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The Official Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution Thread


blindrocket said:
I won't buy Hot Shots Golf PS3 at full price until they patch in voice chat either.

Yeah, that's most likely to never happen given the main audience for that game doesn't really use voice chat, hell they barely use text chat via keyboard.

Now back to CivRev! This is a day one purchase for me after playing the demo, but I have to wait until July for the domestic release. =(


Acid08 said:
Shit I just started out the demo again and it put me in a horrible position. Right at the bottom of a peninsula with the Aztecs right above me. I only founded Rome until they expanded their borders and attacked me. I have a few questions though: How can I expand my borders and how can I see how much production and food I have? Also how do I get more workers?

Courthouses expand workable tiles around a city. More tiles in a city can be worked as the population grows, but that requires food. You can see how much of everything you are getting in the City screen.


AugustDivision said:
Has anyone else beaten the game during the allotted demo time? I finished with a domination win and 4 turns left.

It was awesome.
How the hell did you manage that?


ntb825 said:
How the hell did you manage that?

People who are experienced Civilization players (Monarch or above in Civ IV) are amazingly skilled. It's all about cutting the fat, only building the absolute necessities, good city placement and tech path planning to keep ahead of the AI.


ntb825 said:
How the hell did you manage that?
It's not that hard. My first time playing the demo I won a Domination victory with maybe 7-8 turns left. I could have won even sooner but I held off on capturing the last city a while.
Just research some war-technologies so that you get better units and then build a lot of them and combine into armies.
lupinko said:
Yeah, that's most likely to never happen given the main audience for that game doesn't really use voice chat, hell they barely use text chat via keyboard.
I am fine with waiting for a price drop then. :)
Zzoram said:
People who are experienced Civilization players (Monarch or above in Civ IV) are amazingly skilled. It's all about cutting the fat, only building the absolute necessities, good city placement and tech path planning to keep ahead of the AI.
I kind of suck..haha. It was on Chieftain. I just did what was already said, research heavy on war techs (its all about getting to fuedalism for the romans, to get the caraphact units).

I haven't had time to play this weekend and I'm dying to do a few more runs this weekend.


For those of you advocating the retreat feature...I believe it makes the force you retreat from stronger each time you do it.


This demo was my first experience with series so I didn't know what to expect. It was surprisingly a lot fun. I went ahead and installed installed FreeCiv. I doubt I'll have time for it when it's released since my summer is full but I will be picking it up further down the line.
Jtrizzy said:
For those of you advocating the retreat feature...I believe it makes the force you retreat from stronger each time you do it.
If your squad died they would get stronger regardless so you might as well keep your units alive.


Jtrizzy said:
Right, I'm just saying don't retreat then try to go back and take on the same force again.

Yep. Learned that the hard way. I should have just sacrificed the first army in its attack to widdle the city down, but decided to try retreat. I had two more armies on the way, a big enough force to take the city, but I retreated a few times with my first army and made the defending city too strong for even 3 armies to take.

Retreat means retreat, it should only be used if you don't plan on attacking again with that force.

I really wish the game was out now, I am loving this take on Civ.


After a few more play throughs it definitely left me wanting more. It's out this Friday the 13th here in Oz so that's good. JB have it advertised for $79 on that date, so it looks like I'll be visiting them on Saturday morning.


I'm finding it a fun game but lots of things are confusing. In one turn I get a new settler in 5 turns and 10 gold then the next turn it shows a new settler in 10 turns and 4 gold, I just don't get how this would change.
Gbeav said:
I'm finding it a fun game but lots of things are confusing. In one turn I get a new settler in 5 turns and 10 gold then the next turn it shows a new settler in 10 turns and 4 gold, I just don't get how this would change.
Wow, I don't want to knock you, I just can't believe there are still people that are new to the Civ franchise.

Each time you produce a settler unit you lose a citizen of the city it was produced in. Each citzen inside your town helps do more work, so more gold and production occur when you have a higher population.


AugustDivision said:
Wow, I don't want to knock you, I just can't believe there are still people that are new to the Civ franchise.

Each time you produce a settler unit you lose a citizen of the city it was produced in. Each citzen inside your town helps do more work, so more gold and production occur when you have a higher population.

