I didn't like Bill's dig at Ron Paul at the end, calling him a "selfish prick". Rand Paul and Paul Ryan? Sure. But I don't think Ron is anywhere near the other two.
Wow, HuffPo guest was shit. lol
I'm done with this fucking show until Maher has a scientist on the panel every week in a field that will be talked about relating to policy . Fuck Stephen Moore. I'm so fucking pissed that I don't really have anything to say.
The worthless Huffpo host is Jon Huntsman's daughter, always nice to see nepotism at work. She interrupted Senator Sanders which he was obviously not happy with, all to say a whole lot of nothing. That sniveling conservative guy this week was awful and got smacked down by the 19 year old which was hilarious.
Holy shit, that was an annoying episode. I don't know how that Moore simpleton manages to wipe his own ass, much less be cast repeatedly on this show. Maybe Bill struck out on bedeviling people this week, but shit if he didn't sandbag the fuck out of the panel so he could be the wisest ass in the room. I didn't even make it to New Rules before erasing this, lest it infect the rest of my DVR.
Moore can make for good TV when they have someone on that can shut him up. Bernie Sanders is not that person.
I'm pretty sure ripping right wing idiots makes for good TV, Bill knows this. They'll keep coming back.
I'm pretty sure ripping right wing idiots makes for good TV, Bill knows this. They'll keep coming back.
He didn't say anything dumb, actually said some smart things, but most of his points were just differences of opinion and not crazy tea party talk
Is the episode worth watching? I normally watch the show to see teabaggers get owned. That and New Rules.
I agree. Everyone on the panel was sane.One of the best this season IMO
I remember this one. Is there a video available?Watching the episode again. Almost from the get go Steve Moore tried to shout down whenever Bernie was having his say. Then there was Abby Huntsman who eye-rolled whenever Bernie had something to say about raising taxes on the rich, or runaway spending under Bush. I don't know if any other senator would have been treated this level of contempt if there weren't a socialist.
Bill needs to tell Steve to pull his head in or not invite him back on the show. He has been an interrupting douche before and that behaviour derails the quality of the panel conversation. I could tell that Bill felt like he was re-living the last time Ron Christie was invited on the show.
I agree. Everyone on the panel was sane.
I agree. Everyone on the panel was sane.
Also, Saru Jayaraman is on to spit hot fire about the need to raise the minimum wage for restaurant employees - something anti minimum wage GAF should watch..
Unfortunately GAF is hates tipped workers with a passion. They somehow believe that the friends they have that make $200 in one day is the average tipped worker. As someone who worked in the restaurant industry I was disgusted with some of the practices.
He didn't say anything dumb, actually said some smart things, but most of his points were just differences of opinion and not crazy tea party talk
I think gaf hates the practice of having to tip waiters in the first place. Raise the minimum wage, raise the prices, and end mandatory/obligatory tipping.
I agree. Everyone on the panel was sane.
Did anybody watch tonight?
Did anybody watch tonight?
Yup, the interview kind of pissed me off. If you're going to bring someone on, then the least you could do is let them speak. He's pretty unreasonable when it comes to religion, Israel, food and vaccines. The dude was well on his way to making legitimate points about the demonizing of Islam and it's negative impact on innocent Muslims, ie. it bolsters and perpetuates Islamophobia, but Bill is too big of an Islamophobe to listen to words that supports that position.
Maher was wrong to blame Islam before we know more about the motives and connections. At least the younger brother seemed to merely flaunt his religion similar to Cam'ron wearing a diamond studded Jesus piece.
That Levin guy didn't say that, tho...he went into the tired "liberal bullshit" routine of explaining how only a tiny percentage of Muslims are actual terrorists and that every religion in history has been used to justify bad shit, which was easy for Maher to shit on. He couldn't even bring himself to admit that a Book of Islam musical wouldn't fly, that was just pathetic and far from "making legitimate points".
He never got a chance to expand his thoughts. He did in fact make some legitimate points, such as A) The overwhelming majority of Muslims are upstanding citizens B) The fact that any ideology is capable of being perverted and exploited for evil C) That demonizing Islam and Muslims in general, like Maher is doing, instead of the individuals committing the evil deeds, is misguided and feeds into anti-Muslim sentiment that innocent Muslims have to endure. Every time he would begin to touch on one of these points, Bill Maher would interrupt him and completely shut down any opportunity for a greater point to be made. I agree that the point you mentioned was laughable, but the rest of his arguments were relatively sound.
The current violence of Islam has less to do about the religion, and more to do with the recent historical instability of the Middle East, the regional culture, theocrastic government structures, widespread poverty and constant foreign meddling which makes it easy for extremists to craft a narrative where the West is to blame for the region's current state. Regardless of whether religion is in the equation or not, countries undergoing this concoction of circumstances are bound to experience evil. It's no coincidence that the more economically sound, secular and socially stable a prominently Muslim country is, the more tolerant and less extreme it is in terms of its ideologies and practices. It's disingenuous and dangerous to suggest that Islam, and not the previously mentioned underlying factors, are to blame for the atrocities we see within Islam, and that's exactly what people like Bill Maher are doing. It's bigotry pure and simple.
Did New Rules get cut off? It usually ends with a rant but it sounded like just a few short new rules and then over. Maybe they ran out of time?