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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


I've found that Blanka is really good when it comes to the time trials. The computer LOVES to do Focus Attacks against ground sweeps but I've found that when Blanka does his ground sweep (the one that goes under fireballs), most of the characters' focus attacks miss.

I couldn't do shit with Guile. He used to be my main. Now I'm with Blanka. I might use Zangief for Survival...

And damn...the last Normal Time Trial was 25 stages. :-/ They start you off with a full Ultra & Super Combo meter, but damn. I started off each stage with an Ultra and near the 21st stage, my thumb went numb :lol


marwan said:
am i the only person that doesn't know how to play SF4 with a stick? is this normal? :( i just feel comfortable using a pad instead....so much for dropping the cash on a TE stick! ;(

edit: why is the music so rubbish in SF4? it's not as memorable as SF2. I just wish there was a way to play (remixed)SF2 music in SF4.

Sticks just take time to adjust to, but I feel WAY more in control with one, my biggest issue before I adjusted was just timing on special moves.. Say your doing a fireball with a pad vs stick: with the stick i wait just a split second longer to hit my punch button. I grew up on SF using Genisis/SNES Pads, once Street Fighter 3rd Strike came out I started playing in arcade, then I got it for Dreamcast and picked up a green meanie Dreamcast stick. I'm a much better player using a stick now, just takes time get it down. DON'T GIVE UP ON STICKS!


i was going through SF4 withdrawal at GDC but today Criware had a sweet SF4 setup on a big screen with fightpads. Scored myself a tshirt with my ken skills :p


good credit (by proxy)
got an hdtv, found my sfIV disc, and now i'm getting pounded. i just got flowcharted. I was flowcharting. my bp dropped beneath 1200 from 2200. what the hell happened?


toneroni said:
i was going through SF4 withdrawal at GDC but today Criware had a sweet SF4 setup on a big screen with fightpads. Scored myself a tshirt with my ken skills :p

Man, I'm not bashing you or saying you don't have skills..but seeing Ken and Skills in the same sentence now a days just makes me laugh so hard I almost fall over. Gratz on the shirt though!:D


Some of these achievements are gonna be a bitch to get :lol

-Title Master: Collect all Titles (aka beat ALL trials)
-Icon Master: Collect all Icons (aka beat ALL trials)
-Challenger Expert: Clear all Challenges in Challenge Mode
-The Gold Standard: Earn gold medals in all challenges @_@

I like to have all of the achievements for all of my 360 games.....but this is gonna be one huge ass commitment

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
wooo I just been battling online with ryu a lot and started getting destroyed by a flowchart ken, he was shameless throwing fierce uppercuts everytime on wakeup and i was falling for it,

the guy got 3-0 wins over me and after nearly sending the stick out the window I gave him 1 more game, relaxed and punished the shit out of every single wake up dragon punch he threw my way.

Then I played him 2x as blanka and DESTROYED him. he left as it was 3-3 :lol

Improving a lot with Ryu now however I still mess up on some basic combos, like jumping HK, c.HP fireball. Sometimes the fireball doesn't combo and I eat a ken dragon punch quick.

Flowchart kens are very good at punishing messed combos/links because as soon as the hit combo begins they are smashing that uppercut hoping for a gap. Half the time they get one vs me as well :lol

Fun game though, I want to improve more with Blanka, he's sooo good. always get close matches against people better than me with him.


Ok, what the hell, I've been playing with Boxer online for the past hour , I'M WINNING and I've been getting DCed in half my matches on PSN... I think it's just time to give it up for the night. Sorry to anyone that might have been playing me. Eather I hate the online, or my cable company lot's and lot's.=/


catfish said:
wooo I just been battling online with ryu a lot and started getting destroyed by a flowchart ken, he was shameless throwing fierce uppercuts everytime on wakeup and i was falling for it,

the guy got 3-0 wins over me and after nearly sending the stick out the window I gave him 1 more game, relaxed and punished the shit out of every single wake up dragon punch he threw my way.

Then I played him 2x as blanka and DESTROYED him. he left as it was 3-3 :lol

Improving a lot with Ryu now however I still mess up on some basic combos, like jumping HK, c.HP fireball. Sometimes the fireball doesn't combo and I eat a ken dragon punch quick.

Flowchart kens are very good at punishing messed combos/links because as soon as the hit combo begins they are smashing that uppercut hoping for a gap. Half the time they get one vs me as well :lol

Fun game though, I want to improve more with Blanka, he's sooo good. always get close matches against people better than me with him.

