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The Official Virtua Fighter 5R Thread of TAKA ARASHIIII!!!


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!

What is Virtua Fighter 5R?
Today's the official release day for VF5R, an "Evolution" style upgrade for Virtua Fighter 5, which was released for the arcades about two years ago in Japan. Depending on who you talk to, VF5 is either a minimal upgrade to VF4 Final Tuned, or a complete step backwards to what made VF4 fun. Personally I don't mind VF5 all that much but I have more love for VF4. Final Tuned was faster, had less bullshit and was overall a better balanced game. R stands for many things... Rival, Return, Revolution, Retuned, etc.

So what's new?
A Returnee, and one new character!


Jean Kujo: A childhood friend of Lion's who trained together when they were kids, but got taken in by J6 one day and vanished completely. Through J6's ahem, questionable practices, Jean, like Goh, was trained in assassination. Since Goh didn't get the job done in VF4, Jean has been asked to provide support. But as he observes some of the matches for the 5th tournament, he sees someone his age using mantis style... that looks familiar... and thoughts start to stir about who this person is...

Jean Kujo fights specializes in traditional karate and as a result a lot of his moves seem similar in motion to Jin from Tekken. However, that's where all comparisons can end. Unlike Jin, Jean is a much deeper character that is filled with potential. Many of his attacks are cancellable and chargable, making reading his movements very difficult. While his throw game seems to be a bit below average right now, he more than makes up for this in pure striking power.


Taka Arashi: Having entered the 3rd World Tournament (VF3) and facing the strongest fighters in the world, Taka Arashi faced utter defeat and knew that he had to train even harder if he wanted to prove his might. Seeking solitude in a mountain village, Taka Arashi trained endlessly, and as a result, earned competed and won nine straight tournaments. One day, after returning to his stable, Taka Arashi found a letter... or more like an invitation to the 5th World Tournament.

Taka's game is all about getting in close to your opponent and overwhelming them with his power. He's particularly bad at long or mid-range, but once he's in close he's like a shotgun to the face. Because of his size, a lot of throws very differently when executed on him, and many combos need to be revised if you want to hit him. Knocking him down is also a bit of a struggle as many times he won't be knocked back as far as normal characters.

A Retuning of the System
Over the past two years AM2 has reworked and retuned the engine of Virtua Fighter. The end result is an overhauled system that has gotten a lot of new players and old high-level players interested in the game again.

Side block: For the first time in well, just about any fighting game, whenever you are not facing your opponent, you can still block attacks. So, if you take a hit from a roundhouse kick that turns you off-axis, you still have the ability to block, albeit with some drawbacks. Side block means you can't counterattack like normal, and you are in stun block for a lot longer too.


In VF5 this would've been bad news for Eileen, with her side exposed to Akira. In VF5R, it's not a problem with side block. But it does come with drawbacks

Stages: Every stage in the game has been remixed, and we're not talking about a simple day -> night change. We're talking about complete transformations! No longer are rings just simple squares. Some are elongated rectangles where fighters start off with a wall to their back (no backdashing now, suckers!) and full-on octagons for MMA fans. Also, stages that were formerly open rings with ring out potential now have walls, and those with walls have had them removed.... but that's not all. Rings now change after each round! Walls will drop or pop up before the round starts, changing the dynamic of a fight entirely! Not only that, but breakable walls, which premiered in VF4 are now back, so even if you are fighting in an enclosed arena, that doesn't mean you're safe from a ring out!

List of stages and stage types
Open (16x16) - Shun's River, Taka's Sumo Ring
Low Fence (16x16) - Aoi's Shrine, Kage's Temple
Half Fence (12x12) - Brad's Terrace, Akira's Statues
Half Fence Breakable (12x12) - Sarah's Park, Jeffry's Island
Full Fence (10x10) - Eileen's Ruins, Jacky's City
Full Fence Breakable (12x12) - Pai's Stone Forest, Goh's Broken House
Full and Open (16x16) - Wolf's Snowstorm, Jean's Training Room
Octagon (10x10) - Vanessa's Waterfall, Blaze's Arena
Rectangle (16x6) - Lion's Palace, Lei's Deep Mountain
Single Wall (16x16) - Lau's Great Wall


El Blaze's stage has changed from a simple square to a menacing octagon.


