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The Official Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution Thread


pringles said:
Had an awesome game as the Mongols last night.
In one round, I had like 10 cities celebrating a "We Love The King Day" :lol:
Got around 1000 culture just that one round..
Their ability to turn barbarian villages into cities is just crazy powerful if you get a good map (sometimes the villages are placed in really bad locations).

I found this to be annoying after a while. I ended up with so many cities that it was a chore to maintain them all properly.


Last night my wife made what was probably the most beautiful Civ city I've ever seen. I should try to screen capture it.

She was playing the Aztecs. On one side the city was protected by large mountains with gems in them. On the other side was the shoreline with fish and whale close by. A river delta ran through her area of influence and there was also a small forest with game in it.

The resources that flowed out of that city was just insane. She built four Wonders and several buildings in this city. A total of twelve Great People came to live there. By games end the city was making around 175 science and culture.

She won a cultural victory while she was developing Future Technology. Sid Meier would have been proud. The city looked absolutely georgous.


hoos30 said:
I found this to be annoying after a while. I ended up with so many cities that it was a chore to maintain them all properly.

If they're not in danger just set them up to make expensive buildings and wonders. You'll only need to address them once every 20 turns or so.

I'm finding you make less cities in this Civ than older versions. Does anyone have an idea why? Smaller maps? Less rounds? Tougher to build things?


Dyno said:
I'm finding you make less cities in this Civ than older versions. Does anyone have an idea why? Smaller maps? Less rounds? Tougher to build things?
I feel it's more important to place your cities right than to have many of them, and I always find it annoying to lose 2 population when building settlers (don't know if this was the case in previous Civs).
hoos30 said:
I found this to be annoying after a while. I ended up with so many cities that it was a chore to maintain them all properly.
To a degree, it can be a bit annoying. Sometimes villages are so close to eachother that the cities fight for the same resources for example. I don't find it that hard to handle many cities though, especially not if you try to specialize a few of them.
It can also make you advance way faster than the other civs. Like in the game I played last night, I had probably 8-9 cities before most of the AI civs had 2, and from then on it was mostly just a question of what victory I was going to go for (King difficulty btw).


Jew Gamer
Daigoro said:
damn, you guys are making me want to buy the DS version of this too. :eek:

Thats where I am conflicted :/ DS version will work nice but if i get it for PS3 I can play it online :/

Oh the decisions >.<


non-sanctioned troll
Just a heads up, if you try to win the achievement of victory without changing governments, you can't do it with the Greeks! I thought they would be the best to do that as they start out being a democracy, but after I dominated without ever once changing governments, I got shafted.

I played again and accomplished the feat just fine using the egyptians. I've only got 4 other leaders to play as to have won with them all. Then it's on to deity!


squatingyeti said:
I played again and accomplished the feat just fine using the egyptians. I've only got 4 other leaders to play as to have won with them all. Then it's on to deity!

I'll be doing the exact same thing!!!

Like a year from now.


Neo Member
You can play the DS online, but without voicechat, your ability to ally yourself is more limited. Getting both is a pretty good option.

I have no PS360, so I'll be using skype, but it isn't the same.


Last night I was playing my second game. Chose the Americans and went to town trying to get a cultural victory.

I ended up getting attacked a ton so I started destroying all other Civs. I took the Egyptians in the first few turns with a Warrior Army. So as I went I got the conditions to make a cultural victory and started making the UN. By that time I had completely eliminated 3 other Civs. Fucking Saladin made 6 goddamn cities on 6 different islands. So I took the capitol but he kept attacking me somehow. Took like an hour but I finally destroyed him. I got bored waiting around for the UN to build so I just killed the Aztecs and got a Domination Victory.


Dax01 said:
Note to self: Never play as the French again.

I managed to get a domination victory with them, but now that I have the achievement I don't think I'll be playing as them for awhile. :D


This game is going to be an awesomely huge time-sink for me. Only complaints about the 360 version is that it chugs a bit on the credits at the end. Also it would have been nice to be able to install the Civilopedia on the HDD to get some better response time when looking things up. How does the PS3 version behave?

Either way, I think the DS version will now be more enjoyable since I have the 360 version as well. They seem to pair well.

Civ on the console, played on the couch. Is this heaven?


Oh dear god. So, I had sunk a decent amount of time into the demo, and decided that this would be my leap into 360 game ownership (I've been using it mainly for borrowed Rock Band for the summer months to cut costs).

And then I started a game, the Game of the Week in fact, just to maybe test it out.

About three and a half hours later, I finished off a technological victory - I could have probably pushed domination, but simply fortified my cities and played it safe when I realized I was close to Alpha.

