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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
MNC said:
Had some great player matches today. Thank god there are still some people who play normal instead of spamming fireball/dragonpunches.


jump the fireballs block the dragon punches and punish?


jaundicejuice said:
Man school has been eating up all of my free time and I have barely been able to play this game. Then something cool happened, a classmate brought in his PS3 and we played SFIV on our class room projector, it was pretty bad ass. Everyone played and even though the skill levels were pretty varied a good time was had by all. I even helped my buddy unlock a few characters. This totally motivated me to fire up my PS3 and get down to unlocking everyone. I managed to get Gouken and Akuma tonight after a bit of work. Once I get Seth unlocked (I have zero intention of ever using him) I'll have no excuse but to go online and see how badly I'll do.

I finally got around to unlocking more characters last night. Cammy was my last non-special character that I needed and I’ve been making it a point to always beat the game on medium with the same person selected throughout. That way it forces me to at least learn a little more about that character’s strengths and weaknesses.

After a while I finally beat the game with Rose expecting Cammy to be playable and then find out that I needed to use Viper. Doh! Next time I need to remember that my memory isn’t what it used to be. Anyways, I was struggling with finding a good use with Viper’s ultra, especially against Seth. I think I read you can link it into a combo but I had trouble pulling it off.

Does she say “idiot!” when she does her ‘electro’-throw? She looks pimp in her white outfit.

It was also nice after taking so long to unlock these characters on medium to switch up the difficulty/time/etc. to wiz by and unlock Akuma. (there was no way I am keeping it on medium for Akuma and Gouken’s requirements)

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
fatty said:
It was also nice after taking so long to unlock these characters on medium to switch up the difficulty/time/etc. to wiz by and unlock Akuma. (there was no way I am keeping it on medium for Akuma and Gouken’s requirements)
I also wasted too much time on arcade mode unlocking and 'practicing' just hop online and get your ass kicked all over town, you improve your game at roughly 10x the speed.

Computer is good for practicing your combos I guess as they are more predictable, but real players are soo much better and teach you much much more.


catfish said:
I also wasted too much time on arcade mode unlocking and 'practicing' just hop online and get your ass kicked all over town, you improve your game at roughly 10x the speed.

Computer is good for practicing your combos I guess as they are more predictable, but real players are soo much better and teach you much much more.

Don’t get me wrong, I play online (and lose) plenty. But I don’t face too many Vipers, Abels, Hondas, etc. online to get a good feel for the character and I want to at least get my feet wet with them before selecting them myself online. That and I still enjoy playing arcade mode. (Sometimes the CPU is also pretty consistent with FA so that has also helped me learn to counter them)

On a side note, Ken has always been my main but when I first started playing online I gravitated more towards Chun-li and Blanka (playing Ken every so often) because I know how people “hate fighting shotos”. I hovered around the 700-800 BP range for the longest time.

Finally I said skip it, I’m going to be who I want and try to get better with Ken, and last night I brought myself up to around 1600 BP. I love playing the higher ranked players who assume I will just go FB/DP route, but I play just the opposite. I’m very aggressive and rarely use dragon punches, mainly just for Anti-air on wake-up or in a combo.

My mains now are probably Ken and Blanka. Trying to learn Fuerte because he is so dang fun to play but when I play a skilled fighter I get taken out to the woodshed for a massive beating. But I am improving. I also love his aggressive style which keeps people guessing.


catfish said:

jump the fireballs block the dragon punches and punish?
Oh I know how to go around them :lol but that's the thing that's all they do, and don't put up a fight. it was a normal ken and not a flowcharter.

Also normal = not a flowcharter.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
fatty said:
I love playing the higher ranked players who assume I will just go FB/DP route, but I play just the opposite. I’m very aggressive and rarely use dragon punches, mainly just for Anti-air on wake-up or in a combo.
That happens to me all the time, I main Ryu, but when I see ANYONE pick Ken or Ryu I try to knock them down and just run directly over to em and block the wakeup dragon punch.

when i meet a good Ken/Ryu it's frown time for me for at least half a round (and sometimes 2-3 rounds)


good credit (by proxy)
Teknopathetic said:
The lesson here is to just block the ultra if you have enough health instead of trying to do something fancy :p.

