I could listen to Jeremy Scahill talk all day long. That guy fucking knows what's up.
I used to like the show, definitely entertaining. But ever since his anti-vaccine rant, I just couldn't watch it anymore.
LOLLLLLLLLL best part is when Lawrence got done yelling at the panel and then Maron goes "Lawrence you would know the answer to this..."
Dude was on fire.
Lawrence did a great job on OT as well calling out those tards on how Democrats have cut spending before.
He was the best part of the show for sure.
I could listen to Jeremy Scahill talk all day long. That guy fucking knows what's up.
He was the best part of the show for sure.
I've been following Scahill for a couple years and he is one of the few actual good guys. No bullshit partisanship. He tells it like it is.
He has certainly done a lot of good work and has quite the insider's view of things. Of course, I'd be a little skeptical of his views because he's "gone native" a bit. Yes, the drone program has gone too far and is probably creating a bit of a blow-back. But on the other hand, there are lots of bad people still out there that do want to kill us based on nothing but blind-faith ideology.
He has certainly done a lot of good work and has quite the insider's view of things. Of course, I'd be a little skeptical of his views because he's "gone native" a bit. Yes, the drone program has gone too far and is probably creating a bit of a blow-back.
But on the other hand, there are lots of bad people still out there that do want to kill us based on nothing but blind-faith ideology.
Huge understatement.
I'm not trying to be condescending but this attitude is a core part of the problem to me and one of the key reasons we'll never get past this stuff. People don't want to "kill us" because they're purely hung up on idealogy. That's a gross oversimplification. From their point of view the US wants to kill them based on its own Christian idealogy.
The idealogy is more a vessel than the cause. A means to an end. These conflicts are about cause and effect along with the resultant escalation. People turn to idealogy when they need more of a driving motivation to see them enact their desire for what is usually revenge from things like drone strikes, invasion, political intervention, etc.
Maher is starting to sound like a broken record. A very smug broken record.
Glenn posted a link to this video on his Twitter.
The main smackdown begins at 4:50.
Maher acting like a toddler is not a suit he wears well. He brings up Benghazi on his own show, proceeds to claim that he is sick of hearing about, and when someone starts to question why Bill has such a huge problem with a mere investigation Maher changes the subject in retreat.
Bill really got slapped around this episode. Lots of "moving on" and changing the subject.
He's stupid when it comes to A) Israel B) Food C) Vaccines and D) Islam versus other religions
I can't listen to him whenever he touches on those subjects, because he comes off every bit as idiotic and disillusioned as the people "in the bubble" that he makes fun of on a weekly basis.
They did the investigation. And the retardation isn't stoping. Now they want more hearings.
Glenn is pissing away credibility by insinuating this Benghazi road has ever been or will ever be about legitimate accountability for mistakes.
He's stupid when it comes to A) Israel B) Food C) Vaccines and D) Islam versus other religions
That woman in the middle. Ugghhh
Sam Harris said:Once again, I included myself in this profile—but that did almost nothing to stem the accusations of racism.
The Revolutionary War was good!? "But Slavery!!!"
The Revolutionary War was good!? "But Slavery!!!"
Wasn't she just raising the point that all revolutions are imperfect and messy, including the American revolution?
Okay, now that was ridiculous. A lot of hysteria on the panel about the plastic gun.
Damn Greenwald absolutely owned Maher on the middle east/islam part. got damn.
More Greenwald please.
Good episode. That National Review writer (Charles Cooke) was a good conservative guest. I hope Bill gets him back regularly.
S.E. Cupp....
SE Cupp made it about 20 minutes before making a completely laughable argument with her background check bullcrap. A new record!