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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Orellio said:
Yes, yes, and yes. :D

My gamertag is Orellio if you want to add me there as well.

arg. our avatars are freaking me out. i thought you were me there for a sec. :lol

k ill add you on LIVE as well.hopefully we can get some rounds in one day soon. i work nights and have weird hours though, so we'll figure it out.


There really isn't a good counter character for Rog, he matches up pretty even or at an advantage versus the majority of the cast. Sagat would be a good choice, I guess.


he's Virgin Tight™
I am not fucking kidding when I tell you guys Chun is not a bad matchup for Balrog. See...

+She can Ultra him if she blocks a Headbutt.
+Standing Fierce Punch or Standing Strong Punch or Forward Fierce Punch will cut any aerial attack he has.
+Forward Fierce Punch beats his charge punch.
+ Hassan Shou works great. Most Balrogs will charge their Headbutt which is down. This makes it perfect for Chun's fast overhead. It also has more priority.. watch out for the EX version though.
+ If he charges at you with a punch you can Ultra.
+ Her Ultra beats his cleanly if you wait a few frames after his is initiated.

-Chun's health can drop like a rock if you are not careful.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Aedile said:
That's best practices, but hell. You can get to G1 without knowing one combo. It's the seductive will-to-improvement-sapping nature of online play.

I just don't believe that.


facing a bright new dawn
Grats, yeb...the local scene here knows you by name. I said 'hey i know that guy from this forums sf4 friends list. i think he's West Coast cuz i remember having a bad connection playing him'.

You know of 'asiantom'? I ask cuz he is a gen that people around here seem to think is pretty good. "One of the best on the east coast, " they say, but they're his friends so I cant tell if he's a big deal or not.
catfish said:
I just don't believe that.

I think what he's trying to say is, figuratively speaking, you can suck horribly and still get to G1...

...Which is true of like maybe .01% of cases. You'd have to have a guy with seriously no life, and a taste for masochism... and even then, along the way he'd have to at least get somewhat good, unless he was some borderline retard or something and was just smacking on the joystick hours a day hoping for wins.


yeb said:
Since I couldn't read the stream chat or anything, the past few pages of this thread have been the closest I've gotten to reading the live online reaction to my tourney run. Thanks for rooting for me everyone. :D

Good shit, yeb. I hope your run inspires an army of Gens! Question: do you ever use ex roll through fireballs or do you consider it a waste of meter? And as for not spamming cross-ups: this is because at that level, opponents just won't fall for it, no? One of the dangers of playing online is that many people are still susceptible to it and you really do fall into bad habits. Anyway, great run, Gen is the shit and keep up the dopeness.


Relix said:
I am not fucking kidding when I tell you guys Chun is not a bad matchup for Balrog. See...

+She can Ultra him if she blocks a Headbutt.
+Standing Fierce Punch or Standing Strong Punch or Forward Fierce Punch will cut any aerial attack he has.
+Forward Fierce Punch beats his charge punch.
+ Hassan Shou works great. Most Balrogs will charge their Headbutt which is down. This makes it perfect for Chun's fast overhead. It also has more priority.. watch out for the EX version though.
+ If he charges at you with a punch you can Ultra.
+ Her Ultra beats his cleanly if you wait a few frames after his is initiated.

-Chun's health can drop like a rock if you are not careful.
thanks... i'm going to start using Chun


Vega is one of my new mains and my favorite new time sink when fighting flowchart shotos is to FADC all their fireballs and Ultra them when the meter is full. Sometimes I've done this twice per round because all they will do is sit back and fireball. Why don't they learn?! :lol

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Relix said:
I am not fucking kidding when I tell you guys Chun is not a bad matchup for Balrog. See...

+She can Ultra him if she blocks a Headbutt.
+Standing Fierce Punch or Standing Strong Punch or Forward Fierce Punch will cut any aerial attack he has.
+Forward Fierce Punch beats his charge punch.
+ Hassan Shou works great. Most Balrogs will charge their Headbutt which is down. This makes it perfect for Chun's fast overhead. It also has more priority.. watch out for the EX version though.
+ If he charges at you with a punch you can Ultra.
+ Her Ultra beats his cleanly if you wait a few frames after his is initiated.

-Chun's health can drop like a rock if you are not careful.

