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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Just got this game. I'm liking Abel alot, haven't played as any other character so far. Haha, I suck, so I am getting destroyed by Guile on easy...
When do you think we'll start seeing more of the 4 new characters played online?

I've played over 400 matches and I think I've seen less than 5 Rufus, 5 El Fuertes, maybe 20 Abels, and maybe 10 Vipers. And I main Abel and Balrog.

Are people already discarding them, or have some of the tournament circles started accepting them as legit players? In other words, are they going to catch on?


good credit (by proxy)
So I've decided to "get serious" and I'm making a personal ryu strategy guide that up to about 8 pages in word(half of it titles and headings), I'm hoping by the time I'm done it'll be around 100 pages which I'll have down, and I'll be a fucking incredible street fighter IV player. I'm setting the goal of 3,000 bp 2 weeks from now. The highest I've been up until now was a little over 2000.
Ok so what gives...GameFAQS says that these are the requirements for unlocking Akuma: "After unlocking Sakura, Dan, Cammy, Fei Long, Gen and Rose, Play with someone you've beat the game with and get at least 1 perfect (on single round matches) and use no continues."

So I just did that using Cammy (since I have beaten the game before with her). I got 2 perfects, used no continues, beat Akuma first try and it didn't unlock him. I researched online and there were reports that you needed to get an Ultra finish as well. So I played again, got 3 perfects (one of which was on Akuma), and two Ultra finishes; used no continues. He still didn't get unlocked. WTF? Is it because I'm playing on the easiest difficulty?
corkscrewblow said:
Especially when you're playing as Dudley or Necro. The flower is easily the best taunt in SF history but I love killing people with Necro's tongue. Taunts in SF4 are not half as cool as in they were in 3s :/
Gutter Trash!


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?


gotta give props for the timing though


Unconfirmed Member
MisterAnderson said:
Ok so what gives...GameFAQS says that these are the requirements for unlocking Akuma: "After unlocking Sakura, Dan, Cammy, Fei Long, Gen and Rose, Play with someone you've beat the game with and get at least 1 perfect (on single round matches) and use no continues."

So I just did that using Cammy (since I have beaten the game before with her). I got 2 perfects, used no continues, beat Akuma first try and it didn't unlock him. I researched online and there were reports that you needed to get an Ultra finish as well. So I played again, got 3 perfects (one of which was on Akuma), and two Ultra finishes; used no continues. He still didn't get unlocked. WTF? Is it because I'm playing on the easiest difficulty?
You're plaing single round matches, right?

The official requirements according to Capcom are:

"To unlock Akuma as a playable character:

You need to get at least one "perfect" win in a round, and more than one depending on how many rounds per match you are playing.

- 1 round match: 1 perfect round or more

- 3 round match: 2 perfect rounds or more

- 5 round match: 3 perfect rounds or more

- 7 round match: 4 perfect rounds or more

(including the last battle against Seth)"
Yep I'm playing single round matches. I mean...clearly I'm doing something right if Akuma is appearing to fight me? So why doesn't he unlock after I defeat him? Do I have to ultra finish him or something? Am I not supposed to be playing on easiest difficulty?


MisterAnderson said:
Yep I'm playing single round matches. I mean...clearly I'm doing something right if Akuma is appearing to fight me? So why doesn't he unlock after I defeat him? Do I have to ultra finish him or something? Am I not supposed to be playing on easiest difficulty?

Have you unlocked sakura, dan, gen, rose, cammy and fei long?
I wish the supers and Ultras were different moves. Like, Akuma's Super could be the Messatsu Gohadou, and his Ultra could be the raging demon.

I also want to be able to cancel his air fireballs into a dive kick :-(
So I've realized GAF doesn't pose any challenges for me, I've literally destroyed any and all who have come in my path.


Challenge me, I will likely destroy you

yes, i am serious, 45% serious!!!11!
C- Warrior said:
So I've realized GAF doesn't pose any challenges for me, I've literally destroyed any and all who have come in my path.


Challenge me, I will likely destroy you

yes, i am serious, 45% serious!!!11!

I'm down for getting destroyed =P

xboxlive: flarkmaster
Sagat is a whore. You can kick his ass left and right all match, he'll hit you MAYBE 4 times, and you both end up dead even with like 20% health left.

The fact that he's a bastard makes it that much more rewarding when you whoop his chrome dome ass.


good credit (by proxy)
C- Warrior said:
So I've realized GAF doesn't pose any challenges for me, I've literally destroyed any and all who have come in my path.


Challenge me, I will likely destroy you

yes, i am serious, 45% serious!!!11!

offline for 21 hours. Are you man enough to fight with me?
Have any fighting games been rebalanced with a patch this generation?

Really hoping SF is so Sagat and Zangief get nerfed appropriately.

It's become ridiculous online.


CartridgeBlower said:
Have any fighting games been rebalanced with a patch this generation?

Really hoping SF is so Sagat and Zangief get nerfed appropriately.

It's become ridiculous online.

DOA4, SCIV come to mind with balancing patches. I'm not sure if VF5 got one or not.


Augemitbutter said:
fought my first good Gen in ranked on psn today (4000BP) impressive!

wish i could handle him that well one day.
I played two today, I think between the 1300-2000 range. I'm not that great of a player but I beat them both. He can be very tricky and I got hit twice in one round with his ultra when jumping in with Cammy against one of the players. I lost that one round but managed to learn from my mistake and beat him for the match.


Valkyr Junkie said:
Capcom still hasn't patched in a drop penalty? Sheesh.

This needs to happen. All this disconnecting from people I'm getting is the most annoying thing in the world.



