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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


God's Beard said:
Super - Daily Single(throw): QCF QCF (LP+LK) - Q picks up the opponent and punches him in the stomach, sending him flying forward.

Ultra - Daily Double(throw): QCF QCF (LP+LK) - Q picks up the opponent by the neck, danger lights flash and Q punches them in the stomach, then a double fisted slam launching them into the ceiling. Less forward distance compared to 3rd strike version.

Should be Deadly, not Daily.


myDingling said:
Ill be at warzone
Yo myDingLing - sorry I haven't replied to your PM about the tournaments you were going to.

A personal crisis occured and it basically took the whole 2 weeks of my life.

Have you already booked a room at Hilton? The only rooms left are the double bed rooms so let me know if you're interested in sharing.

I also invited a buddy of mine, but most likely he won't/can't go to Warzone on September.


Don't mean to flame, but how does anyone have fun being Guile? All I've faced have had the same playstyle, sonic boom, sonic boom, antiair normal/flash kick/ jump to air throw if someone tries to jump in. On rare occasion, do a block string/throw mixup. That's almost it. How can you stick with him without getting bored?

And any tips for Sakura vs Blanka? Without a way to punish ball I'm just clueless on how Sakura supposed to win.
Wow, the Vanessa chick from the other promo is hot:


This seems like a chill event. Happy Labor Day!!

I tried playing with the stick some mo and gawd. My mind and the joystick are not one. I'm trying Ken's 4th trial. I can do it on pad (fo sure) but it just feels like a tank. But I'll keep at it.

I then tried to play some online, but I kept getting taxed by some simple tactics. I had someone on a mic (from the UK) say bravo, you fucking won by spamming fireballs. He beat me by a EX tatsu and was like fuck you...blah, blah, blah. It's not that serious.
Parallax Scroll said:
Rice, I hope you're having as much fun with these matches as I am.

Once I learn how to ultra you're toast

Yeah it's been fun. About your Zangeif, every Zangeif I fight in G2 I run the hell away from. Yours on the other hand, I actually rush down quite a bit. But if you keep it up, I'll be running from you to. As for Ryu's Ultras, you had me a couple of times but didn't do it. I don't know how much you're working on it, but I guess you just don't have the muscle memory down yet. Work on that and you should win more mirror matches between us.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
LakeEarth said:
Don't mean to flame, but how does anyone have fun being Guile? All I've faced have had the same playstyle, sonic boom, sonic boom, antiair normal/flash kick/ jump to air throw if someone tries to jump in. On rare occasion, do a block string/throw mixup. That's almost it. How can you stick with him without getting bored?

And any tips for Sakura vs Blanka? Without a way to punish ball I'm just clueless on how Sakura supposed to win.

Yeah, I asked for help against Blanka on the last page but it got overlooked, I hate fighting him. I play as Cammy though.
LakeEarth said:
Don't mean to flame, but how does anyone have fun being Guile? All I've faced have had the same playstyle, sonic boom, sonic boom, antiair normal/flash kick/ jump to air throw if someone tries to jump in. On rare occasion, do a block string/throw mixup. That's almost it. How can you stick with him without getting bored?

And any tips for Sakura vs Blanka? Without a way to punish ball I'm just clueless on how Sakura supposed to win.

Man I fucking hate playing Guile players who actually know what they're doing. I'll try to out turtle them at first. But if I score a knockdown, I'm going to spam cross ups and throws hardcore until they can get away from that. But yeah, Guile has to be one of the most one dimensional characters in the game. We may hate it but he has to be played that way in order to be successful.

Can't help you with Blanka since I main Ryu. But even then I still have trouble with that match up. What pisses me off the most is how hard it is to punish him on wake up. I hate many characters in this game, but he is definitely near the top. Anyways do we not have a dedicated Blanka player in this thread? That would be helpful for practice against that green bastard.


Well Blanka you just have to develop an independant strategy which is different from most of the cast (Zangief is the same way). I main Abel and Honda. Abel can EX TT on wakeup which will grab through electricity which is nice, as well as his ultra being able to punish a blocked ball (and his ultra is powerful too). Honda makes balls completely pointless as his headbutt counters it, punishes it on block very well. EX headbutt is also nice to punish holes in blockstrings or attempts to throw, CAN beat electricity at the right distance and can be used to get out of Blanka cross-up shinanigans.

