Your brain was fresh, young, and ready to be filled with useless RPG maps.Playing through PS1 now, and kind of amazed that back in 1990 my 10 year old self managed to complete this game without any help, and by memorising the dungeons through trial and error. These days I can barely remember what I did last week!
100% sure it is on steam and PSN, you sure it's not tucked away in some collection maybe?
You are right, it is also on wiiware. But I'm not talking about those services, I'm talking about iOS and xbla.
Playing through PS1 now, and kind of amazed that back in 1990 my 10 year old self managed to complete this game without any help, and by memorising the dungeons through trial and error. These days I can barely remember what I did last week!
Too many techno partiesj/k but it's awesome to see you in this thread. Great taste in both music and games.
1 is more enjoyable than 4.
Come at me.
The Phantasy Star 25th Anniversary Visual Chronicle (2400 Yen) is chock-full of costumes, characters, enemies, fields, weapons, and various illustrations from the entire Phantasy Star series.
The first half of the book contains materials from the Sega Mark III era all the way through Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity. The second half of the book contains concept art images from Phantasy Star Online 2.
As a special bonus, youll also receive item codes that includes; the Myau Ornament, five Sega consoles, and the Phantasy Star Series 25th Anniversary sticker. These item codes will expire March 31st, 2014.
Sympathy Concert Track List
02.Phantasy Star Medley for Sympathy 2013
03.Phantasy Star Online OPENING THEME ~The whole new world~
04.Can still see the light ~Phantasy Star Online ENDING THEME~
05.IDOLA have the immortal feather & the divine blade Medley
06.World with me ~Phantasy Star Online EPISODE2 ENDING THEME~
07.LET THE WINDS BLOW Theme of Phantasy Star Online EpisodeⅢ-
08.Underworld -equilibrium-
09.Phantasy Star Zero
11.Save This World Orchestra Version -
12.Save This World νMIX -  
13.Living Universe
14.Go Infinity
15.Burning Hearts ~炎のANGEL~
16.Ignite Infinity
17.Title PSO2 -
18.Stage Medley PSO2 -
19.Dark Ragne
20.Big Varder & Quartz Dragon Medley
21.Falz Arm & Dark Falz Elder Medley
22.For Brighter Day Orchestra Version -
Holy business. I need this in my life. Particularly the CD, because I've wanted some of that PSO2 goodness since last year since the music is so good. Thanks for the heads-up, kiryogi.Cross post for Phantasy star love!
Phantasy Star fans and alike . . . Apparently the visual chronicle is available outside of the concert. . . But it's currently sold out everywhere (pending a restock)
Also . . . So there was that 25th anniversary Phantasy Star Sympathy concert. . . and it's rather telling when the entire selection is practically nothing but PSOnline music. A friend points out to me the case maybe more so that PS I-IV music isn't that memorable. Who knows. Anywho this CD will be available in September . . . Here's the selection that was played for those that are curious.
Holy business. I need this in my life. Particularly the CD, because I've wanted some of that PSO2 goodness since last year since the music is so good. Thanks for the heads-up, kiryogi.
The book really is sold out everywhere. Sheesh. Amazon Japan seems like the decent place to get it, and even then it's taking a while.
A friend points out to me the case maybe more so that PS I-IV music isn't that memorable.
He's wrong. PSIV music is amazing.
Yet the entire concert was nothing but PSOnline music. . . Some 25th huh?
What happened to Reiko Kodama? I don't know which games had she developed.
Also, how much influence does had yuji naka on the original series?
Who were the responsibles of the original series?
I really want to know some tidbits of the development team
EDIT: well, it seems that reiko had a great career according to wikipedia, made props to her, she had direct involvment with tons of games that I love
I don't suppose there's any chance these 7th Dragon games would get localized...?![]()
Dragona I believe, but yeah, I'm guessing if it was planned something went screwy somewhere along the chain and it ended up falling through. It was around when DS sales seemingly started to dip a lot too, which didn't help. 3DS having the DD route might just be what'd save localizations there, or so I'd hope.Originally I think Aeana or Dragona? was saying the first one was slated . . But yeah that was before Sega pulled back.
You should go ahead and make the changes. Upping the movement speed (this is crucial), and lowering the difficulty some might make the game a little better in some areas (get more XP and money as you make it easier).Started with Phantasy Star II today (on the Complete Collection). Should I change any of the settings (like movement speed, difficulty, "fast battle") or is the game best in its original state?
What's up with those Blaster enemies in Nido? Met them two times, first time I managed to win with my main character dead and made it back to town. Second time, immediately after I rescued Teim, they get a preemptive strike and I'm killed before I can do much. Tried to run away but it didn't work. I have no problem with any of the other enemies in that dungeon.
i hate to bump an ancient thread, but figured that other Phantasy Star fans might be tracking this one in their subscriptions and would be interested in this:
laserdestroyerteam released a cover of the Phantasy Star I soundtrack yesterday
it's (was) the 28th anniversary in Japan! maybe we'll get a new single player RPG for the 30th? Maybe? (let me dream)