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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Pop On Arrival said:
Anyone up for some matches? PSN: Vicious-chan

I main Chun li and I'm horrible.

Oh man, I'd love to take you up on that later if so. I'm a horrible Chun Li player too. Let' see where a mirror match gets us

Mr Jared

If any of you folks are on Facebook, I've gone ahead and created an event for KS Light this week-


Feel free to join it and help spread the word! We're officially on Ustream's picks list, so now we're looking to try and get them to front page us.

Someone at the tourney I went to over the weekend said to just block low against Blanka and I tired it last night. It worked a lot better than I ever imagined. I never realized how much it limits Blanka to just sit there. Punish jump ins and tech throws, yeah!

Damn. Too bad n3ss doesn't play Blanka anymore ;D
Won said:
As Street Fighter scrub I say remove all charge characters! None of them are fun to fight. Some are even downright stupid. (I pretty sure they were smoking something illegal while designing Claw) But I'm pretty sure thats just me. :p
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
my main & my 2ndaries are all charge characters
you would basically ban me


On level 12 of Normal Time Attack (IIRC), the game really tries to counter EVERYTHING.

Blanka vs. Ken: Blanka roll is countered by DP
vs. Fei Long: Blanka roll is counted by flaming kick
vs. Guile: Ultra is counted by Flash Kick & air throw :lol

It's so ridiculous. So I have to bait them to get close so the AI doesn't have enough time to react.


I think I officially qualify for worst street fighter player. :lol
I'v played (read: lost) a ton of online matches today. I'm currently at 15 wins out of a 104 played matches. Sometimes I manage to get close but I never manage to seal the deal. I also find it really hard to deal with people who turtle or who spam hadokens non stop.

Perhaps it would be better to choose a different character but I love Viper and I refuse to become another Ken/Ryu player. Maybe it's me but am I correct when I say that Viper's moves hardly ever get priority?
Danielsan said:
I think I officially qualify for worst street fighter player. :lol
I'v played (read: lost) a ton of online matches today. I'm currently at 15 wins out of a 104 played matches. Sometimes I manage to get close but I never manage to seal the deal. I also find it really hard to deal with people who turtle or who spam hadokens non stop.

Perhaps it would be better to choose a different character but I love Viper and I refuse to become another Ken/Ryu player.
Viper actually has a few solutions for this.

Her Toward+MP overhead goes over hadokens
Her LP thunder knuckle goes under fireballs
Her burning kick nullifies fireballs, but it's difficult to time right
kiryogi said:
Oh man, I'd love to take you up on that later if so. I'm a horrible Chun Li player too. Let' see where a mirror match gets us

Sure, let's go for it. But not right now, I have to catch some z's. Just add me up and let's play whenever we see each other online.


_dementia said:
Viper actually has a few solutions for this.

Her Toward+MP overhead goes over hadokens
Her LP thunder knuckle goes under fireballs
Her burning kick nullifies fireballs, but it's difficult to time right
Thanks for the tips.

qcf x2

Danielsan said:
I think I officially qualify for worst street fighter player. :lol
I'v played (read: lost) a ton of online matches today. I'm currently at 15 wins out of a 104 played matches. Sometimes I manage to get close but I never manage to seal the deal. I also find it really hard to deal with people who turtle or who spam hadokens non stop.

Perhaps it would be better to choose a different character but I love Viper and I refuse to become another Ken/Ryu player. Maybe it's me but am I correct when I say that Viper's moves hardly ever get priority?

XBL or PSN? I've been getting a lot of compliments on my Viper lately, and I've basically shelved my secondary character (Rose). As for your issue, it is your DREAM to get someone to turtle! Here are your options:

1. Throw. Whether you're in range or you dash first.
2. Overhead MP. Mix that up with low mk-->medium/light Thunder Knuckle (add super if available).
3. Jump over them(or super jump) and do a Burning Kick very low in the air. I find that using the sk version usually works best (destroys Sagat and shotos), but mixing it up is a good idea. It's a pretty nasty cross up and you want to try to do the move as you are directly overhead.

You do a few of those repeatedly and you will have your opponent telegraphing their jump ins. Which is where you FP thunder knuckle and do it again for the juggle.

