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The Pinball Arcade |OT| play them all from Soho to Brighton


I don't want to look like I'm picking apart your post, but it's just easier to reply to certain things specifically. So don't take it the wrong way, it's all just a fascinating discussion and back-and-forth :)
While I agree that the simplicity surrounding TBL is nice, I do NOT agree with your statement on that's how pinball SHOULD be. I respect your opinion for you and your enjoyment of the hobby, but what YOU like is not what's best for the industry. Proof of that is in the way games are selling right now. TWD just received a code update that added a lot of depth and fleshing out to the existing code. That's what people wanted. Nobody was really "in love" with the skeleton rule set that Stern had in place. Personally, I love a deep and involved rule set that also gives you small objects to play for (MET is a fantastic example of this). Do you even like MET or AC/DC? I imagine you hate WOZ with everything in your soul, haha.
I don't mind Metallica or AC/DC, but I don't like how it's impossible to know how each of the modes work or how to progress through each of them. It's easier for Metallica, but for AC/DC I didn't even know that the three different multiballs were associated with ramps, targets and loops respectively (or whatever) until very recently. Musical notes flash, but I have no idea why. I guess some of it is in the design as well, where for a while now inserts have had little more than pictures on them if anything at all.

I think maybe there's another way for Stern to flesh out their rules so that things aren't so hard to grasp but still retain their depth. Maybe an A4-sized how-to-play card is in order ;) For what it's worth, I think Ripley's does a great job of explaining what has to be done to progress and also contain depth without being overbearing.

As for WOZ, I do enjoy it somewhat but I still don't know what I'm doing with it majority of the time. I haven't even really played it that much either. Aside from my friend who has one (that I rarely play anyway) I've hit the game up *maybe* 30 times in total (and most of those where while I was in the US and at Expo here in Australia).

Quite frankly, I'm surprised with your more recent posts on pinball and the strides that have been made in the industry these past few years. It's OK to prefer older B/W titles, but it's silly to write off these deeper, newer games. And (no offense meant by this, despite how it sounds), your general attitude towards newer games is a bit elitist and comes off as closed minded.
See, I think it's close-minded to think newcomers can easily grasp complex games. For every Lyman that programs depth and longevity into a title post-release, there should be a Steve Ritchie (who by his own admission is not a great player) continuing to contribute so the regular/casual player doesn't get overwhelmed in the code development process. The amount of times I see people walk up to machines in arcades and walk away without having progressed anything is kind of astounding.

Or maybe there's something in displaying the how-to-play stuff on the DMD after pushing the start button that directs people on what to do. Have the DMD show instructions (that could be cancelled by the flippers) with co-ordinated flashing inserts so there's less (or no) confusion once the first ball is ready to be launched. Not unlike the instructions when looking at tables on Pinball Arcade. Instructions need to be shoved down people's throats, just like they are for most video-based arcade games. Look at Daytona with the view-change buttons or the ticket-based kids games. Maybe even with the new system, there's storage for narrated instructions with scripted insert flashing. Having Gene Simmons say something like "Hit my head a bunch of times to start multiball" or "Shoot the ball towards this ramp to rack up the points!" and flash an arrow to said targets could go a REALLY long way. I'm surprised it isn't done already.

I feel like newer Stern, JJP and Spooky games are amazing advancements to the hobby. MET is a deep game, but it's also a very simple game to approach. I can't comment much on AC/DC, but there's a reason it's considered one of the best modern Stern games to date. Sure, some games don't resonate with everyone (WOZ is one of those), but if you spend time digging around various forums and blogs, it's clear that the care put into rules and complexity is very welcome and well received.
The second Spooky game was going to be a throwback to mid-80s Williams titles with it's layout and simplicity. I'm still bummed it's been pushed back :( But like I said earlier, I think the depth of the games is well received by pinheads but not necessarily by people who might play pinball once every few weeks if they see a machine in a pub. Something needs to be done to cater to them, otherwise the market which manufacturers are targeting will remain static.

I might go on record to say as far as newer Stern games go, I actually quite like the layout and approach to depth in Metallica (versus some of the other Stern titles). Inserts can be a little confusing but aren't as bad as others, and if I had to describe how to play it to anyone it would be pretty straightforward. I think that's the one machine they have it closest to being right on, despite me still preferring the original code to the new one (shhhh ;)). If only there could be a way to have both basic code and deep code in the same software (and maybe toggled via the service menu or something). There's good simple and bad simple, and I think they had it right with the simplicity of MET (compared to how basic other early software releases are, like TWD and WWE).

