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The Official "Real-Time with Bill Maher" Thread


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
This woman thinks she knows everything about everything and everyone else is wrong and silly

Do not get the new rule about pubes becoming wireless carriers?

LOL Cornell West's hair
That woman comes off as such an arrogant bitch, really annoying panelist, and I don't think anyone got the wireless carrier joke, it was painful watching Bill get through that bit. I enjoyed the rest of the show though, Short was pretty funny, and Rula Jebreal is gorgeous. Feels good to have Bill back on the air.
Saw Fridays episode. It was good. Dean brought a lot of good points. I'm shocked at the 1 in 13 Americans are on disabilities number.
Trump got ethered, if Maher had a mic he would have dropped it

And on a related note I booked a trip to Vegas tonight, saw that Trump was a low price for a 5* hotel, laughed that Trump is an idiot and I'd never stay at a hotel with his name on it, booked a different hotel, then noticed that Maher is playing in Vegas the weekend I'm there, HELL YEA!


Why has Trump decided to make himself an Ann Coulter/Rush Limbaugh type figure. After listenign to his Stern interview the other day its pretty clear he likes doing stuff for the controversy and attention, you'd think he gets enough of that already with his whole brand which he now risks.


I feel that for how great this show is, this thread moves way too slowly.

Anyway, I have enjoyed the past few weeks, although I've kind of had it with the quality of republican/conservative(s) on the show. The Daily Caller rep, with this "demonising success" talking point; and a stooge a few weeks back saying that the President resorted to name-calling when he used the term "right-wing republicans", are insulting to the viewers intelligence. These people will then turn-around and have no problem calling Obama a socialist, or his base as takers.

Ironically, a liberal devils-advocating conservative positions (i.e. Sam Harris on the gun control debate) was by far a more interesting conversation.


Joel McHale talked for two minutes about 'The Soup' and didn't say anything after that.

Not a very good panel, discussion, or show.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Avik Roy said that Obamacare should be more like the Swiss health care system.




I found Bill's thoughts on drones terribly disturbing and frankly hypocritical given his animosity to the Bush foreign policy. "The President hears all about bad guys that the rest of us don't know about" is not the best argument for unaccountable foreign policy decisions like the drone program.

Avik Roy's point about the revolving door between Washington and the private sector was sound, except that it really didn't strengthen his argument when it comes to health care policy. If legislators who wrote Obamacare policy are moving to private industry, then to me it just strengthens the rationale to move to a medicare-for-all type system. Leaving sick people to the mercy of the private health care market is the crux of the problem.

Michael Steele as usual seems much more reasonable now that he doesn't hold office and is just a commentator.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I found Bill's thoughts on drones terribly disturbing and frankly hypocritical given his animosity to the Bush foreign policy. "The President hears all about bad guys that the rest of us don't know about" is not the best argument for unaccountable foreign policy decisions like the drone program.

Its different when it's "our team", isn't it? ;P


Its different when it's "our team", isn't it? ;P

Yes, there's an element of that there. I won't deny that.

The problem for me is this: how do you deal with non-state actors, operating from a country that you're not at war with, who are planning attacks against you, with the country in question unable or unwilling to cooperate in apprehending said actors?

Drones are the current answer to this problem, but the way that it is implemented is what's troubling. Congress has ceded their power on this to the Executive. The Executive doesn't have to report to another branch of Government when deciding who's on the Kill List and when/where they can be taken out. It's not like for warrants, where the authorities have to go to a special court to show the evidence. All decision-making rights is left to the executive, with no oversight, no real accountability. You're absolutely right that we don't mind this power with Obama, but when it's President Rubio or President (Jeb) Bush it will no doubt give us pause.

The other dimension of this is political - if the US is attacked, and it later became known that the Executive refused to take action given prior knowledge of the attack because he didn't want to use drones, then it has the potential to become political suicide. You only have to look as far as the hysteria around Benghazi as an example to show how an alledged weakness in foreign policy can cause great political harm. That of course is not a justification to drop bombs on innocent people, but it surely is a variable in the terrible calculus that is the drone program.
- Maher was painful when it came to the drone attacks example.

