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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Relix said:
I am worn out, and I still try. I played like 10 Kens, and more Ryu's today. Got beaten twice by some bullshit Ken who definitely lacked skill but still beat me. The stick doesn't help either.

Guess... I am gonna stop playing this game =(. Was a wonderful time, but the horrible netcode, no lobbies, certain balance issues and the fact that everyone thinks they are cool because they use Ryu Ken or Sagat really kills me.
Is there not a big Street Fighter scene where you live? If there is, I would get some offline games going with the locals. If you truly want the full experience of Street Fighter IV, play offline.
FindMyFarms said:
Yeah, the tourney is pretty ghetto in the equipment department. The live stream ending up not going through, sorry about that.

If you care about updates, I went 4-0 in my pool along with Andrew going 5-0. Top 16 starts in about an hour.

Nice work. Good luck in the Top 16.


he's Virgin Tight™
gibration said:
Is there not a big Street Fighter scene where you live? If there is, I would get some offline games going with the locals. If you truly want the full experience of Street Fighter IV, play offline.

Yeah there is, but 80% of them play PS3. I need to dual mod my stick I guess.
The video I linked above was actually pretty helpful. I tried holding the stick more like he does. Before I was doing grip #1 from here: http://www.eventhubs.com/guides/2009/jul/08/tips-switching-pad-joystick/

But I may have been gripping it too tight. I tried a looser grip (barely even touching the stick when in neutral) like in the video, and shoryukens are easier this way. Double fireballs are still a bit challenging. I also haven't decided yet whether I prefer the rightmost buttons on the TE (more american style layout) or the leftmost buttons (staggered).

gibration said:
I personally think a square gate is best for all options/characters but in the end it's all just based on preference.
Well, the guy in that video sure makes 360 motions look easy using an octagonal gate. Square gate gets easier the more I use it, but I've pretty much only tried Ryu.
One thing I've noticed when I play online is that I sometimes forget which side I'm on. I don't have any physical frame of reference to remember it by, so sometimes I glance down at the wrong health or energy bars. Is this an issue for anyone else?


good credit (by proxy)
square gate is so damn hard for fb motions. I'm getting used to it for srk motions, but fb's come out for me like less than half the time. I can't cr. mk into fb with ryu for anything. I think If i had a taller stick i'd be a lot better, since i'm 6'6" and have larger than average hands, definitely much larger than most japanese players. The fact that the ball top spins around really fucks me up too.


If you're spinning the ball on the stick around, maybe you're not holding it right? dunno man. I've never noticed the spin.
When I get knocked down, I instinctively mash buttons and the stick. Then it says "technical." What does that mean?
"tech"ing a fall makes you get up faster.


Parallax Scroll said:
When I get knocked down, I instinctively mash buttons and the stick. Then it says "technical." What does that mean?

It's the quick get-up or ground recovery, no idea what IV calls it lol.

re: sticks, it's just a matter of getting used to them. The ones I really hate are those "p360?" sticks or the ones with the really stiff spring. I've played in various arcades that have different setups, so I've had to get used to all of them.

360s are pretty easy, you don't have to roll it in a very fast motion (unless you're playing something oldschool like SFII/ST). There are shortcuts, like doing a 270; but it's down to preference.
I've always done full 360s.

Timedog, why don't you open up your stick and tighten up the ball? I'll assume that yours has a plastic shaft covering it, or else you'd have held on to the metal and tightened it from there


I'm just now starting to practice Fuerte's loop with his c.MP after seeing a bunch of the pros do it.

Fuerte is a bitch to learn :lol


Just placed 4th in a 50 man SF4 tourney, which I feel good about cuz I've only been playing BB since its release and no SF4. But it also stings as I was screwing up and used to be able to beat the eventual winner. On the bright side, I won BB.
Had a 16 team tourney today, placed T5th as it was character locked (Cammy). Lost to a Balrog and a Ryu I should've beat. No biggie, because singles are tomorrow and that's the serious one. Took a Sagat match I had no business winning and even took out a Gief :D Things are looking good for tomorrow.

What's the word on your tourney, FMF?
Grifter said:
Just placed 4th in a 50 man SF4 tourney, which I feel good about cuz I've only been playing BB since its release and no SF4. But it also stings as I was screwing up and used to be able to beat the eventual winner. On the bright side, I won BB.


been getting back into the game with the pc version.. there's a local tournament coming up on the 28th, but it's teams only.. and none of my local friends play more than once a month ;\

My best hope would be my flowchart ken point man making the other team underestimate me? ha.