Lau's stage is a 3-sided open ring, with one side featuring a wall that cannot be broken

Offensive Move: Attacks from OM have been removed so that it's now being used more for positioning and terrain control than for attack purposes.

Low Punch: The bane of online scrubby players will be happy to hear that low punch has been weakened slightly. The animation has been changed to accomodate for hit boxes, and frame data has been changed apparently too.

New animations, new moves, new tweaks: The usual move additions and tweaking are still there, and with it comes a ton of new animations. Not only for new and existing moves, but also when you are hit. Wall hits were usually all animated in the same fashion, but now there are at least three different ways for characters to animate when smacked against the wall, depending on the attack.

The pupil system (Japan arcades only): As you play your matches, you will also be training a cpu-controlled pupil who will appear when players enter the single player mode Knockout Trial. The better you play, the more the pupil remembers and the higher rank it will get.

New Item System: Now, instead of having to buy the same jacket in different colors, players will now be able to purchase a base item and then select from a variety of different colors. You can then buy "extra" items, which are items created the base item, and color them to your liking. Much better than having to shell out 11,000 gold for each color jacket you want.

Gameplay impressions/Links:
I played a couple of matches yesterday (Kyoto had a location test machine) and I gotta say, this game is fucking fantastic. It fixes so much of what was funky about VF5, like the overall speed and hitbox detection. Still, even though VF5 was kind of a letdown compared to VF4, it was a fun game, and R is basically 5 on steroids, so it's even more fun now. I only got three matches in before I had to leave but I'm so jonesing for another go at it tonight. I played two matches with Lion and one match with Goh, and they're both really really different. Even staple moves that they've had for so long (Goh's f+P, P and Lion's f+P, P) have been totally changed and have to be relearned again.

sekaijin's location test impressions: http://virtuafighter.com/forums/ubbthreads.php/ubb/showflat/Number/212416#Post212416

Official VF5R site: http://www.virtuafighter.jp/

VFDC (strats,movies,etc): http://www.virtuafighter.com

Match Videos:
VF5R Promotional Move: http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=71Ydf5o3-OU
Joseph (Akira) vs. Hissa (Shun): http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=m4z-Y4i_0GU
Souryuu (Jean) vs. Baamu (Pai): http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=LWIMaAes92U
High Kick Radio (Jeffry) vs. Eileen: http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=ILXb37C7phQ
Nakagawa (Lei-Fei) vs. Tsuna (Blaze): http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=O2GFialtQRU
Taka vs. Brad: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gCNDRz99SU
Aoi vs. Wolf (Taka's stage): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkyPuBJLf64
Goh's new moves: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PP9TEh

Many, many more videos here:

So the word on the street is that a PS3 version of VF5R may be hitting in the winter.... with online play. No idea if this is true or not though. If I get more info on this I'll post up again.


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
Some character impressions!

Goh: Wow, this guy has gone from fun to REALLY fucking fun! Before he was a bit methodical with badassery, but has transformed into a brutal maniac! he lost his great f+P+K, P move but gained a useful new elbow, and an amazing two hit combo with d/f+P, P! His throws have also been reworked and are still a lot of fun. His shoulder ram has the same properties but is a different command to accomodate a new move -- a vicious headbutt that staggers through guards. He's got a very blunt, violent style that really suits his image.

Lion: I'm using japanese conventions, if you don't like it, gtfo. :p Lion is also my main and aside from Taka-Arashi I spent the most time with him in matches, so this is gonna get very technical.

6PP - You've probably seen this many times, it's now an elbow into dash punch which knocks down on second hit. The second hit is techable after the initial fall though. Seems to have the same properties as the old 6P, just that the second hit seems faster.

