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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

haunts said:
See thats the misconception that Sagat is placing 1st at all these tournaments but it's not the case. Just go to tourney results thread on SRK and look around. I saw one EC tourney maybe a couple weeks back with Nestor placing 1st with Sagat but haven't seen much since then.

Then maybe it is time to switch it up. Haunts and Sagat aren't a good fit. I heard Gootecks say he started playing IV with Ryu...but after receiving some advice, he switches to Balrog...and has managed to beast.

Your C.Viper seems extremely solid (would beat the crap out of me), maybe you should start practicing with her (or someone else).


Either I magically got better at the game overnight, or the average player skill has gone down. I mean last night, my biggest winning streak was 4, and that was against one person, but today I've gotten a winning streak of 12 against like 4 people, and other than one guy who put up a pretty good fight with Blanka and Sagat (and then quit when I beat his Sagat), I haven't really even been close to losing.

That 12 should be 13 though, since I had someone drop on me. I felt bad, so I sent him a reassuring message saying that he should keep practicing, and that while losing sucks, it's the only way to get better. He messaged me back saying that a new chess player wouldn't learn anything by losing to a chess grandmaster, and he definitely wouldn't get better by losing to people as good as me. And while I felt bad that my winning upset him enough to ragequit, and disagreed with his premise (after all, the only reason I'm anything resembling competent is because I've played people who have utterly obliterated me until I started to learn how to counter various strategies), I have to admit that being compared to a chess grandmaster was a nice ego boost.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
KevinCow said:
That 12 should be 13 though, since I had someone drop on me. I felt bad, so I sent him a reassuring message saying that he should keep practicing, and that while losing sucks, it's the only way to get better. He messaged me back saying that a new chess player wouldn't learn anything by losing to a chess grandmaster, and he definitely wouldn't get better by losing to people as good as me. And while I felt bad that my winning upset him enough to ragequit, and disagreed with his premise (after all, the only reason I'm anything resembling competent is because I've played people who have utterly obliterated me until I started to learn how to counter various strategies), I have to admit that being compared to a chess grandmaster was a nice ego boost.
damn, droppers usually call me gay or something before I even get to send a gloat message. Groom that grasshopper good!


You have to FADC TWICE in Cammy's Hard Trial #5? :lol Interesting. I think I'm having more fun with Cammy's trials than anyone else's.


Trucker Sexologist
KevinCow said:
Either I magically got better at the game overnight, or the average player skill has gone down. I mean last night, my biggest winning streak was 4, and that was against one person, but today I've gotten a winning streak of 12 against like 4 people, and other than one guy who put up a pretty good fight with Blanka and Sagat (and then quit when I beat his Sagat), I haven't really even been close to losing.

That 12 should be 13 though, since I had someone drop on me. I felt bad, so I sent him a reassuring message saying that he should keep practicing, and that while losing sucks, it's the only way to get better. He messaged me back saying that a new chess player wouldn't learn anything by losing to a chess grandmaster, and he definitely wouldn't get better by losing to people as good as me. And while I felt bad that my winning upset him enough to ragequit, and disagreed with his premise (after all, the only reason I'm anything resembling competent is because I've played people who have utterly obliterated me until I started to learn how to counter various strategies), I have to admit that being compared to a chess grandmaster was a nice ego boost.
You can only get better playing people better than yourself, but if the skill levels are too far apart it's like you're not even playing the same game. You should have invited him for few rounds of player match tutoring. The goal is to try to level everyone up and keep them playing Street Fighter.


MIMIC said:
You have to FADC TWICE in Cammy's Hard Trial #5? :lol Interesting. I think I'm having more fun with Cammy's trials than anyone else's.
You have to do it twice in Rose's #4 too I think. That's where I am with Rose, no way I can do that on a 360 pad.

I did all of Dhalsim's Hard trials, which I was pretty proud of! :lol

Haha.. Fricken #5 I left on there for like 2 weeks and could never do it.

Then I decided today I would try again.. The only thing I did different was actually look at my controller the whole time and not look at the screen.. Then I heard "Success!"

I knew I was getting all the hits in when I looked at my controller cause I could hear them connect but the Scissors wasnt.. and then I tried on the 3rd time while looking down and it worked. Took me like 10 secs today.. wtf?

Anyways... Yay!

Also good games to

'Sir Long Meat"

Not sure who you are but I just finished some games with him. Got a good Ryu good sir.

I am "MINI Pez" the Gen, Fuerte, Vega user.

Anyways.. off I go to the doc in the box since my allergies are owning me. Sorry to anyone I talked to in the past two days. I fear I made a few people scared with my child molester voice but its only due to allergies I have this voice.

EDIT: Oh BDizzle is Sir Long Meat!