Setec Astronomer
Timedog said:
square gate is so damn hard for fb motions. I'm getting used to it for srk motions, but fb's come out for me like less than half the time. I can't cr. mk into fb with ryu for anything.
Don't ride the gate so much as the actual distance you need to register a direction is less(sanwa sticks click), also... d+mk, continue holding down, then just do df, f+P for fb.
I'm in the same boat as most of the stick novices. I started using a HRAP with HD Remix but stopped with SFIV, as I liked using the Saturn pad and Fightpad more.

So with my picking up the PC version, I decided to use it to complete the trials. And holy bat dung. I feel like I'm using a tank. So far, I've been able to complete Akuma and Sagat (I completed Ryu's earlier with the Fight Pad). I'm stuck on Ken. I have the execution on pad to complete the trial, but it takes more finesse with the stick. I'm using a SE with Seimitsu parts.


dang everyone went to a tournament today...

I wanted to go to AI ranbat 2.5 but I slept in instead ;_;

but on the bright side, I got to sleep in!!


good credit (by proxy)
JEKKI said:
dang everyone went to a tournament today...

I wanted to go to AI ranbat 2.5 but I slept in instead ;_;

but on the bright side, I got to sleep in!!

That pipegnome in your avatar makes me question my sanity.


JEKKI said:
dang everyone went to a tournament today...

I wanted to go to AI ranbat 2.5 but I slept in instead ;_;

but on the bright side, I got to sleep in!!
I wanted to go too but instead I ended up watching District 9.
Does anyone know how FindMyFarms ended up in the tournament?
I played a few matches as gief today. He's a fun character. Also, 360 motions are way easier on the stick. I've pretty much only played 360 characters on a pad before.
gibration said:
I don't see "FindMyFarms" anywhere, what name am I looking for?
FindMyFarms is Adnan..

He tied for 7th.

Tony is yes Vietnamazing

Almost all of the Dallas players that went down made it out of the pools. Adnan, AndrewP, Binh, and Tony.

All of the Dallas players got knocked into losers except Binh (early on that is) so Tony made a nice comeback.


gibration said:
I personally think a square gate is best for all options/characters but in the end it's all just based on preference.
I agree. I've tried both in my Madcatz SE and stuck with square gate. I didn't find octagonal any easier, in anything it made my movements stiffer for QCs (riding the gate), and certainly more difficult for charge characters.
I did a few more matches as Zangief... I'm really enjoying playing as him, and I'm doing decent so far. I've been a Zangief fan for years, but IMO he started out (in SF2) kind of awkward to control, and in each new game he gets a little more accessible. In SF4 he doesn't feel awkward at all. Also, Zangief seems like the best reason yet why I should use a stick... he's sooooo much better on one.

And it seems like for low level play in SF4, all you need is the ability to do 360s, and you'll get some wins. So if I spend some time and learn some of the tricks that people who are good with Zangief use, I might be in pretty good shape.

Plus then I don't have to learn all that metsu hadoken juggle crap.

Oh, and I'd say right now I can do 360s on this stick more easily than double fireballs.
It is extremely hard to comeback to SFIV from playing Marvel vs Capcom 2. The timing, the speed, the buttons, well hell.......... I CANNOT AIRBLOCK!!!!! But I still love SFIV to death.
Chauncy Talon said:
It is extremely hard to comeback to SFIV from playing Marvel vs Capcom 2. The timing, the speed, the buttons, well hell.......... I CANNOT AIRBLOCK!!!!! But I still love SFIV to death.

Funny, I have the exact opposite feelings. I find it hard to get back into MvC2 because I love SF4 so much right now. Back in the day my friends and I played MvC2 like crazy, I still like the game but I'm seeing now that it's just not the same anymore. I honestly would have enjoyed 3rd Strike more if that got a Live/PSN release instead of MvC2.

And Parallax, good luck with Zangief. I hope you have patience because you're going to do a lot of chasing in this game. One important thing to remember is that with certain characters, you can't chase them down to the edge of the corner or they can easily escape. Some have teleports and Shoto's have there air tatsu's.
Rice-Eater said:
Funny, I have the exact opposite feelings. I find it hard to get back into MvC2 because I love SF4 so much right now. Back in the day my friends and I played MvC2 like crazy, I still like the game but I'm seeing now that it's just not the same anymore. I honestly would have enjoyed 3rd Strike more if that got a Live/PSN release instead of MvC2.

And Parallax, good luck with Zangief. I hope you have patience because you're going to do a lot of chasing in this game. One important thing to remember is that with certain characters, you can't chase them down to the edge of the corner or they can easily escape. Some have teleports and Shoto's have there air tatsu's.
Thanks for the tip; I've already noticed the corner thing when I use my Ryu vs Akuma. Some Akumas can be a real bitch with all the air fireballs, and the multihit ground fireballs. So I have to work to get in close, and if I get too close in the corner, yeah, they just teleport away. I've found that I can get Akuma into the corner and then stay at about teleport range, and I can mess with him from there.