Rog can out-footsie.....ummm out...fistsie Chun.


Spiderjericho said:
And check this out:


This Japanese player named Sako is purported to have a 95 percent record (only 1,500 matches played), was one of the sickest Vampire Saviour players and is a great Viper. But he busts out a 27 hit combo with Akuma.

Those loops are not hard to do once you know the correct input for it. Tourney play or casual, whatever.. it's HK~MK, LP, repeat. Pressing HK~MK in sequence (there was a term, I forget..) basically inputs HK twice which turns something that was once very difficult to time into an ezmode combo. Go into training and try it with the inputs on, you should see HK, MK+HK if you do it correctly.

As for Sako, he has gotten a 297 streak with Viper and also recently switched his main from Viper to Gouki. He was invited to Gods Garden, but could not attend. Not sure on his story with SBO. He also has some very innovative stuff with Seth and a solid cammy and sakura, but Desora removed (made "private") the videos shortly after they went up.


iamcool388 said:
How noob friendly is this game? I love the art style, but i'm not really into fighting games and dont think I can memorize strings of attacks and lots of combos/buttons... I'm thinking of buying it mostly for the local multiplayer when a couple friends are over. Reading the last page makes me think there is a lot of SF4 'jargon' i'll need to learn... strings, grabs, throws, loops, c.mk, c.lk etc etc.

Seriously thinking of getting this and Saints Row 2 and take advantage of the Best Buy deal.

I took this game over to my dad's place a few weeks back, let him and some other relatives play it. While it was mostly just button mashing, they had a blast. Even if you just get down the basics, you should find it's very entertaining, especially if your friends are at a similar skill level, and grow rather equally in skill as you progress. I can say that's how things worked with my friends with SF3... we all sucked, played together and got better, someone learns something new (at the time, parrying, as an example), all of a sudden everyone's trying to do it properly, and it just ends up being a great time for all.

If anyone's on the 360 version tonight, hit up Crysko if you want to play a semi-skilled but still noobish Sakura. I figure I'll play a few hours after I get home from work.
hitsugi said:
Those loops are not hard to do once you know the correct input for it. Tourney play or casual, whatever.. it's HK~MK, LP, repeat. Pressing HK~MK in sequence (there was a term, I forget..) basically inputs HK twice which turns something that was once very difficult to time into an ezmode combo. Go into training and try it with the inputs on, you should see HK, MK+HK if you do it correctly.

It is called p-linking (or plinking).

Mr Jared

Relix said:
I am not fucking kidding when I tell you guys Chun is not a bad matchup for Balrog. See...

+She can Ultra him if she blocks a Headbutt.
+Standing Fierce Punch or Standing Strong Punch or Forward Fierce Punch will cut any aerial attack he has.
+Forward Fierce Punch beats his charge punch.
+ Hassan Shou works great. Most Balrogs will charge their Headbutt which is down. This makes it perfect for Chun's fast overhead. It also has more priority.. watch out for the EX version though.
+ If he charges at you with a punch you can Ultra.
+ Her Ultra beats his cleanly if you wait a few frames after his is initiated.

-Chun's health can drop like a rock if you are not careful.

You probably need to play better Rogs becaaaause..

- Ultra versus Headbutt is incredibly risky. Instead, Chun should hang on to the Ultra, bait out a dash punch (which is typically not hard) and blow right through it. It's the only time she can even come close to controlling the match.
- Her only good anti-air option (aside from st.rh snipes) against Rog is standing fp and even then, only at the right distance. His j.rh can still beat it most of the time. Cr. mp is another good option for Chun since j.rh tends to whiff it, but if they see it coming they can jump in deep and it's a free combo.
- The only time this works is on reaction from mid-full screen. Otherwise, Rog wises up and starts throwing out EX's or you eat something nasty for free.
- Hassan Shou mix-ups ARE great, until Rog blocks one and then jab jab short get paid time. You can't depend on it in this match-up, especially since EX Headbutt will destroy it on reaction.
- Since I covered Ultra up top, you left out that you can block certain dashes and Super them right back for damage ... but then that's all your meter. Doh.
- Actually, any Ultra can beat any other Ultra head-to-head. Whoever does theirs second will always win.
- Also, df.rh to bait headbutts is incredibly useful in this match, but only if you're 100% sure it's going to work. Then again, I've seen EX Headbutts beat that too.