2_3P - Uppercut got changed to this command. Seems to have the same properties but I wasn't in any situation to test it...

6P+K, K - animation has been totally redone and doing just 6P+K doesn't leave you BT anymore.

1K+G, P (second hit is new) - totally different now. It's still a low hit, but the range is half of what it used to be, and it no longer ends with BT. You now have a canned P followup though.

44K - This seems to come out a bit slower than before, but it could be my eyes. Perhaps the move's attack frames are later now? I'm not too sure.

P+K - like 44K this seems to hit later in the animation, but is still the same attack.

6K - No more gay dance with 6K P+K+G but on counter this crumples and you can score 46P+K, P, 66P+K, P for an easy, damaging combo.

66P - animation is different... it looks like it hits high but I'm not too sure on that, I couldn't confirm it. It gives a head crumple instead of stomach crumple too.

PKP - Last hit is totally different, and doesn't stun like in VF5. Same properties it seems though.

TRSF (6P+K+G) - Lost 6K (jumping knee) and f+P, P (two hit circular mid).

TRMF (4P+K+G) - new animation for the stance... didn't seem to be missing anything major but I only tried P+K and K lol.

41236P+G - No longer the stabby eye poke throw. Lion now whirls them around with an arm drag and then nails them with a jumping roundhouse kick. I only used this on the CPU during Knockout Trial and they didn't tech hit, so I am assuming that this is non-techable (CPU almost always techs during KOT).

That's all I found today, but I'm sure there are more changes.

Taka Arashi: The fucking MAN. That's all. lol I played about 8 - 10 matches with him and he's got some awesome stuff. A lot of his attacks launch, including his knee (6K) and lifting palms with 2_3P and 2_3P+K. He's got a Wolf-like RAW stance where he stands in a slouch, and if someone punches him, he looks down and then swats them away, haha. He also has another stance with P+K+G where he hunches down and can do a low kick or sumo swat. Really nasty stuff.


Junior Member
Nice OP!

So the word on the street is that a PS3 version of VF5R may be hitting in the winter.... with online play. No idea if this is true or not though. If I get more info on this I'll post up again.

Oh PLEASE let this be true, and make the online actually work well. VF is the best fighter in existence but I'll never find a good human opponent where I live.

Also, Jean sounds like a nice new character for me. I wanted to change my main for some time now, seems like a good time WHEN/IF it comes out for PS3.

I'm excited. :D


Being a sorry north american gamer with no access to arcades, I'd love a home port of this.

Looks great + taka.


Jean is pretty damn cool. But he's still 2nd place to Goh.

Goh is the biggest badass in any fighting game right now....Well him and Yamazaki anyways.
I hope that, when this is released on consoles, nothing gets gimped in the process. I'm not necessarily talking about gameplay, but features.


Has no PEINS
Wow Jean's moves look a lot like Brad's, I should have an easy transition if the game comes to American PS3s (pleasepleaseplease)


Side block: For the first time in well, just about any fighting game, whenever you are not facing your opponent, you can still block attacks. So, if you take a hit from a roundhouse kick that turns you off-axis, you still have the ability to block, albeit with some drawbacks. Side block means you can't counterattack like normal, and you are in stun block for a lot longer too.

Hell yes!


Sounds fantastic, and the pupil system reminds me of the VF4 AI system where the computer learns your moves. Welcome back, Taka, anyway.


hopefully they release this as DLC for 360, or just put out another disc. I kid you not I'd drop another 60 like that.


Oh shit, it's officially released?

I've been scanning youtube and nico for new vids every day.
I hope to hell I can play it here before 2010 :lol

Damn though, everyone really got awesome looking.
My Vane got some pretty awesome new moves.

