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The Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice For All Official Thread

Well I finished the game last night (couldn't stop on the last case, am very tired this morning as a result).

I think if I wasn't already deliriously happy with my DS, this series would be enough of a reason to own one. I freaking loved both games, every second of them. Absolutely everything about them.

Isn't that Capcom Game Day today? Hopefully they announce PW3 coming to the US soon...


PissBOX, PeeS2, or Toiletcube
platypotamus said:
Well I finished the game last night (couldn't stop on the last case, am very tired this morning as a result).

I think if I wasn't already deliriously happy with my DS, this series would be enough of a reason to own one. I freaking loved both games, every second of them. Absolutely everything about them.

Isn't that Capcom Game Day today? Hopefully they announce PW3 coming to the US soon...
Well, that's the big question. Is Capcom going to spend time localizing and porting GS3 to the DS or will they skip it and go to the DS-Specific 4th version. I'm hoping that they at least release GS3 on the DS Japan as a DS Best Price version with an english language option like they did with the previous ones.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
Ike said:
Well, that's the big question. Is Capcom going to spend time localizing and porting GS3 to the DS or will they skip it and go to the DS-Specific 4th version. I'm hoping that they at least release GS3 on the DS Japan as a DS Best Price version with an english language option like they did with the previous ones.
Considering how GS2 DS did in Japan I doubt they'd do that for them.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
A Link to the Snitch said:
I don't know, I suspect that it didn't cost much at all for them to make JfA, and 100,000 copies sold is not bad.
100K? According to who? ioi? GS2 bombed in Japan despite being -Best Price- to begin with.


Ike said:
Well, that's the big question. Is Capcom going to spend time localizing and porting GS3 to the DS or will they skip it and go to the DS-Specific 4th version. I'm hoping that they at least release GS3 on the DS Japan as a DS Best Price version with an english language option like they did with the previous ones.
It's been said, in this very thread even, that Capcom would bring over the third game before they'd bring out the fourth. Go through some of the earlier pages and there are some links to an interview or two with Capcom reps who say they'll bring the series over here in chronological order.


Dot Hacked
Graaah! That clown guy was hard I game over'd several times at him but this acro guy I got no clue where to even begin! >_<; I don't wanna lose any health on his first darn testimony! Help!


platypotamus said:
Well I finished the game last night (couldn't stop on the last case, am very tired this morning as a result).

I think if I wasn't already deliriously happy with my DS, this series would be enough of a reason to own one. I freaking loved both games, every second of them. Absolutely everything about them.

Same here. PW is the game that made me happy that I bought a DS.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
jj984jj said:
100K? According to who? ioi? GS2 bombed in Japan despite being -Best Price- to begin with.

Last I saw it was at around 60K sold, which is not bad for a straight port with an English translation.

There is also no Capcom Gamer Day tomorrow.


Running off of Custom Firmware
What a fantastic start!

I was wondering how they were going to "dumb down" the first case, as a Case 1 inevitably must be! :D


A Link to the Snitch said:
Seems very mature; she's overachieving to please daddy and reach the expectations that have been set for her and hates Edgeworth for overshadowing her.

Um, I know people are allowed their own opinion, but I thought it was pretty clear that she was supposed to be immature beneath her exterior. In fact, I think Gumshoe even says it at one point in the third or fourth chapter. She doesn't care about prosecution so much as obtaining a perfect win record and when Phoenix Wright ruined her career she pretty much fell into pieces, much like Edgeworth. And you can hardly call someone who whips her opponent until he collapses after beating her in court mature. :p
Hero said:
Um, I know people are allowed their own opinion, but I thought it was pretty clear that she was supposed to be immature beneath her exterior. In fact, I think Gumshoe even says it at one point in the third or fourth chapter. She doesn't care about prosecution so much as obtaining a perfect win record and when Phoenix Wright ruined her career she pretty much fell into pieces, much like Edgeworth. And you can hardly call someone who whips her opponent until he collapses after beating her in court mature. :p

Well, that was the same with Manfred, really. She's immature because of her actions later in the game, but not really because of her entire personality throughout the game.


jj984jj said:
Oh come on, I'm sure Capcom will do worse than Zyid when they release media on PW3. It is the first case in the game after all.
This is correct, and you are all deluded if you think that you won't be seeing those pics in official media. I can't believe people are making a shit about that. If you honestly believe that the game is ruined now that you know who you play as in the first case, I'd advise you to shut your eyes and ears and live under a rock when the GS3 media comes out.

A Link to the Snitch said:
He got banned for the spoilered text
Screw you sir, the text was already spoilered thank you very much.

