EU only though.

WHAT? That would be a veeery bad sign.


gcubed said:
whats the theory of review embargoing until post game release? Not depress launch day sales with bad reviews? I have no idea, but any reason i can come up with isnt "good"
If the gaming media actually follows through on that I have to say that my opinion of the gaming media has sunk to an all new low. Waiting until launch day is one thing but waiting until after launch is ridiculous. Might as well just break embargo's if you can't even release a review until after launch.


gcubed said:
whats the theory of review embargoing until post game release? Not depress launch day sales with bad reviews? I have no idea, but any reason i can come up with isnt "good"


chubigans said:
How is it even possible to embargo a review days after a release date?

Well if you still want to be on good terms with the publisher oyu kinda have too. It's still very dubious and wrong.


Mesijs said:
Apparently the review embargo has now moved until friday night... that's really quite long, don't know if it's worldwide or EU only though.
The game comes out Friday in EU anyway, doesn't it? Sounds like a EU embargo, but who knows. Still odd.


ArjanN said:
It's not that I don't believe you, I think most people in this thread are waiting until there are a greater number of impressions/reviews.
... Which is not the same thing as a greater number of posts from pixel monkey.


TheFallen said:
The game comes out Friday in EU anyway, doesn't it? Sounds like a EU embargo, but who knows. Still odd.

Well I can get it probably tomorrow so reviews would still be nice.


poserdonut said:
One thing that annoys me is the way the collection of orbs works, there is no indication on where they are, in crackdown you had the sound and afaik in infamous you can scan the area. In this game they're just hidden and sometimes the drawing distance causes them to not even be shown even though you're standing on a high building looking at a spot where there actually is a orb. I have 113/200 landmark orbs and 29/50 hint orbs and it feels like I'm not running into any orbs at all now.

ugh. No buy for me, I don't want to spend a lot of time looking for orbs. It drives me crazy to do and not find anything after 5 hours just looking for them. I can't figth my OCD with that.

I hope they release a patch or something in order to make it more easy.

The game comes out Friday in EU anyway, doesn't it?



It's never a good sign when movie studios have an embargo on the reviews until after the movie's release, so I can't imagine it would be any different here.


gcubed said:
whats the theory of review embargoing until post game release? Not depress launch day sales with bad reviews? I have no idea, but any reason i can come up with isnt "good"

The game isn't good. That is all the reviewing that you need to know :p
Felix Lighter said:
I'd like to see a Giant Bomb review. I've been reading those guys' reviews for years and I have a good sense of each of the reviewer's tastes. Unfortunately, they are a small team and no one would have had an opportunity to play it at all last week so I'm guessing their review will be late.

Were they the ones that did that free-roaming "talk while we play" video preview of Infamous? I'd like to see something like that done with Prototype.

Mesijs said:
Apparently the review embargo has now moved until friday night... that's really quite long, don't know if it's worldwide or EU only though.



AltogetherAndrews said:
Were they the ones that did that free-roaming "talk while we play" video preview of Infamous? I'd like to see something like that done with Prototype.

That's their typical Quicklook style.


KBox said:
This game simply looks fun. I played the inFAMOUS demo for a good hour or so, and all I'm getting from that is zap zap zap. I don't know how long that can hold my interest. I was about to buy it, but I believe I will go for Prototype instead, simply because of the variety of weapons, abilities, chaos, and being located in Manhattan.

Pixel, have you played inFamous? I can't decide!
That's my problem with inFamous: a medocre idea with good execution. The demo wasn't that fun and playing in a PG world with rubber enemies really didn't help.

By the sounds of it, it looks like a lose-lose situation. Prototype had the great concept and inFamous the execution.
Decado said:
That's my problem with inFamous: a medocre idea with good execution. The demo wasn't that fun and playing in a PG world with rubber enemies really didn't help.

By the sounds of it, it looks like a lose-lose situation. Prototype had the great concept and inFamous the execution.

Er, this should probably be taken to a different thread, but have you actually played that game beyond the demo? I don't understand this argument, at all.


Mesijs said:
Apparently the review embargo has now moved until friday night... that's really quite long, don't know if it's worldwide or EU only though.

How can they take advantage of any positive review hype if they're embargoing the reviews until WELL AFTER the game releases? People are basically picking up this game blind with no demo or reviews outside of PSW.
chubigans said:
How is it even possible to embargo a review days after a release date?

If you don't want big bad Activision to fuck you on exclusives and review copies of titles in the future...I suppose you suck dick when they say so...


bigdaddygamebot said:
If you don't want big bad Activision to fuck you on exclusives and review copies of titles in the future...I suppose you suck dick when they say so...

Other than the copy being free, what's the point of having a review code when you can't release a review until well after the retail copy is out there?


wow @ review embargo. Can't they just be normal and give one reviewer a lot of perks to do an exclusive review a week or 2 before release? :p
Kittonwy said:
Other than the copy being free, what's the point of having a review code when you can't release a review until well after the retail copy is out there?

Whether I like it or not, Activision is a pretty damn big fish in the gaming industry. They put out alot of games and unless you want to be out in the cold regarding Activision content, i suppose you wait.

