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The Official "Real-Time with Bill Maher" Thread

S.E. Cupp is a dimwit.

She is but...

She can get it though.

This. Seriously give me Cupp and Krystal Ball together on the Cycle buck ass naked and I'd watch that shit all day errday

I mean she looks like she's straight out of a Batman comic book yo

I swear Carville wore that same shirt the last time he was on Real Time

And Andrew Sullivan is damn entertaining, he and Carville were repping the baldies!
Her voice doesn't bother me. Her entire face is just splooge worthy. She might not be the brightest crayon in the box, but damn if she ain't hot, especially with the glasses.
Still waiting for this episode to appear on HBO Go but I watched overtime

I never watched SE Cupp's show on MSNBC but is she normally this stupid

calling Bush a quaker and false equivalenceing Libya with the Iraq War lawl


I like that Cupp brought up drones and extrajudicial killing. It's always fun to see Dem shills squirm when faced with their hypocrisy. Sullivan is a joke.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Why are conservative female pundits always so sharp and frightening?

Cake Boss

Can't stand that bearded man, worst than Cupp, she is nuts on comparing Bush policy with Obama's but she has a point on the drone strikes. Tons of civilians have died through those strikes.
I like that Cupp brought up drones and extrajudicial killing. It's always fun to see Dem shills squirm when faced with their hypocrisy. Sullivan is a joke.

Despite the idiotic characterizations of them by Republicans, Dems have been harder on terrorism than the Republicans would ever dream of being. That's what's so awesome about Obama. He makes the Republicans look like the wussies that they are. Republicans would rather fight women and minorities than terrorists.


Romney supported those too. Are you saying libs should've voted Jill Stein so Romney could win?

Never said libs shouldn't have voted for Obama, it's not my place to say how anyone should vote. I'm talking about the liberals in the media who worship Obama just because he's on the same team, and defend his hideous foreign policy. Cupp was making the arguments they should have been making, but Sullivan is a chicken-hawk and Carville is a joke.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Cupp looks like she's Mystique. Kind of annoying with her and the guy from The Daily Beast just shouting at each other the entire show, and a huge LOL at SLJ straight up saying he voted for Obama because he's black.

Ana Navarro

She is just annoying and awful =/

Last show of the season :(

LOL that is why Col Sanders is always licking his fingers


Have two republicans that are trying to be "reasonable" in the wake of Romney's loss.

Bring up Benghazi and watch them grab the pitchforks and lack of intellectual honesty.


Guests for tonight's season premiere are: Bob Kerrey, Rula Jebreal, Martin Short, Michelle Caruso-Cabrera, and Steve LaTourette
This woman thinks she knows everything about everything and everyone else is wrong and silly

Do not get the new rule about pubes becoming wireless carriers?

LOL Cornell West's hair


This woman thinks she knows everything about everything and everyone else is wrong and silly

Do not get the new rule about pubes becoming wireless carriers?

LOL Cornell West's hair

Are you talking about Rula Jebreal? I thought she was great. The part where she shut down Michelle CC with her "what-if" scenario about torture was brilliant.


Good show. Bill made a very good point that it's not the 2nd amendment (the most anachronistic, archaic, outdated one) that we should be worried about, it's the other ones. That final 2-3 segment was brilliant.
Nice change of pace to see a rational Republican on the panel. One that was actually more rational than most of the panel for the gun debate. (I'm sure it will turn out that he's a radical on something, but I have to give him kudos on this topic.) Martin Short and Maher were ridiculously out of touch and illiterate on the non-existent correlation between specifically-patterned gun violence in America and internationally-distributed Hollywood and video game entertainment. Their hate for Django was weird and condescending too.

I think it would be hilarious if the US went as Puritanical on violence as they are on sex; Japan and Europe and the rest of the world will still be producing "death simulators" and violent films which somehow don't result in a regular stream of gun-related shooting sprees. But, hey, it's easier than digging seriously into a broken health care system which translates to poor mental health in a nation with hundreds of millions of guns and some of the laxest regulation of that weaponry on the planet.

And I was glad to see that torture straw-man nonsense shut down so quickly. People who use it: (a) don't truly understand the long-term effects of torture's use on society at large and (b) the ineffectiveness of torture in any capacity. Torture is primarily a tool of fear (used by fearful people) and little else.

great show... holy shit... this women is gorgeous...

And nearly forty. Cray.
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