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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

Spiderjericho said:
And check this out:


This Japanese player named Sako is purported to have a 95 percent record (only 1,500 matches played), was one of the sickest Vampire Saviour players and is a great Viper. But he busts out a 27 hit combo with Akuma.

Akuma is sick. I've been reading Art's SRK posts and the vortex is a nebulous and powerful place a player does not want to be.

youtube said:
lol A-ism custom combo?

1. I'd like to see him in real competition. It seemed like he was playing around a bit as it was casuals online.

2. I maintain that Akuma is the biggest swing between noob and pro. Noobs can't do much damage with him because all his damage comes from longish combos, and his life is low, so a few mistakes and he gets busted. Also, his Ultra takes some knowledge to use. Pros, though have soooo many options with Akuma and a lot of them are high damage when used right. He is easily my favorite character to watch and play as (still need to level up quite a bit).

About the West Coast love, I just laugh it off. Gooteck's going all Joey Styles on the mic is hilarious.
prodystopian said:

1. I'd like to see him in real competition. It seemed like he was playing around a bit as it was casuals online.

2. I maintain that Akuma is the biggest swing between noob and pro. Noobs can't do much damage with him because all his damage comes from longish combos, and his life is low, so a few mistakes and he gets busted. Also, his Ultra takes some knowledge to use. Pros, though have soooo many options with Akuma and a lot of them are high damage when used right. He is easily my favorite character to watch and play as (still need to level up quite a bit).

About the West Coast love, I just laugh it off. Gooteck's going all Joey Styles on the mic is hilarious.

WCW Top 8:


And Sako supposedly lives a bit outside of Tokyo. But if you look in the Sabin thread on SRK, they say he is one of the sickest Vipers in Japan and has a 95 percent win percentage.

And RE: Gouki, Sabin keeps complaining about the "Vortex".

My tv is finally done with the break in period, so I'm finally going to be able to play on PSN and Live again.

Nice combo by Ed Ma. The professional. Nice uppercut by Ed. Ed is so clutch. Ed Ma showing why he's the master. Ed Ma is awake now. Oh no, Ed Ma. Ed Ma thinks not. Ed Ma.
Spiderjericho said:
WCW Top 8:


And Sako supposedly lives a bit outside of Tokyo. But if you look in the Sabin thread on SRK, they say he is one of the sickest Vipers in Japan and has a 95 percent win percentage.

And RE: Gouki, Sabin keeps complaining about the "Vortex".

My tv is finally done with the break in period, so I'm finally going to be able to play on PSN and Live again.

Nice combo by Ed Ma. The professional. Nice uppercut by Ed. Ed is so clutch. Ed Ma showing why he's the master. Ed Ma is awake now. Oh no, Ed Ma. Ed Ma thinks not. Ed Ma.

Oh shit, Gouki isn't even his main? Now I really want to see more of him.

The Vortex is what I meant by options for Gouki. As a noob, hell even as an intermediate player (which I'm not), it is hard to figure out what to do as Akuma because he has sooo many options with is natural dive kick, jump ins, 736 options from demon flip moves, air FBs, etc. Not to mention his resets after he gets you going.

I still think it is funny and the hype cracks me up, but it certainly isn't going to help get outsiders into the game when the announcer is only hyping his 5 boys and no one else.


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
Sako lives in Kansai, near Kyoto, not Tokyo.

The West, Kantou, is Daigo territory.
The East, Kansai, is Sako territory.
Oichi said:
Sako lives in Kansai, near Kyoto, not Tokyo.

The West, Kantou, is Daigo territory.
The East, Kansai, is Sako territory.

Reno, what the hell? Is the Japanese arcade scene mafia like? Yakuza carved up the West, East, South and North. Can you provide a little more info on the mysterious Sako?

And honestly, as far as commentating, only S-Kill does a truly bang up job. Some of the hispanic commentators at the AI ranbats are good too.
Oops double post

Since I have to fill up space. Check out this sick Gen from Japan. It's featuring Desora (the Sagat in the Sako video) and he's using Gouken.


On SRK, they're saying SHHH and Jibbo are high up there too. I've never seen videos of SHHH.

About to jump on PC IV. My tv has another 50 hours of break in.
Spiderjericho said:
Oops double post

Since I have to fill up space. Check out this sick Gen from Japan. It's featuring Desora (the Sagat in the Sako video) and he's using Gouken.


On SRK, they're saying SHHH and Jibbo are high up there too. I've never seen videos of SHHH.

About to jump on PC IV. My tv has another 50 hours of break in.

Which TV? Im about to pull the trigger on the Panasonic p42x1
Wow. I just got caught up.

Marn comes back... with Rufus. That is fucking huge. I don't need to tell you, as a Rufus player, that matchup is hardddd. I'd say 7-3 hard, IMO, easy.. As a Rufus player that's just epically encouraging. Rog or Viper are way better characters against Ryu.. I mean, wow.