SapientWolf said:
You can only get better playing people better than yourself, but if the skill levels are too far apart it's like you're not even playing the same game. You should have invited him for few rounds of player match tutoring. The goal is to try to level everyone up and keep them playing Street Fighter.
I guess that's true. Still, I'm not really that good. At least, I don't think I am.

Offering to help tutor him would have been a good idea. I probably would have done that if I had a headset.
So yeah, I probably won't be able to play Street Fighter IV for a while.

Fuckin' RRoD.

I mean, I still have a fully functional 360 that I'm currently using, but that one has the tendency to scratch discs real good, so I'd rather not risk putting a game in there that I thoroughly enjoy (unlike say Resident Evil 5), not until after MS sent me a refurb.


I'm thinking of switching mains from Gouken to Abel. Gouken has the easy ultra set-up, but Abel's aren't that hard to hit, and he just has more playstyles available to him. With Gouken, I've been feeling stuck on my style, but with Abel if something's not working I can change it up.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Am I the only person who isn't bothering with these trials? Then again, with my style- going for combos tends to get me in trouble- as I tend to use a mudfight style.

This is one reason why I'm probably going to stick to Chun/Honda/Rose, none of them really require much comboing to me.


arstal said:
Am I the only person who isn't bothering with these trials? Then again, with my style- going for combos tends to get me in trouble- as I tend to use a mudfight style.

This is one reason why I'm probably going to stick to Chun/Honda/Rose, none of them really require much comboing to me.
But then you can't get awesome titles like I Like Candy.
arstal said:
Am I the only person who isn't bothering with these trials? Then again, with my style- going for combos tends to get me in trouble- as I tend to use a mudfight style.

This is one reason why I'm probably going to stick to Chun/Honda/Rose, none of them really require much comboing to me.
Nope, didn't spend time with 'em either. I know I need to learn one crucial combo for Dhalsim, but I also know I won't be able to pull that one off consistently without an arcade stick, so I'm not bothering with any Trial for that matter until I've acquired one.
MicVlaD said:
Nope, didn't spend time with 'em either. I know I need to learn one crucial combo for Dhalsim, but I also know I won't be able to pull that one off consistently without an arcade stick, so I'm not bothering with any Trial for that matter until I've acquired one.
Let me guess.. the MK + Yoga Flame + Super? :p

qcf x2

haunts said:
Keystone Light is canceled until we find another venue...

Yeah I know right.. He is a little harder to use at higher levels because he can get kind of predictable, he is a big target as well.. Slow moving.. Sometimes I want to use C. Viper but not until I get 1st at a tourney with Sagat.. lol.

I saw a video of your Viper somewhere a while back and I vote that you use her next time.

Sagat is soooooo 2/17/09

qcf x2

Grifter, I'll play you shortly if you're still on. Earlier I was getting schooled by the best Rufus I've ever seen. The score was like 25-1. Yikes, I love it though.


Archie said:
GGs. I noticed your Blanka playstyle is vastly different from mine. I'm alot more defensive. :0

Yeah, GGs man. But that's me in general. I don't like it when people advance toward me so I try to stay on the offense (even when I'm losing, lol)
TurtleSnatcher said:
Let me guess.. the MK + Yoga Flame + Super? :p
Nope, just plain ol' back medium kick + Yoga Flame. Timing's too strict for me with a regular controller.

LakeEarth said:
No I'm pretty sure MicVlad pulled that off on me many-a times.
Those were accidents, to be perfectly honest. I can usually pull off the instant air teleport + fierce punch + Super whenever I actually want to execute that particular combo, but any Yoga Flame or Yoga Fire in between are merely failed Super attempts (so to speak).
Either I magically got worse at the game overnight, or players way beyond my skill were seeking out noobs to humiliate. In a span of 25 matches I think I won about four. I stuck through it, but it's almost enough to make me rage quit the entire series and genre. Seriously. I don't care if high-level players and arcade experts can pull the moves in this game off regularly, the controls in this are retarded. Having to do some of these double motion, cancels, links, buffers KNOWING that the game would eventually be played on game pads is archaic game design best left in the early 90s. Is this a game about tactics or about who's got faster fingers and better controller?

I've reached my limits with this.


MicVlaD said:
Nope, just plain ol' back medium kick + Yoga Flame. Timing's too strict for me with a regular controller.
There's an easy way to do it. Instead of doing back+kick, then moving all the way to forward and doing the hcb, just go back+mk, straight to df, then straight to back+lp. I couldn't get it for the life of me until I went to SRK and found that little tip.

singularity said:
Either I magically got worse at the game overnight, or players way beyond my skill were seeking out noobs to humiliate. In a span of 25 matches I think I won about four. I stuck through it, but it's almost enough to make me rage quit the entire series and genre. Seriously. I don't care if high-level players and arcade experts can pull the moves in this game off regularly, the controls in this are retarded. Having to do some of these double motion, cancels, links, buffers KNOWING that the game would eventually be played on game pads is archaic game design best left in the early 90s. Is this a game about tactics or about who's got faster fingers and better controller?

