Oh, there might be a VE? Is that starting to be rumoured?
Yeah, that's what Australian NIB machines go for, which equates to around at least $8k AUD+. For example, my friend's STLE set him back I think $10.5k AUD? Might've been closer to 11. But FWIW,
Pinpedia doesn't paint a pretty picture for SM down here. VERY few appearances on eBay (only 5 or so in the last 6 years) and prices way too high for what I'd want to pay. Honestly, something that vintage I honestly wouldn't want to part with (at extreme most) *maybe* $5k.
Perhaps I could find out the guy who's routing this machine (no obvious signs though), see if they want to get rid of it.
But yeah, it's a really fun game now I've spent some casual time on it (and not on my Texas trip). Feels *way* better than IM (as far as that era Sterns go) and you know, I think I like the layout better than Star Trek. Just that little bit trickier enough and bit more to shoot for. Theme I can take or leave though, and it's from that era that did the 50/50 thing with the DMD (and movie animations) that I just hate (see: Transformers). Maybe with a VE it could get a code update.