- It was hilarious seeing Avik Roy flipout because Maher said some non-negative things about Hugo Chavez.

- Avik Roy calling Switzerland's healthcare the best in the world is not only untrue by virtually every metric out there, but isn't wise to do in America. I also find it out that Switzerland is number 2 in healthcare spending per GDP when they were in many ways arguing about cost.

- Michael Steele is calm and collected.

- New Rules was great.


I really liked yesterday's Real Time. Relative to other episodes it was almost all substantitve discussion. Really glad Bill took some time to talk the merits of the Progressive Caucus' budget.
I really liked yesterday's Real Time. Relative to other episodes it was almost all substantitve discussion. Really glad Bill took some time to talk the merits of the Progressive Caucus' budget.

The Progressive Caucus' budget sound amazing and yet all we hear about is Ryan's failed plan.


I really liked yesterday's Real Time. Relative to other episodes it was almost all substantitve discussion. Really glad Bill took some time to talk the merits of the Progressive Caucus' budget.
One of the best episodes I can remember.

Good stuff.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
Argh, I'm used to being able to watch this every weekend but don't have cable here. Anywhere you can buy current episodes online?


Argh, I'm used to being able to watch this every weekend but don't have cable here. Anywhere you can buy current episodes online?

If you can wait a few days, the episodes are released for free as podcasts on iTunes. Usually released on a wednesday / thursday.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Hey, look! Huffpo has shitty reporting, shitty articles, shitty opinion pieces, and now shitty hosts!


Clarification and/or pics?


Huntsman looking dumb.

This Louisiana kid against creationism needs to wear a jacket that fits.

Yeah, as soon as he came out I wanted to buy that kid a suit that fits him. He did get in a decent burn on Steve Moore though, so he's forgiven for apparently borrowing a taller friend's jacket.

The best thing tonight was Maher pointing out that Moore's new book that mentions an 'Obama Crash' in its subtitle is bullshit because his previous book was titled 'Bullish on Bush: How George Bush's Ownership Society Will Strengthen America.'

And the HuffPost girl was a fucking idiot. Completely out of her depth, and even the 19 year old in his dad's suit knew it.


The worthless Huffpo host is Jon Huntsman's daughter, always nice to see nepotism at work. She interrupted Senator Sanders which he was obviously not happy with, all to say a whole lot of nothing. That sniveling conservative guy this week was awful and got smacked down by the 19 year old which was hilarious.


but believes in Chael
I'm done with this fucking show until Maher has a scientist on the panel every week in a field that will be talked about relating to policy . Fuck Stephen Moore. I'm so fucking pissed that I don't really have anything to say.


I don't know how or why Stephen Moore keeps returning to the show. Everytime he's on he gets schooled by Maher about something. He can never wait for another guest to finish his/her point before interrupting. In fact I remember a great episode a few years ago when Moore and Rachel Maddow got into a big argument about Reagan and how much he increased the debt. He kept on interrupting Rachel so much that she ended up standing out of her chair to finish her point.

Now I'm glad that a 19yo kid was able to clown him. In fact that kid was great for someone so young.

But yeah, fuck Moore for being a right-wing talking point machine.

Abby Huntsman talking about the greatest threat to the economy being 'uncertainty' was clown shows. Of course she doesn't want taxes to go up on the rich, given she is from the richest family in Utah (her grandfather has a net worth of $9B)


Haha, love this clip:


The part at the end was great too, so glad Bill called him out on his shifting position. Moore's such a clown.

As soon as that discussion came up I was instantly reminded of a great article Christopher Hitchens wrote denouncing Sarah Palin when she said some ding-bat thing about wasteful government-funded scientific research on fruit-flies. He clowned her good and proper.

These people extol the virtues of business but forget the vital importance of R&D.
Goddamn this show was a wreck. I feel sorry that Bernie Sanders had to try and converse with the other two idiots on the panel.

Sebastian Junger was good and I've liked Zack Kopplin ever since I saw him on Bill Moyers a few weeks ago but even that wasn't enough to make up for how bad most of the panel was.
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