On that same note, if you're the kind of person who doesn't like newer games, then you stick with the older B/W titles and be happy with it. It sounds like that's where you are. As I said - I'm shocked that you're not more receptive to some of these amazing recent titles.
I would be happy with them, but there's literally maybe one 90s machine on location in Melbourne to every 20 Sterns. I'd even say that's stretch.

I'll take a step back and say that I STARTED this hobby preferring newer Stern games, but I do love older titles as I've grown into things. That being said, if someone wants to try and get into pinball, I don't immediately say, "Play Twilight Zone/Monster Bash/TotAN/etc." I'm going to show them a modern Stern game (Spiderman, MET, TWD, KISS). I think it's a great way to show people that pinball is still a thing (and getting more popular). Stern games also tend to feel really good. I know you have a major issue with the way Stern games feel, but new people know no different. Older games are amazing, yes - but they aren't the only thing that pinball has to offer. I would say that if someone ENJOYS pinball, that's when I show them the older titles. I think TBL is going to be an amazing addition to the pinball repertoire, but I will put money on the fact that we aren't going to see a shift in rules because of it.
I think the biggest problem around here (and it's probably a big influence on why I think the way I do) is that it's impossible to find anything buy Sterns around here. Pinball is in a shit state right now in Australia (though better than, say, 10 years ago) and all location pinball is Stern. There's no joy in me travelling somewhere just to play another Metallica or TWD or AC/DC. I imagine it's a good deal better in the US where there's probably a 50/50 chance that if a location has a machine it will either be a Stern or a not-Stern. Here it's maybe 95/5.

And I will say, based off of a few things I have learned in private conversation recently, Stern gives a total of zero fucks about what other people are doing in this hobby. If they had it their way, they would put JJP, Spooky, Dutch Pinball and anyone else interested in making pins in a furnace and burn them up. I promise you that.
Not surprised. They're onto a good thing (at least from a business perspective, even if I don't agree with how things are done on a development side) so there's no need for them to change. Hell, the factory move/upgrade is a sign of that. A little surprised about their attitude to competition though, but I suppose they're in the position WMS were back in the 80s/90s and the others are in the position Sega/DE were in back then. Fascinating to see the shoe on the other foot, if nothing else.

I want to say again, I don't mean this as an attack on you Shaneus. I think your opinion and experience in pinball as a hobby and as a "sport" is just as valid as any other player out there.
And I yours <3

Unrelated, anyone who IS into physical pinball should listen to the C2C interview with Jody and Jared at Stern. It's an absolute PR bullshit fest. I do love Stern games, but Stern as a company? See my above paragraph...
Yeah, I agree. Nate's usually pretty good with being straightforward in his reviews, but it did come off as a bit of a circlejerk. Some interesting things in there, but it wasn't much more than a slightly more detailed, thorough journey through Gary's typical "easy to learn, hard to master" soundbites.
They also need to look at some of their licenses, too. Roger Sharpe worked wonders with the Lebowski license, but despite Stern's experience we still see (by their coders' own admission) license fuckups like with TWD. At least KISS is a step in the right direction, with solid artwork and a well tied-in theme.


Saint Nic
No need to feel bad about picking the post apart - I fully expected it. :)

One thing I tend to forget is that the landscape for pinball is SO different for you in AU.

I think Stern has done a fantastic job making MET approachable to new players and old players alike. I've said it before, but MET CAN be all about bash sparky and shoot ramps. However, as someone who understands rules and nuances, it's MUCH more than that...But you don't need to know that. WOZ is insanely deep, but I think it's a perfect game to have at home. Location play wouldn't be much fun on WOZ I don't think, but JJP seems more interested in the home environment versus the bar or arcade scene.

I also feel as though I should take a step back and say this - Pinball Arcade has done more for Pinball than any manufacturer has done in the past 10+ years for furthering this hobby. If it weren't for Farsight, I honestly don't think the resurgence would have been NEARLY as strong (if present at all even). Bringing real tables to the palms of our hands was SO smart. Yes, Farsight sucks at customer service, updating and communication...But I know I would have never really gotten into pinball if it weren't for them. And I know others who feel the same way. I also would have NEVER seen or heard of some of these tables (Class of 1812, Goin Nuts, Victory, etc).