I don't know Cammy though. Are we sure cannon drill can't reach a blocked ball?

And whats up with Dictators on G1 today? Today I faced more of them tonight then Ken's, Akumas and Sagat combined.


Everything is moe to me
Pandaman said:
sakura vs blanka is just like everyone else versus blanka. spam jabs to punish the horizontal ball and dont jump.
more detailed version:
- sakura cant punish a horizontal ball on block. if you see one coming, jab counter.
- sakura has to approach electricity carefully too, the only safe way to do it is to shoryuken from a body length away.
- actually, sakura's weird shoryuken is her greatest strength versus blanka, as it can punish a rainbow ball from pretty much any distance the ball can hit you from.
- on that note, she cant punish rainbow balls on block either.
- for the love of the ipu, do. not. jump. lightning beats anything and you can be vertical balled from any distance. its just not a good idea to take to the air unless he telegraphs a slide from a mile away, but since that's unsafe on block and doesn't chip, why would you?

long story short: don't jump and you'll enjoy the one match up where sakuras shoryuken properties come into play in your favour.
LakeEarth said:
Well Blanka you just have to develop an independant strategy which is different from most of the cast (Zangief is the same way). I main Abel and Honda. Abel can EX TT on wakeup which will grab through electricity which is nice, as well as his ultra being able to punish a blocked ball (and his ultra is powerful too). Honda makes balls completely pointless as his headbutt counters it, punishes it on block very well. EX headbutt is also nice to punish holes in blockstrings or attempts to throw, CAN beat electricity at the right distance and can be used to get out of Blanka cross-up shinanigans.

I don't know Cammy though. Are we sure cannon drill can't reach a blocked ball?

And whats up with Dictators on G1 today? Today I faced more of them tonight then Ken's, Akumas and Sagat combined.

Blocked blanka ball is free reversal HK spiral arrow. Ultra as well IIRC. Something was floating around like punishing blanka ball on hit with Ultra if he's in the corner on the SRK Cammy boards, I never tried it my self, but :lol if true. Try to anticipate horizontal balls and punish with lk/mk SA. Don't throw whiffed vertical balls; Spike that green bastard in the face and keep it going if you have bar. Stay at home and punish his mistakes. Watch out for the crossups though, blocked rainbow balls is free jumping HK (there's probably a better way to punish this I don't know about; air throw works too but timing is a little stricter).

FMF, I got a (SD) camcorder for a pretty shecksay deal. Yours and the rest of GAF's mad hax will be exposed to the world (if you wish for this to happen).

And Guile is exactly how you described him. But I (among other people) know that you've probably for sure outplayed your opponent if you won with Guile. Masochists I tells ya. It's good one frame link practice though. And I think we're all waiting for a buff, like the Ken players who've moved on.
Killa Sasa said:
FMF, I got a (SD) camcorder for a pretty shecksay deal. Yours and the rest of GAF's mad hax will be exposed to the world (if you wish for this to happen).

If you want, but i'm so bad online :/

How bout u lemme borrow the camcorder when i go up to warzone for Kendra. I'll record something GAF will really want to see.


LakeEarth said:
Don't mean to flame, but how does anyone have fun being Guile? All I've faced have had the same playstyle, sonic boom, sonic boom, antiair normal/flash kick/ jump to air throw if someone tries to jump in. On rare occasion, do a block string/throw mixup. That's almost it. How can you stick with him without getting bored?

Haha I say the same shit about Ryu, that boring played out chump. I'd heckle the shit outta Daigo if I was at one of his matches for never trying someone interesting.


As a sak player I used to hate the blanka matchup until I figured that you gotta out-turtle them, well most of the time. Their electricity is beat out by her low hk from a lil distance. If u face one that likes to spam electricity on wake up a good timed neutral jump hk will also beat it. If they are ball happy just keep walkin fwd and block till u corner trap them, low hp their jump ins, neutral jump hk .I find that most blankas usually only like to block low


bob_arctor said:
Haha I say the same shit about Ryu, that boring played out chump. I'd heckle the shit outta Daigo if I was at one of his matches for never trying someone interesting.

