No, I'm saying that The Order: 1886 is really an okay-looking game but looks good because of the excessive post-processing. Any contemporary title that looks alright can look like an old film if you add in blur, chromatic aberration, aggressive tonemapping and colour "correction" and black/white crush. But if you remove that post-processing, 1886 has a lot of low res textures, poor LoD, constrained levels and has also had a significant graphical downgrade over the last few months, with a lot of assets being downgraded or outright removed to maintain a "smooth" 30 FPS. It's a mediocre release with mediocre gameplay, mediocre graphics and a lot of flaws. Sound's good though, and I do love the setting, so at least it has that going for it.
If you remove the post process, Af, DOF, and the graphics card on pc and use the on board chip then your game will not run and look like ass also.
Come one man.