PS. Here's another spoiler for you: Snake is playable in Super Smash Brothers Brawl!!!


Zyid said:
This is correct, and you are all deluded if you think that you won't be seeing those pics in official media. I can't believe people are making a shit about that. If you honestly believe that the game is ruined now that you know who you play as in the first case, I'd advise you to shut your eyes and ears and live under a rock when the GS3 media comes out.
That's great, because I'm sure that official PW3 media will be posted in threads marked as such, meaning that we actually know what we're clicking on. Believe it or not, some of us do avoid that type of thing.

Finding spoilerific pictures of PW3's intro in a PW2 thread doesn't exactly fit the thread description or expectations, and it would have been far more acceptable had they been initially posted as links (allowing users to view them if they so choose) instead of displayed for all to see.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
So I finally got the game and I still find it annoying that sometimes the only way to carry on is to press, other than that I'm enjoying it just as much as the first. Good stuff. :D


I played for awhile last night and this afternoon, and finally finished the game. Note that I got the Japanese version upon release. Yeah, I've played through this really sporadically.

In case 4, the part where
I had to decide between letting Maya die and letting an innocent woman get convicted of murder...wow. Even after staring at the screen for awhile and thinking about the two, I could barely bring my finger to press the button and make a decision (I chose Guilty). It's not often you are forced to make decisions like that in a game. That was refreshing like a spring breeze (ho ho ho).

Anyway, I have to say the ending was
brilliant, heartwarming, etc. etc. There aren't many games that could make me feel this happy about the character development and such. I'm glad they took the time to include a healthy amount of post-game material. Often times I find myself disappointed when a game is over, and I'm like, "That's it?" (re: Zelda)

The music too, simple as it may be, is superb. It goes with the characters and events perfectly.

Here's to a speedy localization of GS3 (or another DS version with the English language option).

EDIT: Oh, and I was really frustrated with myself too many times during the trials for not being able to figure out what piece of evidence to present and when. I had to consult an FAQ frequently. :-/


Running off of Custom Firmware
I miss the old court/advantage theme from PW1, but I'm liking the rest of the music as much, and occasionally more than, PW1's. I'm a bit surprised by that.

BTW - Could you present character profiles as evidence before? I don't remember that at all... Nice addition!


BuddyC said:
That's great, because I'm sure that official PW3 media will be posted in threads marked as such, meaning that we actually know what we're clicking on. Believe it or not, some of us do avoid that type of thing.

Finding spoilerific pictures of PW3's intro in a PW2 thread doesn't exactly fit the thread description or expectations, and it would have been far more acceptable had they been initially posted as links (allowing users to view them if they so choose) instead of displayed for all to see.
What happened to you man? Assuming you're the same BuddyC I used to know on the PA forums, you never struck me as the "shoot first ask questions later" kind of guy. Editing the pictures out and clarifying what you define as a spoiler would have sufficed.

I hate spoilers as much as the next player (you'll note that I used tags to black out the REAL spoiler in that post), but what was in those pictures isn't one. This is the kind of thing you'd find on the box itself, even if you did avoid all media. For instance Franziska von Karma is treated as a surprise in Justice For All, but her face, name, and gender are all revealed on the game box itself. And she doesn't even show up until
the second case

Who you play as in the first frigging case is not a spoiler. It's the kind of thing used to drum up anticipation for the game, which was my intention. I think you can trust my motives after all the time I spent on those sigs to get PW:AA elected as G&T GOTY. And you can bet that Capcom will be doing the same thing as well. If what was in those pictures is not revealed by Capcom themselves in some way before the US release of GS3, feel free to ban me again for as long as you like.

And if you're not the same BuddyC, then ignore all of the above.


jj984jj said:
So I finally got the game and I still find it annoying that sometimes the only way to carry on is to press, other than that I'm enjoying it just as much as the first. Good stuff. :D
Yeah, I hate that. Sometimes I will accidentally skip one of the sentences in the testimony, thinking I pressed everything. I'll get to the end and can't figure out what to do. Later while pressing again, I'll realize that I missed one insignificant sentence.


I'm not the same BuddyC :p

My main beef is that you didn't allow us the choice of whether or not we wanted to see PW3 media, and opted to just show it all (in a thread about PW2, no less) when many of us didn't expect it. Some of us tend to avoid that kind of thing, even if it's something released by Capcom, but it's harder to avoid when it crops up unexpectedly elsewhere.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Zyid, you ****ed up. In much the same way that I avoided pretty much all spoilers of PW2 (yeah, even to the point where I went out of my way to not learn new character names), I don't wanna know jack about PW3 until it's in my hands and I'm discovering it for myself.

