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The Official "Real-Time with Bill Maher" Thread


The fuck? Maher asks a question about the debate and Issa immediately starts shit about the Libya thing. I hate Republicans.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Issa's on the panel? Has that dipshit been on the show at any time since he was pulling the Fast and Furious and Solyndra shit?


Okay episode, i am okay with Issa on most cases even though i think he's lying about the president's position on Libya. I'm glad he was called on voting to go to war on false intelligence yet taking two weeks to update the status of an attack in Libya IS THE WORST SCANDAL IN THE WORLD.


Coulter was an abomination. How someone like that exists i dont know, but she definitely appears to have a mental defect of some sort.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
Coulter was an abomination. How someone like that exists i dont know, but she definitely appears to have a mental defect of some sort.

Coulter is the reason the word cunt should never be banned. She personifies that word like nobody else on earth.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Coulter said Obama's even more liberal than FDR, and SS is LESS liberal than Obamacare.

Well, then.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Watching it right now and just skipped over Coulter after 30 seconds of her. Just ignore it, it's the best way.

Affleck is doing quite well.


they probably smashed/be smashing.
That's what I'm getting from this. I can't possibly believe that she actually believes what she says/writes. She knows that there are people crazy/stupid enough to believe this and that's how she makes her money. I wouldn't be surprised if the Boondocks interpretation of her is not too far from reality.


And this happened.


I can't possibly believe that she actually believes what she says/writes. She knows that there are people crazy/stupid enough to believe this and that's how she makes her money.

After watching Coulter last night, that's pretty much what I thought. There's no possible way she can believe that amount of bullshit. She's kinda shoe-horned her way into this persona and has just taken that idea and ran with it.

At least, that's the only logical explanation I can think of.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I have no reason why Maher is friends with her and doesn't just rip into her like he does the rest of the Fox News loons.

Well he's known her since he's been doing Politically Incorrect, and she would be a frequent guest, so it wouldn't be surprising if he befriended her at some point.

What I did notice was that he treated her with way more kid gloves than he did on prior appearances.

Also, I hope to god he and Coulter aren't knocking boots. She be fugly. And tranny.
After watching Coulter last night, that's pretty much what I thought. There's no possible way she can believe that amount of bullshit. She's kinda shoe-horned her way into this persona and has just taken that idea and ran with it.

At least, that's the only logical explanation I can think of.

I agree. Either way it was awful, and the rest of the show wasn't much better, so I was glad when it was over.
This week was good show compared to some others this year. Gov. had passion and facts well mixed. Bill and co really missed taking a shot at A-Rod after the 0-34 predictions from focus of the family.

Get ready for more asshatery with John Fund next week.

He is prim and proper in style but he is the Hacksaw Jim Duggan of partisan hackery.

He has been trolling the voter fraud bullshit for the past 4 years. And word of the street is he was the ghost writer for Rush Limbaugh's book.


Ann Coulter is either batshit insane or in denial or a compulsive liar or brain damaged or SOMETHING that explains her crazy behaviour.


Holy shit at the Romney/Ryan hitchcock ad.

lol at the "nothing has gotten better since 4 years ago"

Really? HOW. HOW? HOW.

These guys are insane. "we were losing 800k jobs a month and now we are gaining for the last 30 months"

" but that's not enough jobs."

Jesus everybody on the this panel is horrible. Lets put two Right wing wind bags and counter them with an annoying little lady and have all of them talk over each other constantly.
What is going on?

This show is about as coherent as an episode of Jerry Springer. Wasted appearance by Matt Tiabbi. John Fund is actually fairly reserved. Some Tony Sorprano reject won't shut up. Goldie Taylor keeps talking even though nobody is paying attention to her.


Virginia requires a choice of 10 or so possible forms of id. None of them will probably have Mickey Mouse on them.

bad episode. Round table with the gene plant guy, tiabbi , and maher. Do it.
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