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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

So a few questions and a funny story.. (sorry I'm double posting)

I saw Buktooth online tonight on XBL. Sent him a friend request.. the request shows as pending in my box yet I can see him on my "Friends" Leaderboard and see his replays.. Baffling? Or just buggy? Anyone experience this?

Anyways.. So.. He had like 2800GP when I got online.. I log off and he is already past 4000... I swear to god I hate him and his amazing Fuerte. I need to upload the replay that is currently up for him. He has one of the best damn Fuertes ever. I think he will do well at Denjin this weekend. No one knows what to expect from him really since they never play the guy.

I also lost to some Zangief tonight. He then messages me "Nice Try, but I play Fuertes a lot and I beat them all the time"..

Yet I beat him last night.. and replied back with that .. his only response "Fair enough" :lol wtf?

Lastly - Tonight sucked. I only got about 400 points tonight. Got to about 11200 GP. I should be in G1-E in the next 2 weeks at most at least. I just couldn't get stuff down correctly. Its like some nights my Cross Up Fierce works but I do bad still.. and some nights it doesnt and I do great.

Good games to Nintendo Punk(Dont even think this is a GAFFer) and bistromathics. bistro - I have no idea how to use Akuma.. No idea haha. But good games.. I'm sure you Fuerte and Gen by now.
Hearing you guys talk about Championship mode makes me wanna move to America just so I can have playable games with random people

How many bars do you usually get? I find 3 barely passable and 4-5 to be the sweet spot. I still bitch and moan about how the timing is different regardless, though.
Pop On Arrival said:
Hearing you guys talk about Championship mode makes me wanna move to America just so I can have playable games with random people

How many bars do you usually get? I find 3 barely passable and 4-5 to be the sweet spot. I still bitch and moan about how the timing is different regardless, though.

3 works for me about 85% of the time

4 always works for me

5 always works for me

I never join anything lower then that. I'm still 0% disconnect and I've put in .. 2000+ Champ Mode matches?


good credit (by proxy)

i was in a finals against some shitty blanka, and both rounds i'm in the corner waking up and he unleashes ultra. first round, I block normal direction, get hit. second round i press forward, get hit. Fuck that shit.

They need to do a patch and release hitbox info in training mode so that people have some clue what the fuck is going on.

Also I've asked like 8 times if there are start up frames on block or duck, no one seems to know. I get hit with cammy's hooligan throw way too many time when I know I pressed down before she was even near me, and there wasn't bad lag.
Timedog said:

i was in a finals against some shitty blanka, and both rounds i'm in the corner waking up and he unleashes ultra. first round, I block normal direction, get hit. second round i press forward, get hit. Fuck that shit.

They need to do a patch and release hitbox info in training mode so that people have some clue what the fuck is going on.

Also I've asked like 8 times if there are start up frames on block or duck, no one seems to know. I get hit with cammy's hooligan throw way too many time when I know I pressed down before she was even near me, and there wasn't bad lag.

No startup on block, 1 frame to go from stand -> crouch or crouch -> stand
YakiSOBA said:
Anyone on PS3 want to play some friendly games against my noob sagat (noob as in can't FADC-->ultra) :D

I might be able to get in some games later. Add me and we can play some time. Are you in the US? PSN name is the same as here, Prodystopian.
TurtleSnatcher said:
Good games to Nintendo Punk(Dont even think this is a GAFFer) and bistromathics. bistro - I have no idea how to use Akuma.. No idea haha. But good games.. I'm sure you Fuerte and Gen by now.

I was Nintendo Punk. Sorry for the third match where I stopped playing, I was interrupted and and had to open the door. Anyway, GGs. Your gen throws me off so bad. What's up with his recovery/fall animation on that little kick in the air thing? I was treating it like a whiffed DP but my throws werent coming out ;__;

Any LA/OC players going to Alex Valle's thing tonight in fullerton? I think it's just friendly player matches for all in order to help people up their games. I'll definitely be there.
Timedog said:

i was in a finals against some shitty blanka, and both rounds i'm in the corner waking up and he unleashes ultra. first round, I block normal direction, get hit. second round i press forward, get hit. Fuck that shit.

They need to do a patch and release hitbox info in training mode so that people have some clue what the fuck is going on.

Also I've asked like 8 times if there are start up frames on block or duck, no one seems to know. I get hit with cammy's hooligan throw way too many time when I know I pressed down before she was even near me, and there wasn't bad lag.

Do you go straight into jab when you crouch? Because she could also just be cancelling hooligan and then throwing you normally from crouch.
myDingling said:
I was Nintendo Punk. Sorry for the third match where I stopped playing, I was interrupted and and had to open the door. Anyway, GGs. Your gen throws me off so bad. What's up with his recovery/fall animation on that little kick in the air thing? I was treating it like a whiffed DP but my throws werent coming out ;__;

Any LA/OC players going to Alex Valle's thing tonight in fullerton? I think it's just friendly player matches for all in order to help people up their games. I'll definitely be there.

hey I think I played you last night on Champion ship (I was Jenova777 playing Chun), I think I lost to you. I don't remember since I played so many matches.


Hate to say it but I've picked up on Ken and got much better with him. Not as a main but as a secondary. Guess that gives others I play on PSN a refreshing view of him not going into Flowchart mode. :lol
BotoxAgent said:
hey I think I played you last night on Champion ship (I was Jenova777 playing Chun), I think I lost to you. I don't remember since I played so many matches.

Hey, yeah I remember. I played a couple chuns last night, some I won some I didn't so it could've gone either way with us, hehe. You should add me, I need practice against chun and her crossup game.
myDingling said:
Hey, yeah I remember. I played a couple chuns last night, some I won some I didn't so it could've gone either way with us, hehe. You should add me, I need practice against chun and her crossup game.