Versus hadouken spam:

1. LP Thunder Knuckle (might wanna go to training to get the timing) to show them you ain't scared.
2. Jump or Super jump, wait, Burning Kick (when you do it should depend on what they do when you jump. You might even score a hit, and in this case I often do a neutral super jump...that is, straight up)
3. Seismo. Even if you trade hits, this will scare them shitless and usually results in a jump which means you can do whatever you want.
4. Focus Attack Dash Cancel. Do it when the fireball is about to hit you, then dash either back or forward. Not too useful by itself if they are really spamming the fireball, because you'll lose the damage if you don't keep them at bay for your health to return, but using it in conjunction with your other options will teach them to resort to other things. Like the dragon punch. :(

Whatever you do, don't panic! You are in control and capable of a serious advantage until you face Honda and Rufus (and depending on latency you can add Blanka). At that point, pray for rain.
So here's the deal: I ONLY play as Chun Li. Is that ok? I assume if I ever want to get "good" (which I doubt is in my future), I should diversify; but for right now, I'm just trying to master one character. Is it bad manners to only use one character (like in player matches, or with gaffers)?


Bacon of Hope
SnakeswithLasers said:
So here's the deal: I ONLY play as Chun Li. Is that ok? I assume if I ever want to get "good" (which I doubt is in my future), I should diversify; but for right now, I'm just trying to master one character. Is it bad manners to only use one character (like in player matches, or with gaffers)?

I think its best to just stick to one characters for as long as possible. I virtually only play Sagat and after a while you just learn more and more about the character. I try to get combos down for every character and have an understanding of what they can do, but overall I just stick to one.


qcf x2 said:
XBL or PSN? I've been getting a lot of compliments on my Viper lately, and I've basically shelved my secondary character (Rose). As for your issue, it is your DREAM to get someone to turtle! Here are your options:

1. Throw. Whether you're in range or you dash first.
2. Overhead MP. Mix that up with low mk-->medium/light Thunder Knuckle (add super if available).
3. Jump over them(or super jump) and do a Burning Kick very low in the air. I find that using the sk version usually works best (destroys Sagat and shotos), but mixing it up is a good idea. It's a pretty nasty cross up and you want to try to do the move as you are directly overhead.

You do a few of those repeatedly and you will have your opponent telegraphing their jump ins. Which is where you FP thunder knuckle and do it again for the juggle.

Versus hadouken spam:

1. LP Thunder Knuckle (might wanna go to training to get the timing) to show them you ain't scared.
2. Jump or Super jump, wait, Burning Kick (when you do it should depend on what they do when you jump. You might even score a hit, and in this case I often do a neutral super jump...that is, straight up)
3. Seismo. Even if you trade hits, this will scare them shitless and usually results in a jump which means you can do whatever you want.
4. Focus Attack Dash Cancel. Do it when the fireball is about to hit you, then dash either back or forward. Not too useful by itself if they are really spamming the fireball, because you'll lose the damage if you don't keep them at bay for your health to return, but using it in conjunction with your other options will teach them to resort to other things. Like the dragon punch. :(

Whatever you do, don't panic! You are in control and capable of a serious advantage until you face Honda and Rufus (and depending on latency you can add Blanka). At that point, pray for rain.
Really appreciate the tips, thanks :)

SnakeswithLasers said:
So here's the deal: I ONLY play as Chun Li. Is that ok? I assume if I ever want to get "good" (which I doubt is in my future), I should diversify; but for right now, I'm just trying to master one character. Is it bad manners to only use one character (like in player matches, or with gaffers)?
I really don't think it's bad manners to use one character. If that's the one your good with or the one you want to improve then that's the one you should play with.
We should play some player matches some time ( I added you yesterday)


he's Virgin Tight™
SnakeswithLasers said:
So here's the deal: I ONLY play as Chun Li. Is that ok? I assume if I ever want to get "good" (which I doubt is in my future), I should diversify; but for right now, I'm just trying to master one character. Is it bad manners to only use one character (like in player matches, or with gaffers)?

I mastered Chun to certain degree, now I am moving on to Boxer.

I can use Vega, Guile, Honda and Blanka (ok, all the charge characters) quite efficiently, but I am now working to master Boxer. He's a beast.

Also on defense of charge characters, it's my belief that these characters require far more tactical usage than other characters like the Shoto. Charge do not require crazy movements (ok, except Guile's and Vega's Ultras/Supers) so you can focus on how to time everything to the second. You need to be careful for charge breaks and learn that you can charge as soon as you are done with an attack. You need to be able to predict and unleash the move at the right moment.

I really do not like to be moving my stick like a mad man to pull some move, I prefer to just read the game and execute things cleanly. CHARGE FTW!!!
~Devil Trigger~ said:
your shtick is getting old and boring, Move on.

