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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

RuGalz said:
Finally played the ranked matches for the first time. Wtf, everyone I played is a turtle online. So damn boring. -.- Guess I'll stick to player matches.

I'm the opposite, nothing spells out an easy victory for Balrog like a turtle :p Unless it's a Sagat who pretends to turtle in the firs 10 seconds of the round, then proceeds to wtfrape me in a corner :/


For the life of me, for whatever reason I cannot cancel very easily with Dan. I am trying to HP into his Koryuken. Every time I do it, I either do his Gadoyken or I do the Koryuken but it doesn't register as completing the combo.

Can someone help me with the timing of the combos. In general, I am terrible at canceling and really am just learning how to do it. Thanks.
Less and less Kens in ranked matches now. Lately there's been Ryus and Sagats in the mix. I guess the casual players got bored already?
I kinda hate random player matches, cuz 75% of the time I get a guy who only plays Akuma. I just wanna goof around and learn a new character and boy is that not fun when you're playing against a guy who just throws air fireballs. Gimme spazzy, random DPs over that any day.

Are Kens really dropping off in ranked? I know I see him less and less as I rank up but I figured there are still tons under 1000. Higher up it's mostly Ryus and Sagat. I don't mind the Sagats though because most of them are pretty bad.


Goodeats said:
For the life of me, for whatever reason I cannot cancel very easily with Dan. I am trying to HP into his Koryuken. Every time I do it, I either do his Gadoyken or I do the Koryuken but it doesn't register as completing the combo.

Can someone help me with the timing of the combos. In general, I am terrible at canceling and really am just learning how to do it. Thanks.
You want to do the dragon punch motion pressing a punch at either end, don't wait for the HP, then do it. More like this: Forward+HP, down, down forward+HP in one smooth motion. So the first first punch is included in the DP motion.

This goes for most combos, for example - for Balrog, one of his dash punches into a super, do <- -> P <- -> P - As if you're doing the motion for the super, just with an extra punch in the middle.

Once you've done it a few times, you'll get the timing, it will become muscle memory.


henhowc said:
My newest pet peeve...people who take the whole time limit just to select a stage.
And then choose Ken or Ryu! :lol

Sometimes they let the timer run down on the stage select screen, that one I don't understand. o_O
Jerky, sorry for the rage quit man. For some reason, my ps3 just FREEZES up in the middle of gaming sessions. First the game freezes, then the green/red/(yellow?!) power lights blink real fast for a second. Next, after turning it on, it'll only stay on for like 5 min, unless i let it just sit there for around 30 min. I don't know what's going on :( I'm blaming it on your Gen!


Rummy Bunnz said:
Are Kens really dropping off in ranked? I know I see him less and less as I rank up but I figured there are still tons under 1000. Higher up it's mostly Ryus and Sagat. I don't mind the Sagats though because most of them are pretty bad.

After dropping below 1000 twice this weekend, I would say that the Ryu/Ken/Akuma/Sagat pack is now balanced. But when in doubt people still pick Ken.
After that I get a Cammy/Fei Long/Blanka/Zangief group. A few Sakuras and Goukens here and there, but the rest of the cast doesn't seem to exist. :/

And man some of the Sagats are horrible. Fought one, who only used some random jumps and kicks and used is Ultra as soon as possible (of course missing all the time), yet he had around 1500 BP......
FindMyFarms said:
Jerky, sorry for the rage quit man. For some reason, my ps3 just FREEZES up in the middle of gaming sessions. First the game freezes, then the green/red/(yellow?!) power lights blink real fast for a second. Next, after turning it on, it'll only stay on for like 5 min, unless i let it just sit there for around 30 min. I don't know what's going on :( I'm blaming it on your Gen!

how can you rage quit on me when you won round 1? at is backwards rage LOL

El Fuerte is freakin hard to get a handle on but fun to play.

I am so pissed at myself at the failed executions when playing Gen.. when I see that crouching HK I go arhgggg fucked it up!

sorry to hear your PS3 is screwey, it sounding like a 360
gutter_trash said:
how can you rage quit on me when you won round 1? at is backwards rage LOL

El Fuerte is freakin hard to get a handle on but fun to play.

I am so pissed at myself at the failed executions when playing Gen.. when I see that crouching HK I go arhgggg fucked it up!

sorry to hear your PS3 is screwey, it sounding like a 360

Yeah, whenever you'd land that one super one me, and then the ultra, I'd just put he control down and wait for the bright lights lol. That shit does SO MUCH damage. And I like how you destroyed my honda with balrog in the role reversal match lol. Though I think I really won that one since Balrog was the victor :p. GG's.