You picked the wrong freakin' thread to directly post PW3 spoilers.


Mejilan said:
(yeah, even to the point where I went out of my way to not learn new character names)
I call bullshit, unless you blindfolded yourself while purchasing the game itself.

"Yes...yes I want to buy Justice For All...but don't show it to me, just put it straight in the bag. Make sure it's all unwrapped too, or I might cut myself while shutting my eyes and opening the thing. You know what, why don't you take the game out for me. Yeah, keep the case, I don't want it, I might accidentally learn a new name. Just give me the cartridge. There are no names on the cartridge right? Can you check for me? Why not just peel off the label while you're at it, please?"


Running off of Custom Firmware
Zyid said:
I call bullshit, unless you blindfolded yourself while purchasing the game itself.

"Yes...yes I want to buy Justice For All...but don't show it to me, just put it straight in the bag. Make sure it's all unwrapped too, or I might cut myself while shutting my eyes and opening the thing. You know what, why don't you take the game out for me. Yeah, keep the case, I don't want it, I might accidentally learn a new name. Just give me the cartridge. There are no names on the cartridge right? Can you check for me? Why not just peel off the label while you're at it, please?"

Bought the game from Capcom.com (for the stylus) and had it shipped to me. Was so engrossed in Hotel Dusk when PW2 arrived, that I didn't even bother to read the back of the box or the manual. Once I finished HD (last night), I was itching to sample the game, so I jumped straight to case 1.

I didn't read one preview or review of the game, and stayed out of this thread until a day or two after my game arrived.

My involvement in prior PW2 anticipation threads was limited to... anticipation. I rarely read more than one or two posts within them, if that.

Did exactly the same with Trace Memory, Touch Detective, and Hotel Dusk.

The classic adventure genre isn't one I **** around with when it comes to spoilers, for obvious reasons.

Wanna make yourself look more the fool? Getting banned wasn't enough?


Mejilan said:
Was so engrossed in Hotel Dusk when PW2 arrived, that I didn't even bother to read the back of the box or the manual.
So you were so "engrossed" by Hotel Dusk, that at the same time you were able to open the shipping container, PW2 itself, and remove the game, all without looking at what you were doing? Sure, whatever you say troll.

Mejilan said:
Wanna make yourself look more the fool? Getting banned wasn't enough?
Namecalling and childish taunts are fun. In true internet toughguy fashion, you're obviously just trying to provoke an angry reaction here. But you won't get one. I'm done with your immature trolling and this thread.

Cue the internet toughguy gloat post. Come on Meji, don't dissapoint! It's your day today, you won an argument on the internet! I've given up and everything!


Running off of Custom Firmware
Ini Miney
. This might just be the longest chapter in the game if this character's dialogue keeps up! :lol

Zyid said:
So you were so "engrossed" by Hotel Dusk, that at the same time you were able to open the shipping container, PW2 itself, and remove the game, all without looking at what you were doing? Sure, whatever you say troll.

No. I was too busy at work to do more than extricate the game from the packaging materials it was shipped in and pop it quickly into my bookbag, for easy (and less cumbersome) conveyance to my home. Clearly I'm not going to ship it to my apartment when I won't be there to receive it!

I was engrossed enough by HD to completely ignore PW2 (and this thread) until I finished it. Hell, I think I may have even forgotten it was in my bag until I bumped into it a day or two later, at which point I threw it onto my DS/GBA/PSP games shelf until I was ready to give it my full attention (that would have been last night).

Namecalling and childish taunts are fun. In true internet toughguy fashion, you're obviously just trying to provoke an angry reaction here. But you won't get one. I'm done with your immature trolling and this thread.

Cue the internet toughguy gloat post. Come on Meji, don't dissapoint! It's your day today, you won an argument on the internet! I've given up and everything!

And I'm a troll! :lol
What exactly am I trolling against? PW3 spoilers? A Zyid? To the former, you were the one that was out of line. To the latter, trust me, I don't know enough or care enough about you to troll. I merely called you out on the PW3 spoiler bullshit, since you seemed keen on coming back from your ban and both justifying your ill-conceived move and disputing the situation with one of GAF's most laid back mods.

Your PW3 prank... that was the childish taunt. Provocation? Your insistence that it wasn't a spoiler and somehow defending it. And of course, having the balls to snipe at a mod about the repercussions of your thoughtlessness. No bravado, on my part. Just equal measures disgust and disbelief.