I might have to PM you regarding the Stern stuff at some point. It's really fascinating (and somewhat infuriating).

Somewhat on the same line, I have to ask your opinion of LOTR. It is considered to be one of the top 3 most difficult to achieve wizard modes in all of pinball (TSPP, LOTR, and WOZ would be my assumption, the order being based on opinion). The game feels relatively straightforward once you understand the rules, but the execution, depth and polish are insane. And same question for RBION - I feel like that game has a very TSPP level of complexity.

Oh and on topic of Pinball Arcade, is anyone else loving the new physics? I really want them to update S1 stuff. Playing Xenon with the new ball physics feels a lot better than a bunch of the S1 tables. Sure, it's far from perfect, but it's a step in the right direction.


No need to feel bad about picking the post apart - I fully expected it. :)

One thing I tend to forget is that the landscape for pinball is SO different for you in AU.
It really is. I guess a similar thing would be if almost every takeaway store was, say, Subway (or your favourite take-away restaurant here). It's not bad, but you'd be damn-well over it and just be itching for something, *anything* different.

I think Stern has done a fantastic job making MET approachable to new players and old players alike. I've said it before, but MET CAN be all about bash sparky and shoot ramps. However, as someone who understands rules and nuances, it's MUCH more than that...But you don't need to know that. WOZ is insanely deep, but I think it's a perfect game to have at home. Location play wouldn't be much fun on WOZ I don't think, but JJP seems more interested in the home environment versus the bar or arcade scene.
Agreed on all points. But I don't think I'd enjoy having a WOZ at home either way. Calling back on that interview with Ed Robertson, he's exactly on point with my feelings on the game. It's great, but the massive LCD in the back is IMO a waste and isn't the bees knees as far as games go. I'm a lot more impressed with DPs and moreso Heighway's approach to the display (though I still think they should have a standard-size LCD in the back rather than one the same as the playfield display).

I also feel as though I should take a step back and say this - Pinball Arcade has done more for Pinball than any manufacturer has done in the past 10+ years for furthering this hobby. If it weren't for Farsight, I honestly don't think the resurgence would have been NEARLY as strong (if present at all even). Bringing real tables to the palms of our hands was SO smart. Yes, Farsight sucks at customer service, updating and communication...But I know I would have never really gotten into pinball if it weren't for them. And I know others who feel the same way. I also would have NEVER seen or heard of some of these tables (Class of 1812, Goin Nuts, Victory, etc).
Absolutely. Honestly, I have it to partially thank for it as well. Kind of.
I'd been somewhat into it for a while with my mate owning a bunch of pins and I'd enjoyed Williams Hall of Fame on PS3 (hell, it was the game that tipped me over the edge on buying the console), but it wasn't until I fluked qualifying on a Metallica a few years ago when it was first out that got me to buy High Speed. The rest is history. But it did help me in choosing my second, Ripley's Believe It or Not!.

I might have to PM you regarding the Stern stuff at some point. It's really fascinating (and somewhat infuriating).
Absolutely. I'm definitely curious. I'm also tight-lipped. There are things I've heard from people about upcoming games which I still haven't told anyone!

Somewhat on the same line, I have to ask your opinion of LOTR. It is considered to be one of the top 3 most difficult to achieve wizard modes in all of pinball (TSPP, LOTR, and WOZ would be my assumption, the order being based on opinion). The game feels relatively straightforward once you understand the rules, but the execution, depth and polish are insane. And same question for RBION - I feel like that game has a very TSPP level of complexity.
You know, I really haven't put enough time into LotR to give you a definitive answer. I had my first really good go of it last week (and that was for <5 minutes) because I've just never seen it on location.

As for the complexity of RBION, I wish I could give you an answer on that, but I've never made it to Atlantis (spelling out all the letters) on either TPA or my machine. And I don't know anything about TSPP at all (other than it's deep). I know a lot of the things you do during the modes for RBION (collecting jewels, idols and tombstones etc.) come into play at that point but because I've never made it that far, I never know quite how they fit in. I think I need to get my machine playing a bit tighter which might help, replace some coil sleeves and such, maybe that'd make a difference. Maybe make the varitarget easier to hit too, I think that's the biggest point of difficulty with it.

That Elwin has a tutorial where he plays the one game for an hour (and that he was the one who did the official video) says a lot to me about how complicated it must be. So maybe it's another one of those three?