Question on E. Honda challenge trial. How do you do his Jump in FP, hundred hand slap, then super? Every time I do the super after the slap, it always get blocked, I even turned on turbo so I don't have to worry about mashing the punches, and it still wouldn't work. FML


good credit (by proxy)
Won said:
After dropping below 1000 twice this weekend, I would say that the Ryu/Ken/Akuma/Sagat pack is now balanced. But when in doubt people still pick Ken.
After that I get a Cammy/Fei Long/Blanka/Zangief group. A few Sakuras and Goukens here and there, but the rest of the cast doesn't seem to exist. :/

And man some of the Sagats are horrible. Fought one, who only used some random jumps and kicks and used is Ultra as soon as possible (of course missing all the time), yet he had around 1500 BP......

that might have been me. it was justified though because sagat's ultra is so powerful that it doesn't matter if it misses or not. even if there's a .01% chance it'll hit it doesn't matter, because if it does hit it'll KILL YOU. You just got lucky that it didn't hit you.
FindMyFarms said:
Yeah, whenever you'd land that one super one me, and then the ultra, I'd just put he control down and wait for the bright lights lol. That shit does SO MUCH damage. And I like how you destroyed my honda with balrog in the role reversal match lol. Though I think I really won that one since Balrog was the victor :p. GG's.

Question on E. Honda challenge trial. How do you do his Jump in FP, hundred hand slap, then super? Every time I do the super after the slap, it always get blocked, I even turned on turbo so I don't have to worry about mashing the punches, and it still wouldn't work. FML

Super Canceling Honda's 100 Hand Slap has to be in the early early slaps, but it is more forgiving then Gen's 100 Hand Slap super Canceling
I rarely ever use 100 Hand Slap to Super Cancel, I much rather use a normal and play it safe, i only pulled off that Challenge once and put it behind me.

Honda's most difficult Challenge is the EX 100 Handlsap link to cr.LP, that timing is nuts (the Hard mode one)


here is an update on my hours of gameplay and crap... too many hours
Timedog said:
that might have been me. it was justified though because sagat's ultra is so powerful that it doesn't matter if it misses or not. even if there's a .01% chance it'll hit it doesn't matter, because if it does hit it'll KILL YOU. You just got lucky that it didn't hit you.

I snuffed a Sagat Ultra today:
I got caught with a jump-in when the player did Sagat's Ultra

then I mashed on the LK button for Honda's butt... then it snuffed the Ultra just like it does to the Flash Kick :D :D


Oh my fuck.

I've been taking my copy of SF4 (PS3 version) over to my friend's house and playing the shit out of it with him and his brother for hours every night since it came out.

Tonight, I'm unlocking the last few characters that any of us gives a damn about maybe trying out (Akuma and Gouken) since we'd been way too interested previously in fighting each other with our mains (I'm Vega, my friend is Ryu, and his brother Blanka)... I do all the shit up to the credits for Akuma's victory over Gouken, get the You Unlocked Gouken alert, and the PS3 shuts down. BLINKING RED LIGHT.

A quick internet check and there are a few "tricks" to fix this (I use the term loosely because I knew going in that the reset hold thing wasn't going to fix this, nor was disconnecting the power plug from the wall), but the general consensus is did you see what GOD DID TO US, MAN?! and now my friend is going to have to call Sony and send this shit in with my god damned copy of the GAME inside of it.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck AUUUUUGH.
Query for the 360 players in the thread:

Is it worth performing the DPad mod? I can't afford/justify a saturn controller or fight stick, but using the analog sticks does not produce the required results 100% of the time. I'm wondering if the sanding down of the Dpad construction will bring noticeable results.


Chemo said:
Oh my fuck.

I've been taking my copy of SF4 (PS3 version) over to my friend's house and playing the shit out of it with him and his brother for hours every night since it came out.

Tonight, I'm unlocking the last few characters that any of us gives a damn about maybe trying out (Akuma and Gouken) since we'd been way too interested previously in fighting each other with our mains (I'm Vega, my friend is Ryu, and his brother Blanka)... I do all the shit up to the credits for Akuma's victory over Gouken, get the You Unlocked Gouken alert, and the PS3 shuts down. BLINKING RED LIGHT.

A quick internet check and there are a few "tricks" to fix this (I use the term loosely because I knew going in that the reset hold thing wasn't going to fix this, nor was disconnecting the power plug from the wall), but the general consensus is did you see what GOD DID TO US, MAN?! and now my friend is going to have to call Sony and send this shit in with my god damned copy of the GAME inside of it.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck AUUUUUGH.

That sucks :(

That's basically what happened to me on the night of the ps3 launch. I spent more time naming my user profile than I spent playing resistance (I wish I was joking) before the machine died, with the game trapped inside. So that was a fun launch for me.

Losing a copy of SF4 is much more serious though. D:


sionyboy said:
Query for the 360 players in the thread:

Is it worth performing the DPad mod? I can't afford/justify a saturn controller or fight stick, but using the analog sticks does not produce the required results 100% of the time. I'm wondering if the sanding down of the Dpad construction will bring noticeable results.

I did the mod on a wired 360 pad using a Dremel tool. I'd say it was a huge improvement. With that pad I was able to get all the achievements on SSF2THD.


WTF is this :lol . I am unable to do Balrog's Dash Low Straight in trial mode stage 2 normal. He does the move but the game doesn t register it !?!?


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Some great matchs with GrayFoxPL... so which shoto you guys recommend me to learn?


I'm currently trying to do all survival trials, and I'm wondering what's the criteria for gold/silver medals. I guess if I survive double the quota required it gives me gold, right? So 1,5 should be silver, is it? Did Capcom ever clarify that like they did with Akuma/Gouken unlocking?


good credit (by proxy)
Xater said:
If you don't want to bore poeple online, don#t pick Sagat, Ken, Ryu or Akuma.