Daigo does crazy weird shit with Ryu all the time though.


bob_arctor said:
Haha I say the same shit about Ryu, that boring played out chump. I'd heckle the shit outta Daigo if I was at one of his matches for never trying someone interesting.
Seeing runaway Ryu again and again is boring, but playing a Ryu who knows how to turn on the offense (and not just tick throw setups) is usually refreshing.
Ledsen said:
Daigo does crazy weird shit with Ryu all the time though.

Did you see the God's Garden stream. Daigo was doing links that we didn't even know was possible until we saw it during that stream. Plus he's the only Ryu player out there that will always go for the cr. HP into SRK after the F+HP. Every other Ryu player will opt for the safer route because of the fear of punishment.

As for the runaway Ryu's, it seems most people who play SF4 are runaways/turtles. I faced a Viper who actually turtled me to death, I also had a match against a Rufus who tried to turtle me. Every time I moved towards him, he'd start moving away. Then I was like "fuck this" and started throwing tons of fireballs.

I don't know how this came to be, but everybody's mentality in this game is "stay the fuck away from me you monster". It's really annoying, makes me wish I could pick Cable and just mash HPx3 -> Viper Beam all day on these people


If Q or Dudley make it into the next SFIV, I'd seriously consider dropping Abel for either of them. I just love those damn characters so much.


Rice-Eater said:
Did you see the God's Garden stream. Daigo was doing links that we didn't even know was possible until we saw it during that stream. Plus he's the only Ryu player out there that will always go for the cr. HP into SRK after the F+HP. Every other Ryu player will opt for the safer route because of the fear of punishment.

As for the runaway Ryu's, it seems most people who play SF4 are runaways/turtles. I faced a Viper who actually turtled me to death, I also had a match against a Rufus who tried to turtle me. Every time I moved towards him, he'd start moving away. Then I was like "fuck this" and started throwing tons of fireballs.

I don't know how this came to be, but everybody's mentality in this game is "stay the fuck away from me you monster". It's really annoying, makes me wish I could pick Cable and just mash HPx3 -> Viper Beam all day on these people

Yeah I was there, that shit was hype... unfortunately I'm not that into Ryu so I didn't recognize all the insane combos he pulled off until I read the forums later. But those f+hp, cr.hp, SRK are crazy, he does do it EVERY TIME in casuals as well.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
LakeEarth said:
Don't mean to flame, but how does anyone have fun being Guile? All I've faced have had the same playstyle, sonic boom, sonic boom, antiair normal/flash kick/ jump to air throw if someone tries to jump in. On rare occasion, do a block string/throw mixup. That's almost it. How can you stick with him without getting bored?

And any tips for Sakura vs Blanka? Without a way to punish ball I'm just clueless on how Sakura supposed to win.
That's called being a flowchart Guile.

There's one for every character.
Shig said:
I just can't wrap my head around how someone can do two charge moves in such quick succession, or parry almost immediately into a charge move.

I'm a serious Q player from back in the day.

Parry into charge moves are just, charge:nuetral:forward (parry) move. You gotta remain neutral for like zero seconds, if that makes any sense. They usually just come out on accident for many people.

In the beginning of that video, after the CDB (Capture and Deadly Blow - Command grab) , you hold lp on that first dash punch, which gives it the overhead motion. During that overhead is plenty of time to get a second charge. It's alot easier than it looks. It doesn't appear that there is enough charge time but there is. The second charge punch comes out very easily on the negative edge of when you let go of the overhead lp.

Now, what he does at 2:03 is much more difficult, requires charge partitioning. I was like 50/50 with these. Very tough to pull off consistently. Besides, in a corner situation like that I'd much rather go for lp dash punch, b+HP. The b+HP resets them so you have another nice mixup to follow up with. What Kuroda does with the dash into EX dash is just showboating/Kuroda trademark. Pretty awesome.

4:06 isn't as hard, but again requires charge partitioning. Good damage and it puts you right back in their face. Me, I always go for the EX punch into HK. Then again that's cause I'm not ballsy enough to taunt 3x in a row like Kuroda.