Yeah I'm new to this as well. Producing settler units then adding them to the city you did it in is the fastest way to build the population, which increases your production right?

The key to the demo is finding Atlantis. You can build up a pretty awesome city even in the demo.
Jtrizzy said:
Yeah I'm new to this as well. Producing settler units then adding them to the city you did it in is the fastest way to build the population, which increases your production right?

The key to the demo is finding Atlantis. You can build up a pretty awesome city even in the demo.
Where is Atlantis?


Dax01 said:
Where is Atlantis?

I saw a ruin in the ocean on one of my games, but only had a Galley, so I could not get to it, sounds like you need to research tech to get to a Trilene or something that can travel ocean squares. A new quest for me since I beat the demo by a Domination victory last night.
Jtrizzy said:
Yeah I'm new to this as well. Producing settler units then adding them to the city you did it in is the fastest way to build the population, which increases your production right?

Well, that's one way to boost your population but I would strongly recommend against it because a new city is worth more than the 1 or 2 population bump you would get.

The best way to raise your population quickly is to go into the city screen and have the city focus on food. When you have a population size that you're happy with, you can then focus on another resource (production, science, or gold) to get the result you want.

I would only have settlers "join" cities if there are no more spots on the map to build a city.


How do you defend a unit?

The game keeps bitchin at me for not defending my spies or my settlers but I don't get how and they get mugged from me. :(


Damnit I was checking out Civ4 but after 10 minutes into the game ( or tutorial doesn't matter ) the sound just goes away and after I exit the game my pc doesn't have any sound either anymore...only after reboot :(
I guess the problem I'm seeing with players entering the civ world for the first time in this game is that so much is being left unexplained. Like the above discussion:

A higher population doesn't automatically mean higher production. If your city is built in the middle of a plain it isn't really going to produce very highly ever. You need mountains or hills to get big production, and plenty of grass/fishing tiles to get a high population. A mix of the two (unless you're building a specialty city) is ideal as you'll be able to continually increase population allowing for more production. Both will basically cap at a population of 9 and thats when buildings are key (granaries, etc.).

Again, I'm not even a very good civ player but if this stuff doesn't get explained newer players are going to start getting frustrated in longer games when they don't understand the more complex intricacies of the game behind the simplistic interface.

I would suggest any new players to click on manage workers in the city and then click on "custom..." and play around with it. I think this will give you a better idea of whats going on behind the scenes. (customizing your cities setup is the standard in the civ proper games).

Laguna X

Nintendogs Member
TaeOH said:
You have to have Gold to get this demo? Is that common on the 360?
Gold members have access to demos as soon as they are available. Silver members have access to those demos one week later.

^^beaten :(


I don't get it though :( Wouldn't developers want the demo in the hands of as many gamers a possible? :( Guess I got another week to wait... unless Fragamemnon could set us a code ;)
Steroyd said:
How do you defend a unit?

The game keeps bitchin at me for not defending my spies or my settlers but I don't get how and they get mugged from me. :(
They have no defense whatsoever so they WILL be captured unless you have a military unit walking with them. If you had a warrior unit sitting on the same tile as a settler unit and its attacked by an enemy, the warriors will engage with the enemy and if they defeat them your settler/caravan/spy will be safe, and if your warrior unit loses they will cap your non-military unit.


Laguna X said:
Gold members have access to demos as soon as they are available. Silver members have access to those demos one week later.

^^beaten :(

Ohh. I asked because I had a 360 briefly and I did not notice any limitations like that and I only had Silver, I could have been under a Free month of Gold though when I downloaded demos, don't know. One of the reasons I dumped the 360 was the requirement to have Gold in order to update official EA Sports rosters. I thought that was bullshit. I did not use Live enough when I had it on the Xbox, not enough time to play and my friends were never on when I was, so I just did not want Gold anymore.

Seems kind of lame that MS artificially inflates the value of Gold by delaying demos to Silver users. If I were a company that wanted to sell my game, I would want my demo out to as many potential buyers as soon as possible, not be used to trump up a Microsoft product.


methos75 said:
I've spent about 10 hours on the PS3 demo, call me crazy but I want this more than MGS4.