I mean, or you could answer the question. I'm sure he's read the whining plenty of times already.

Ken and Akuma are probably more fun starting out, but sagat and ryu are more powerful.

nib95 said:
What does shoto actually mean or stand for?

I think Ryu, Ken, etc do Shotokan Karate. I think it was a localization thing in Street Fighter II that wasn't in the story in Japan. So if you read the actual storylines for the games they mention other styles, but people in America still call them shotos cause it sounds so bitchin. Sagat does kickboxing, but since he plays similar(uppercut, fireballs) sometimes he's called a shoto.


Timedog said:
I think Ryu, Ken, etc do Shotokan Karate. I think it was a localization thing in Street Fighter II that wasn't in the story in Japan. So if you read the actual storylines for the games they mention other styles, but people in America still call them shotos cause it sounds so bitchin. Sagat does kickboxing, but since he plays similar(uppercut, fireballs) sometimes he's called a shoto.



Fersis said:
Some great matchs with GrayFoxPL... so which shoto you guys recommend me to learn?
Yeah, cool matches. Your Fuerte is insane. I have no idea how you manage to play so good with the lag. Impressive. Try Honda next.

There's nothing more satisfying then beating almost 2000 BP SAGAT pretending to be noob. Fuckin' flash kick your broken ass! :D


Any Rose player here who has figured out what the optimal non-meter-based combo for punishing wiffed srk's are? Lots of her stuff seems to be on jump-in, and the rest requires her opponent to stay planted.

One thing I've managed to pull off in training-mode is c.MP -> Drill, but the timing seems very precise, and I don't know if a real opponent can do a reversal. Currently I'm just throwing people left and right, but it's easy to make up for that with a single succesfull srk.


Aeris130 said:
Any Rose player here who has figured out what the optimal non-meter-based combo for punishing wiffed srk's are? Lots of her stuff seems to be on jump-in, and the rest requires her opponent to stay planted.

One thing I've managed to pull off in training-mode is c.MP -> Drill, but the timing seems very precise, and I don't know if a real opponent can do a reversal. Currently I'm just throwing people left and right, but it's easy to make up for that with a single succesfull srk.
You can go for c.HP -> Soul Reflect, which is safer than Drill, I think you're right in that the drill comes out a little too slow, so in real play, they probably will just do another dragon punch and Rose will come off worse.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
For me , I use short drill off a crouching strong if it hits, then try to hit-confirm it into super if I have it. Pretty easy combo does almost half (but need full super) It's easiest to land against flowcharters.


This is the first fighter in which I skip every cinematic. This crappiness cannot be topped.

How do I unlock the Bruce Lee dude?


Aeris130 said:
How do you land the reflect? If I cancel the hP, it comes out too fast and hits beneath them while they're falling.
Do it *just* as they land, same timing as a throw.

You can start the same combo with a jump HP too for a simple 3-hit jump in combo.

I don't use it often, because I use the superbar mainly for EX moves, but you could go for c.HP, fireball, super.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
BitchTits said:
Do it *just* as they land, same timing as a throw.

You can start the same combo with a jump HP too for a simple 3-hit jump in combo.

Why would you want to do the reflect and not the drill? Curious.


arstal said:
Why would you want to do the reflect and not the drill? Curious.
I find it can come out too slow. Maybe if you use low kick for the drill it's faster, but I only have a 360 controller, and have it set up without low kick. (4 face buttons - low punch, high punch, med.kick high kick).

The soul reflect doesn't have many uses because it's range is so small (except bouncing fireballs of course) so I like using it when I can. :)


zoukka said:
This is the first fighter in which I skip every cinematic. This crappiness cannot be topped.

Maybe you missed the scenes where Ryu shoryukens a wall. If thats wrong, I don't want to be right.


lawblob said:
Maybe you missed the scenes where Ryu shoryukens a wall. If thats wrong, I don't want to be right.

Seriously the animations are so bad they're actually bad. Cringeworthy. Capcom really was a cheapass in this part of the game.


Worships the porcelain goddess
zoukka said:
Seriously the animations are so bad they're actually bad. Cringeworthy. Capcom really was a cheapass in this part of the game.

The in-game cutscenes crush the anime shit in the game. Told you they should have just did everything in game. :D


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
Holy shit I actually got my 10 ranked wins in a row. I think it was 1 El Fuerte, 2 Sagats, 3 Akumas, 3 Kens, and a Sakura (who has it set at 1 round/30 seconds, time ran out during my Ultra, if I had been losing I would have been so pissed). Never thought I'd do it.

Of course I lost my 11th to a scroto Ken, apparently Ken's fierce shoryuken BEAT ABEL'S ULTRA....ugh.


The anime cutscenes literally make no sense. Maybe because I didn't watch the movie yet but man, I have no idea what context they belong in. Not like I play Street Fighter for the story though :lol


I just spent an hour and a half practicing FADC in training mode against a dummy Ryu programmed to spit fireballs perpetually.
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