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The Official X06 Barcelona (360) Summary Thread


Goreomedy said:
I'm not a diehard Halo fan myself, so I'd like to ask others here. 3 Halo games, does this worry you at all? Is this the Mariofication of the Halo Franchise?

Not until we see Halo Kart Racing, Halo Tennis, Halo Baseball, Halo Soccer Slam, Master Chief is Missing, Halo Paint, Halo 3 on 3 basketball.
HAY lets move all this into the Barcelona thread. I keep having to refresh two threads!

(Nah, I'm kidding. Spread the love around.)



I sure hope MS brings more to the table then that. That seems pretty underwhelming and where's my KI3?????? :(
Francias Castiglione said:
Wow, some massive stuff from Microsoft. Rolling thunder indeed.

Some people are taking the GTA stuff kinda personally, I would imagine Microsoft have a nicely written legal contract to state that they will be the beneficiary of the most exclusive content.
gaffers tend to "imagine" alot of stupid shit. Again, compare what MS said at their E3 press conference, compared to the actual, modified truth that later came out.

I'm not saying Sony doesn't do the same damn thing, but to expect that Sony didn't pay for their own exclusive content (beyond simple cars and clothes) is rediculous.

Also, M+K support for Halo RTS?
Halo started out as an RTS before it got turned into a FPS. Learn your gaming history people!

Hopefully Ensemble is making the Halo RTS game that Bungie had envisioned.


GitarooMan said:
Everything is riding on this for me, I hope it happens and they show footage. This is my personal megaton.
Same here.

The other news seems disappointing if true, nothing worth caring about for me personally.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Wait? Three Halo games?

Halo RTS - cool with
Halo 3- cool with

What's the third? Oh. Peter Jackson Halo game...so we can expect it to be 4 hours too long and Conradian? yacht yacht yacht

banjo rocks.
bioshock rocks

splinter cell meh


Guy LeDouche said:
gaffers tend to "imagine" alot of stupid shit. Again, compare what MS said at their E3 press conference, compared to the actual, modified truth that later came out.
I'm not saying Sony doesn't do the same damn thing, but to expect that Sony didn't pay for their own exclusive content (beyond simple cars and clothes) is rediculous.

Also, M+K support for Halo RTS?
What are you talking about? NONE of what MS said at E3 got contradicted.
Mrbob said:
Not until we see Halo Kart Racing, Halo Tennis, Halo Baseball, Halo Soccer Slam, Master Chief is Missing, Halo Paint, Halo 3 on 3 basketball.

Not to mention Master Chief showing up in other studio's games for no good reason.



Some thoughts.

Pretty good news all around I was hoping for the HD DVD to be cheaper (~$150) because as it stands now the PS3 is a much better deal, but oh well the $199 was expected so can't get upset about that esp since it comes with a movie and a remote.

Bioshock will force me to get a 360 if it is really exculsive (not timed).
Glad the RARE game is not Killer Instinct (the series sucks sorry) and instead Banjo however Blast Corps. would have been ever better.
Where the **** is my black 360 or my GRAW pack?
I like the idea of Halo returning to its roots
Don't like SC so I don't care

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