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The Official "Real-Time with Bill Maher" Thread

LOLLLLLLLLL best part is when Lawrence got done yelling at the panel and then Maron goes "Lawrence you would know the answer to this..."


Dude was on fire.

Lawrence did a great job on OT as well calling out those tards on how Democrats have cut spending before.

His voice is so soothing too. Also that one veteran guy (forgot his name) talking about Guantanamo like it was a good thing kind of disgusting...
I could listen to Jeremy Scahill talk all day long. That guy fucking knows what's up.

He was the best part of the show for sure.

I've been following Scahill for a couple years and he is one of the few actual good guys. No bullshit partisanship. He tells it like it is.

He has certainly done a lot of good work and has quite the insider's view of things. Of course, I'd be a little skeptical of his views because he's "gone native" a bit. Yes, the drone program has gone too far and is probably creating a bit of a blow-back. But on the other hand, there are lots of bad people still out there that do want to kill us based on nothing but blind-faith ideology.
He has certainly done a lot of good work and has quite the insider's view of things. Of course, I'd be a little skeptical of his views because he's "gone native" a bit. Yes, the drone program has gone too far and is probably creating a bit of a blow-back. But on the other hand, there are lots of bad people still out there that do want to kill us based on nothing but blind-faith ideology.

Yeah, but I don't buy the blow back as much as he's making it out to be.

I do buy the fact its creating new taliban members in Afghanistan as we're occupying their land but I don't see evidence for it producing amazing amounts of Terrorists that want to attack the home land here.

There's a difference in breeding resentment and people acting on that.

And he's so morally self-righteous, at least in many interviews.


He has certainly done a lot of good work and has quite the insider's view of things. Of course, I'd be a little skeptical of his views because he's "gone native" a bit. Yes, the drone program has gone too far and is probably creating a bit of a blow-back.

Huge understatement.

But on the other hand, there are lots of bad people still out there that do want to kill us based on nothing but blind-faith ideology.

I'm not trying to be condescending but this attitude is a core part of the problem to me and one of the key reasons we'll never get past this stuff. People don't want to "kill us" because they're purely hung up on idealogy. That's a gross oversimplification. From their point of view the US wants to kill them based on its own Christian idealogy.

The idealogy is more a vessel than the cause. A means to an end. These conflicts are about cause and effect along with the resultant escalation. People turn to idealogy when they need more of a driving motivation to see them enact their desire for what is usually revenge from things like drone strikes, invasion, political intervention, etc.


Huge understatement.

I'm not trying to be condescending but this attitude is a core part of the problem to me and one of the key reasons we'll never get past this stuff. People don't want to "kill us" because they're purely hung up on idealogy. That's a gross oversimplification. From their point of view the US wants to kill them based on its own Christian idealogy.

The idealogy is more a vessel than the cause. A means to an end. These conflicts are about cause and effect along with the resultant escalation. People turn to idealogy when they need more of a driving motivation to see them enact their desire for what is usually revenge from things like drone strikes, invasion, political intervention, etc.

Actually, those people exist...but they aren't the ones we're radicalizing with drone strikes. Pissed off rural Pakistanis aren't going to get into the US and set off a bomb, so we don't give a shit. I think that's short sighted because Pakistan's nukes getting into the hands of pissed off crazy people could conceivably wipe out humanity.


Wow, Glenn Greenwald was on tonight? I can't wait to see this.

I'm guessing many of Bill's "moving on" comments were in response to Greenwald's shredding of partisan arguments others on the show might have presented?
Episode was lame.

Concern trolling about food from Bill at the start

Concern trolling about BengahziBengahziBengahzi

Concern trolling about the 2nd amendment

Really should fast-forward to Quinto chat and skip the rest.
Maher is starting to sound like a broken record. A very smug broken record.

The broken record was right.


That was November 16th

6 months later the same shit is infesting the news. And it is annoying bullshit. The months and months of the Clinton sex scandal in the 90s was at least inherently comical.

I think Bill tries to do a good show and be fair to the other side but it has become impossible. The GOP are fucktards of the highest order and it takes not skill to spin them into a joke.


I'm watching this now and Bill's Islamophobia isn't doing him much good.

I love how Bill likes to speak out against foreign wars and such but then uses rhetoric about people who "aren't on our side". Sometimes Bill sounds like the neocons he loves to ridicule.

Greenwald is completely owning Bill. The audience knows it, too.

I saw Lactose's comments and knew exactly how this would go down (as I posted).

And Bill didn't even address Greenwald's points. He moved onto his Crazy Congressmen bracket.

I usually agree with what Bill says even if he's an ass about it, but there are certain issues on which he contradicts himself big time or just sounds like the idiots he lambasts.
Maher acting like a toddler is not a suit he wears well. He brings up Benghazi on his own show, proceeds to claim that he is sick of hearing about, and when someone starts to question why Bill has such a huge problem with a mere investigation Maher changes the subject in retreat.


