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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


catfish said:
EDIT2: oh wait, turns out I'm not hardcore, top 8 from each go to the finals.

No, top 30 go to the finals. 22 are sent home after the first day and the top 8 get food, rooms, prostitutes paid for one night and dish it out on the next day and the winner goes to London.

But I think Holland was just added to the France bracket, which is probably the most hardcore country in europe arcording to the leader boards. Have fun! :p

Wonder if we get some videos from the events. Want to see the scrubby Sagats and Blankas fight it out. :lol
What's this? They added Belgium to the official EU tourney roster? Fuuuuuuu-

If I had known, I would've registered a long time ago. 400+ people have a higher rank than me on the GP leaderboards, and not a single Belgian to be found! :[

Almost feel tempted to contact Capcom (whichever division is regulating the tournament that is) somehow, even though I already know it won't change anything, lawl.
FindMyFarms said:
I like pad.

I like it to but there are just some things that I can't seem to do on a pad. And besides, my thumb cries every night, EVERY NIGHT. I just can't ignore it any longer, I don't know how you can you monster.


MicVlaD said:
What's this? They added Belgium to the official EU tourney roster? Fuuuuuuu-

If I had known, I would've registered a long time ago. 400+ people have a higher rank than me on the GP leaderboards, and not a single Belgian to be found! :[

Almost feel tempted to contact Capcom (whichever division is regulating the tournament that is) somehow, even though I already know it won't change anything, lawl.

Well, I posted it here weeks ago! You should check the thread more often I guess. :p
Or I could have sent out some messages to my fellow europeans....

catfish said:
I like ELF but he's too crap for me to persevere with.
Elf is not crap.. Try actually learning him before saying that :\

I can't use a stick still.. Though I'm 1000x better then I was a few weeks ago. I plug it in occassionally and just practice Ryus FADC combo. The rest of the time I use a fightpad and I'm pretty decent on the fight pad.

Won - WTF you still haven't won a G1 and passed in in Champ Points!


TurtleSnatcher said:
Won - WTF you still haven't won a G1 and passed in in Champ Points!

Yeahl, uhm, you need to play champ mode to win in champ mode and I haven't really done that in the last 2 weeks. :p
Won said:
But I did! Here!

And yes I should have, but to my defense it was 6 in the morning and I needed sleep....and then I forgot about it. :(




good credit (by proxy)
CcrooK said:
Oh this guy is easy :D

Try that Bison flying stomp spam on me now. I had no idea what to do when we had the tourney cause I had just gotten the game. The real fight is the fight with yourself!


Timedog said:
Try that Bison flying stomp spam on me now. I had no idea what to do when we had the tourney cause I had just gotten the game. The real fight is the fight with yourself!

Psh. Pushover. I did Basic Street Fighter 101 on yer aaaaaaaasssss! But I don't have the 360 version anymore. PS3 now. :(


good credit (by proxy)
CcrooK said:
Psh. Pushover. I did Basic Street Fighter 101 on yer aaaaaaaasssss! But I don't have the 360 version anymore. PS3 now. :(

Running scared, I see. I'd bet money on destroying you.


Timedog said:
Running scared, I see. I'd bet money on destroying you.

Naw. No running. It was a money decision in terms of keeping fighters on one system. I chose the PS3 for my fighters. You should come join the dark side. :D
CcrooK said:
Naw. No running. It was a money decision in terms of keeping fighters on one system. I chose the PS3 for my fighters. You should come join the dark side. :D

PS3. Can't wait til t6br comes out so I can play at home, and not against crow every other match:lol (though I have started to go about 3-7 w/ him lately) Hopefully the online is solid, but in all honesty, they use lcd's in the cab we play on, and you can feel a TAD bit of lag when playing, so I'll be a little used to it.


Tekken is crappy! Stop talking about crappy Tekken in this glorius SF4 thread!

BTW any update on the team tournament, or is that on hold until E3 is over?
MoxManiac said:
Tekken is crappy! Stop talking about crappy Tekken in this glorius SF4 thread!

BTW any update on the team tournament, or is that on hold until E3 is over?

Nah, no hold over. Akachan is having internet problems, and galactic/ermac are just lazy.


Honda: Sagat for charge players. So much friggin damage done.

I actually have to TURTLE if I want to win with Fuerte. It's kinda hard getting into Honda. After they whiff the headbutt, 99% of the time it's " ub + HP". You kinda have to wait until after they land if you want to get in something. And the time between his Sumo Smash and Oicho Throw is ridiculous. Reminds me of how you gotta handle Zangief: "JUST PRESS UP"


MIMIC said:
Honda: Sagat for charge players. So much friggin damage done.