Seiken said:
That's called being a flowchart Guile.

There's one for every character.
But I've never seen any good Guile play any other way. My point isn't that I hate flowcharts, is that there IS no non-flow charters out there, that going against the flow-chart is actually the wrong thing to do. How can that not get boring? That's why I love Abel, I can play totally different from match to match.


Arpharmd B said:
Now, what he does at 2:03 is much more difficult, requires charge partitioning. I was like 50/50 with these. Very tough to pull off consistently. Besides, in a corner situation like that I'd much rather go for lp dash punch, b+HP. The b+HP resets them so you have another nice mixup to follow up with. What Kuroda does with the dash into EX dash is just showboating/Kuroda trademark. Pretty awesome.
Yeah, the EX does only 4 points more damage than a non-EX hit. But according to Kuroda, "what else am I gonna need meter for with Q?" Plus you can't quickstand after this hit, so Q can taunt AND be in attack position on wakeup.
Lost Fragment said:
Totally did that to a Dhalsim the other night. Hope that wasn't you :lol

Wasn't me, I play Ryu exclusively and this happened to me a month ago.

Ledsen said:
Yeah I was there, that shit was hype... unfortunately I'm not that into Ryu so I didn't recognize all the insane combos he pulled off until I read the forums later. But those f+hp, cr.hp, SRK are crazy, he does do it EVERY TIME in casuals as well.

The two that really stood out was

F+HP, cr. MP x2, c. MK, Tatsu
cr. MP x3, cr. HK

The first one people probably knew was possible, but it was very impressive since it's never been seen before on video. But the 2nd, I haven't seen one person say that they knew that was possible.


~Devil Trigger~ said:
i would Roll AWAY from Gief, i mean Im in Rolling Animation, back on the ground, a good step away from him, and SPD still Fucking gets me, I'd teleport back in his arms...

no Capcom, no

Gief/Abel is 7/3 in favor of Gief.

I should know, I'm apparently regularly playing the best Gief in North America (according to Arturo anyway lol).

It's VERY hard to win against a competent Gief with Abel. You have to abuse tick TTs like mad, and even then if they lariat you're dead.

Then there's the 50/50 wakeup situation, with one of his options being completely safe (lariat). And when you start blocking on wakeup, it's SPD time.

There's also no reliable way to deal with jumping MK (ex CoD sorta works, but you need meter). Lariats are too safe against Abel, etc.

It's a ridiculous matchup. I can beat gief scrubs (far MP beats lariat clean, and they always mash SPD so you can tick into TT a lot more against these guys) but that's pretty much it.


Ledsen said:
Daigo does crazy weird shit with Ryu all the time though.

Eh, who cares? It's Ryu. Same as ever. Over and over. Lemme see him pull off some crazy stuff with someone else for once. This is why I still consider Wong a better player than him just cuz he at least switches it up and is high-level with a handful of characters.
bob_arctor said:
Eh, who cares? It's Ryu. Same as ever. Over and over. Lemme see him pull off some crazy stuff with someone else for once. This is why I still consider Wong a better player than him just cuz he at least switches it up and is high-level with a handful of characters.
at Marvel right?
Why would you consider Wong better just because he changes his main every game? It would make more sense if you simply said you like him more, but saying he's better when he hasn't proved it is ridiculous.

Simply put, some guys prefer to stick with the same character or character type. It doesn't mean they can't dominate with other characters, it's just what they prefer. Daigo, Choi, and Valle always mains a Shoto, Nuki always plays Chun, JR Rodriguez has stuck with Akuma in 2 consecutive SF games. Maybe it's loyalty, who knows but it has nothing to do with there ability to learn a new character.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
I fight smart Giefs these days at G2-A, they normal there way in and blah blah...

i use the play the TT game(and still do sometimes) on Gief's wake up but the risk is ridiculous, a neutral jump headbutt > a combo and im dizzy.


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
bob_arctor said:
Eh, who cares? It's Ryu. Same as ever. Over and over. Lemme see him pull off some crazy stuff with someone else for once. This is why I still consider Wong a better player than him just cuz he at least switches it up and is high-level with a handful of characters.