Seriously though, I play NorCal's toughest Rogs (Crackfiend, ILLiterate) all the time with Chun-Li. It's one of her toughest match-ups along with Rufus and Akuma, if not her worst. Chun has very few answers for anything he does. You best bet is to zone for as long as possible and look for EX Dash's for free throw, but he's going to get you in the corner eventually and then you're done.

Once Rog has Chun in the corner, she's got nothing. Any good player knows to watch for EX SBK, so they'll stay just outside of that. Rog's walking speed makes for easy throw mix-ups, leaving you to deal with stuttering jabs. If you whiff, you get comboed, if you time it wrong, you get thrown, if you tech, you're back to square one.

Sadly, the only thing she can do is either attempt to out jab him into EX Legs or look for the EX Overhead, throw and then gtfo.

It's a really, really stupid match. I wish Japan had Rog players so we could see what the Japanese Chunspirations do against him because until then, I'm out of ideas. I've played literally thousands of Chun-Li versus Rog matches and it never seems to improve.

Edit: I forgot to mention that it's an incredibly demoralizing match since really, you only need to make one tiny, typically insignificant mistake against Rog to lose about 40% of your health. You can play the match perfectly, have him on the ropes only to get whiff one attack, get hit by a jab and next thing you know you've lost 40% of your health and you're flying from one side of the level to another and into the corner where the only thing you can do is bite the pillow and pray for a jab to connect.


Are there any good Zangief players here who have any tips? Especially what works as anti-air against who. I barely use the Lariat other than for passing through fireballs, and I don't find it that useful as anti-air against shotos.


Setec Astronomer
Relix said:
+She can Ultra him if she blocks a Headbutt.
Isn't he in the air then? That won't hit fully if you don't have him on his own side of the field.

+ Hassan Shou works great. Most Balrogs will charge their Headbutt which is down. This makes it perfect for Chun's fast overhead. It also has more priority.. watch out for the EX version though.
You know, I've been wondering...

Why do you call it "Hassan Shou"?


BitchTits said:
Vega is one of my new mains and my favorite new time sink when fighting flowchart shotos is to FADC all their fireballs and Ultra them when the meter is full. Sometimes I've done this twice per round because all they will do is sit back and fireball. Why don't they learn?! :lol
I do the same thing with Abel, focus fireball, focus fireball, focus fireball, focus fireball, ultra through fireball. Although I never successfully pulled it off, I've tried many times to get both a perfect and an ultra finish, just to see if it would result in a P or a U (P would probably win).


Mr Jared said:
You probably need to play better Rogs becaaaause..

- Ultra versus Headbutt is incredibly risky. Instead, Chun should hang on to the Ultra, bait out a dash punch (which is typically not hard) and blow right through it. It's the only time she can even come close to controlling the match.
- Her only good anti-air option (aside from st.rh snipes) against Rog is standing fp and even then, only at the right distance. His j.rh can still beat it most of the time. Cr. mp is another good option for Chun since j.rh tends to whiff it, but if they see it coming they can jump in deep and it's a free combo.
- The only time this works is on reaction from mid-full screen. Otherwise, Rog wises up and starts throwing out EX's or you eat something nasty for free.
- Hassan Shou mix-ups ARE great, until Rog blocks one and then jab jab short get paid time. You can't depend on it in this match-up, especially since EX Headbutt will destroy it on reaction.
- Since I covered Ultra up top, you left out that you can block certain dashes and Super them right back for damage ... but then that's all your meter. Doh.
- Actually, any Ultra can beat any other Ultra head-to-head. Whoever does theirs second will always win.
- Also, df.rh to bait headbutts is incredibly useful in this match, but only if you're 100% sure it's going to work. Then again, I've seen EX Headbutts beat that too.

Seriously though, I play NorCal's toughest Rogs (Crackfiend, ILLiterate) all the time with Chun-Li. It's one of her toughest match-ups along with Rufus and Akuma, if not her worst. Chun has very few answers for anything he does. You best bet is to zone for as long as possible and look for EX Dash's for free throw, but he's going to get you in the corner eventually and then you're done.

Once Rog has Chun in the corner, she's got nothing. Any good player knows to watch for EX SBK, so they'll stay just outside of that. Rog's walking speed makes for easy throw mix-ups, leaving you to deal with stuttering jabs. If you whiff, you get comboed, if you time it wrong, you get thrown, if you tech, you're back to square one.