Rufus is fucking strong. And criminally underused. But that just makes me love being a Rufus player even more. It makes me realize that anything is possible with my main. I gotta get direct feed of these videos so I can up my game.


Mrs. Harvey
Ah, a complete chill day for me. I'm going to have to watch those yeb matches I missed and a bunch of good earlier ones.

I've been saying for a while that Japan is way ahead of us sans a few people. Nobody believes me. :(
FindMyFarms said:
Which TV? Im about to pull the trigger on the Panasonic p42x1

Ninja, I'm about the that Fine Steak served at the top of the Empire State :lol

I got the Pioneer KRP-500M.

And Arph, he didn't come back. He was relaxing until he absolutely had to win. Catch his comments off mic. He could've killed Valle with Rufus or Viper. The only person f'ng with Marn is Art, Flash Metroid, Sanford Kelly and Justin Wong (and of course everyone in Japan including that girl who plays Sagat).

I've been playing PC. I'm using the EX2. It's not a bad stick. Just still not used to rocking the stick.


Bacon of Hope
Spiderjericho said:
And check this out:


This Japanese player named Sako is purported to have a 95 percent record (only 1,500 matches played), was one of the sickest Vampire Saviour players and is a great Viper. But he busts out a 27 hit combo with Akuma.

Akuma is sick. I've been reading Art's SRK posts and the vortex is a nebulous and powerful place a player does not want to be. It's strange. We see Ed Ma wrecking peeps with Akuma but Japan's Akuma (and Honda, Abel, Sagat) are on another level.

Guess that's the thing. Go to Japan and level up.

When I was in Japan pretty much every Akuma could do that combo or some variation of it. It makes playing Sagat vs Akuma look like a 7-3 match up. Now I come back to the states and play Akumas and its not nearly as frustrating because they dont know that loop!
Kadey said:
Ah, a complete chill day for me. I'm going to have to watch those yeb matches I missed and a bunch of good earlier ones.

I've been saying for a while that Japan is way ahead of us sans a few people. Nobody believes me. :(
Sorry but you aren't some guru.. Everyone knows that not just you..


Mrs. Harvey
TurtleSnatcher said:
Sorry but you aren't some guru.. Everyone knows that not just you..

No way did I say I were. Not everybody posts at SRK or is a follower of the scene. And even then some people would never admit that. -=coughsyouknowwhoyouarecoughs=-
haunts said:
When I was in Japan pretty much every Akuma could do that combo or some variation of it. It makes playing Sagat vs Akuma look like a 7-3 match up. Now I come back to the states and play Akumas and its not nearly as frustrating because they dont know that loop!

They will soon, unfortunately we (the US in general) have a very bad tendency to copy strategies from top players (who copy from japan). Of course the execution is gonna be spotty for a long while, so enjoy it while it lasts :)


Bacon of Hope
Kadey said:
Oh welcome back Haunts. Didn't notice. :D Haunts has the best viper.

I've been back for weeks!! How could you not notice? ;_;

...and if you like my viper u should see my SAGET. :p

jam86 said:
They will soon, unfortunately we (the US in general) have a very bad tendency to copy strategies from top players (who copy from japan). Of course the execution is gonna be spotty for a long while, so enjoy it while it lasts :)

Thats true... and it's really all in the application, not the knowledge.. That is one thing I realized while in Japan is they will take strategies and techniques and apply them properly. It's not that the US dosent know about these combos and whatever else, its just few take the time to learn how to apply them.

Take Kara Tiger Shots for instance. A lot of people know how to do the move but most have no idea how to apply it. There is a big difference there and that is really the gap between US gameplay and Japanese. Once we take techniques that may seem impractical and find a place for them then we may be able to compete on a similar level.
vertopci said:
Anyone on the PC version want to play a crappy Vega?

I play on PC. gamertag = krp1976

And I think the U.S. could be better if we had a trillion arcades and we all played local. Online sucks. The lag is killer.

I just played a few championship rounds. I stink. I'm going to get my butt kicked in SF. The joystick is my main problem. My execution is a bit spotty.

I'm also getting a bit bored with Roo.

And I wish I could Kara fireball. I can only uppercut and knee.

And I'm so sick of hearing Gootecks.
jam86 said:
They will soon, unfortunately we (the US in general) have a very bad tendency to copy strategies from top players (who copy from japan). Of course the execution is gonna be spotty for a long while, so enjoy it while it lasts :)

??? People in Tx(and I'm sure EC as well, since they're ahead of the curve) have been doing that loop for months. No way is it new. And I guarantee you would have seen Sanford, Shady, Ed Ma, etc. do that loop too if they ever ran into Sagats, they just never ran into any in Evo (or Ed Ma in WCWZ)

Spiderjericho said:
Ninja, I'm about the that Fine Steak served at the top of the Empire State :lol

I got the Pioneer KRP-500M.