To be fair the graphics are less hideous on smaller TV's, although masking the garish filters doesn't make up for the wildly inconsistent background character models. This is Udon level bad.

Abel was neat though, he almost feels like a SF3 character with his great space controlling options.


Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I'm stuck at #3 on the hard time trials in Challenge Mode. My M.O. here is to spam lariats with Zangief like everyone else but when it comes to Cammy she wipes the floor with me every time. :(
haunts said:
I think its best to just stick to one characters for as long as possible. I virtually only play Sagat and after a while you just learn more and more about the character. I try to get combos down for every character and have an understanding of what they can do, but overall I just stick to one.

Ya, I definitely see an advantage to learning at least the basics of everyone just to understand their style.

Danielsan said:
I really don't think it's bad manners to use one character. If that's the one your good with or the one you want to improve then that's the one you should play with.
We should play some player matches some time ( I added you yesterday)

Sure thing man! I did some ranked matches yesterday. I'm still at 0 BP. I enjoy the really hard fought battles that I ultimately lose in 3 rounds--but then I see the guy has 2 or 3k BP and he only got 1 for beating me, so I chuckle at that.


SnakeswithLasers said:
So here's the deal: I ONLY play as Chun Li. Is that ok? I assume if I ever want to get "good" (which I doubt is in my future), I should diversify; but for right now, I'm just trying to master one character. Is it bad manners to only use one character (like in player matches, or with gaffers)?

Maybe Im strange, but I'll stop playing people if they dont change it up every now and then. I personally won't play the same guy more than twice in a row before I switch to another character. I usually have like 3-4 guys I'll switch between.


SnakeswithLasers said:
So here's the deal: I ONLY play as Chun Li. Is that ok? I assume if I ever want to get "good" (which I doubt is in my future), I should diversify; but for right now, I'm just trying to master one character. Is it bad manners to only use one character (like in player matches, or with gaffers)?
I can understand wanting a really good grasp of one character, but using all the characters will help you in matches against them as you'll understand better the strengths and weaknesses, their timings and reach things like that.


needs to show more effort.
rager said:
gg slayn777
Well played. I have to admit those matches were interesting. I don't mean to be insulting but it seemed like you were a beginner in terms of execution. No combos, not punishing stuff you could, etc.

And yet, you were extremely unpredictable at times and had a sense of timing that was much, much higher than I expected. It was a style I've honestly never played against before and was pretty tough to think around.

Definitely well played. I mean hell, I used blanka and lost. Surprised the crap out of me.

Great King Bowser

Property of Kaz Harai
Apologies for my crappy connection Slayn. Every now and then I'll get an evening where it'll repeatedly drop connection. My NAT is Open so i'm not entirely sure what it is. It's always in the late evening (GMT) when it happens to me though. Guessing that's peak traffic in terms of worldwide online games.


I am Korean.
BitchTits said:
I can understand wanting a really good grasp of one character, but using all the characters will help you in matches against them as you'll understand better the strengths and weaknesses, their timings and reach things like that.
Unless you only play random. Then you'll be bad with everyone equally.


BitchTits said:
I can understand wanting a really good grasp of one character, but using all the characters will help you in matches against them as you'll understand better the strengths and weaknesses, their timings and reach things like that.
I dunno about that, I mostly play as Chun Li and have the most losses in this game against other Chun Li's.

Ploid 3.0

dfyb said:
to anyone: invite dfyb on PSN if you want practice against a decent fuerte

I always miss these. I'm currently downloading something. Not sure if that's a good idea when playing sf4.

Edit: Why can't people be more active like this in the online forum. It would allow me to feel less shady about wanting to accept invites.


Dropped the lady off at work and have the day off. It is, how they say, go time.
Kojikun on Live, Koji-chan on PSN. Lemme know.


gutter_trash said:
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
my main & my 2ndaries are all charge characters
you would basically ban me

I'm pretty sure you would find a replacement. :p

Today's match-ups consisted of Ryu/Boxer/Blanka/Dictator. People reeeeaaally love pressing/holding the d-pad/stick backwards in this game.

At least Kens are mostly gone. ^^


how do people even ragequit? i got cataferal's invite in the first match of a PLAYER match but couldn't quit to accept it (was too late when i finished the match). start/select do nothing... do people pull the cord?

edit: i'm still accepting invites or will invite someone if they give me a PSN ID.
dfyb said:
how do people even ragequit? i got cataferal's invite in the first match of a PLAYER match but couldn't quit to accept it (was too late when i finished the match). start/select do nothing... do people pull the cord?