I know this post was bison specific, but with ryu at least, you can cr. hp blanka at the apex of his ball and it will pretty much always trade hits and knock him out of the ultra, taking about the same amount of damage as if you blocked, but also doing damage on him, and if you can get the timing right(kind of hard to do online sometimes) you can hit him out of his ultra at the apex of his ball and not take damage.

catfish said:
That happens to me all the time, I main Ryu, but when I see ANYONE pick Ken or Ryu I try to knock them down and just run directly over to em and block the wakeup dragon punch.

when i meet a good Ken/Ryu it's frown time for me for at least half a round (and sometimes 2-3 rounds)

I do the opposite. I assume he's going to be good and then get hit with random DP's the first round. I think this is a better assumption because if they suck and you end up losing the first round, you can usually get the next 2 on a bad player pretty easily just punishing all those DP's. If I assume they're flowchart and they're not and I lose the first round, i'm at a huge disadvantage of having to win 2 in a row against a good player.

Anyone have a more viable punish combo for Ryu against Ken players than FA, solar plexus into dragon punch? I can't seem to do anything better because if it seems like if I miss anything by a frame I just get DP'ed, which gets old quick. I think this takes around 30% damage.


Second-rate Anihawk
LakeEarth said:
WTF, Gouken is banned? He isn't even top tier.

I'm working on Abel, he's pretty cool. I need to learn how to use his CoD better though, I only win with him because of his ultra.
bububu you can back throw into ultra. overpowered!


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Gouken banned? Ridiculous.

On one hand, I'd imagine that a top-class guy could do wonders with him, kinda like how Viper works, but he's got a lot of things that bring him down - non-projectile characters make his dragon punch move useless, and top players will tech his throw into Ultra...

Seth, well, again he's got defense like an egg shell, but his combos are insane - still see no reason to ban him as well though...

I hope they didn't base that off early forum talk before the game even hit consoles...

KevinCow said:
Wow, that guy's got way more persistence than me. :lol

I start getting REALLY pissed off at about 5-10 straight losses. I'd probably quit at 15-20.

I really hate when people kick me out when I'm losing. No! Screw you! We keep playing until I win or until I quit, dammit!

I wanted to stop to tell you the truth, because I really hate to watch/fight guys that play turtle-style from the second the match starts - I'd understand if you're low on health or taking way too much damage, but it really annoys me, even if I still win - I guess that is just my aggressive nature in everything gaming - shooters, fighting games, etc....

But in the first few matches when he was getting beat barely (I didn't see through his one-trick pony Gouken by then yet) he was giving thumbs-up when the matches were over - but when he started to seriously take a beating and get dizzied, perfected/almost perfected, the thumbs-up stopped coming - I thought I'd keep playing him to see if he'll switch his game up like a Ken I played a month ago who learned the hard way to stop throwing wake-up Shoryukens, and in the end became a better player who started to win rounds against me, but not this guy...

I still give him some props for choosing Gouken, who I barely see, but he should learn to come forward and attack as well - sometimes I even took the lead and stood on the other end of the screen and made him leave his corner so he could see how annoying that was to just run the whole match...

qcf x2

_dementia said:
It doesn't make sense. They might as well ban all the console characters.

Well, Sakura sucks so you can't ban her. Ditto with Dan. Gouken's throw into super/ultra is cheesy, but I'm not sure it's any worse than Ryu and his five million free ultra setups. But really, if you allow throw into ultra you should at least make it so that the ultra doesn't cleanly connect (like when Ken uses his in a juggle). Oh well.

BTW guys, I am having some kind of psychological problem. I keep losing in ranked, and never ever ever to a better opponent. A few guys messaged me "GG" to which I kinda replied "thx but not really" then they try to give me advice, I challenge them in Player Match and run off double digit win streaks. In Player Matches I'm fine, but for some reason in ranked the last two days, regardless of if the person has 5000 bp or 1500 I lose.

I'm down to 3100 bp from 4100 yesterday. Makes no sense, I feel like Rick Ankiel (baseball reference).
LakeEarth said:
WTF, Gouken is banned? He isn't even top tier.

There have been tournaments that have banned Gouken and Seth. It seems to be a debate that hasn't been resolved yet. They have banned Akuma from HDR at Evo, but they haven't made any announcements about SFIV. I'm interested to see what they do.