Haha, this is exactly my problem versus these kinds of players. I jump in gracefully over a hadoken, score a hit, begin a combo... but if I mess up one link - "SHORYUKEN!". I'm decent against the wake-ups, they usually get me once or twice, and then i just block/punish the rest.

I think I'm getting better against them though. I usually just hover around mid range, mostly crouch blocking, punish jump-ins with a c. fp (Sakura) and try to anticipate a hadoken so I can jump in and kick ass.

My win percentage is nearing 50%! :lol


good credit (by proxy)
So I had this guy so exasperated that he lost his cool and sent me a shit talking (I think?) message after our match. The problem is, he won the match(?).

Apparently, I lost to him so badly that afterwords he wanted to, as far as I could make out, "spit on my dick" as well as a bunch of other mumbled stuff that didn't sound good. I for one hope that no one spits on my genitals because I lost to them in Street Fighter, although his mouth was close enough to his mic when he left the message that I can't discount the possibility.


Dreavus said:
Haha, this is exactly my problem versus these kinds of players. I jump in gracefully over a hadoken, score a hit, begin a combo... but if I mess up one link - "SHORYUKEN!". I'm decent against the wake-ups, they usually get me once or twice, and then i just block/punish the rest.

I think I'm getting better against them though. I usually just hover around mid range, mostly crouch blocking, punish jump-ins with a c. fp (Sakura) and try to anticipate a hadoken so I can jump in and kick ass.

My win percentage is nearing 50%! :lol

Bait it then. End your combo before the link and let them scrub away. Destroy them on the way down. Flowchart players are annoying but tend to be really predictable.

If they do it once they will propably try it on the next combo again.
Ugh, the store I bought my sticks from wont replace my defective unit. Goddamn fucking jerks.

Turbo button goes haywire and they pretty much just told me just not to use the turbo button(I don't, but I don't want a fucking product that doesn't do everything it's supposed to)

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
west said:
Bait it then. End your combo before the link and let them scrub away. Destroy them on the way down. Flowchart players are annoying but tend to be really predictable.

If they do it once they will propably try it on the next combo again.
That's a good idea but it's just so satisfying to get the real combo out that I think I'll take the beatdowns from flowchart players as a lesson to just get better at the whole combo. It is fun with Ryu waiting for a whiffed Ken ultra to follow up with my own ultra though.

Also, starting a round with Ryus hurricane kick gets a knockdown SO OFTEN online it's weird.

Ugh, the store I bought my sticks from wont replace my defective unit. Goddamn fucking jerks.

Turbo button goes haywire and they pretty much just told me just not to use the turbo button(I don't, but I don't want a fucking product that doesn't do everything it's supposed to)

sounds illegal, mention that too them when you stand with the receipt in front of them and ask for a moneyback/exchange.

reminds me of the fucker that told me my xbox wasnt faulty because he didn't see any artifacts on the screen when testing with a composite cable. GRRR
gutter_trash said:

:lol sagat is trying to suck himself off.


catfish said:
That's a good idea but it's just so satisfying to get the real combo out that I think I'll take the beatdowns from flowchart players as a lesson to just get better at the whole combo.

Sounds familiar. I used to have the same problem, even in tornaments I wanted to go for the flashy stuff instead of just winning. I have later improved my self control (somewhat..)

The point is of course to mix it up. Fake it out once and punish with an ultra. If the opponen is the thinking kind and not just running on autopilot he will think twice about trying it again. Thats your opening to try for the whole combo.

If again he cancels his shoryuken on block confirm, start running. :D

The one thing I have learned in 20 years of fighting games: Play your opponent. (How silly does that sound. ). When I was younger I was planning ahead, "I am going for a big combo now" but that usually backfired, now I react instead of planning too much. If I see an opening I go for a combo.


catfish said:
why do people do this?!

I can't understand buying the same thing 2 times.

cuz i'm playing the game online with 2 of my best friends, one has a 360 and the other has a PS3. yes i was nice enough to buy an extra copy just to play it with a friend...and besides, it's street fighter, it's never enough owning 1 copy :)


Whine Whine FADC Troll
MIMIC said:
Some of these achievements are gonna be a bitch to get :lol

-Title Master: Collect all Titles (aka beat ALL trials)
-Icon Master: Collect all Icons (aka beat ALL trials)
-Challenger Expert: Clear all Challenges in Challenge Mode
-The Gold Standard: Earn gold medals in all challenges @_@

I like to have all of the achievements for all of my 360 games.....but this is gonna be one huge ass commitment

Don't ever get Culdcept Saga then.


west said:
Sounds familiar. I used to have the same problem, even in tornaments I wanted to go for the flashy stuff instead of just winning. I have later improved my self control (somewhat..)

