yeah, ive been trying to place the title's reference for a bit now, i don't remember red rings in genesis era Phantasy Star stuff
It's a PSO reference.yeah, ive been trying to place the title's reference for a bit now, i don't remember red rings in genesis era Phantasy Star stuff
yeah, ive been trying to place the title's reference for a bit now, i don't remember red rings in genesis era Phantasy Star stuff
There is nothing wrong with being verbose!Apologies for being so wordy and so rambling. I hope a bit of this made sense.
Phantasy Star Online reference. Poor Rico.IrishNinja said:yeah, ive been trying to place the title's reference for a bit now, i don't remember red rings in genesis era Phantasy Star stuff
Wasn't there a time called the "Dead Wings" era? Before Yzerman joined the team?Randy Monk said:When have the Red Wings ever been shit? Sergei, Keith, Steve have a word with the OP.
yeah, ive been trying to place the title's reference for a bit now, i don't remember red rings in genesis era Phantasy Star stuff
I'm met with a black screen instead of the game booting up for some reason. When I select the unpatched file, it runs fine.Schala, what do you mean when you say those emulators don't like the retranslation? What happens?
It's a PSO reference.
Poor Rico. You're a monster.
Red Ring Rico. Red Ring is a very damn rare drop in PSO.
aw, i played the shit out of PSO (prolly my only MMO) but only ep 1 on DC, im gonna assume this was after that?
Isn't that the kind of music you like to listen to? babby rap.
is it rappys? does that make more sense?
i guess that'd explain why i never found a plush one online
rappy = singular
rappies = plural
...why is this even a conversation lmao
And I have to agree--years later, how well the scrolling through dungeons is so damn smooth. It's amazing to see each and every time I play through this.
some of ya'll are really arguing PS1 & 2 aren't hard games, especially by today's standards?
grinding (both XP and meseta) take forever sometimes, enemies/encounter rates can be mean, many bosses are no joke - i recall dying on my way back to town more than a few times.
2 is made infinitely easier when you secure a visaphone, but that takes a bit. i know the average JRPG difficulty went down when the floodgates opened, but even in their day i wanna say both were challenging games.
I think that PS1 has aged very well for such an early JRPG.Phantasy Star 1 is probably one of the two games in the franchise that I spent a lot of time playing in the past. I really liked it when I was younger, but I found that it hasn't really aged all that well at all, though it feels like a lot of that has to do with it trying to be a lot closer to Dragon Quest's more contained single adventure feel, while trying to stretch that out to be as long as Final Fantasy's more campaign length-game. I still kind of hate how it ended and much of the game feels like needless filler, but it's a good first effort.
I played both Phantasy Star and Phantasy Star Gaiden for the first time earlier this year (because I read Gaiden was a direct sequel of sorts to the first game).
Phantasy Star Gaiden is so so so so so so so so bad. Ruins Alis and the whole first game.
I'm met with a black screen instead of the game booting up for some reason. When I select the unpatched file, it runs fine.
Could be the patch utility I'm using.
For the life of me, I can't figure out why PSIV isn't on xbla or iOS. Bullshit.
aw, i played the shit out of PSO (prolly my only MMO) but only ep 1 on DC, im gonna assume this was after that?
also your face is a monster, beefy!
When I was little, I generally picked games to play based on how colourful they were or what cool things they did graphically (was the level design fine, did it do neat things like alternating lights, parallax scrolling, cool foregrounds, etc.). Phantasy Star was one of those. I watched my cousins play a bit of it, and I was incredibly impressed with the battle backgrounds. What was cool was that the enemies animated. It was completely mindblowing that enemies could animate in battle like that. I also appreciated seeing how much HP enemies had prior to defeat. It's helpful.
Interview with Rieko Kodama
Thomas Nickel: Did you contribute in any way to Phantasy Star Online and Phantasy Star Universe? What do you think of the games? Do they feel like Phantasy Star to you?
Rieko Kodama: Sorry, I dont comment on PSO/PSU.
Nah, it was the patching utility I was using; I was patching the JP ROM but it just didn't take. Weird, because it usually works with SFC games. Problem solved, though! The retranslation is excellent! And the font and formatting don't piss me off!Are you patching a Japanese rom? The same happened to me when I tried patching an English rom.
Koko, I knew we were friends for a reason. Outside of the new mechanics that the PSU and PSP games introduce, which are absolutely necessary and I'm glad to see them in PSO2, I think PSO atmospherically and narratively was the better game.PSO>(x100)PSU.
Do I need to set the same rules that we have in place for SonicGAF, and the same rules Andrex has in place for PokeGAF, for this thread?
Koko, I knew we were friends for a reason. Outside of the new mechanics that the PSU and PSP games introduce, which are absolutely necessary and I'm glad to see them in PSO2, I think PSO atmospherically and narratively was the better game.
bastard online games garbage confirmed.
ROFL. I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't like the PSO series of games. The PS series was comparable to the FF series up until FF7. And that's because Sega did fuck all with the PS series.
I was so hooked on PSO for the Dreamcast back in the day. Never picked up any of the later online PS games because they didn't seem to be true successors to PSO. I hope PSO2 turns out good and isn't just a shitty pay-to-win kind of free game.
Ditto.Finishing PS1 on the GBA without using a single map was my proudest achievement.
And yet I can't come close to finishing PS2.
Hahaha.bastard online games garbage confirmed.