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The Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice For All Official Thread

Does capcom.com not send a confirmation email? I ordered two weeks ago but didn't get one. My status on the site say Order in Process. I'd better get my stylus.
Ike said:
I get my preorder bonus upon pick up.

Your avatar is being stretched to all hell. Change it or you could get banned (rules are in the TOS).

All the replies of "not as good as the first" are getting me a bit nervous about this game but well case 4 and 5 totally redeemed any suckiness in the first game for me so hopefully the Case 4 in this game will have the same effect.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
EphemeralDream said:
Your avatar is being stretched to all hell. Change it or you could get banned (rules are in the TOS).

All the replies of "not as good as the first" are getting me a bit nervous about this game but well case 4 and 5 totally redeemed any suckiness in the first game for me so hopefully the Case 4 in this game will have the same effect.

If you love the first one, you'll love the second one. Lots of returning characters, some new and interesting ones, a new gameplay mechanic to break up some of the investigation sections, and Case 4 + ending = you will say wow.


BorkBork said:
The localization is different, but good. There're a lot of pop culture references which are genuinely funny. The only major problem was the amount of grammatical errors in the translation, which hopefully Capcom took these last few months to fix up.
Yeah, while I liked the
Fresh Prince and Zelda references, they still pale in comparison to the GAF one.

Two image links behind the spoiler tag.


BorkBork said:
Don't spoil it dude! :lol
Well, that's why I linked to the images instead of embedding them, since they're not spoilers for main plot...but I guess I should add the spoiler tag just in case. :p


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
Thanks for bumping this back up to remind me, Court Records has this interview with a Capcom employee:


Some excerpts:

#3. It's been said in a few places that Phoenix Wright's sales were quite surprising in a good way. Could it be explained a bit better how Phoenix Wright's US entrance faired better then other new sagas given a similar startup, and Capcom's outlook on the series before and after its general acceptance?

I won’t give any numbers but its introduction was slow… but the adoption rate was very steady. Even though the initial shipment was small (even by DS standards) it didn’t immediately sell out in the few chains that carried it. The reviews were fairly strong (not amazing, but strong) and there was some decent support from some quarters. Gamestop and EB (pre-merger at the time) were the only two majors that carried the title and they did so in decent, but not aggressive volumes. They placed one initial order and one small follow-up order and then decided to not keep the SKU active (no more orders).

What happened next was bizarre. Our distribution channels (non-retail distributors who resell to typically smaller retailers) just kept ordering. We kept doing small production runs… a few thousand here, few thousand there. Word of mouth was spreading and obviously we continued to see the “OMG I can’t find AA anywhere” posts all over the boards. We’d place an order like every month for now upwards of 12 months, never knowing when we’d finally satiate the demand for the game and we always had to be careful not to over-order (inventory management on cartridge media is extremely important).

This past holiday, we even had some of the majors (Toys R Us, Gamestop and others) bring the title back in for active sale. That just normally doesn’t happen.

Long story short, if our initial order was X, the current lifetime sales are more than 3X, which for a title that started as small as AA1 did, just doesn’t happen. It’s a testament to the power of the community, spreading the word about a unique title. People love this series and I think we all like to see the underdog win one once and a while like that.

#9. At either E3 or TGS, the particular event alludes me at this time, it was brought up from a Capcom employee that he was unsure at that time if GS4 or GS3 would see localization first. Is Capcom 'considering' skipping GS3 and going right into GS4 should enough profit from JFA's release warrant another localized title? With 'considering' being in reference to the possibility but not being anything set in stone that could back lash could the opposite answer come to play.

If it were to happen (and again, every new iteration is contingent upon the sales of the prior outing), we would do Ace Attorney 3 before Ace Attorney 4. It makes no sense to bring them over out of order. This is doubly true given that AA4 is made from the ground up for the DS. If we shipped AA4 before AA3, it would seem like a step back in the quality of the franchise.

Buy the game!


OH HELL YEA GS3 DS!!!!!!!!!! DO IT CAPCOM. On a side note, my gamestop got the stylus in. It's pretty neat. 異議あり!
Oh noez! I don't see the stylus on the Gamestop page anymore... if I preorder now, will I still be able to get the stylus? Or is it a no-go now? ;_;


Has GS3 DS been officially announced yet? I don't recall reading anything about it. Hope we do see it in English on the DS (along with GS4).

Great interview, thanks for the link BorkBork. I've never read a domestic publisher's thoughts about import games, especially a text-heavy game like this with dual language support. Plus, "Sven" seems like he's really into the whole genre, which is truly a great thing to see. :)

I did buy the Japanese release of JFA (in the middle of the 4th case at the moment), but I do plan on buying the US release.


I waited for the NA release and am buying it even though two other friends are just to support this. Anyway, the release date is tomorrow right? Not the ship date? I want this game tomorrow and I"ll probably have to fight through a horde of WoW: Burning Crusade people to get to it.


I preordered this game the instant it was available on gamestop.com, so I'll probably wind up getting it in the mail tomorrow even though I didn't pay for overnight shipping. The same thing happened to me with Portrait of Ruin.
Firestorm said:
I waited for the NA release and am buying it even though two other friends are just to support this. Anyway, the release date is tomorrow right? Not the ship date? I want this game tomorrow and I"ll probably have to fight through a horde of WoW: Burning Crusade people to get to it.
Well, not that I trust my local stupid Gamestop employee, but he said that I should get a call tomorrow and it comes out on THE SEVENTEENTH! I checked the release list that was hanging there which read the 16th. He was probably just a dumbass.


I actually liked this one better than the first... mainly because the last case in this one is just ridiculously good.