Right now, it seems like the websites aren't in any real position to push back.


I am suprised by the amount of crying, if the review came out a week early an was high. It' be like omg teh moneyhats! If it came out a week early an they were bad, its like, omg the reviewer can't play it right.

I have had the game since this morning, and if you like the hulk game, you'll love this, if you want a Venom/Carnage simulator, you'll love this, if you are truly a badass and love killing thousands of innocent people in one battle! YOU WILL LOVE THIS! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Phloxy said:
I am suprised by the amount of crying, if the review came out a week early an was high. It' be like omg teh moneyhats! If it came out a week early an they were bad, its like, omg the reviewer can't play it right.

Yeah, because there is for sure no reasonable middle ground there, it must be one extreme or the other, right? Launch day embargoes can be suspect enough, but if it is correct that it has been pushed past launch day, then that takes a flying shit on reviews being used as buyer's guides. I'd like to hear from people from other sites too, though.
Some more impressions from my playtime (4hours+)

- The A.I. is really dumb. Like, really. This is especially apparent in the disguise system. You can do absolutely ANYTHING in front of soldiers and if you are disguised, they won't be able to spot you. You can grab a car, throw it on a tank and kill a couple of soldiers, if you are disguised they will just run furiously over the place, shouting "think i got him sir" or "friendlies got damn it":lol :lol They will only act if the "threat" level goes to red. I think this has been done on purpose so you can roam the city more freely, but it still is really silly.

- The mayhem is unprecedented for an open world game. And you cannot avoid killing innocents, the pedestrians are just too many :lol . The game doesn't really care as well, killing everything and everyone does not make you better or worse.

- Though the game is entertaining, the engine needs a serious overhaul. Come on Radical, it's time for something new.
Phloxy said:
I am suprised by the amount of crying, if the review came out a week early an was high. It' be like omg teh moneyhats! If it came out a week early an they were bad, its like, omg the reviewer can't play it right.

Yeah...except there are no reviews. At least a review from a site that matters. Do you HONESTLY think that Activision has put out an embargo on reviews because the game is awesome?


bigdaddygamebot said:
Whether I like it or not, Activision is a pretty damn big fish in the gaming industry. They put out alot of games and unless you want to be out in the cold regarding Activision content, i suppose you wait.

Right now, it seems like the websites aren't in any real position to push back.

Delaying until days after the release date is a bit problematic though, the whole point of reviews before release is so that people can get a sense how good the game is instead of getting suckered into buying the game on advertising alone.


For those of you who whined about the violence in the recent God of War 3 videos, will you guys play this game? Honest question, don't wanna "root out trolls" or whatever.

From what I've seen, personally the stuff found in the gameplay video that was linked a page or two ago is sicker than anything shown so far in GoW3, plowing through gazillions of civilians without breaking a sweat (while a sound loop depicting panicked masses continuously play). A little bit unnerving stuff. :lol
Jim said:
The US embargo is "Wednesday, June 10th at 9:00 AM Pacific", not Friday, FYI.

Thank you, that makes a lot more sense then. Does the embargo cover all impressions, or just reviews? Because there's been a curious lack of free-roaming, hands-on impressions.


Jim said:
The US embargo is "Wednesday, June 10th at 9:00 AM Pacific", not Friday, FYI.

How come they put a review embargo until Wednesday? I'm trying to decide between this and Red Faction.
Kittonwy said:
Delaying until days after the release date is a bit problematic though, the whole point of reviews before release is so that people can get a sense how good the game is instead of getting suckered into buying the game on advertising alone.

I don't think I've seen any commercials for it at all so it IS a bit puzzling but it's quite possible that absolutely NO reviews below a certain score is better for initial sales than even a bunch of 7.5s and 8s.

Unless the scores are less than 7.5...

Clearly, Activision doesn't have a great deal of faith in the product.
I've seen a CG commercial, and that absolutely horrendous Gamestop commercial. Not very often, but I don't seem to be watching the targeted channels anyway.


Kittonwy said:
How come they put a review embargo until Wednesday? I'm trying to decide between this and Red Faction.

Yeah isn't that still a day after release? Anyway get Red Factio dude. The game is awesome.


I don't see why people are so riled up because of the embargos. Aren't the current impressions already pretty good? I bet it's just a case of Activision being the fucking asses they've become lately.
BeeDog said:
I don't see why people are so riled up because of the embargos. Aren't the current impressions already pretty good? I bet it's just a case of Activision being the fucking asses they've become lately.

Like cj said, though. Like a billion people have it already and no one's said peep.
BeeDog said:
I don't see why people are so riled up because of the embargos. Aren't the current impressions already pretty good?

Current official impressions total one, and it's a website inconsequential enough to just compromise their credibility to get more clicks on their site, or inconsequential enough to not have a reviewer worth a damn that would review it appropriately.

Coupled with the embargo, I'd say where there's smoke, there's sub-par games.

BeeDog said:
I bet it's just a case of Activision being the fucking asses they've become lately.

So you bet that the embargo is there just because Activision feels like it. Yeah, that makes perfect sense.
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