I'm looking for some sort of good video tutorial on Zangief. Reading long lists of combos in text form doesn't do a lot for me.
Chauncy Talon said:
It is extremely hard to comeback to SFIV from playing Marvel vs Capcom 2. The timing, the speed, the buttons, well hell.......... I CANNOT AIRBLOCK!!!!! But I still love SFIV to death.
That threw me at first too, but I'm pretty much used to it now. I just think back to the days before they invented air block. If they're in the air, kill em.
The tourney was hype. I'm supposed to be Adnan on the list (but they listed adrian lol) All of the Dallas players scrubbed out of winners in the top 16 :( So we all ended up running into each other in losers, which really sucked. Coming out of losers, Vietnamazing(Tony) and I both knew that whoever won our match would take it all, but unfortunately we ran into each other really early. After he eliminated me, I started doing $20-30 side bets on Viet's matches, and since he won every single one of them, he made me around $80 :lol :lol Definitely eased the pain from losing to him :D

I'll make sure to link the vids when they get posted. I'm really loud in the background :lol Viet had one or two clutch moments, but he straight dominated for the most part. Also, the Dhalsim player that got 3rd (Rudy aka Sinister - X from San Antonio) had some REALLY hot tricks that I bet all the dhalsim players on GAF would love to see. He straight zoned the F outta every single shoto.

Is your tourney today Killa? Also Turtle, for our big DTX tourney in Dec., since your the marketing guy, think you could set up a live stream? The SA tourney was supposed to have it but they were too damn ghetto, and it would be nice to show them how it's done.
Timedog that would be me. East Coast. Just kidding. I wouldn't mind entering tournaments but I haven't really been dedicated to this game. Plus, I need to get used to using sticks again.


Chauncy Talon said:
It is extremely hard to comeback to SFIV from playing Marvel vs Capcom 2. The timing, the speed, the buttons, well hell.......... I CANNOT AIRBLOCK!!!!! But I still love SFIV to death.
Having the same problem cept replace MvC 2 with BB.


Parallax Scroll said:
I'm looking for some sort of good video tutorial on Zangief. Reading long lists of combos in text form doesn't do a lot for me.

A lot of it is just spacing and being patient without mashing lariats all day. The easier it is for you to do standing 360s, the better off you'll be.
Have to mixup your splashes & knees, crossups, and empty jumping; especially with short jump (SJ) for all situations. The JS will add an ambiguous mixup if the opponent doesn't have a solid anti air.
Sometimes empty jump on an opponent like Sagat is better depending on the situation; one wrong jump in and you'll trade with his DP. Whereas a Rufus player would anti air with c.mp and you'll jump in without being punished. Again, this is based on distance and whether it was a normal or SJ.
You'd be surprised at what ground moves Gief's headbutt will beat cleanly. Same thing can be said about an early j.mk

Walk forward and pressure with s.rh and s.mp. Block strings involve crouch/standing jabs into s.mp; most people will wise up and jump away if you try to poke into SPD, so that's where you throw in the quick lariats or just continue going after them.
Whiff (or even blocked) s.rh into SPD, super, ultra or lariat.

Reaction ex-gloves are a godsend; opponent whiffs or does a fireball, do the glove. After every lariat trade, follow it up with an ex-glove.
SPD and Bear Grab will grab Bison out of scissor kicks and psycho crusher.

At least you've used Gief before in previous games; it's just the little things that changed for him in IV that kind of force you to play him differently and the nature of the system.


Passing metallic gas
one day some of the lariat spammers will realise that gief has really really great normals...i fear for us all when that day comes
RS4- said:
A lot of it is just spacing and being patient without mashing lariats all day. The easier it is for you to do standing 360s, the better off you'll be.
Have to mixup your splashes & knees, crossups, and empty jumping; especially with short jump (SJ) for all situations. The JS will add an ambiguous mixup if the opponent doesn't have a solid anti air.
Sometimes empty jump on an opponent like Sagat is better depending on the situation; one wrong jump in and you'll trade with his DP. Whereas a Rufus player would anti air with c.mp and you'll jump in without being punished. Again, this is based on distance and whether it was a normal or SJ.
You'd be surprised at what ground moves Gief's headbutt will beat cleanly. Same thing can be said about an early j.mk

Walk forward and pressure with s.rh and s.mp. Block strings involve crouch/standing jabs into s.mp; most people will wise up and jump away if you try to poke into SPD, so that's where you throw in the quick lariats or just continue going after them.
Whiff (or even blocked) s.rh into SPD, super, ultra or lariat.