Oh and this vid is great:


Koedo's Jean versus Gorgeous Eileen.
Great match.


sega should do both dlc and in store so that those 20 people that bought vf5 dont have to rebuy the game.


big_z said:
sega should do both dlc and in store so that those 20 people that bought vf5 dont have to rebuy the game.

I don't think VF5 was fitted with the necessary code to allow for DLC.
And the game is completely different. Everyone's moves are reanimated.
I don't think it would be possible to just patch it in.


KTallguy said:
I don't think VF5 was fitted with the necessary code to allow for DLC.
And the game is completely different. Everyone's moves are reanimated.
I don't think it would be possible to just patch it in.
really...shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit... I need to see some Lei Fei vids


damn... there are alot of new animations, I thought they were just adding new characters and balancing here and there.


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
Yes, a ton of animations were redone, not only moves but hit and stun animations too. It's quite amazing the amount of new stuff there is... then again, am2 had two years to do all of this, haha.

Edit: Jirotrom, check out the Nakagawa video in the OP, it has some of his new stuff, including his TOTALLY badass new throw.


Professional Monk
would reallllly like to play this at some point, any chance of console versions coming stateside?


Has problems recognising girls

I was going to wait out for a rekindled hope of VF5R hitting PS3 but my partner forced my hand and made me buy VF5. Guess I gotta get two copies of the shit in. VF4 Evo all over again :lol
KdoubleA said:
Umm...Akira lol :lol

You were probably being sarcastic, in that case, I'm an idiot :p
No I really didn't know lol I mean he doesn't have an headband or the trademark spiky hair, had a vein hope of it being a new character


Prime crotch said:
No I really didn't know lol I mean he doesn't have an headband or the trademark spiky hair, had a vein hope of it being a new character

Dude I am suprised that you couldn't recognize a "customized" Akira artwork. He was "customized" in the VF4 Evo artworks as well....



Aggelos said:
Dude I am suprised that you couldn't recognize a "customized" Akira artwork. He was "customized" in the VF4 Evo artworks as well....

Yeah, but he's not really that customized; I mean, aside from the hair that's his official 3rd costume in VF5 (costume C, I think...maybe B...I dont play with Akira :p).


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Day one... if it's out on consoles.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
akachan ningen said:
That's a dumb thing to say. How can you compare characters from two different games?
It's Reno.
akachan ningen said:
That's a dumb thing to say. How can you compare characters from two different games?

Because they use the same fighting style? Then again, it's unfair to compare anything to Tekken because the series is still stuck somewhere in the late '90s. :(


Would you consider VF5R to be an improvement or enhancement of Final Tuned? The game obviously seems like a step in the right direction for those tournament-type players.


oh please let this come out on ps3!!!

i want to learn a new character but i can't do goh and lion is too annoying


Reno said:
So the word on the street is that a PS3 version of VF5R may be hitting in the winter.... with online play. No idea if this is true or not though. If I get more info on this I'll post up again.

I think the PS3 deserves a version of this game. PS3 has the inferior VF5 version, plus VF5 PS3 version has sold more units.

With the upgrades that VF5R has, I don't think that it's possible to become a DLC for 360....


Reno said:
So what's new?
A Returnee, and one new character!


Jean Kujo: A childhood friend of Lion's who trained together when they were kids, but got taken in by J6 one day and vanished completely. Through J6's ahem, questionable practices, Jean, like Goh, was trained in assassination. Since Goh didn't get the job done in VF4, Jean has been asked to provide support. But as he observes some of the matches for the 5th tournament, he sees someone his age using mantis style... that looks familiar... and thoughts start to stir about who this person is...

Jean Kujo fights specializes in traditional karate and as a result a lot of his moves seem similar in motion to Jin from Tekken. However, that's where all comparisons can end. Unlike Jin, Jean is a much deeper character that is filled with potential. Many of his attacks are cancellable and chargable, making reading his movements very difficult. While his throw game seems to be a bit below average right now, he more than makes up for this in pure striking power.

Does Sega have the rights to use an Emo Sephiroth and / or Remy ?
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