Oh and on topic of Pinball Arcade, is anyone else loving the new physics? I really want them to update S1 stuff. Playing Xenon with the new ball physics feels a lot better than a bunch of the S1 tables. Sure, it's far from perfect, but it's a step in the right direction.
They have work to do for sure, but I think they're getting there. From what I've played of both it and Zaccaria on iOS however, I think FS still have a very long way to go. I mean, look at this. It looks better than the PC (or PS4) version of TPA and it's on a handheld!


From Farsight's Instagram:


Saint Nic
My LOTR is getting delivered on Monday. I'm out of town until Friday. It is coming like a week early, haha. That means I have to just wait and and wait and wait. I've never wanted to be done with work/vacation so bad, ha.
Just started playing TPA and it got its hooks into me. I've never really played pinball but now am watching YouTube videos and reading articles on how they're built.

Wish there were some places to try some real tables!

I've really only been putting lots of time into Arabian b/c its free but will likely pick up s1 during the steam sale. I'd like to see more more electromechanical tables really enjoyed the lack of loud sfx and relatively simple play field of big shot while it was free.


shitting in the alley outside your window
Thanks. Sadly nothing for my city but I think I found a group that meets every couple of months.

Can anyone explain how you learn mechanics of a table? I see things on the apron like lane change bit have no idea what it means.

www.ipdb.org is gonna be your friend here. Theres a glossary http://ipdb.org/glossary.php that will help you with terms.

You can also search individual games on IPDB and look for the 'Rule Sheets' section which will describe in detail all of the scoring and rules for the game. If the game is on Pinball Arcade, they do a pretty good job of walking you through the game rules as well in the 'Instructions' section within each game.

Another option for finding real pins around you: https://pinside.com/pinball/map/where-to-play
It's Time!


Super Pyched! I have a bunch of vacation built up so I'm taking Friday and Monday off to recover. The hotel is very close to me house so I'm not getting a room this year. Every year someone sneak a pin into there hotel room and causes some trouble. The format is different this year (more like official PAPA tournements) and the payout is bigger, but not by much. I got 3rd two years ago and only got ~75 buck lol. I've managed to win at least one trophy year so I'm gunning for the main event this time. IF anyone is near by, you should come check it out at least for 1 day even if you don't play in tournaments. It's amazing to have a huge show room with games on free play and we should have over 200 machines this year, making it the biggest one yet.


It's Time!


Super Pyched! I have a bunch of vacation built up so I'm taking Friday and Monday off to recover. The hotel is very close to me house so I'm not getting a room this year. Every year someone sneak a pin into there hotel room and causes some trouble. The format is different this year (more like official PAPA tournements) and the payout is bigger, but not by much. I got 3rd two years ago and only got ~75 buck lol. I've managed to win at least one trophy year so I'm gunning for the main event this time. IF anyone is near by, you should come check it out at least for 1 day even if you don't play in tournaments. It's amazing to have a huge show room with games on free play and we should have over 200 machines this year, making it the biggest one yet.

Sound like fun. Also, apparently Spooky Pinball is announcing their next game there.


Excite! Little curious as to why they didn't transport it with either the legs off, the backbox down, or both. Hopefully it wasn't moved very far.

Now this was the second one you were looking at, yeah? Think you'll LED it? If so, I can't recommend an LED-OCD enough, especially if it has fading/half-lit effects for incandescents (which, from memory it did, along with a heap of other titles from the era).

Oh, and judging by the legs, that was an LE, yes? I didn't even realise there was a significant difference, especially that it runs of different boards (Whitestar vs. SAM).

Sound like fun. Also, apparently Spooky Pinball is announcing their next game there.
Hoping/guessing/expecting it will be an Elvira title. I know they said there's plenty of blood involved so I guess there's a chance it could be something something Evil Dead? But apparently Nordman was in the vicinity of when they were working on "game #2" and Charlie said on FB (answering one of my questions) that they wouldn't do an Elvira pin without Nordman nor Freres, both of whom are not tied down to any company (note: that wasn't a "no").

I'd be fine with either, and quietly I almost think an Evil Dead one would do better, but there's a lot of cache in Elvira's name when it comes to pinball.


Saint Nic
This is indeed an LE. I looked at standard games, but settled on the LE because I got it for $4500 in great condition. I bought a flipper rebuild kit, some decals, cliffy set and that's about it. Still came out cheaper than HUO non-LE. The LE tends to sell for more like $6k because it's an LE. I got an amazing deal.