This game shall own my life - might sign up for Live soonish, although I don't think I'm actually any good at the game. Still, the game has an intense hold over me - I was all excited about ICBMing Berlin, and then when it actually hit I felt like shit about doing it. That's a powerful game, damnit.


lsslave said:
Thats where I am conflicted :/ DS version will work nice but if i get it for PS3 I can play it online :/

Oh the decisions >.<
I picked up both, and it was an excellent decision


eznark said:
I picked up both, and it was an excellent decision

I picked up both as well, and it was an excellent decision. I think, as I alluded to above, that the DS version will make a lot more sense after you spend some time with the full console version with the Civilopedia and the expanded help system.
I just won my first online game today.
After about 10 losses

Anyway it was the most perfect setup for my Romans. At beginning of the game I was placed on a midsize island... which had plenty of trees (for production.) The island pretty much kept me from meeting other civs but it also kept them from easily attacking me. This gave me plenty of time to get some good technology going as well as production. Eventually I moved to the west to another continent. There I built two more cities near some mountains which helped out production.

At this point in time two dudes/girls quit. So yeah, it was just me and another human player with 4 other AIs. Eventually I ran into England and pretty much had a war with them. The Greeks (AI) gave me Gunpowder for some other crappy technology so that was sweet. After i got that I pretty much swept through England and took all of their cities. The Mongols were next. I had just gotten tanks and was about to complete the Manhhatten Project. I was way ahead of everyone on Culuture, Economy, and Domination. I was just a tad behind the Greeks on Technology. Anyway the AI Mongols I was about to take on took out the other Mongols' (Human) capital. I'm pretty sure that's why he/she quit. So I ended up winning with a domination victory.

The real funny thing is, I'm pretty sure my capital was defended by only an archer army the entire time. That's the great thing about islands... they are hard to find and they are secure.

I wish it had gone on longer with all the human players to see how I actually would have done with that awesome island I had.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
I am completely smitten with this game. I've done two domination victories, and am going to try do a technology victory tonight. It is so rare to play a game that makes time just vanish. I sat down and played for hours last night without even noticing how much time went by.


I was three turns away from building the World Bank when I ran out of time! /shakes fist

You failed me Montezuma!


I've been reading alot of complaints about multiplayer on the official 2K forums, basically saying multiplayer is broken. People get constant disconnects, freezes, can't connect to games, etc,

Is GAF experiencing the same sort of problems?
I'm #12 on the Chieftan game of the week leaderboards! Hoping I can work up to the top ten by the time the map changes. Anyone know if GOTW extends through Sunday, or until Sunday?


Bamelin said:
I've been reading alot of complaints about multiplayer on the official 2K forums, basically saying multiplayer is broken. People get constant disconnects, freezes, can't connect to games, etc,

Is GAF experiencing the same sort of problems?

i've only played 2 matches so far (1 ranked, 1 player-match, all on PS3) and haven't had any issues...

well, except for the fact that in player-matches the host can kick people whenever he wants. getting kicked while building the manhattan project is pretty annoying :lol
Just won a tech victory with the Spanish. This time much faster than my other techn victory (2080 vs 2100).

I don't know how I am going to win a game by 1000 AD.


dork said:
Newb question

How do i use/pickup the stuff on the ground, like silk, incense etc etc

Your citizens use it to increase the output of the city that has it within it's borders. Some of the resources require you have a certain technology before you get their bonuses.


Boy I *really* don't like the DS version. The game is good if you have played the 360 version and you are very familiar with the ruleset. There's lots of little flaws with it that add up to major problems.

- No Civilopedia
- No city defense check - I cannot check my city's defensive status before a battle and this is essential.
- No way to check what effects your current wonders are giving you. This is really bad when you take over a city that has wonders. I got the Great Wall from a city takeover - well what's that do? Had I not played the 360 version I would never have known.
- No good way to change your production focus on gold or science. On the Xbox it's the Y key. On the DS you have to focus gold, then go back to customize city and re-place your workers. Science? Click the beakers, then replace your workers. Really awful execution.
- I want to build a knight. My science adviser tells me that it is really fast. Okay? What are his stats for goodness sake? Other units show their stats before a build. The 360 shows the same information as the DS (Really fast!) but then scrolls to another page of into with the knight's stats. The DS only whows one screen of info.

It's like they were so focused on getting the core engine working (which is true to the 360 game) that they forgot how to interface the user to it. It really feels like some playtesting by someone who actually played the 360 version would have helped this a lot.


so I downloaded the demo a few weeks back, but I never got to playing it until recently.