They did the investigation. And the retardation isn't stoping. Now they want more hearings.

Glenn is pissing away credibility by insinuating this Benghazi road has ever been or will ever be about legitimate accountability for mistakes.


Quinto seems like a cool guy. It's weird how the actor guests usually come across well on Real-Time when typically the "political guys" of hollywood are self-fashioning blowheads.


Bill really got slapped around this episode. Lots of "moving on" and changing the subject.

He's stupid when it comes to A) Israel B) Food C) Vaccines and D) Islam versus other religions

I can't listen to him whenever he touches on those subjects, because he comes off every bit as idiotic and disillusioned as the people "in the bubble" that he makes fun of on a weekly basis.
He's stupid when it comes to A) Israel B) Food C) Vaccines and D) Islam versus other religions

I can't listen to him whenever he touches on those subjects, because he comes off every bit as idiotic and disillusioned as the people "in the bubble" that he makes fun of on a weekly basis.

Yep and since this episode hit on three of those four topics Bill was pretty damn annoying. Greenwald and Quinto were good though.

They did the investigation. And the retardation isn't stoping. Now they want more hearings.

Glenn is pissing away credibility by insinuating this Benghazi road has ever been or will ever be about legitimate accountability for mistakes.

I didn't take Bill's response as "I don't have an answer, let's move on". I took it as "I've rebutted that assertion every week for the last 6 months, fuck off".

He's stupid when it comes to A) Israel B) Food C) Vaccines and D) Islam versus other religions

I agree with you on C. He sounds like such an overprivileged, first-world-problems, bleeding heart liberal when he talks self-righteously about GMOs and fast food. But I think he raises valid concerns in the other areas (though I guess I don't really know his position on Israel).

At the end of the day, when it comes to Islam vs. other religions, I actually see it as a bit of an apologist hedge on his part, because deep down he believes all religions are bad and should just go away. He simply highlights Islam as being the worst one, and to his credit, in the modern world, he's probably right.


Good episode. That National Review writer (Charles Cooke) was a good conservative guest. I hope Bill gets him back regularly.


lol @ Maher responding to Glenn Greenwald with an ad hominem after being taken to the woodshed on the topic of Islam. Saddest portrayal I've seen since Sam Harris saying "Muslim-looking" people should be subject to searches at airports, tried to back up his argument by saying any airline security official would support his claims in a silly appeal to authority, and then was refuted thoroughly by said airline official. He included this myopic gem:

Sam Harris said:
Once again, I included myself in this profile—but that did almost nothing to stem the accusations of racism.

Atheists, stop embarrassing me, and it would also be preferable if bigots in general would stop claiming themselves to be "true liberals."
The Revolutionary War was good!? "But Slavery!!!"

Wasn't she just raising the point that all revolutions are imperfect and messy, including the American revolution? You could debate the misguidedness of that comparison with contemporary revolutions in the Middle East, but the conservative pundit took it to mean she was discounting the American revolution's entire unprecedented step toward democratic statehood, and I'd call that an oddly extreme misreading of her words.
Wasn't she just raising the point that all revolutions are imperfect and messy, including the American revolution?

Yes, but that is a given. He should have replied with, "No shit, Sherlock." It was one of those comments that briefly derailed the discussion because she insisted on stating the obvious.


SE Cupp made it about 20 minutes before making a completely laughable argument with her background check bullcrap. A new record!

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Good episode. That National Review writer (Charles Cooke) was a good conservative guest. I hope Bill gets him back regularly.

I liked him and I was glad that he called out that completely awful "but slavery" deflection from the lady in the middle, but I'm not sure he has the temperament to ever get a word in edgewise.
S.E. Cupp....



SE Cupp made it about 20 minutes before making a completely laughable argument with her background check bullcrap. A new record!

She was doing okay until that moment. Saying that background checks for dangerous weapons are an infringement upon someone's rights or assumption of guilts is insane.

By her logic people should be given driver's licenses without needing to pass the test.

Eh, I don't care. She's cute.


And here's that NYT homeboy making an incredibly awkward move.

Sorkin has no game.

It's silly for SE to argue against a registry. Why not actively prove that your one of the sane people? You protect your hobby and right to bear arms while making sure loons don't sully the responsible owners.


Re-watching this I can understand the point Cupp was trying to make about background checks - that people can claim it's some infringement on their individual liberty to carry a gun because of the 2nd amendment. I don't necessarily agree with the point, and it did seem like Cupp was not just conveying it but also advocated it. A moment later she said something along the lines of, "I can make that argument because of the 2nd amendment." Bill agreed with her that it's really the 2nd amendment that needs to be dealt with, and only then can gun laws and everything related be correspondingly developed or improved. I can see that.
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