Sadly, the only thing she can do is either attempt to out jab him into EX Legs or look for the EX Overhead, throw and then gtfo.

It's a really, really stupid match. I wish Japan had Rog players so we could see what the Japanese Chunspirations do against him because until then, I'm out of ideas. I've played literally thousands of Chun-Li versus Rog matches and it never seems to improve.

Edit: I forgot to mention that it's an incredibly demoralizing match since really, you only need to make one tiny, typically insignificant mistake against Rog to lose about 40% of your health. You can play the match perfectly, have him on the ropes only to get whiff one attack, get hit by a jab and next thing you know you've lost 40% of your health and you're flying from one side of the level to another and into the corner where the only thing you can do is bite the pillow and pray for a jab to connect.

I main chun too, and I agree. When the rog sucks and doesnt know the priority of his move on chun I can destroy them. When the rog is good its a super dangerous match for her. One mistake can pretty much end it. Although for me a really good Rufus is my worse match up, also Blanka can give me problems. I usually dont have any issues with akuma. Although, I have alot of experience fighting them.


Good couple matches last night bistromathics. Too bad about the lag though, I would have enjoyed to play your Sakura a few more times.
haunts said:
Hsien comes to mind since he beat me multiple times in Japan at Big Box using the loop. :lol

It's hard to compare though, because like here we have a handful of top Akumas who are on that level while in Japan it was like every Akuma I encountered could do it. Same with
Fuertes RSF -- everyone had it down pat.

OH yeah for sure, I was just pointing out we do it here too. I'm sure way more people do it in Japan. They're good at things :(

jam86 said:
I'm not saying that no one knows the actual combo, or is not able to do it. I'm pretty sure a ton of people are able to do it in training mode with a dummy. Actually applying the combo during battle would be what I'm talking about, Haunts was saying nearly everyone he played knew the combo and applied it correctly. What I'm saying the amount of players in the US that can apply it during battle is much lower than the average player in JP. I haven't seen that loop in any major (or local for that matter) tourney in the US, if it was done in a major tourney you would see a big influx of "counter picking" sagat by trying to do the loop and failing miserably.

All the good Akumas in the US can do it in battle. Just being able to do it though doesn't equal an instant win for Akuma over Sagat, you're spacing and footsies have to be top notch. Obviously more people in Japan can do it, but it doesn't mean US players don't do it either. Just because you haven't seen it happen doesn't mean others haven't either, cuz I've seen Hsien, Fubar, and Adeel do it in tourneys all the time. And I don't play Akuma but I can pull the RH loop in matches on command as well, it's really not that hard.
BitchTits said:
Are there any good Zangief players here who have any tips? Especially what works as anti-air against who. I barely use the Lariat other than for passing through fireballs, and I don't find it that useful as anti-air against shotos.

I'm not a good zangief player but here's a quick rundown. Use Lariat for anti-air against shotos. You have to do it late and when they're in deep so that it trades, afterwards do ex hand. It gives you Gief's best set up and lets you go into his mixup. After you knock them down with it, you're in range to either ambiguous crossup (or short jump) using lk or d fp, or empty jump. Once you've done that, if you hit them then you do cr. lk into lariat or ex hand for knockdown. IF they block your crossup or you empty jump then you get into Gief's 50/50.

Assuming they're not going to counter, they're either going to do 2 things, jump away or stay put. If you think they'll jump away, you do cr. lk (however many times you need to hit confirm) then hands to knock down and reset. IF they stay put and you're in range to do suplex (360 + K) then do that since it gives you a setup to reset the 50/50, otherwise you can spd. If you think they're going to throw out a reversal then wait and punish with a command grab. If you think they'll toss out a normal then 360.
catfish said:
I just don't believe that.
Arpharmd B said:
I think what he's trying to say is, figuratively speaking, you can suck horribly and still get to G1...

...Which is true of like maybe .01% of cases. You'd have to have a guy with seriously no life, and a taste for masochism... and even then, along the way he'd have to at least get somewhat good, unless he was some borderline retard or something and was just smacking on the joystick hours a day hoping for wins.

