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The Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice For All Official Thread

I'm at the first day of the second trail. So far this game is great. I miss some of the tunes for the first game, but the new music in this one is still OK. The first and second cases have definitely been interesting to say the least. So far so good.


thefro said:
I actually liked this one better than the first... mainly because the last case in this one is just ridiculously good.

Localization is hilarious and very good, assuming Capcom polished up some of the typos and minor mistakes it'll be just as good as the first one's.

They're still there. Or else they added new grammatical errors.

-Confusing "altar" and "alter"
-The judge describing something as "a ways away" from something else


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
Flynn said:
They're still there. Or else they added new grammatical errors.

-Confusing "altar" and "alter"
-The judge describing something as "a ways away" from something else

Damnit Capcom for lying that they were going to be fixed up!


Flynn said:
-The judge describing something as "a ways away" from something else

A ways away from XXXX is a normal expression. Google it.

EX: I am a ways away from figuring out why people play video games to count typos.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
It was answered a long time ago Chris:
Mejilan said:
In my experience, once a preorder bonus is taken down from the EB/GS website, you're pretty much boned. Have you tried checking Capcom.com?


DIYMF Alumni
I ordered from Capcom and CANNOT WAIT! My gf and I had to get 2 copies, just so we can play through at the same time.

It's still being processed but hey, I can wait. I'm almost at the end of the 1st game!


Personally I'm pretty disappointed by the stylus. The tip is neat, but the rest of it is only about as thick as a BIC pen ink fill. Cramped fingers ahoy.


tetsuoxb said:
A ways away from XXXX is a normal expression. Google it.

EX: I am a ways away from figuring out why people play video games to count typos.

It's a normal, but grammatically incorrect expression -- the judge probably should not be using it.

AND: Typos are the equivalent of screen tearing or frame rate drop in a text-intensive game.


Javaman said:
Personally I'm pretty disappointed by the stylus. The tip is neat, but the rest of it is only about as thick as a BIC pen ink fill. Cramped fingers ahoy.

I'd be dissappointed if I planned on using it. Functionally it sucks compared to the stock and many third party styli. But as a collector, the Phoenix Wright stylus is awesome! :)

Speaking of DS styli, you can't go wrong with this one.


Yuk... Someone just messaged me and said that Shane gave this game a 6.0 on 1up. Sites blocked here at work though so i couldn't check it out. What does the review say?
Sallokin said:
Yuk... Someone just messaged me and said that Shane gave this game a 6.0 on 1up. Sites blocked here at work though so i couldn't check it out. What does the review say?

basically he whines that it's a lackluster port of a GBA game with nothing new and fun about it over the first Phoenix Wright. He says if you liked the first one, you'll like it. It reads like a review that he wrote five minutes before it was due.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
Sallokin said:
Yuk... Someone just messaged me and said that Shane gave this game a 6.0 on 1up. Sites blocked here at work though so i couldn't check it out. What does the review say?

1up review said:
Don't misconstrue this review as hateful, though: If you dug the original Phoenix Wright, odds are that you'll also enjoy playing through this one. It's just as funny, endearing, and charming as the first game, yet it's impossible to ignore the tremendous lack of innovation Capcom exhibits. With an ingenious, visually impressive adventure title like Hotel Dusk: Room 215 hitting store shelves alongside Justice for All, this rehash seems lazier than ever. This game should have creative touch-panel puzzles, better visuals, and spoken dialogue beyond the occasional quip of "Objection!"

He doesn't like psychelocks, wants DS functionality, and wants voice acting. :lol Good luck with that.


Interesting. I'll have to check out the entire review later. That little quip about not misconstruing the review as hateful is sort of lame though. If you have fun with a game, then innovation isn't as big a deal breaker as he makes it seem.

Joe Molotov

I wonder how Phoenix Wright makes any money when almost all of his cases involve defending himself or his close friends from murder charges? :lol

(I'm at the beginning of the 2nd Day in the 2nd Case, and I'm enjoying it.)
I'm in the trial part of the first day in the second case and so far I am very pleased. A part of me feels that maybe due to all the "worse than the first" reports, my thoughts are distorted and I'm making it out to be better than it actually is but both cases already feel much better than their respective ones in the first game. I'm definitely getting that same rush as I got playing the first, like when you figure out the right piece of evidence to present.

The translation is nowhere near as bad as I expected and I have seen the mistakes mentioned but they're pretty far apart. I recall the 5th case in the first game to be much worse.
Just finished the first case. :D Best name ever
Dustin Prince.

Edit: I don't get the complaints against the music, I think it's very nice. Though I do miss some of the old songs.
Thinking about, was there a plot hole in Case 1?
What exactly did Maggey see during the murder? Wouldn't she have seen Richard push Dustin?