OMG D:! Its so fucking fun! Why didn't anyone ever tell me how awesome this game was? D:!

So awesome. I need to pick up both this and Overlord o_o so fucking fun D:


AlexMogil said:
Boy I *really* don't like the DS version. The game is good if you have played the 360 version and you are very familiar with the ruleset. There's lots of little flaws with it that add up to major problems.

- No Civilopedia
- No city defense check - I cannot check my city's defensive status before a battle and this is essential.
- No way to check what effects your current wonders are giving you. This is really bad when you take over a city that has wonders. I got the Great Wall from a city takeover - well what's that do? Had I not played the 360 version I would never have known.
- No good way to change your production focus on gold or science. On the Xbox it's the Y key. On the DS you have to focus gold, then go back to customize city and re-place your workers. Science? Click the beakers, then replace your workers. Really awful execution.
- I want to build a knight. My science adviser tells me that it is really fast. Okay? What are his stats for goodness sake? Other units show their stats before a build. The 360 shows the same information as the DS (Really fast!) but then scrolls to another page of into with the knight's stats. The DS only whows one screen of info.

It's like they were so focused on getting the core engine working (which is true to the 360 game) that they forgot how to interface the user to it. It really feels like some playtesting by someone who actually played the 360 version would have helped this a lot.

I also noticed two bugs in the DS version.

1. SS parts are still listed on the build menus even after you've launched your SS.

2. After you finish researching Future Tech, the Science Advisor gets confused and starts reporting negative years until Future Tech is researched.

Now to play the 360 version... :D


non-sanctioned troll
Just won and got the achievement for winning while building only 1 city. I would recommend for people that struggle getting the other achievements to try that one with the Mongols. The way I did it was exceedingly hard, but I wasn't sure if they'd screw you on that one if you use the Mongols like they do on the no changing governments with the Greeks.

I've since learned they do not and having the ability to get cities by converting barbarians would make it MUCH easier.
squatingyeti said:
Just won and got the achievement for winning while building only 1 city. I would recommend for people that struggle getting the other achievements to try that one with the Mongols. The way I did it was exceedingly hard, but I wasn't sure if they'd screw you on that one if you use the Mongols like they do on the no changing governments with the Greeks.

I've since learned they do not and having the ability to get cities by converting barbarians would make it MUCH easier.
Does it count when you capture a city or win it over when you have more culture? It only counts when you build another city yourself, right?
Is it just me, or do you have to go out of your way to win by tech? I did it earlier today, and I was able to build a World Bank, UN, and had an army that could crush the other nations quite a while before I was able to build the space ship.


I'd really love to play some multiplayer, but it just sits there waiting for players. It can't be that there isn't one other PS3 owner in the world who wants to play this game. Anyone have any better luck?


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
I just beat King Mode in every category against the AI.

I think they need to rework the AI for King level. Every fucking 4 -6 turns, every Civ (even Ghandi, wtf), even if they have jack shit and are on the other side of the map, demand that I give them a great person/tech/gold. If I deny, they declare war. It doesn't seem to matter how many troops/cities that I have.

Appeasement doesn't change the overall long-term attitude of the enemy toward you, and I believe Civ4 did that. Regardless if you're in war or not, you get interrupted asking for stuff.

I was able to beat all modes except domination fairly easily...but I felt like I was underpowered, but as soon as I got industrial techs, it's like the AI is too dumb to know how to increase production, and I dominate.

Napolean is a bitch if you border him. He'll manage to get a great leader/general and make his cannons and infantry impossible to overcome until you get tanks and bombers.

As the Germans, I couldn't beat Napolean until people were launching stuff into space. As the Romans, I was able to abuse their Republic bonus on Settlers (only consume 1 population) and cheap roads to build a dozen cities, and I used their 1/2 cost wonder bonus to buffer the culture on the bordering cities.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Tkawsome said:
Is it just me, or do you have to go out of your way to win by tech? I did it earlier today, and I was able to build a World Bank, UN, and had an army that could crush the other nations quite a while before I was able to build the space ship.

Here's what I do:

1. Make sure that I get libraries as soon as possible in all cities so that I stay ahead in science to get the bonus.
2. Once I have marketing and banking, I switch all of my cities from science production to gold production.
3. Over about 20-30 turns, I use the gold to rush the markets/banks (with priority on largest cities).
4. Then I'll have about 2000-4000 gold generated per turn, I then rush granary/harbor->Courthouse->University->Factory.
5. I then switch back to science while my cities are quickly cranking out tanks, fighters, bombers, subs. If anyone is somehow ahead of me, I kill them.
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