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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Zeliard said:
I can't watch this at work, but is Momochi generally considered the best Akuma player in the world?

Because holy fuck, that guy.

Yes,but Daigo is still the best SF player in the world.

Sorry,but I am not all that impressed by Mago. :lol Elite level skill,but he doesn't have the mind of the beast nor the crazy mindgames.

Daigo is easily the best Ryu we will ever see. :D There's just no way anyone can sport a Ryu as good as him,he's godlike even if he happen to lose just like all the top players in the world.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Damn this connection, the second round with Daigo vs. Momochi, it was practically all Daigo, then once again the stream insta-teleports to Akuma's win pose and I was thinking what the hell?

And poor Mago got rocked by that Viper - he'd take her to the edge, and the she'd come right back and win with a sliver of life left - nice...

That Ultra on reaction to the Tiger Knee was nasty - reminds me of how a friend of mine plays too...


kitzkozan said:
Yes,but Daigo is still the best SF player in the world.

No doubt. Some were saying that Daigo's win at EVO doesn't mean much because the top Japanese players weren't there, but it doesn't really seem to matter who you put in front of him.
Zeliard said:
No doubt. Some were saying that Daigo's win at EVO doesn't mean much because the top Japanese players weren't there, but it doesn't really seem to matter who you put in front of him.

As evident at God's Garden.


maybe someone answered this, but why is gouken banned? the other console chars are up, he's mid tier at best, I main him, but I seriously need to switch to someone else.


Imm0rt4l said:
maybe someone answered this, but why is gouken banned? the other console chars are up, he's mid tier at best, I main him, but I seriously need to switch to someone else.
I don't think he's banned - he's just not really up to snuff for high level competition though.


Zeliard said:
No doubt. Some were saying that Daigo's win at EVO doesn't mean much because the top Japanese players weren't there, but it doesn't really seem to matter who you put in front of him.

Daigo doesn't have the best footsies or basic game,but he's simply godlike when it come to zoning,spacing and reflexes.He's also the best in the world at adapting and his mindgames are just like :D

Every Ryu end up looking like garbage compared to is.There's just no way to replicate the Daigo's Ryu. :lol Freaking gdlike. :p

The others are fantastic as well,but the biggest difference is mindgames and the nerves of steel that Daigo possess.That's why I am not so sure that bringing in 7-10 top japanese at EVO would of resulted in all the US players out of the top 8.Mago is all but invincible and I'm sure Wong could of defeated him with Balrog.In fact,Wong said that he was winning a lot when he went to Japan and I believe him.


Arde5643 said:
I don't think he's banned - he's just not really up to snuff for high level competition though.
This is definitely true, but strange that they didn't at least have him as an option, they took out seth who is suitable for high level play which leads me to believe that they were both banned.


Guh, Sagat mirror match - what a boring crack ass match.

At least this way this will remove another boring ass Sagat from the comp.
Imm0rt4l said:
This is definitely true, but strange that they didn't at least have him as an option, they took out seth who is suitable for high level play which leads me to believe that they were both banned.
Does Gouken have an air parry?


_dementia said:
Does Gouken have an air parry?
yea he has an air parry, absorbs one hit(essentially an air focus sans the attack), I bait non reversible dp's with it sometimes. It's not terribly useful though.


kitzkozan said:
Daigo doesn't have the best footsies or basic game,but he's simply godlike when it come to zoning,spacing and reflexes.He's also the best in the world at adapting and his mindgames are just like :D

Every Ryu end up looking like garbage compared to is.There's just no way to replicate the Daigo's Ryu. :lol Freaking gdlike. :p

The others are fantastic as well,but the biggest difference is mindgames and the nerves of steel that Daigo possess.That's why I am not so sure that bringing in 7-10 top japanese at EVO would of resulted in all the US players out of the top 8.Mago is all but invincible and I'm sure Wong could of defeated him with Balrog.In fact,Wong said that he was winning a lot when he went to Japan and I believe him.

I agree - probably the thing that impresses me the most about Daigo is how he adapts during the flow of a match. Sometimes he'll get beaten in the first round or the first match, and he'll then have a feel for how his opponent is currently playing, and he's able to to take that and wipe them out in the next several rounds when most people would be shaken up. He's got a very strong mental game.

And Wong is sick. The only reason he didn't pick his ridiculous Rufus against Daigo is because Daigo took him to the woodshed at the Gamestop tourney when Wong did so. So at EVO he picked, what, his 3rd character? And he gave Daigo some fits with Rog. That's crazy how he can do that without his main (Rufus) or even his secondary (Abel). Most people aren't Daigo and wouldn't be able to handle Wong's Rufus like he did, or at all.


Biff Hardbody said:
oh shit. Akimo is Godly. that was awesome. I love seeing Honda win.

E.Honda as been moving up the tiers lately and we can see why. :D

He just deal a crapload of damage and he's got plenty of health.Akimo also rely on his super instead of the ultra which is the way to go.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Holy crap, the Akimo/Momochi match was literally over in an instant for me, frigging teleporting connection!

I seriously hope that that match was recorded, because with Honda as my #1 main, I can't miss seeing how he beat Momochi... damnit!
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