Reaction ex-gloves are a godsend; opponent whiffs or does a fireball, do the glove. After every lariat trade, follow it up with an ex-glove.
SPD and Bear Grab will grab Bison out of scissor kicks and psycho crusher.

At least you've used Gief before in previous games; it's just the little things that changed for him in IV that kind of force you to play him differently and the nature of the system.
Rad, that'll give me something to start with. I was never amazing with zangief (or with any character in a fighting game, I'm no pro), but my zangief has been good enough to beat my friends for years. He's a great character to use in casual play, because a huge number of players think he's useless, so you can really surprise people when you win with him.

Gr1mLock said:
one day some of the lariat spammers will realise that gief has really really great normals...i fear for us all when that day comes
It builds meter... otherwise I don't see the point.

Oh yeah, what's:
- splash
- short jump
- a good way to learn throw range



Parallax Scroll said:
Oh yeah, what's:
- splash
- short jump
- a good way to learn throw range


Splash = jumping down + fierce
short jump = up then upforward http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6OhtwgWp3s
throw range = just learn the max distance your jab SPD will grab.

You can walk forward and grab someone unexpectedly or when they're just sitting there, blocking; especially in the corner since they don't want to jump out because of s.rh, s.lp, lariat.
Also punish moves that leave some space after blocking. ie: some of Balrog's dash punches (even if you got hit), tiger knees, Abel's flying kick thing, etc.

Also remember, if you're using lariat as an anti-air, do a crouch lariat and always the punch one. The kick one is for punishing someones ground pokes ie: Blanka c.hp, Sim's s.hp, Rufus c.hp
Punch lariat will go through Ryu, Sim and Honda's ultra.
Mixing up lariats are a great way to bait out Honda headbutts, Blanka horizontal balls and Balrog dash punches.

edit - Don't jump in all the time, it's a bad habit :(
lariats won't beat everything. Neutral jump rh for Chun, hp for Honda, mk for ryu, Sagat's stupid j.mp. If you do your lariat at the last second, you might luck out and trade with some of them. So instead of lariats, you can do c.mp as well.

If you're both in the air, you can do mp because of the angle his attack moves.


OK about 2-3 months ago I remember hearing that the next Street Fighter IV version could be announced at SBO. Did that turn out to be bullshit, or are we still expecting it to happen. When does SBO end.


KAL2006 said:
OK about 2-3 months ago I remember hearing that the next Street Fighter IV version could be announced at SBO. Did that turn out to be bullshit, or are we still expecting it to happen. When does SBO end.
Everything on the 2nd interation of SFIV is pure speculation and rumor.
Fun games Rice-Eater. I did a bit better this time, but I noticed the following things:

- I ate a lot of jumpins when I threw fireballs. I must either be too predictable or I'm using them at the wrong range.
- Obviously you've got damage dealing combos down better than I do. I'm still just doing individual hits mostly.
- I think I got too predictable with wakeup/landing shoryuken. The instinct to do them is hard to resist.
- What did you keep comboing into ex tatsu? c.HP?
- Your ultra/super combos and FADC combos looked better than last time.
- I landed an ultra :D


With my time without internet access, I managed to finsh all of Sakura's trials with the 360 controller. She is a combo beast but the precision needed to land them are crazy.


Wow. Guile's air throw has tremendous priority. I finally played a Guile that knew (well, after 2 matches of getting stomped :lol) that the air throw is one of Fuerte's worst enemies. I didn't even know that Guile could throw Fuerte out of the leg throw :lol (not sure if he can throw him out of the EX version).

Out of 6 best-of-fives, he won 1. But he was pretty good so he deserved it. =p But other than him, I've never seen a Guile that barely did any flash kicks. In fact, I can't even remember him doing any.


MIMIC said:
Wow. Guile's air throw has tremendous priority. I finally played a Guile that knew (well, after 2 matches of getting stomped :lol) that the air throw is one of Fuerte's worst enemies. I didn't even know that Guile could throw Fuerte out of the leg throw :lol (not sure if he can throw him out of the EX version).

Out of 6 best-of-fives, he won 1. But he was pretty good so he deserved it. =p But other than him, I've never seen a Guile that barely did any flash kicks. In fact, I can't even remember him doing any.
A properly played Guile is always fun to fight against. Especially because I usually go into the match thinking it's just another idiot sweep spammer. Best guile I've played on GFW stuffed my ass, but I enjoyed fighting against someone who could actually play Guile seriously.
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