You're not crazy, Civilization is THAT good :lol

I've had many nights where I accidentally played Civilization IV until 4 or 5am, when I had to be up early that day. The developers know this, so they have menu options of displaying the time or setting an alarm for X number of hours in Civilzation IV.


methos75 said:
I've spent about 10 hours on the PS3 demo, call me crazy but I want this more than MGS4.

I have never liked the MGS series, so unless I get the MGS4 bundle since I want a second PS3 for the bedroom, I probably won't end up playing the game unless I buy it cheap used down the road.

While at first I did not think I would get Revolution since I play Civ 4 Bts, the demo has changed my mind, it is a new and still addictive way to play Civ.

I do hope they will have game speed and map size options in the full version. But I also know it would be easier to play balance the game without those options.


TaeOH said:
I have never liked the MGS series, so unless I get the MGS4 bundle since I want a second PS3 for the bedroom, I probably won't end up playing the game unless I buy it cheap used down the road.

While at first I did not think I would get Revolution since I play Civ 4 Bts, the demo has changed my mind, it is a new and still addictive way to play Civ.

I do hope they will have game speed and map size options in the full version. But I also know it would be easier to play balance the game without those options.

I had never really played a game like Civ before, well except for Viva Pinata which I also love and Populus way back on the Genesis, so this was a very new and nice diversion for me and will now be a day one purchase.


AugustDivision said:
[Regarding retreating] If your squad died they would get stronger regardless so you might as well keep your units alive.
No. A victorious unit doesn't always get a bonus. I think you get upgraded after 3 wins and again after 6 wins? Not sure. It sounds like retreating will trigger an insta-upgrade every single time.

Hmm, I wonder if you could exploit this in multi player by staging mock fights with a "friendly" empire...


methos75 said:
I've spent about 10 hours on the PS3 demo, call me crazy but I want this more than MGS4.

I've been thinking the same thing but I'm not sure if I really feel that way. I've been waiting for MGS4 for years it seems like, I think I'm just more excited about this because I'd never played a Civ game and had no idea it was even coming out. It actually works out well though, we'll get about a month of MGS before this comes out and it will probably last me the rest of the summer.

I like this because I'm getting older and I am kind of sick of the intense shooter thing all of the time. I also really like Government/Politcs/History, so this is just awesome. I love building up the awesome cities.

Anyway, so I guess I should stop building settler units to increase population huh?
Ding said:
No. A victorious unit doesn't always get a bonus. I think you get upgraded after 3 wins and again after 6 wins? Not sure. It sounds like retreating will trigger an insta-upgrade every single time.

A unit gets an upgrade every three battles or when it defeats a stronger opponent. When you retreat, the defending unit is automatically upgraded. Use retreat with discretion!
DeathMonkey said:
A unit gets an upgrade every three battles or when it defeats a stronger opponent. When you retreat, the defending unit is automatically upgraded. Use retreat with discretion!
Yeah that sounds like its going to exploited like crazy in multiplayer...=(


Gah... pissed off the demo doesn't support private matches. Why is it that they include the ONE multiplayer mode people won't be using for this - random match.


can you play an entire multiplayer match to the finish? i was very annoyed when the singleplayer ended right before i was about to launch an attack on zimbabwe


Civilization has always been a series I thought I would love if I gave it a chance, but I never really got around to it. Was bored today, so I downloaded the demo and gave it a shot. Wow, what a game!

I'm absolutely hooked, and have gone through the demo at least five times now. Will be picking this up day one. :D

So far, the best I've done is getting to research electricity, but I didn't have a chance to finish it. Ended up being one turn away from getting it by the time the demo ended:

(a few more turns to go…)

Still haven't managed to ‘beat’ the demo, but I think I probably could if I was more aggressive. I absolutely hate that there's a time limit on it. I don't mind them restricting what's available in the demo, but the time limit is very annoying.

methos75 said:
I've spent about 10 hours on the PS3 demo, call me crazy but I want this more than MGS4.
I'm more excited for this than MGS4 now—it's a real shame it comes out the day after it in the UK. :lol

It really should have been out last Friday to at least give it a chance. There's been nothing out worth playing for the last month or so, and then there's two great games coming along at once, typical.
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