And just to be clear, I only mind the spoilers when they're exposed. As was mentioned before, you should have just indirectly linked to the images, with appropriate cautions. It isn't right to finally be prepared to enter and participate in this thread, only to see some neat twists to the next game in the series ruined in such a fashion.

Why not check out the Hotel Dusk thread a bit more and see how responsible and spoiler-protected discussion in a classic adventure game genre thread can play out. Or, since you're finally inclined to bail on this thread, just stay away from 'em until you grow up a bit.

You've given up? You never had a foundation on which to argue from. You were flat-out wrong. In your action and reaction.


Zyid, you're a joke. The idea that people don't want things spoiled for them (no matter how insignificant it may seem to you) is a totally normal one, yet somehow you can't understand that. You then proceed to act as if they're the ones at fault. Amazing.


Mejilan said:
BTW - Could you present character profiles as evidence before? I don't remember that at all... Nice addition!
Nope. It's probably my favorite addition :D

Drakken said:
I played for awhile last night and this afternoon, and finally finished the game. Note that I got the Japanese version upon release. Yeah, I've played through this really sporadically.
Same here. I've been playing on and off since I got the import way back when, and I finally finished up Case 4 late last night. Lots of twists and turns to keep folks on their toes there, the hype was definitely justified. A very interesting scenario, for sure.

I ended up using the tape to convine De Killer of Engarde's intention to blackmail him, but was there any other way to resolve the trial? Mia mentioned something about making Matt want to be guilty, which would force De Killer to honor his wishes and release Maya ....was that even possible?


BuddyC said:
Nope. It's probably my favorite addition :D

Same here. I've been playing on and off since I got the import way back when, and I finally finished up Case 4 late last night. Lots of twists and turns to keep folks on their toes there, the hype was definitely justified. A very interesting scenario, for sure.

I ended up using the tape to convine De Killer of Engarde's intention to blackmail him, but was there any other way to resolve the trial? Mia mentioned something about making Matt want to be guilty, which would force De Killer to honor his wishes and release Maya ....was that even possible?

After you turn De Killer against Engarde, Matt wants to be found guilty because De Killer is going to hunt him down and kill him for breaking the agreement. In fact, if you plead "not guilty" at the end, Engarde goes absolutely crazy and confesses on the stand.
BuddyC said:
I ended up using the tape to convine De Killer of Engarde's intention to blackmail him, but was there any other way to resolve the trial? Mia mentioned something about making Matt want to be guilty, which would force De Killer to honor his wishes and release Maya ....was that even possible?

Well once you've turned de Killer on him and are asked to plead innocent or not guilty, if you plead not guilty Engarde will ask for a guilty verdict anyway. Therefore de Killer can't find him and kill him so easily (since he would be in prison). I'm not sure about that whole thing Mia said where Matt would wish to be guilty, sounded really odd and I doubt it's possible.

I never thought I'd see the day where Mejilan was called a troll. Such a crazy day on GAF.


Running off of Custom Firmware

I've had my moments. (Sometimes it's HARD to stay away from those
FFVII love-fest hate-fest
threads). But I do try to stay away.

I'm still not clear what exactly I was supposed to be trolling, tbqh.

BuddyC said:
Nope. It's probably my favorite addition :D

Digging it a lot too. Had a big fat grin on my face the first time I did it. Folks around me on the subway were looking at me kinda funny, but I didn't care. It feels GOOD to be back.

I understand that they didn't get uber-dude to translate this game like they did the first 4 cases of last game, but I'm pleased to see that the new translator(s) didn't change the "feel" of the returning characters... at least so far.


Yea, they kept the speech patterns of returning characters intact. The writing just gets better and better too, Case 3 and 4 had some of my favorite jokes and situations in the series. Specifics:
"Phoneix Wright is a poopyhead!", "My poor pension", and "Scruffy McTrenchcoat".

Also, Case 4 has to be my favorite case of everything thus far.
So character driven, so much character development, everyone working together (and against each other) as a team, etc.

EphemeralDream said:
Well once you've turned de Killer on him and are asked to plead innocent or not guilty, if you plead not guilty Engarde will ask for a guilty verdict anyway. Therefore de Killer can't find him and kill him so easily (since he would be in prison). I'm not sure about that whole thing Mia said where Matt would wish to be guilty, sounded really odd and I doubt it's possible.

I see. I have to give Capcom credit, they did a really good job
creating the illusion of freedom in such a linear game.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Awesome, awesome. I'm a little annoyed that I got into HD first, since that game's presentation is OFF the hook and shreds PW2's (made even more dated-looking since it's still a GBA port, for all intents and purposes). (OMG, am I trolling?!). Damn Capcom for delaying my shipment for so long!