Mentioned it several time before, but you'd be surprised how many bad players are up there in G1 who are either borderline flowchart or pray that their spam tactics still work at that level (with or without turbo activated). All those players ever do, is grind as if their life depended on it and they rarely if ever improve their game.


If there's any one thing about lag that fucking ruins everything, is dealing with shotos. The biggest offender is fucking tick throws. I know the BnB tick throw for Akuma/Ken/Ryu/etc by fucking heart, but I can't do anything about it because lag ruins the timing to throw at the same time they do. So frustrating.


good credit (by proxy)
Hitokage said:
As long as you're trying to improve instead of making excuses you won't look like a fool at all.
Where would I be without constantly making excuses? Don't knock it til you try it mang!


good credit (by proxy)
Jenga said:
If there's any one thing about lag that fucking ruins everything, is dealing with shotos. The biggest offender is fucking tick throws. I know the BnB tick throw for Akuma/Ken/Ryu/etc by fucking heart, but I can't do anything about it because lag ruins the timing to throw at the same time they do. So frustrating.

LOL, how is it any different for shotos?
Jenga said:
If there's any one thing about lag that fucking ruins everything, is dealing with shotos. The biggest offender is fucking tick throws. I know the BnB tick throw for Akuma/Ken/Ryu/etc by fucking heart, but I can't do anything about it because lag ruins the timing to throw at the same time they do. So frustrating.

I see you haven't played against my good friend Lag Blanka, the toppest of the tiers.

He's a menace to humanity.


Jenga said:
If there's any one thing about lag that fucking ruins everything, is dealing with shotos. The biggest offender is fucking tick throws. I know the BnB tick throw for Akuma/Ken/Ryu/etc by fucking heart, but I can't do anything about it because lag ruins the timing to throw at the same time they do. So frustrating.
So true. I already suck at my reaction time for tech throws in general. But occasions when I can see it coming in advance... yet still get thrown while doing LP+LK at the same fucking time. So annoying.


good credit (by proxy)
Stantron said:
So true. I already suck at my reaction time for tech throws in general. But occasions when I can see it coming in advance... yet still get thrown while doing LP+LK at the same fucking time. So annoying.
No one techs throw on reaction. It's not possible.


The disparity of Gen's combos with regards to different characters is increasingly annoying.

I will often miss the 3rd part of Gens j.MK crossup into cr.LK -> whatever combo depending on opponent. For example - Jump MK, cr.LK, cr.MP often misses Cammy and Viper. Earlier I had a PPP Super as the third part of this combo miss a Viper and it was certainly timed well enough to hit most other opponents.

Also cr.MK into Gekiro will miss Cammy and Viper, and I usually only dare use it after a crossup on large characters like Zangief and Sagat for fear of it wiffing.

I'd hope this was one thing they fixed in any revision release or patch.


BitchTits said:
The disparity of Gen's combos with regards to different characters is increasingly annoying.

I will often miss the 3rd part of Gens j.MK crossup into cr.LK -> whatever combo depending on opponent. For example - Jump MK, cr.LK, cr.MP often misses Cammy and Viper. Earlier I had a PPP Super as the third part of this combo miss a Viper and it was certainly timed well enough to hit most other opponents.

Also cr.MK into Gekiro will miss Cammy and Viper, and I usually only dare use it after a crossup on large characters like Zangief and Sagat for fear of it wiffing.

I'd hope this was one thing they fixed in any revision release or patch.

Tell me about it. I hate how Cammy's ultra, when combo'd in a corner or near one, has a 50% chance of getting the hits in. It's a no go for Ryu but no problem for Sagat. But hey, 'dems the hit boxes.
BitchTits said:
Also Fei Long got fucked big time on his Ultra, it's a miracle if it connects fully.

That reminds me, I've seen some top level players using low tier characters (Guile and Vega) but I can't think of a high level Fei player.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
its one of the things i wished CAPCOM improved more on. The Hitboxes.

im tired of Abel's cr. FP hitting characters once at pointblank range, Wheel kicks going through people in mid air but can damage you by hitting the ground near your tow,

speaking of which, Ryu/ken punching the air around you, Gief grabbing your smell, Sagats Black Whole miracle(but the call it his "Ultra")

and im sorry but if i jump straight up and do a straight punch/kick, face to face in the air, Bison should'nt be steppin on my boots in mid air
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