I actually have to TURTLE if I want to win with Fuerte. It's kinda hard getting into Honda. After they whiff the headbutt, 99% of the time it's " ub + HP". You kinda have to wait until after they land if you want to get in something. And the time between his Sumo Smash and Oicho Throw is ridiculous. Reminds me of how you gotta handle Zangief: "JUST PRESS UP"

You have to believe in Fuerte's air throw. Throwing someone out of the headbutt is always great. :D


MIMIC said:
Honda: Sagat for charge players. So much friggin damage done.

I actually have to TURTLE if I want to win with Fuerte. It's kinda hard getting into Honda. After they whiff the headbutt, 99% of the time it's " ub + HP". You kinda have to wait until after they land if you want to get in something. And the time between his Sumo Smash and Oicho Throw is ridiculous. Reminds me of how you gotta handle Zangief: "JUST PRESS UP"
He is good, that's for sure. Comparing him to Sagat is kinda silly though, Honda is like Sagat, but without the projectiles, multiple antiairs and easy way to combo into ultra, or just plain any way to do so.


I think that was just the bitter talking. :D Some "meh" Honda player beat my Fuerte (after I squeaked by in one round). I switched to Guile and destroyed him.

Honda is the only person I hate fighting with Fuerte. The insane amount of damage he does really pisses me off....even moreso than Zangief since there are PLENTY of ways to counter Zangief and his hairy chested shenanigans.

Also, I think my controller is acting weird....or maybe it's dying. I notice that when I'm navigating with the dpad (like in a menu or something), it'll take an additional press to respond. And in matches, when I'm blocking low, I'll get swept anyway :lol
I hate playing a lot of things with Fuerte lol..

If I see them come up as a char I am not good against I pretty much just forfeit and not try.. so that when I actually win I'm surprised :p

Btw.. Its E3 wtf capcom.. announce some SF4 updates =[


I've been in a losing skid in G2 for a long time. Decided to go with a different plan of attack; gave up on the d-pad and now focusing on the arcade stick. I didn't have patience for the first time around and now Im willing to give it another go.

I heard successful stories from converting to d-pad to stick. Hope it will work for me :D


he's Virgin Tight™
I am about to open the Tournament thread for SFIV but there is one final question bugging me... It is a PS3/Xbox tournament right? For both? Just so I can organize the future tournament brackets better =O
Relix said:
I am about to open the Tournament thread for SFIV but there is one final question bugging me... It is a PS3/Xbox tournament right? For both? Just so I can organize the future tournament brackets better =O
Do both if you want.. THere is a team PS3 tourney going on.. Nothing for XB atm.
Relix said:
I am about to open the Tournament thread for SFIV but there is one final question bugging me... It is a PS3/Xbox tournament right? For both? Just so I can organize the future tournament brackets better =O

It's your call, it's not formal or anything. I would advice PM'ing people and getting on their case about playing their matches though. Like what I'm about to do to galactic acid


MIMIC said:
Honda: Sagat for charge players. So much friggin damage done.

I actually have to TURTLE if I want to win with Fuerte. It's kinda hard getting into Honda. After they whiff the headbutt, 99% of the time it's " ub + HP". You kinda have to wait until after they land if you want to get in something. And the time between his Sumo Smash and Oicho Throw is ridiculous. Reminds me of how you gotta handle Zangief: "JUST PRESS UP"
Treat Honda like a much more mobile and faster Zangief with crappy AA options.

You never ever want to be in a close quarter battle with Honda - his c.LP, ochio throw, headbutt, j.HP, s.HK will finish half of Fuerte's life in almost an instant.
Run away as soon as possible.

If the Honda player sucks and thinks he can just get you with headbutt since Fuerte can't really punish blocked headbutts (except with ultra and only on normal headbutts not the EX one), you can just jump neutral and jump back and punish him on the way down with j.HP and then continue with your mix-ups since you have a huge frame advantage here).

If he's smart and goes forward slowly with neutral j.HP, this is where the problematic guessing game starts.
I'd say start with fake wall-jumps first, land close to the wall and see his reaction - does he FA, block high, or down back(keep a charge)?

Once you've decided what he likes to do:
1) FA: from wall-jumps you can do deep j.HP and then another s.HP to a combo or just do throw right away.
You can also just do fajita buster

2) Block high: fajita buster or j.HP to throw/cr.MK

3) Keep a charge: splash or j.HP

Once you've knocked him down, this is where the fun starts - since Honda has crappy AA, cross up j.HP is a very good move to use here - it beats both headbutt and butt slam, and if he decides to block, you have the frame advantage for mix-ups here.

Other than that, if he starts to avoid cross-ups (by FA to backdashing), use f+MK to corpse hop him so he loses headbutt charge.
From corpse hop, your best options are (from best to worst):
1) c.HK: beats back dash, butt slam, jumps and if blocked/FAed, you have some frame advantage
2) tortilla propeller (on top of Honda): beats low block, safe if Honda backdashes, beaten by butt slam and jumps
3) tostada splash cross-ups: beats a lot of blocks and jumps, beaten by FA and EX butt slam

Once you have a life lead and he's not knocked down, run away like you would with Gief.
Conversely, he can do the same thing to you as well (whereas Gief cannot really run away from you).

