RaijinFY said:
Snake Eater (+ Subsistence) ~1.2M
RE4 (PS2 & CG) +1M
I dont have the precise numbers though...
EDIT: It's clear, they are not as strong as before, but they will remain decent enough!
Not to mention MGS and RE do these kinds of numbers in
every territory, not just one. That right there is the difference IMO.
Name some examples of what you're looking for.
To be fair, my complaints should be leveled at TGS, rather than X06. But the bottom line is,
I want more Japanese content, or at the very least, the types of games that Japanese do so well; namely 3rd person action games, quirky original stuff, horror games and the RPG trifecta, in action, strategy and traditional.
And I know what you're going to say, 'what about Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon and Infinite Undiscovery?'. They look great, for that there is no doubt (well, BD not so much; damn Toriyama =P), but I don't view them as
support persay, but rather just
individual games. Here me out, I'm not crazy. My problem is, I don't believe that MS can or will continue to make the investments they did for those 3 games unless they all turn out to be significant successes. And let's be honest, there's a chance these games will 'bomb' (relatively to what MS has spent on the games), and sell way south of 1m worldwide.
And when that happens, what else is there? What if those games are it, and they don't even turn out that great? Putting so much emphasis on these games to not only be good, but also to spur Japanese sales and generate more TP support is quite a weight on the shoulders. Now, I don't want you to look at these comments as 'complaints' of mine, but rather unsettling worries, if you know what I mean. If the games come and go, and despite not doing well, MS continues funding that kind of development, I'll be
extremely happy. If the games spur a lot of support from third party companies to produce similar content, I'll again be very happy. But I'm rather skeptical of either actually happening.
I've tried to voice my concerns and complaints without being overly hateful or troll-ish, so I hope no goes too crazy on me.