Cool, I'll add you tonight when i'm on. Need more GAFers on my friends list :D


good credit (by proxy)
myDingling said:
Do you go straight into jab when you crouch? Because she could also just be cancelling hooligan and then throwing you normally from crouch.

good idea, thenknnnrssszz


Arde5643 said:
Even better: make tostada splash armor breaking.

Oh God YES! It's quite ridiculous that the move that barely anybody uses has armor breaking capabilities.

ETA: Are you being sarcastic? :lol (cuz I was, too about the Ryu thing)


facing a bright new dawn
Hey, anyone still active in this thread live in MA? There is this place in framingham, Game Universe, and they have fight nights usually every tuesday and every other friday. There are often tournies on saturdays as well. They've got a matchup thread on SRK:


Anyone <= 1hr away should consider checkin it out sometime. I suck ass at SF4 and i still drive 45 min on tuesdays to go down there and play.


MIMIC said:
Oh God YES! It's quite ridiculous that the move that barely anybody uses has armor breaking capabilities.

ETA: Are you being sarcastic? :lol (cuz I was, too about the Ryu thing)
Half and half .... T_T

I just have to acknowledge that Fuerte sucks....


good credit (by proxy)
I played like 80 matches today and only won 2 tournaments. Somehow I regressed to about how my skill level was when CE first came out. I think I'm gonna go 2 and out in the tournament if I continue to play like this.
GalacticAE said:
SBO Quals @ Denjin will be streaming today. Check SRK if you're interested.

Tx already has one of the two USA teams for SBO (Jon Lo/FubarDuck), and we got Buk flyin out there, so let's see if we can get 2/2.

Luckily, Wong/Marn qualified for SBO in Europe :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

edit - the sites streaming are

www.ufragtv.com <-- going to attempt a direct feed




www.twitter.com/slasher for live updates

Oh yeah, tourney starts at 2pm ct.
Yesterday was like one of the best days I've ever had in my short SF4 history. Up until then I had only been able to do a FADC>Ultra once with Ryu, but that was in a laggy game so I don't really count it since I had like forever to pull it off. But yesterday, I did it FOUR TIMES, not once or twice but FOUR. I felt so good about myself, I was like thinking "man my opponent must thing I have skill, LOL I'm not really all that good at this game :lol ".

Besides that I had my most satisfying victory ever. I played a Ken who kept running away all the time. I got so mad that I started attacking him blindly and got beat easily. I was raging after the end of the match because I wanted to break something. I start looking for another match and find him again and am able to get a rematch. I get a early lead and then just sit back while he throws fireballs one after another. He tries to sneak in a hit and run but I have none of it and finish him off. He was able to push it to the 3rd but I get the early life lead and force him to finally try to attack me, once I got a knockdown I just kept crossing him up. I won back my points and more since he had more then me.


I'm getting eaten alive in Championship mode with Fuerte :lol I played a Guile (G2-A) that I should have beaten but I wasn't consistent. I did, however, beat a G2-B Chun-Li that destroyed me the first time around.

I'm starting to play around with his quesadilla bomb more. But I think that it becomes a little too obvious when I'm charging it. But it does catch a lot of people off guard (with the jumping HP > HP > bomb)

Oh yeah....who was that that called me the "dpad Fuerte"? :lol I assume they either post here.
FindMyFarms said:
Tx already has one of the two USA teams for SBO (Jon Lo/FubarDuck), and we got Buk flyin out there, so let's see if we can get 2/2.

Luckily, Wong/Marn qualified for SBO in Europe :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

edit - the sites streaming are

www.ufragtv.com <-- going to attempt a direct feed




www.twitter.com/slasher for live updates

Oh yeah, tourney starts at 2pm ct.


edit - or not, it got delayed to 3 pm ct
I haven't played SFIV since I've gone back to teaching. It's weird. No inclination. But I'll check out those vids Find.

And DFYB and Lyte Edge double dipping in both tournaments.

Sagat and Chun-Li in a tournament. Hmm, wouldn't Boxer or Rufus be a better compliment (or Zangief)?
Spiderjericho said:
I haven't played SFIV since I've gone back to teaching. It's weird. No inclination. But I'll check out those vids Find.

And DFYB and Lyte Edge double dipping in both tournaments.

Sagat and Chun-Li in a tournament. Hmm, wouldn't Boxer or Rufus be a better compliment (or Zangief)?

Don't forget we have one more tourney match!

For the SBO qualifiers, keep an eye out for buktooth(Fuerte). tx already has the other US spot, so we're goin for the sweep ;)
Ok, the mike ross using gief was in casuals lol.

Kai/ironfist in first match of the tourney, and kai's fuerte is dominating.

Hoping for epic kai vs. buktooth elf on elf action
LOL at kai interview after winning his match

Mike Ross, "what was going on in your head concerning strategy?"

Kai, "I fucking hate this game"


Yeah that's right, I just turned this shit into twitter.
FindMyFarms said:
LOL at kai interview after winning his match

Mike Ross, "what was going on in your head concerning strategy?"

Kai, "I fucking hate this game"


Yeah that's right, I just turned this shit into twitter.

Gootecks 'what did Kai say?'

Ross 'He just said a lot of good things about SF4'

Why aren't Gootecks and Ross playing?


Felium Defensor
FindMyFarms said:
Seems like ufragtv servers can't handle the load :/
Yup...stream just went haywire on me. :(
Watching this game being played by pros is like crack. I want the stream back.
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