But I'll be shivved in the ribs if PW2's charm isn't smoothing the bumps! Can't wait to tear into it more.

Case 1 ended WAY too early, and I realize why, of course. It must be a beginner case for new adopters. But it SEEMED shorter and simpler than PW1's Case 1. I know that unlike PW1, there is no DS-specific Case 5, it's just a straight up port of the original GBA version's 4 cases. Please tell me that the later 2 cases, at least, are FREAKING massive, humbling even PW1's latter cases in twists and content?


Mejilan said:
Please tell me that the later 2 cases, at least, are FREAKING massive, humbling even PW1's latter cases in twists and content?
Case 4, yes. Case 3, a bit. But Case 2, not so much.


Running off of Custom Firmware
*Kyle Hide-style nod*

Case 2 is expected. They have to ramp up, that's why I didn't even mention Case 2.

Cool. :)


Just stick with everything. Case 2 and 3 drag in parts, but it's worth it. Oh, so worth it. Now to finally get back to Hotel Dusk.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Enjoy! :D

Edit - Magatama? I only ever saw that word in a Shin Megami Tensai game... I thought it was something made up for that series. Huh.


BuddyC said:
Yea, they kept the speech patterns of returning characters intact. The writing just gets better and better too, Case 3 and 4 had some of my favorite jokes and situations in the series. Specifics:
"Phoneix Wright is a poopyhead!", "My poor pension", and "Scruffy McTrenchcoat".

Also, Case 4 has to be my favorite case of everything thus far.
So character driven, so much character development, everyone working together (and against each other) as a team, etc.

Yep, they did a good job with the characters and the humor.

There was one really funny line in case 4, but I can't remember what it was now. A couple random funny parts I remember:

-De Killer asking if Phoenix wanted to use his services, and the judge going all crazy and accusing Phoenix of wanting to kill him. Haha.
-Phoenix asking Will Powers that if De Killer's stiches make him suspicious, then does that mean all baseballs should be considered suspicious too? And then using the same kind of reasoning with footballs shortly after that. Just plain silly.

Is there a website with funny quotes from the game?
Drakken said:
Yep, they did a good job with the characters and the humor.

There was one really funny line in case 4, but I can't remember what it was now. A couple random funny parts I remember:

-De Killer asking if Phoenix wanted to use his services, and the judge going all crazy and accusing Phoenix of wanting to kill him. Haha.
-Phoenix asking Will Powers that if De Killer's stiches make him suspicious, then does that mean all baseballs should be considered suspicious too? And then using the same kind of reasoning with footballs shortly after that. Just plain silly.

Is there a website with funny quotes from the game?

One of my favorites was in Case 3:
when they were talking about Trilo wanting to propose to Regina and how it was odd. Someone else refutes the awkwardness and the judge says something about how there should be nothing wrong with him (the judge) going out with her as well.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Bah. Case 2 better have some great twists...

Because if I just figured out the culprit, before even entering court, I'll be very disappointed... (Morgan Fey).


BuddyC said:
everyone working together (and against each other) as a team, etc.

That's what really made the chapter shine. Every other one, you KNOW that your defendant is not guilty, and that someone is framing them. It's the formula for every single case before it (even tracing back to PWAA). But now you KNOW your defendant IS guilty and you still have to defend him. You became the bad guy, if only for a little bit, and it made those chapters incredibly stressful because it was essentially a race against the clock.

Also, Matt Engarde was a really awesome bad guy. Made it so satisfying to finally get him.

I chose to declare Matt guilty before Franziska entered the court room. I'm not sure if it happened in a different way if you said he was not guilty.


Mejilan said:
Bah. Case 2 better have some great twists...

Because if I just figured out the culprit, before even entering court, I'll be very disappointed... (Morgan Fey).

I figured it out beforehand too. It made the trial move incredibly fast though.


Running off of Custom Firmware
AniHawk said:
I figured it out beforehand too. It made the trial move incredibly fast though.

I'm right!? Meh. I just started gathering evidence. I haven't gotten anywhere yet. And I've already come up with a motive... and possibly means, for the one I suspect. :(

My other thought was
Ini Miney, because NO ONE could be that freakin' stupid! Not even in a video game! I'm hoping the early Morgan Fey suspicion is just a bone tossed our way...
Presenting profiles was awesome, and the next thing they need to do is give the ability to present locations. I mean, it's pretty limited now - if you want to present where something happened, you have to hope you have a map of the area to present or hope that it's a multiple choice question.
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