During A3 Daigo used V-Akuma, then V-Ryu after he played Valle. He also used V-Guy during that same world tournament.

Daigo played Boxer and O.Sagat during several Evos even though his main is Ryu. In fact, he beat Choi's O.Sagat with Boxer at Evo to win the championship.

Then he played Fei-Long against the French during one of their major tournaments.

For CvS2 he has known to use Blanka, Sagat, Guile, Chun-li, Ryu, Vega and god knows what other characters.

In other words, YJDK, so STFU.


Rice-Eater said:
Why would you consider Wong better just because he changes his main every game? It would make more sense if you simply said you like him more, but saying he's better when he hasn't proved it is ridiculous.

Simply put, some guys prefer to stick with the same character or character type. It doesn't mean they can't dominate with other characters, it's just what they prefer. Daigo, Choi, and Valle always mains a Shoto, Nuki always plays Chun, JR Rodriguez has stuck with Akuma in 2 consecutive SF games. Maybe it's loyalty, who knows but it has nothing to do with there ability to learn a new character.

I don't "like" any of these cats. I don't know them on any level. I wonder though if Wong stays away from using Ryu only because Daigo mains him. Like it would be like mentally conceding or something. But don't you Ryu's get your panties in a bunch over this. Opinions and assholes and all that jazz. Wong simply impresses me more with his ability to win with multiple characters. *shrug*.

As for your assertion of loyalty and their ability to be as good with other characters if they so chose, guess we'll never know for sure, will we? Which was kinda my point. Aside from Ryu being played out I mean.

Edit: so now I gotta shut the fuck up? Haha okay, no problem. You guys are a fucking trip sometimes for real.
Are you seriously doubting the ability of these guys to dominate with other characters just because they have a long history with a certain character or character type? You know what, forget it. It seems you've made up your mind already.

But anyways, now you're saying that you're more impressed with Wong because he plays multiple characters at a high level. That's cool, I only challenged what you said earlier because it doesn't matter how many characters you could play at a very high level as long as you're never able to beat the dude who only plays one character you can't be considered better.


Oichi said:

This. Over and over.

bob_arctor said:
Edit: so now I gotta shut the fuck up? Haha okay, no problem. You guys are a fucking trip sometimes for real.

Don't mean to dog pile or anything but that was just a silly thing to say :p Daigo plays many other chars.


Rice-Eater said:
Are you seriously doubting the ability of these guys to dominate with other characters just because they have a long history with a certain character or character type? You know what, forget it. It seems you've made up your mind already.

Yeah, let's forget it cuz I can feel people getting touchy and I don't really give that much of a fuck.

And to Oichi: can you perhaps tell me what Daigo had for breakfast as well? Or his favorite color? Never mind. That has nothing to do with SF4. Same as mentioning what he did in previous games. Lemme know when he switches up in the present day so I can be allowed to not STFU about it. Thanks.
Wong likes to play characters that give him the ability to play his mind games. What you do after blocking one of Rufus' dive kicks is a critical moment in the match, and the fact that he can do it in rapid succession lets Wong get really good reads on his opponents.

Of course he plays Abel and Boxer too, but that's why you see him use Rufus the most.
bob_arctor said:
Eh, who cares? It's Ryu. Same as ever. Over and over. Lemme see him pull off some crazy stuff with someone else for once. This is why I still consider Wong a better player than him just cuz he at least switches it up and is high-level with a handful of characters.

in evo, he used guile in hd remix :D

Daigo has been using Ryu since the dawn of time. In ST, he used Balrog, Ryu and Fei Long.

And if he played Ryu like everybody else, I'd say some of the gripes are true. He's the best Ryu in the world.


The reason most Japanese players stick to one character is because of their typical tournament format. Single elimination and same character throughout the tournament. They don't bother learning a second character most of the time since they can't counterpick anyway and they have to stick with a single character through every round.

That's not to say people don't change it up every now and then (like Ojisan Boy), but theres a reason Wong plays more characters than Daigo. Hell, he even said he thought Balrog was a good counterpick for Ryu.
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