The point is of course to mix it up. Fake it out once and punish with an ultra. If the opponen is the thinking kind and not just running on autopilot he will think twice about trying it again. Thats your opening to try for the whole combo.

If again he cancels his shoryuken on block confirm, start running. :D

The one thing I have learned in 20 years of fighting games: Play your opponent. (How silly does that sound. ). When I was younger I was planning ahead, "I am going for a big combo now" but that usually backfired, now I react instead of planning too much. If I see an opening I go for a combo.

I agree, you should focus more on playing not just using a fancy combo. I have learned that timing is more important at times than just doing some long combo chain.


gutter_trash said:
oh Sagat, you have more tools of destruction at your disposal why oh why?

Because you're a JeRk

I haven't had any trouble with people quitting... until the last time I played online. And it wasn't even ranked, it was just a basic player match. Why do people bother with this??? Especially when it doesn't count against your BP, are your own offline stats that important to you?


Charmicarmicat said:
Thanks for the tips on Abel, still have a long way to go but I'll keep practising. I think my main problem is consistency, I saw one post with someone mentioning that the the inputs are a lot stricter in this game, and I think thats something I need to work on. Ive learnt to deal with Gief spammers at least which is quite a triumph for me as I'm normally useless at any sort of strategizing :D One question though, does Abel's ultra have priority over Gief's grab where he runs at you, and can that move be cancelled if they see me go for the ultra?

I played quite a bit tonight and really enjoyed myself, I thought at first I wasnt going to get into the game that much but I've turned around quite a bit. I lose a hell of a lot but I'm actually ok with it as long as it's a good opponent. My only worry is that people will think I'm a move-spammer mylsef as I use the roll into a grab, the wheel kick and the 3-hit special maybe a bit too much :lol

Answers! :)

1- Abel's Ultra does have priority over gief's running grab. So you can safely do it (I've done it plenty!)

2- Basically, against Gief (not sure if you know this already anyway), your single best tool is the jab tornado throw. It will beat all his command throws except super and ultra. Whenever you see a gief doing an invisible hand, jab tornado throw. He's next to you when you get up? Jab tornado throw. This puts Gief in a bad situation where he has to constantly be away from you since if he's close his best option is dead. He now has to rely on far lariats which you can punish with sweeps. :)

If you want to get better with Abel, learn his j.mk crossup. It's his best move, comboed into c.mp -> med CoDx3.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
bit of a noob question here, but I play my flatmate a lot and he doesn't really improve his game and relies waaaay to much on guile double crouching roundhouse -> flashkick.

I block both roundhouses, wait for the flashkick (like clockwork) and the beat him down, however, he's not learning that it's so easy for me to beat him so ideally I want to thrash the beans out of him after the double crouching roundhouse. But I dunno, vs my ryu it seems kind of.... safe.

he eats all his damage from me by punishing the flash kicks he throws to many of and jump ins when I break his charge. I'm better than him by a decent amount, but want to teach him to rely on other techniques so the competition can stay closer.


needs to show more effort.
catfish said:
bit of a noob question here, but I play my flatmate a lot and he doesn't really improve his game and relies waaaay to much on guile double crouching roundhouse -> flashkick.

I block both roundhouses, wait for the flashkick (like clockwork) and the beat him down, however, he's not learning that it's so easy for me to beat him so ideally I want to thrash the beans out of him after the double crouching roundhouse. But I dunno, vs my ryu it seems kind of.... safe.

he eats all his damage from me by punishing the flash kicks he throws to many of and jump ins when I break his charge. I'm better than him by a decent amount, but want to teach him to rely on other techniques so the competition can stay closer.
there is quite a bit of delay between the two crouching roundhouse kicks. Enough time, in fact, for you to block the first and jump kick him in the face while he's doing the 2nd. Or enough time to block the first and do a focus attack to crumple him as a counter to the 2nd.
Dreavus said:
Haha, this is exactly my problem versus these kinds of players. I jump in gracefully over a hadoken, score a hit, begin a combo... but if I mess up one link - "SHORYUKEN!". I'm decent against the wake-ups, they usually get me once or twice, and then i just block/punish the rest.l

yeah, hate that crap too! But I learned to just bait em with jabs when i go in and just wait for them to whiff the d punch again and then really punish them after that. When I'm playing shots or sagat, I learned not to be too overzealous, back off a bit, and just slowly chip them away.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
slayn said:
there is quite a bit of delay between the two crouching roundhouse kicks. Enough time, in fact, for you to block the first and jump kick him in the face while he's doing the 2nd. Or enough time to block the first and do a focus attack to crumple him as a counter to the 2nd.

oh, i was just trying to punish after the second and getting flash kicks.