I plan to LED it and also OCD it because apparently LOTR and RBION are two titles that almost NEED the OCD for operational purposes.

I don't know why they transported with the head up, but STI (the big pin shipper in the US) prefers legs on. I've used STI before with zero issue...but some people report major hurdles. The guy I bought the game from has shipped hundreds of pins, so I let him do his thing.
Sound like fun. Also, apparently Spooky Pinball is announcing their next game there.

Yes, but it's going to be at the VIP night time event. I wasn't planning on going to that since it costs extra and I'm going to be knackered from playing all day in the qualifying.


This is indeed an LE. I looked at standard games, but settled on the LE because I got it for $4500 in great condition. I bought a flipper rebuild kit, some decals, cliffy set and that's about it. Still came out cheaper than HUO non-LE. The LE tends to sell for more like $6k because it's an LE. I got an amazing deal.

I plan to LED it and also OCD it because apparently LOTR and RBION are two titles that almost NEED the OCD for operational purposes.

I don't know why they transported with the head up, but STI (the big pin shipper in the US) prefers legs on. I've used STI before with zero issue...but some people report major hurdles. The guy I bought the game from has shipped hundreds of pins, so I let him do his thing.
Fair call on all counts.

Side note: Found this really interesting little article/review page for RBION when it was location testing. Agree with their thoughts on the vari-target, maybe I'll see if there's a way to make it so shots register with it easier (exact hits do sometimes bounce right back, which is irritating). Or I'll just set it to "easy" in the service menu so it doesn't reset ;)

Fake edit: While looking for vari-target stuff, I found this discussion on RGP with some very interesting comments. Glad to see that Keith Elwin (sk8ball) enjoys it quite a bit.
We know there is going to be a KISS on display and at the Stern booth, but I'm hoping they throw it in the tournament. Normally it's the most recent Stern games, but that's Walking Dead, Mustang and Wrestlmania. Nobody I know wants to play Mustang and WM (I think Mustang is a great game) and most of the operators don't have one so WD will be there with hopefully KISS and then probably something like Xmen of ACDC (which we have every year)

I haven't heard what the SS and EM games will be in the tourney. I know they have a Stern 'Lectronamo they want to use (which is an AMAZING solid state game). I wish they would go back a bit and have World Poker Tour or The Shadow or something we haven't seen in a long time for the main event.

One of our Friends, Dean Grover (Who was the lead programmer on Congo and Safe Cracker) is bringing 38 games and I'm going to help him load them up tomorrow. Then Friday morning I'm heading over early to set up the booths for Stern and Marco's games.

I plan on playing the floor for a few hours and then going all in on the tournament. I got a bonus from work so I have some money for entries.


KISS is now at my local pinball hall (Schwoegler's in Madison, WI). Hopefully I will be able to try it out soon before the launch party next Saturday. Check it out if you are in the area. Here is the current lineup plus Taxi in the bar.

KISS is now at my local pinball hall (Schwoegler's in Madison, WI). Hopefully I will be able to try it out soon before the launch party next Saturday. Check it out if you are in the area. Here is the current lineup plus Taxi in the bar.


Did they set dates and locations for Launch parties?

I checked last weekend and they said they were targeting the weekend of the 19th.
I'm really looking forward to trying it out since it looks like they are keeping some aspects of the old solid state KISS machine. SS KISS is one of my favorites ever. It's a great skill machine that rewards you heavily for success early in the game.


Ooh, I didn't realise KISS was coming out that soon!
I bet it's another month until we see them in Australia

Having said that, it will be interesting to see how quickly operators pick it up in Australia. Stern's last few titles have had little to no widespread appeal, in fact I don't think there's been anything that would work for operators on a wide scale since Metallica.

Just quickly looking, We've had:

Metallica - great site pin
Star Trek - okay for non-bar locations
Mustang - bahaha. Fine game but woeful theme, doesn't do well anywhere except car showrooms.
TWD - Not a bad theme as such, but game itself I can't see appealing to many at first sight. And by all accounts they botched the licensing something severe.
WWE - lol
KISS - Widest appeal next to Metallica IMO

I just think Stern are missing out on a MAJOR market by not having a theme that appeals to both kids and adults (including mums). Something a la Simpsons, like Muppets perhaps. Or even Guardians of the Galaxy. Or Jurassic Park (though they're still not as family friendly as personally I'd prefer). But given Stern's propensity for creating games that have a "vs" theme (Transformers, Tron for example) I'm thinking we'll see a Superman vs. Batman in the near future. Or maybe Independence Day 2.