I've reached my limits with this.
Yeah, there's nothing more frustrating than losing a match just because you did a motion wrong. And the fact that people who are willing to spend more money on a better controller is also annoying. But it's a bit late to change all that in the series at this point.

I think they did a pretty good job at making these motions easier to pull off in SF4, though. SRK motions in particular are much easier than before. There are still some moves that could be made easier though, like the tapping ones such as Hondas hundred hand slap and Chun's kicks. And I keep having trouble with Honda's Ochio, where I'll press punch when I'm at db instead of straight back and he'll do a punch before his throw, thus leading the throw to whiff.

Don't give up so easily, though. Try some of the trials and dick around in training mode for a bit. It's tough to get into, but you should be able to train your muscle memory to be able to pull it off much easier.
MicVlaD said:
So yeah, I probably won't be able to play Street Fighter IV for a while.

Fuckin' RRoD.

I mean, I still have a fully functional 360 that I'm currently using, but that one has the tendency to scratch discs real good, so I'd rather not risk putting a game in there that I thoroughly enjoy (unlike say Resident Evil 5), not until after MS sent me a refurb.

best time to get a PS3!


KevinCow said:
I think they did a pretty good job at making these motions easier to pull off in SF4, though. SRK motions in particular are much easier than before.
Too much easier. How many times have I EX SRK when I meant to ultra. That rarely happened to me on SF3. The 360's pad is partially to blame for that.


hyperbolically metafictive
i think execution is part of the fun of fighting games, and i don't want to see that element minimized -- i say that as someone whose execution is pretty spotty. and while pad players are theoretically at a disadvantage, it's not as if a good joystick can turn you into a good player


Whine Whine FADC Troll
drohne said:
i think execution is part of the fun of fighting games, and i don't want to see that element minimized -- i say that as someone whose execution is pretty spotty. and while pad players are theoretically at a disadvantage, it's not as if a good joystick can turn you into a good player

Ah, I tend to see it as the least fun part. I have a good joystick but my execution still sucks.

That's one reason I use Honda- he's more about knowing when then comboing. Chun also has easy no-skill combos, though I always screw up that ultra juggle.

It's funny that I'm using the same chars I mained in ST in SFIV, though I play them entirely differently, and wasn't trying to do it.


Played against a good C Viper today (being the first I've ever encountered) on XBL. Crazy. Then the guy boots me after just one round. Jackass. :lol

qcf x2

Maybe he has his reasons, it's possible he was challenged by someone else. Or maybe you used Fuerte and he didn't feel like playing tag. :p

I wanna say the easy inputs are terrible, but it could be that playing online where inputs are skipped is part of the problem.


Gah. Any tips for the last part of Cammy's Hard Trial #5? I keep doing her EX Spike instead of her Ultra.

ETA: N/M. I'm gonna try to FADC forward instead of backwards.


damn...Honda is working his way into my rotation (sorry KevinCow)

however i don't use him for shotos at all. I haven't figured out yet how to get around hadouken spam.


I have a question about trials? How come sometimes when you do the move/combo they want you to do, it doesn't register? Is there anyway to guarantee a register each time?


Gantz said:
I have a question about trials? How come sometimes when you do the move/combo they want you to do, it doesn't register? Is there anyway to guarantee a register each time?

Ummm...are you talking about when Dan blocks? If you are, you just have to wait a few seconds and do it again. His blocking is basically the game's way of telling you: "You fail. Start over."


I'm playing around with Sakura at the moment and wtf...why is here ultra so weak? She also eats up her EX bar like it is chocolate or something. Stupid girl!

But overall enjoyable.

Also charge characters seem so crazy strong. Everytime I choose random and get a charge character I seem to win, even without knowing the movelist or any combos. Crazy stuff.

MicVlaD said:
So yeah, I probably won't be able to play Street Fighter IV for a while.

Fuckin' RRoD.

I mean, I still have a fully functional 360 that I'm currently using, but that one has the tendency to scratch discs real good, so I'd rather not risk putting a game in there that I thoroughly enjoy (unlike say Resident Evil 5), not until after MS sent me a refurb.

Install the damn game!


Threi said:
damn...Honda is working his way into my rotation (sorry KevinCow)

however i don't use him for shotos at all. I haven't figured out yet how to get around hadouken spam.
The best way I've found is to space yourself so that when you do a forward jump, they can't catch you with with a Shoryuken. Jump over the fireball, start charging back during your jump, and HP headbutt right as you land.

They need to make his EX Headbutt go through fireballs in SFIV Super Happy Funtime Edition, though.