I'll give that a go. Still think Ryu vs Guile is one of the best fights. Might be nostalgia talking though


Bacon of Hope
catfish said:
oh, i was just trying to punish after the second and getting flash kicks.

I'll give that a go. Still think Ryu vs Guile is one of the best fights. Might be nostalgia talking though

Yeah you can Ultra inbetwen the kicks with a lot of characters and you can Focus Attack the second hit with everyone.

Oni Jazar

This is the only game where I feel like hiring a guy to come to my house and teach me to play right.

I try to mix things up, learn the combos, links, cancels, etc but damn it's hard. I'm still getting beat down by flowchart fools because I screw things up too much. It doesn't help that I do poorly under pressure. :p

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Oni Jazar said:
I try to mix things up, learn the combos, links, cancels, etc but damn it's hard. I'm still getting beat down by flowchart fools because I screw things up too much. It doesn't help that I do poorly under pressure. :p

I stopped trying to learn everything you drown in the info.

just learn one thing, master it, move on. chances are you'll learn a bunch of other stuff on your own in the meantime.

As for pressure panic, that's one of the best bits of the game!! I always know when it's time to switch off the xbox though, when I get knocked down and start wobbling the joystick and smashing buttons to 'getup quicker' I know I've hit the wall for the night.

seriously the best game I've played in a long time though. I'm getting halo like levels of addiction from it.


Am I the only person with online problems on PSN? For the past fews days I haven't been able to join any games at all, it just says "unable to connect, search again?", and no one joins if I do the hosting which is unusual :S

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
decon said:
Am I the only person with online problems on PSN? For the past fews days I haven't been able to join any games at all, it just says "unable to connect, search again?", and no one joins if I do the hosting which is unusual :S

I have that on xbox, I can never join, challengers show up less frequently, but still barely get 2 rounds done before the challenger arrives.

I have moderate or strict NAT though so I put it down to that.
haunts said:
JR is so sick.. -_-;

that Jump MP with Sagat trades/beats a lot of stuff.

Haha. I started using that for a lot of jump ins after noticing most of the better players use it for jump ins. I had no idea why it was better.


Digital Foundry
I have NAT mode 2 (PS3), which means I can search for games, but around 50% of them are unjoinable. A real cause for frustration right there...


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Oni Jazar said:
This is the only game where I feel like hiring a guy to come to my house and teach me to play right.

I try to mix things up, learn the combos, links, cancels, etc but damn it's hard. I'm still getting beat down by flowchart fools because I screw things up too much. It doesn't help that I do poorly under pressure. :p

You just need to relax and ultimately just zone out. Don't over-think things. Just do what comes natural.

Alcohol helps.
Am I the only person with online problems on PSN? For the past fews days I haven't been able to join any games at all, it just says "unable to connect, search again?", and no one joins if I do the hosting which is unusual :S

You need to fix your router to get the correct NAT TYPE (I believe it's TYPE 2, but don't quote me). If your router has UPnP, enable that.

Do we get the costume combo pack today on PSN?
drmcclin said:
You need to fix your router to get the correct NAT TYPE (I believe it's TYPE 2, but don't quote me). If your router has UPnP, enable that.

Can someone confirm this? I was having trouble last night as well, so I'll have to check my settings tonight, but I'd like to know which is preferable.


shooting blanks
DaCocoBrova said:
You just need to relax and ultimately just zone out. Don't over-think things. Just do what comes natural.

Alcohol helps.


Very true although if you drink too much you'll be worse than sober.
prodystopian said:
Can someone confirm this? I was having trouble last night as well, so I'll have to check my settings tonight, but I'd like to know which is preferable.

after a quick "nat type ps3" google search, I can confirm it is indeed TYPE 2 you're looking for. You can either forward the required ports for your PS3 from your router's settings, or just enable UPnP (much easier) if your router supports it (my 6 year old router does).

To check which TYPE you're currently getting you have to go to the "network settings" page on the PS3.
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