I think at least Heighway have it right, though. If my little birdy is correct, I'm very excited about both Alien and the machine after that. And of course Thunderbirds by Homepin (another great theme).


Off on holiday, and the game room has Avengers, Pirates of the Caribbean, and two others. Not bad, but the Avengers table isn't as exciting as I'd hoped.


Saint Nic
Off on holiday, and the game room has Avengers, Pirates of the Caribbean, and two others. Not bad, but the Avengers table isn't as exciting as I'd hoped.

Avengers is a game I want to like, but have a hard time with accepting. It's not as bad as everyone says, but it's still pretty bad. C list at best. It rewards you for shooting super well, but it's slow as shit and is a game of wood chopping more often than not.

POTC, on the other hand, is a blast to play. You don't need to know what you're doing to enjoy that pin.


Avengers is a game I want to like, but have a hard time with accepting. It's not as bad as everyone says, but it's still pretty bad. C list at best. It rewards you for shooting super well, but it's slow as shit and is a game of wood chopping more often than not.

POTC, on the other hand, is a blast to play. You don't need to know what you're doing to enjoy that pin.
Looked like PotC was missing some pieces. Will probably try to play tonight.
Avengers is a game I want to like, but have a hard time with accepting. It's not as bad as everyone says, but it's still pretty bad. C list at best. It rewards you for shooting super well, but it's slow as shit and is a game of wood chopping more often than not.

POTC, on the other hand, is a blast to play. You don't need to know what you're doing to enjoy that pin.

I think Avengers is a top tier machine but I'm alone in that regard. It's got SOO much to do. The Hawkeye and black Window shots are both fun and key to the game.

Seriously, the game has ...(thinking) 7 Multiball modes that I know of and that doesn't include the mid wizard or full wizard mode. One of the reasons I want one is I've never even gotten half way through the game.

Think about it: You have 5 main modes and each of those modes has it's own 2 ball multiball and only by getting a 2 ball super jackpot does it complete the mode and light to go to Avengers assemble. I think it's a amazing game but it's an operator nightmare and it breaks too easily.


Saint Nic
Oh don't get me wrong, I would own the game if the price were right. I think it's got a lot to do and rewards strong players. My beef is that it feels like yelling a brick wall the entire time. I want to LOVE it, buy instead, I simply enjoy playing it when I see it.

Also, the machine feels like a cheap piece of garbage. It's true. It needs more toys, better construction and more polish. I've never played the LE, but I want to. I want to see if it feels better.

Mode wise, yes - it's got a lot. But who wants to shoot a shot THAT many times to make progress? It gets boring. But I also don't know all the little nuances in the rules. I bet a little polish on that side would help. But the layout and shots just don't feel good. That Black Widow shot is just painfully bad. It's too tight and the 90° turn eats the momentum and joy associated with nailing it.

All that said, again, if I could find one for really cheap, I'd grab it. Buy it's NOT a single game collection kind of game.


Avengers is a game I want to like, but have a hard time with accepting. It's not as bad as everyone says, but it's still pretty bad. C list at best. It rewards you for shooting super well, but it's slow as shit and is a game of wood chopping more often than not.

POTC, on the other hand, is a blast to play. You don't need to know what you're doing to enjoy that pin.
That, and mechanically they're buggy as shit. Would need to use all fingers and toes (and then some) to count the amount of failures I've seen that game have. And this was an LE.


So I missed this last night and was more than a little bummed, but a new comp popped up and they managed to get a morning TV show crew there!
Pinball's big comeback

And sadly, yes... that's pretty much the state of competition venues here in Melbourne. Two machines (if we're lucky) and a lot of waiting.
Oh don't get me wrong, I would own the game if the price were right. I think it's got a lot to do and rewards strong players. My beef is that it feels like yelling a brick wall the entire time. I want to LOVE it, buy instead, I simply enjoy playing it when I see it.

Also, the machine feels like a cheap piece of garbage. It's true. It needs more toys, better construction and more polish. I've never played the LE, but I want to. I want to see if it feels better.

Mode wise, yes - it's got a lot. But who wants to shoot a shot THAT many times to make progress? It gets boring. But I also don't know all the little nuances in the rules. I bet a little polish on that side would help. But the layout and shots just don't feel good. That Black Widow shot is just painfully bad. It's too tight and the 90° turn eats the momentum and joy associated with nailing it.