Sickness. Badass tv. I was pretty much looking for the best bang per buck tv on the market that I can use as a hold over. Seeing as the p42x1 got rave reviews for its price, I thought I'd pick it up, especially since it's $600 on amazon! Once I'm not a broke I'll be getting a heavy hitter like yours :lol

OH yeah for easy mode kara tiger shot do forward short or rh, then HCF p instead of releasing to neutral.
Spiderjericho said:
I play on PC. gamertag = krp1976

And I think the U.S. could be better if we had a trillion arcades and we all played local. Online sucks. The lag is killer.

I just played a few championship rounds. I stink. I'm going to get my butt kicked in SF. The joystick is my main problem. My execution is a bit spotty.

I'm also getting a bit bored with Roo.

And I wish I could Kara fireball. I can only uppercut and knee.

And I'm so sick of hearing Gootecks.
I think Ive played you before on PC too.



Orellio said:
Just won my first match online. And it was ranked too!

Exhilarating :lol

I can't find ANY online matches. Once in a while, there will be someone online, but they will have one red bar :(


Bacon of Hope
FindMyFarms said:
??? People in Tx(and I'm sure EC as well, since they're ahead of the curve) have been doing that loop for months. No way is it new. And I guarantee you would have seen Sanford, Shady, Ed Ma, etc. do that loop too if they ever ran into Sagats, they just never ran into any in Evo (or Ed Ma in WCWZ)

Hsien comes to mind since he beat me multiple times in Japan at Big Box using the loop. :lol

It's hard to compare though, because like here we have a handful of top Akumas who are on that level while in Japan it was like every Akuma I encountered could do it. Same with Fuertes RSF -- everyone had it down pat.


Junior Member
-PXG- said:
I can't find ANY online matches. Once in a while, there will be someone online, but they will have one red bar :(
Try to create your own match and pick your own language or close to where you live.

Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
-PXG- said:
I can't find ANY online matches. Once in a while, there will be someone online, but they will have one red bar :(

Do you have PeerGuardian installed by any chance? I run into that problem when that program is running. I don't know if firewalls have any conflict with SF4 but maybe try turning it off.


Junior Member
And make sure your NAT type is open (press Home key --> settings --> network information.)

if it isn't then portforward some ports, same as XBL ports and enable UPnP.


I just bought this game on Steam, Windows 7 64-bit RC, with an ATI 4850. I click the "launch game" button in the launcher when it comes up, but there's no window flash or anything, the game just doesn't start. Surely this is a common problem? I didn't see anything from a quick Google search besides someone with the same problem and a single response "I don't think it supports Windows 7 yet because it's not officially released".
Blizzard said:
I just bought this game on Steam, Windows 7 64-bit RC, with an ATI 4850. I click the "launch game" button in the launcher when it comes up, but there's no window flash or anything, the game just doesn't start. Surely this is a common problem? I didn't see anything from a quick Google search besides someone with the same problem and a single response "I don't think it supports Windows 7 yet because it's not officially released".
Retail disc works on my windows 7, I don't remember having to set up anything.

Check you are on the latest gfx drivers for your card, nVidia had an update which stopped black screens when starting fights.


Yeah, I just found out that if you manually launch the .exe it complains about a missing DLL because I didn't have Live. Ugh, you'd think the Steam installer would handle/check for that...installing manually now...

*edit* Yeah, that fixed it.
vertopci said:
Sent friend request. Let's play sometime :D

Going to hop on now and accept the two friend requests.

Ahh to see the mighty vortex in all its unbridled fury.

That Desora also had a sick Gouken. Well, it's September. Hoping for the announcement of KOFXII Black (or whatever it's called) and SFIV Dash.


Spiderjericho said:
Going to hop on now and accept the two friend requests.

Ahh to see the mighty vortex in all its unbridled fury.

That Desora also had a sick Gouken. Well, it's September. Hoping for the announcement of KOFXII Black (or whatever it's called) and SFIV Dash.

If they announce another revision of SFIV I hope to hell they have "unique" focus attacks for every character. Unique in that one characters FA might asborb attack X while another characters FA wouldn't.
Heh, I just got hate mail for dizzying a Bison with Boxer. From a jump-in HP I did c.mk ~ c.lk to EX-Overhead Smash ~ c.lk to another EX-Overhead Smash. Lot of damage and stun. He didn't expect me to do another one after the first one so he kept blocking low. Anyways after the match I got this:

From Ghost Mog: so you were gettin your ass kicked and decided to spam,wow what a scrub



Rocky_Balboa said:
Heh, I just got hate mail for dizzying a Bison with Boxer. From a jump-in HP I did c.mk ~ c.lk to EX-Overhead Smash ~ c.lk to another EX-Overhead Smash. Lot of damage and stun. He didn't expect me to do another one after the first one so he kept blocking low. Anyways after the match I got this:


I like when I get messages from projectile spamming noobs calling me a noob for spamming vega's wall dive :lol


One time I got hate mail for spamming ultra because I kept punishing his cannon spike. Spamming = used same method to punish twice, apparently.
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