Got the game today. They were just finishing the shipment of new stuff. Didn't get a stylus =(

I just finished the first case. Turnabout music sucks compared to the first game =(
So, someone on GameFAQS was asking about getting this game or Elite Beat Agents. Most of the people there responded with 'Both.', but one guy produced this little gem.



ninj4junpei said:
Thinking about, was there a plot hole in Case 1?
What exactly did Maggey see during the murder? Wouldn't she have seen Richard push Dustin?

After the case she said that she went to help an old lady with something (I can't remember right now) and they ended up going to Maggey's house for tea or something like that. She forgot all about Dustin.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
Pureauthor said:
So, someone on GameFAQS was asking about getting this game or Elite Beat Agents. Most of the people there responded with 'Both.', but one guy produced this little gem.


I would buy ten copies of this game.


Pureauthor said:
So, someone on GameFAQS was asking about getting this game or Elite Beat Agents. Most of the people there responded with 'Both.', but one guy produced this little gem.


That pic is quite old now... I don't think he made it if he posted it recently.

Joe Molotov

Pureauthor said:
So, someone on GameFAQS was asking about getting this game or Elite Beat Agents. Most of the people there responded with 'Both.', but one guy produced this little gem.


They should have made a 5th DS-only case for Phoenix Wright 2, and that should have been it.


The translation work isn't much if any worse than the original at all. The music isn't worse, it's just different, softer tone in general, some songs aren't as catchy, others are significantly moreso.

It seems like the game is harder though, more variables, more punishing to guesswork. Health system sometimes makes it more friendly, but since it's depleted/brought into use more often than the marks were and you cannot refill it outside of psyche-locks, it's probably a little tougher in that regard too, really.

Scenario design is a lot more grueling, right off the bat, far more interesting too, IMO. Fantastic game, really, really hope they decide to do PW3 also before the DS specific one comes out


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
Alex said:
The translation work isn't much if any worse than the original at all. The music isn't worse, it's just different, softer tone in general, some songs aren't as catchy, others are significantly moreso.

It seems like the game is harder though, more variables, more punishing to guesswork. Health system sometimes makes it more friendly, but since it's depleted/brought into use more often than the marks were and you cannot refill it outside of psyche-locks, it's probably a little tougher in that regard too, really.

Scenario design is a lot more grueling, right off the bat, far more interesting too, IMO. Fantastic game, really, really hope they decide to do PW3 also before the DS specific one comes out

That much is confirmed. If they bring over GS4, they'll bring over PW3 first.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
Jcgamer60 said:
Its confirmed?

Christian Svensson said:
Q: At either E3 or TGS, the particular event alludes me at this time, it was brought up from a Capcom employee that he was unsure at that time if GS4 or GS3 would see localization first. Is Capcom 'considering' skipping GS3 and going right into GS4 should enough profit from JFA's release warrant another localized title? With 'considering' being in reference to the possibility but not being anything set in stone that could back lash could the opposite answer come to play.

A: If it were to happen (and again, every new iteration is contingent upon the sales of the prior outing), we would do Ace Attorney 3 before Ace Attorney 4. It makes no sense to bring them over out of order. This is doubly true given that AA4 is made from the ground up for the DS. If we shipped AA4 before AA3, it would seem like a step back in the quality of the franchise.



man, it better sell enough, it hardly seems expensive to localize, and it has a pretty decent cult fanbase.

if we get cut off I would be seriously pissed off, I'm still pissed off over not getting MH2 from Capcom
Alex said:
The translation work isn't much if any worse than the original at all. The music isn't worse, it's just different, softer tone in general, some songs aren't as catchy, others are significantly moreso.

This is going to sound pretty silly but I love the main trial theme. It makes me feel like I'm going to kick some legal ass.


Out of the new tracks in the game, my personal favourite is when you first start the trial. It sounds a lot better than the one in the first game.


I like the new music. And I replayed the first one literally the weekend before this came out, and didn't beat case 5 until the same day I got this game. I'd definitely say Case 5 on the DS has more typos so far. I also feel like the new music is really good. I'm kind of disappointed we didn't get to hear the new investigation - cornered music much for the first trial, but I think the court music in general is a lot better. Also, I actually lost at one point in the first case!

This is actually a ways off, but if GS4 comes out here, I hope some of the characters from case 5 are mentioned in it, along with Edgeworth. I really think it's great how the first PW game makes you go from hating Edgeworth in the early cases to really liking him and even pulling for him a bit in the end, at least if you stop where the original PW game stops. In fact, that's my only worry, that I won't like find von Karma's daughter as interesting of a character as Edgeworth.
Beezy said:
After the case she said that she went to help an old lady with something (I can't remember right now) and they ended up going to Maggey's house for tea or something like that. She forgot all about Dustin.
:lol I completely forgot about that.
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