Played about 40 ranked matches today. I only have 110 ranked match wins so my win percentage isn't as impressive as it looks. I started the day with around 2200BP and once I got to my max number I seemed to be perpetually stuck in the 2600BP to 2900BP range forever. I still to this day have yet to face an El Fuerte in an online match of any kind.


i'm at 649 - 179 (828 games total, 53 win streak max). ranked is a gongshow and i dont have time for droppers so i'm sticking to player games almost entirely. if anyone wants to play a decent balrog / shitty sim, my PSN is blackadde


good credit (by proxy)
first hate message from someone and it was voice! first i got a message that he wanted to chat, so i grabbed my mic and plugged it in, and right as I was about to chat with him I got a message that he sent me a voice mail:

OneManArmy06 said:
Hey, do you always fight like a little pussy and wait for people to attack you? Or was this just a one time thing you fuckin f*ggot!

So awesome. What should I send back?


I'm a slightly above scrubby Ryu player and have no idea how to handle good Zangiefs. The only opener I have is endless dull fireballs from long range, turtle fests basically where the Zangief player still has the damage advantage. Unless of course the guy whiffs, which good Zangief players rarely do. Even then two throws completely negate like half a dozen of my hit and runs.
Played for the first time online this weekend. Just been praticing and playing arcade mode and felt pretty happy that Seth was no longer owning my ass like he used to when I managed to beat him with Guile for the first time trying him, and it only took a few retries on hardest difficulty this time.

I avoided rank, didn't even touch the thing because of hearing about all those Kens, stat whoring matches, disconnects, and whatnot, so I stuck only to Player matches.

Pretty fun, I wasn't very good, but it seemed like I was doing a 50/50 shot with beginners like myself. Out of the dozen matches or so, only 2 players picked a shoto against me, with one guy who picked Akuma for like half of my matches and another who constantly picked Ryu, but it wasn't so bad. I just played picking all the most of the non-shoto characters to have fun and try with.

I'm not as well versed in online gaming as much , but I noticed I get really intimidated with going online in a fighter. My heart starts to really beat faster, it's no joke. I have no control and I start to get antsy and nervous about the match and it's kind of tough to calm down, it takes a quite a few matches to cool a bit and I'm only really comfortable fighting my friend online, but even then it's like I'm getting too excited for my own good. It's really weird.


good credit (by proxy)
I already sent back a simple "sorry man, I guess you just need to play Akuma better!" while holding back laughter.

The funny thing is that he was doing the exact same thing, sitting back and waiting for me to attack, throwing fireballs and airfireballs, I was just jumping over all of them and he tried to rush me and made too many mistakes up close.
blackadde said:
i'm at 649 - 179 (828 games total, 53 win streak max). ranked is a gongshow and i dont have time for droppers so i'm sticking to player games almost entirely. if anyone wants to play a decent balrog / shitty sim, my PSN is blackadde

Hey, I play Balrog also! I'll probably be on in about 2 hours, add me and let's get some games goin!

PSN : FindMyFarms


Finally played the ranked matches for the first time. Wtf, everyone I played is a turtle online. So damn boring. -.- Guess I'll stick to player matches.


unfortunately i'm done for the night, but i'll try and remember to add ya soon. i'm usually on about two-three hours before whatever this time is for you locally. (midnight mountain time)


good credit (by proxy)
Azih said:
I'm a slightly above scrubby Ryu player and have no idea how to handle good Zangiefs. The only opener I have is endless dull fireballs from long range, turtle fests basically where the Zangief player still has the damage advantage. Unless of course the guy whiffs, which good Zangief players rarely do. Even then two throws completely negate like half a dozen of my hit and runs.

-input shoryuken directional motions before the match so you just have to press a button if they try to green hand you at the start

-get distance, hadoken spam, mix up with something offensive once in awhile to keep him from trapping you in the corner

-a lot of zangiefs will continually jump back and forth over you when you're on the ground hoping to score a cross up if they're in the air when you wake up, or an SPD or lariat if they're on the ground when you wake up. Just backdash immediately on wakeup.

-if they keep getting you with command throws on wake up and you know that's what they're going to do, just jump neutral jump (directly upwards), hit him with a hk on the way down and then combo into cr. mk into fireball

-don't do predictable patterns of fireballs. throw in some cr. lp and cr. lk's as a sort of "fake" fireball. don't do fireball after fireball after fireball. throw many pauses in there. Also throw in different speeds of fireball. If he's not sure when you're going to fireball you can throw fireballs from medium range without getting punished by green hand or jump in every time.

-if he lariats through a slow fireball from a little closer than 3/4 screen, dash forward and trip

-throw cr. mk poke canceled into fireball from the very edge of it's range, so your toe just barely hits gief, this is outside of his SPD range

-from medium range "fake" fireball to get him to jump, then uppercut him

-I use a lot of neutral jumps when i think he's going to jump in. If he's at a range where his jumping attack won't be able to hit me, he'll usually land a little closer and if I do an hk on the way down it will hit him just before or just as he's landing. If he's a little closer when he jumps in, my neutral jump hk will still outprioritize his jumping attack unless I time it really late, after I hit him out of the air I ex fireball and if he doesn't block it, but goes for a lariat i can probably trip him out of the lariat by walking forward a little or dashing then tripping. If he's inside sweep range and jumps in I'll have to do the neutral jump hk very early for it to win. After landing i'll jump jump backwards to give me more space from him.
FindMyFarms said:
Hey, I play Balrog also! I'll probably be on in about 2 hours, add me and let's get some games goin!

PSN : FindMyFarms

hey farms i sent you a friend req, accept that shit mayne. my psn is longmeat
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