But unlike Sagat, Gouken has big disadvantages. He's really short on normal range, his throw range is pretty short (obviously because what you can do with it), and his only wakeup option is EX Hurricane kick, which if missed is easier to punish than a fricken SRK.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
why is it that when I fight a sagat and jump his tiger shot high, he can jump after I'm almost at the apex and kick me out of the sky even though I've got my foot out :(


Gouken's got some awesome juggle ability, enough where if your playing a good enough Gouken you feel like your playing in Tekken, lol. I can see the potential, although I have yet to play/see any Goukens where it's totally blown my mind.

Seth's problem is that he's super Dhaslim. He's got the HP of a frail girl, but he's got superb keepaway, and if the fight has to get up close he's quick and has awesome combos. Like in one of the Gooteck's podcasts where they were debating him, they mentioned all it takes for him is to get a good enough life bar lead, and then its round over since its so easy for him to run away and keep you occupied while doing it.


AllGamer said:
Because the alt. costume gives you a huge advantage? :lol

Well, I played an Akuma once with his alt costume on the night version of the chinese stage....I wasn't able to see what exactly the Akuma player was doing. But I was probably just tired. :lol

LakeEarth said:
But unlike Sagat, Gouken has big disadvantages. He's really short on normal range, his throw range is pretty short (obviously because what you can do with it), and his only wakeup option is EX Hurricane kick, which if missed is easier to punish than a fricken SRK.

I think he can do his counter on wake-up. That move still bothers me way too much and I support this banning!
But I hope it isn't because of his throw ultra. Rufus has an easier time to land his ultra. :lol

But no idea about Seth. He can be good, but I think his ultra is a bit overrated.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
prodystopian said:
There have been tournaments that have banned Gouken and Seth. It seems to be a debate that hasn't been resolved yet. They have banned Akuma from HDR at Evo, but they haven't made any announcements about SFIV. I'm interested to see what they do.

The one tourney that banned Gouken unbanned him and Seth after they determined they weren't broke. I think Seth is softbanned by some though.

The Akuma ban is warranted completely in HDR.
KevinCow said:
I'll send you a request later. Hopefully you don't utterly obliterate me like the last Dictator I played.

don't wry, I'm not great with dictator, my friend that I play with is pretty good with boxer (when i mean pretty good, think of how fast someone pulls off moves for a typical shoto, thats how quick his boxer is) you guys can play him too if you want real competition Gamertag: guru88

tell him diztrukted sent you


Archie said:
bububu you can back throw into ultra. overpowered!
You actually have ages to tech Gouken's back throw.
Unlike his front throw which has the same property as other universal throws, his back throw can be broken so much easily since you can just tech even after the grab - as long as you do it before the animation starts where he throws you up the air.


prodystopian said:
There have been tournaments that have banned Gouken and Seth. It seems to be a debate that hasn't been resolved yet. They have banned Akuma from HDR at Evo, but they haven't made any announcements about SFIV. I'm interested to see what they do.
Just to add to what arstal said, Final Round XII didn't ban these characters, and they won't be banned from EVO. WCG seem to be the only ones doing it.


Well shit...seems as if the spring or w/e is inside the L2 button on my controller(ps3) has come off or something. There is absolutely no resistance on the button anymore. If I just graze the thing it registers as a click...Basically making the game near impossible to play... Does anyone know if this would be easy to fix?

edit: i suppose i could just keep my left index finger under the controller and just move it up there when i want to do an ultra meh
prodystopian said:
There have been tournaments that have banned Gouken and Seth. It seems to be a debate that hasn't been resolved yet. They have banned Akuma from HDR at Evo, but they haven't made any announcements about SFIV. I'm interested to see what they do.

Akuma's hippity-hop propulsion during air-fireball in HDR is enough to get him banned,
stupidest Sirlin upgrade in HDR

the air-fireball is supposed to be risky.. that HDR propulsion makes it impossible for horizontal charge attacks to punish him while flying under the air-fireball


ggs Threi. You're like the 3rd Bison I've played and the only good one :lol I actually see now why Bison is frustrating to play against.



MIMIC said:
Are people using turbo online? Sometimes it's really obvious and sometimes it's not.
I once mashed out of dizzy with my HRAPEX and Ultra'd the other dude who tried to lvl. 3 FA me in my dizzy state. He accused me of using turbo, but the it doesn't even have a turbo function :lol

entraik said:
shopped maybe?
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