Localization is hilarious and very good, assuming Capcom polished up some of the typos and minor mistakes it'll be just as good as the first one's.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
STG! said:
Has GS3 DS been officially announced yet? I don't recall reading anything about it. Hope we do see it in English on the DS (along with GS4).

Great interview, thanks for the link BorkBork. I've never read a domestic publisher's thoughts about import games, especially a text-heavy game like this with dual language support. Plus, "Sven" seems like he's really into the whole genre, which is truly a great thing to see. :)

I did buy the Japanese release of JFA (in the middle of the 4th case at the moment), but I do plan on buying the US release.

No news on GS3 DS yet, but like Sven said, it's going to be dependent on sales from Justice for All. I have a feeling that even if it does similar numbers to the first game, they would bring over to gear the series up for GS4. Cross your fingers.


Running off of Custom Firmware
In my experience, once a preorder bonus is taken down from the EB/GS website, you're pretty much boned. Have you tried checking Capcom.com?


BorkBork said:
Thanks for bumping this back up to remind me, Court Records has this interview with a Capcom employee:


Some excerpts:

Buy the game!

I like this guy.

As far as my appreciation of the series goes, I was enthralled by the first game for its approach which in some ways is a throw-back to some of the PC adventure games (stuff from Sierra, Infocom and LucasArts in particular) that I enjoyed while growing up. As a lifelong gamer, I also have a distinct appreciation for games that are different and perhaps don’t quite have the same commercial appeal as some of our other titles. Much like many of our fans, that makes me want to evangelize the series that much more. I’ve genuinely enjoyed the series so much and I want other folks to like it too.

Lastly, I see the game as different enough to stand along side some of the very unique titles that Capcom in known for. In that respect, it helps to bring credibility to the Capcom brand as a whole.

We also tend to like the more quiet, post-holiday season for our titles that we feel could use a little extra attention. It’s so easy to get lost in the holiday maelstrom.


I completed the original PW:AA about four months ago but by the end of the game, I was pretty sick of all the tedious investigations that had to be done prior to court sesions. The court sessions, while awesome, were frustrating and illogical at times too. Overall, the game was still addictive, enjoyable, and the music was just awesome. However, I may already be a bit tired of the formulaic gameplay.

So, tell me GAF, should I pick this up?


ElyrionX said:
I completed the original PW:AA about four months ago but by the end of the game, I was pretty sick of all the tedious investigations that had to be done prior to court sesions. The court sessions, while awesome, were frustrating and illogical at times too. Overall, the game was still addictive, enjoyable, and the music was just awesome. However, I may already be a bit tired of the formulaic gameplay.

So, tell me GAF, should I pick this up?

Yes. Buy multiple copies. We need a third game.

So it seems my EB didn't get this today. I'll call again tomorrow =(
Pureauthor said:
Does anyone have this game yet?
I don't.

Capcom shipped my stylus separately for some reason, which I got today, but from their site, it looks like the game hasn't even shipped yet. I should have just picked it up in-store.


Junior Member
I got the import version. I'm not supporting the official release, sorry. Next time... maybe. If it's synchronous. Or the Japanese version isn't English...


I just got my copy and it will either turn off when I close the ds, or it won't wake up when I open it. Is it just my copy, or are other people having problems too? I even had a freeze in the dialog before the first case. =/ I hope it's just a bad cart and not crappy software.


hooo said:
I just got my copy and it will either turn off when I close the ds, or it won't wake up when I open it. Is it just my copy, or are other people having problems too? I even had a freeze in the dialog before the first case. =/ I hope it's just a bad cart and not crappy software.

Mine works fine. Well it has through the first 45 minutes of the first case.

Return it for a new cart.


Pureauthor said:
Does anyone have this game yet?
My local EB Games in San Diego received the game and stylus for those who preordered. The stylus has got to be one of the coolest I've ever seen (and I've been know to wander the stylus aisle in BIC Camera :lol).


I got my domestic (NA) copy a few hours ago. There are still some grammatical problems, questionable translation parts, and typos (starting instead of staring, etc.), but it's really good, as expected. Unfortunately, I just don't see this one doing as well as the original. You had a bunch of jerkholes on here buying the import because of the English option, and I wonder how many of them won't re-buy... And that's probably true of a lot of people. And then there are those who won't be getting it because it came out right after Christmas... And those who tried the first, and didn't like it.... I phear for future PW in North America.

hooo said:
I just got my copy and it will either turn off when I close the ds, or it won't wake up when I open it. Is it just my copy, or are other people having problems too? I even had a freeze in the dialog before the first case. =/ I hope it's just a bad cart and not crappy software.

I had this issue with Portraint of Ruin the first time I put it in. When I'd close the DS with the game one, it would just make the coffin slamming noise over and over and the game wouldn't go into sleep. After I turned it off and turned it back on, I never had another problem...
Soul4ger said:
I got my domestic (NA) copy a few hours ago. There are still some grammatical problems, questionable translation parts, and typos (starting instead of staring, etc.), but it's really good, as expected.
That sucks, though I'm oblivious to typos and tend to not notice them.


ninj4junpei said:
That sucks, though I'm oblivious to typos and tend to not notice them.

Another one. "Surly," not "Surely." And quit calling me Shirley.

Kobun Heat said:

Seriously, this whole "Phoenix Wright is going to get shut down if people import it" thing needs to shrivel up and die now.

I didn't say that was the only reason. And don't try to get yourself off the hotseat, mister! If they skip the third one, or the fourth one doesn't come, it's YOUR fault. Or whoever imported without buying domestic.


I got it, I got it! I haven't played it yet though. :D

Btw, I saw Dragon Quest: Rocket Slime new for $19.99 at Gamestop today. Did it officially drop in price or what?
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