Basically, whoever holds the life lead and turtles effectively wins.
FindMyFarms said:
It's your call, it's not formal or anything. I would advice PM'ing people and getting on their case about playing their matches though. Like what I'm about to do to galactic acid

i believe akachans net is still down, might have to force galactic to play his match first......lol


Arde5643: Whoa. Thanks for all of the tips!

I actually beat a Honda in G2 (maybe he wasn't really that good? :lol) by just figuring out what he would do next with fake wall jumps.

I kinda apply the same strategy to decent Ryus now. The downside is that they usually ALWAYS beat my splash with the light dragon punch by anticipation. The plus side is that they usually are NEVER quick enough to anticipate a slide. Every time I see them doing that stupid crouch move (basically getting the inputs in for a DP), I run in for a slide.
FindMyFarms said:
>>This is why you don't put too much merit into your GP rank<<

The people at/near the top aren't too good at this game. The video is of the #1 on PSN. While some professional players enjoy playing tourney mode, not a single one actually tries to get to the top of it.

Poongko is the only pro that I know of that consistently stayed at the top of the rankings for a while. When it first came out he(as Effzang) was in the top 5 in BP and wins on PSN for nearly a month(I think). But of course it was only a matter of time before he dropped out do to boosters and guys who just cared a lot more about stuff like this.
Sup street fightin' GAF. So I was at e3 today and thought I'd share a couple anecdotes.

The doors didn't open until noon so I was just waiting around watching the rock band stage making sure my borrowed badge didn't get me caught. I'd seen a couple of semi-celebs up until that point (namely people from that awful gamers reality show on Sci-Fi). I'm minding my own business when I turn around and see the one and only Alex Valle. I'm normally a pretty shy guy but somehow the 140hours I'd spent on SF4 infused with enough courage to stick my hand out and mum "Dude, you're a legend."

So we start shooting the shit for a while. He tells me how he's down to help people in his area level up their game. Really nice guy. Hopefully I'lll get to see him at Cal State Fullerton this friday for some gaming. I asked him about the new chars and if he thought any of them were a threat. He said that in all honesty, they're not. The arcade chars are built better and unless you haven't played against any console chars, there's little hope of same skilled players standing a good chance against the arcade chars.

He also told me about his style, rushing them down and forcing mistakes. At the end of it, he encouraged me to stick with my main in the hopes that I can carve my own niche with her (Cammy).

I left satisfied and continued walking. Next person I see among a crowd of pro-gamer celebs, Justin Wong.


He wasn't as friendly as Valle. Seemed a bit ackward. I shot the shit with him for a while asking him about Evo and whether he was practicing (duh!).

Fast forward to the Capcom booth, I meet the SoCal trifecta of Mike Ross, Alex Valle, and Gootecks. Talk with them for a bit, ALL of them friendly guys. Might set up a tournament with Gootecks for fundraising purposes in the future.

Oh and I played Tatsunoko which was hot shit.
I think I either played someone on GAF or some random that invited me.. Guy was named bistromathics.. Anyways.. he played Viper.. I did Fuerte for 2 rounds and Gen for 2 rounds.

Good games. Bistro if you are on GAF? I ended up going 4-0 but needed to go back to Championship edition before I got tired. I got some perfects in there too ;)

I was contemplating recording matches tonight but I didnt.. I should have!

Anyways I got G2-A!! FINALLY. Ive slowed down my gameplay as of late but tonight I was 400 points away and decided to try. Only took me 45 minutes to an hour. Either the competition in G2 has gotten really easy/balanced for me or something. I ended up losing in the 3rd round my first time.. Then Runner Up.. Then Champion.. Then lost 2 first round battles and won 2 consecutive championships after that. It was enough to push me around 390 or so which is what i needed.

Didn't take long. I will give some good time this weekend to really get myself towards G1 now. I even got someone who messaged me and said "Great Fuerte and GG" Or maybe I'm just getting better and not realizing it?


Well I finally have a decent TV as well as a good stick (Mad Catz SE), so I'm going back online and would be down for any competition in most cases. Gamertag is Nikashi.
prodystopian said:
Why not 'Rog?

Why not join? :p

Winning's not a priority, just thought I'd enjoy competing with other characters I use here and there.

Plus, if Timekillr joins the tourney, I need Akuma so I can raging demon him.


I signed up! I hope you guys don't mind :D

I'd like to say in advance, whoever I end up playing please give me more tips after you beat me :lol I don't have any recording devices and I've been wanting to get critiqued for months =]
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