Gantz said:
I have a question about trials? How come sometimes when you do the move/combo they want you to do, it doesn't register? Is there anyway to guarantee a register each time?
There could be one of two problems:

1) You're not doing the move soon enough, so Dan has a chance to block.

2) You're accidentally doing a different move. For some characters, holding forward and pressing an attack will do a different attack from just pressing the attack. Like Rufus, forward and HP will do something different from HP. So you need to make sure you're doing exactly what it says.
Gantz said:
I have a question about trials? How come sometimes when you do the move/combo they want you to do, it doesn't register? Is there anyway to guarantee a register each time?
They want perfect timing. Every move in the combo has a window of frames that you have to input the move. As the trials get harder, these windows get smaller and smaller.

Dan is holding block the whole time after your first attack. If there's a single frame for him to block, he'll do it.
Oh God, I think I got a little better at the game. The guy I usually play who I usually just split wins with told me so last night! Our scores were likw 30-5 and 18-2 these past two days, usually our games were pretty close. I guess he hasn't notice that I only constantly hit Ryu's Shoryu -> FADC -> Ultra consistently when I'm the right side of the screen. :lol

My chun li has improved a lot too; I no longer botch simple poke strings and I've gotten a lot smarter with my pressure game. Now, I've just gotta improve my Ken because I am pretty decent with Ryu now, but I am still pretty terrible with Ken. Probably because I don't know a consistent way to land his Ultra. :/
Played on Live in the afternoon. Don't know what the deal with the custom search is...it just takes way too long to get a return (in comparison to the PS3 version).

I don't really feel like I'm getting better. It seems like I just run into Ryukenkuma scrubs all day... And when I run into a say...Dhalsim, Boxer, etc...I have like no clue...because the only shenanigans I see are hadoken, shoryuken, hadoken, shoryuken...

Thinking of picking up Dictator and Chun Li.

Noticed Yeb and Saqs have like 9000 BP...jeez.

GGs to DFYB and FindMyFarms.


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
Threi said:
damn...Honda is working his way into my rotation (sorry KevinCow)

however i don't use him for shotos at all. I haven't figured out yet how to get around hadouken spam.

Don't jump diagonally over fireballs unless you have proper range (1 - 2 char width away). If you are further or closer to an opponent than the proper range, vertical jump over the fireball. If you find that they are jumping up after you once they have recovered from the fireball, stick out a j.fierce, it'll stuff ANYTHING that they throw out.

Against Ryu, if you are anticipating a fireball, stick out a standing Roundhouse. At best you'll stuff the fireball, at worst you'll eat the fireball, which isn't so bad considering Honda has beefed up stamina. A lot of times you'll trade the fireball for the roundhouse, which works in Honda's favor because it does more damage.

EX headbutt works very very well against shoto scrubs because they tend to jump back and then throw a fireball, which gives you a lot of time to throw out a fierce or EX headbutt before the fireball is released.

Once you've knocked them down and are on top of them, expect a lot of attempts to wake-up SRK. The best thing to do in this situation really is to crouch and block. If they wakeup SRK you'll block it and can counter with a combo into headbutt, and if they jump back you can headbutt or sumo splash them before they land. If they try to jump over you, you should have the reaction time to jump up fierce them before anything sticks out (more likely they're thinking cross-up so they'll attack later than usual)



Ugh. I get here like a million times and when I input the motions for her Ultra, my controller says, "Oh, you want to do her EX Spike. K"

*hoping for the Ultra*
No real advice except...try to do the FADC backward (if you're in the corner). And you have to do it quick...as the window of opportunity is low. Are you doing double qcf + ppp or df, df, df pp...have to be careful with the shortcuts.


Double QCF.

And yeah, I'm back to the FADC backwards now. I tried doing it forwards but it's a double-edged sword: the Ultra is pretty much guaranteed to come out, but you'll be no where near Dan when it happens :lol Sometimes he'll be above you, other times to the left of you, etc. Not really worth it.

I was reading the SRK forums and someone suggested that after you FADC backwards, you have to input the Ultra command purposefully....without button mashing.

ETA: I unpaused the game and the bitch did an EX Spike :mad:


I've complained about accidental EX SRK motion moves when you meant to do an ultra with SF4. I don't know if it's SF4's controls or the 360 controller itself.


LakeEarth said:
I've complained about accidental EX SRK motion moves when you meant to do an ultra with SF4. I don't know if it's SF4's controls or the 360 controller itself.

I saw your comment a while back and used my PSX adapter....and I kept getting the same problem. lol

I'm thinking maybe it's just that in SF4, moves aren't supposed to connect with Ultras; that there has to be a slight pause in between.
LakeEarth said:
I've complained about accidental EX SRK motion moves when you meant to do an ultra with SF4. I don't know if it's SF4's controls or the 360 controller itself.

That happens to me all the time and I use the stick. Mainly happens to me when I'm trying to fadc ultra on the left side of the screen, though.
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