Either pull the cord or hit the Home button and select "Quit Game"(only on PSN, don't know about Live).

Oh yeah, I also finally broke 2k BP for the first time today. I'm nothing special though, I only beat scrubs and players of my skill level. I main Ryu and I'd say Blanka is definitely my worse match up. Honestly, I can't even beat Blanka scrubs :( . But yeah, I feel that I've come a long ways since I started SF4. I still can't SRK>FADC>Ultra consistently enough to actually punish people with it in a actual match but I've learned a few other tricks along the way.


dfyb said:
how do people even ragequit? i got cataferal's invite in the first match of a PLAYER match but couldn't quit to accept it (was too late when i finished the match). start/select do nothing... do people pull the cord?

Most are unintentional! I got disconnected somewhat frequently and have gotten quite a bit of msgs accusing me of rage-quitting. Most often happens between rounds or the start of a new one.


dfyb said:
how do people even ragequit? i got cataferal's invite in the first match of a PLAYER match but couldn't quit to accept it (was too late when i finished the match). start/select do nothing... do people pull the cord?

edit: i'm still accepting invites or will invite someone if they give me a PSN ID.
dfyb said:
how do people even ragequit? i got cataferal's invite in the first match of a PLAYER match but couldn't quit to accept it (was too late when i finished the match). start/select do nothing... do people pull the cord?

edit: i'm still accepting invites or will invite someone if they give me a PSN ID.

Xbox Guide button + Y should ask if you want to go to your dashboard.

PS Button + quit game will do the trick on PS3.


Digital Foundry
Good games dfyb! I was well and truly schooled in the art of El Fuerte there.

I could never predict which type of jump you were going to use next. You mixed things up really well.


Hey, sorry about the slow turn around after the second match dyfb, I was trying to send you a message asking if you wanted to restart as the 60 seconds was a mistake of mine.
Could anyone give me some tips for dealing with fireball spammers as Abel? Ill never be any more than a below-average player, but i do feel that i have enough skill to deal with the spammers as im sure once i get to them they have no backup plan :lol Obviously his forward roll goes through them, but i seem to mess it up a lot, so apart from practising that what other options do i have? Although i do it more as a fluke, its very fun to wheel kick over them :D
LuCkymoON said:
I dunno about that, I mostly play as Chun Li and have the most losses in this game against other Chun Li's.
That's not uncommon. Most people get used to seeing their mains perform just as they play them, and the likely change in play style vs. a different player can be jarring. I hate playing against other Ryus for that very reason. I've made MicVlaD sweat a little when I've used Sim before (but he still comes out ahead), and have pretty badly torn down one of my peeps as his own main (Cammy) to which he gladly returned the favor next match. :)


GGs Cataferal and RevenantKioku.

Gen is so weird haha. you're one of the few i've seen who know how to use him.

lag from japan was less than i anticipated (at least on my end -- not sure how it affected you, RevenantKioku). i should record a match against a local sakura player i met at some ranbats -- he gets me into these huge ridiculous combos and is good at avoiding my run shenanigans (and he has 5.3k BP, though i think his brother (plays abel) also plays on his account).

RevenantKioku said:
Hey, sorry about the slow turn around after the second match dyfb, I was trying to send you a message asking if you wanted to restart as the 60 seconds was a mistake of mine.
np. i need to get back to studying for a Japanese oral exam anyway.


I hate fireball spam Akuma. I have no idea what to do against it.


needs to show more effort.
Charmicarmicat said:
Could anyone give me some tips for dealing with fireball spammers as Abel? Ill never be any more than a below-average player, but i do feel that i have enough skill to deal with the spammers as im sure once i get to them they have no backup plan :lol Obviously his forward roll goes through them, but i seem to mess it up a lot, so apart from practising that what other options do i have? Although i do it more as a fluke, its very fun to wheel kick over them :D
Can't you do the wheel kick thing to go over the fireball and kick them in the face?

I can't read.

Also focus attack through them or jump over them.

dfyb said:
so is neogaf waiting for the patch to have their first tournament?
we have both a psn and an xblive tournament going on right now. I think they are nearing the end.


oh damn. guess it started when i was busy with KZ2.

edit: wow i even signed up but forgot all about it. damnit. oh well, back then i didn't even play fuerte.
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