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The Official X06 Barcelona (360) Summary Thread


eurogamer said:
9:05.07 -

We see a scribbly environment, with a fully rendered Banjo trying to get out of a pencil-drawn door - then the screen gives way to a lush rendered scene.

"Banjo is back!" the text informs us. And here's Chris Lewis on stage.

19:03.37 -

A Rare logo on screen. It's Banjo!

GhaleonEB said:
What are you talking about? NONE of what MS said at E3 got contradicted.
Just look at the GAF E3 MS thread, from the way they phrased the announcement during the show, it sounded like EXCLUSIVE MEGATON. We soon later learned it just meant both titles would come out the same day. Sony does it too, so don't get your X-panties in a bunch.


Chili Con Carnage!
Formatted Press Release for easy readin'

X06 News:

• Peter Jackson, Fran Walsh & MS establish Wingnut interactive, Studio dedicated to creation of world class interactive entertainement (sounds like Hollywood version of Mistwalker).

• PJ & Fran will work on two 360 exclusive franchises, first is the 'chapter in the Halo(r) universe' (read:Spinoff) the second is something original.

• Halo Wars from Ensemble 360 exclusive (No PC version mentioned)

Halo Wars
places the player in command of human UNSC armies as they deploy for mankind's first deadly encounter with the enemy Covenant forces

• GTA4 will have two downloadable 'episodes' exclusive to 360, released months after launch

"Grand Theft Auto IV" will be available to Xbox 360 gamers on its first day of availability: Oct. 16, 2007, in North America and Oct.
19, 2007, in Europe.

• Splinter Cell 5 (the one after Double Agent) is 360 exclusive

• Bioshock is 360 & PC exclusive

• PGR4 announced

• new Banjo Kazooie announced

• Cryptic Studios (City Of Heroes) will develop the Marvel MMORPG, for 360 & PC only

• Doom & Sensible World of Soccer announced for XBLA (Doom out today)

• HD-DVD $199, €199, £129, free King Kong for limited time & Media Center Remote Mid November for US & Europe
SolidSnakex said:
:( I don't mind collecting as long as its not out of control though.

If only you'd seen the trailer. Seriously it's the only thing they showed. He looks onto a gorgeous landscape and sees all the icons, the note, the honeycomb, etcetera. I LOLed.


Still got my sound at the minute, crappy stream ftw!

Just talking about how many opublishers they have working on 360 and sales and guff.
Hopefully Rare learns from their Kameo mistakes and makes Banjo a much longer title!

And hopefully they learned that the oversimplification in GTBG is not where gaming should be heading......
GhaleonEB said:
What are you talking about? NONE of what MS said at E3 got contradicted.
that's what he's talking about.

people hearing 'on the first day available' and thinking it means '360 EXCLUSIVE OMG'.
BenjaminBirdie said:
If only you'd seen the trailer. Seriously it's the only thing they showed. He looks onto a gorgeous landscape and sees all the icons, the note, the honeycomb, etcetera. I LOLed.

I saw the tail end of it right before the "Banjo is Back" logo that popped up.


Yay. I streamed it on Media Player and now I have sound. Sound is such an amazing thing. I'm glad I have sound.


Has Kane and Lynch always been exclusive to 360 and PC?

Press conference will be available on marketplace later. And SWOS got applause unless it was ingame sound lol.
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