All that said, again, if I could find one for really cheap, I'd grab it. Buy it's NOT a single game collection kind of game.

Well I'll just say ME, I'm the one who wants that many shots to progress in a table. I've never once seen anyone get to the wizard mode, not even Trent of Elwin. So I think it's cool that you build up points seeing how far in a table you can get rather then just trying to repeat the same modes or multiballs.


The other two machines were Tron and Indiana Jones (has the kid from the Crystal Skull movie on it). The Pirates table was busted in some essential ways, but enjoyed my two games with Tron.


Saint Nic
Only one issue to sort out (some weird sound thing). Otherwise, after a cleaning, flipper rebuild, re-rubbering, fixing a few LEDs and MAYBE replacing the shooter spring...Game will be amazing and ready to rock out.



Only one issue to sort out (some weird sound thing). Otherwise, after a cleaning, flipper rebuild, re-rubbering, fixing a few LEDs and MAYBE replacing the shooter spring...Game will be amazing and ready to rock out.
Woo! Fun times ahead :)
Don't forget the LED-OCD!

BTW did you see the video of the LED fading on KISS? It's a thing on SPIKE now. I'm really impressed.

newest member of the family

love me some bad movie pins
Woo! Don't minds me that machine.


It's official! Spooky Pinball have announced the license for their second machine...

Can't say I'm especially excited for it, considering I was hoping for Elvira, but it's different from all the other horror-themed titles in pinball history, so maybe it'll sell enough for them to keep making machines.
Picture dump incoming!

The showdown is done and it was the biggest one yet I think.
I qualified for all 3 main tournaments and then proceeded to lose every game I played! It really sucks after playing so well during the weekend but oh well.

Here's a few shots I took.

I'm not really in the market for a new machine but I REALLY wanted barrel cocktail machine.

Sorry a few pics got sideways, the photobucket editor is not working right.


Hail to the KING baby
So jelly of all that space and open machines. Making me semi dread California Extreme next month where you couldn't find an open machine or even space to walk to save your life.
So jelly of all that space and open machines. Making me semi dread California Extreme next month where you couldn't find an open machine or even space to walk to save your life.
I took most of those today so it's a thinner crown. The middle of the day yesterday was horribly crowded but I spent all my time in the tournament area.

The Wrestlmania LE is fucking amazing. It's got way better graphics, with people like Mean Gene and Bobby Heanan on it. It's also got a mini TitanTron in the ring that shows Wrestlemania clips. It has better opponants like Flair and HBK so it just shows a sick video package while you play.


Picture dump incoming!

The showdown is done and it was the biggest one yet I think.
I qualified for all 3 main tournaments and then proceeded to lose every game I played! It really sucks after playing so well during the weekend but oh well.

Here's a few shots I took.

I'm not really in the market for a new machine but I REALLY wanted barrel cocktail machine.

Sorry a few pics got sideways, the photobucket editor is not working right.
Seriously, how good are Zaccaria machines? I still want to get one. Great if you want a classic early-80s Bally-feeling game but want something a bit different. And what's your verdict on AMH? I'm still yet to read anywhere how it "feels", whether it's the more solid, "thick" feel of a B/W or JJP machine or the flippers are more Sterny.

And that little homebrew pinball machine thing... what's the deal with that?

PS. Verdict on KISS? Not talking about code, more about how it plays, shot feel etc.

I took most of those today so it's a thinner crown. The middle of the day yesterday was horribly crowded but I spent all my time in the tournament area.

The Wrestlmania LE is fucking amazing. It's got way better graphics, with people like Mean Gene and Bobby Heanan on it. It's also got a mini TitanTron in the ring that shows Wrestlemania clips. It has better opponants like Flair and HBK so it just shows a sick video package while you play.
I still don't think I was a fan of WWE (despite not having played it since it came out). It does look a little better than the pro, but the game itself I just don't see being any kind of classic. Hell, even Mustang I could see being okay but I have a feeling WWE might get relegated to the realm Avengers currently resides in of "okay, but will never be great despite code".


Saint Nic
Progress on my LOTR teardown and clean after day 1. Discovered literally zero playfield wear. There's some wear in the Shire, Orthanic, Gimli, and Barud-dur scoops, but once I have Cliffy's on the first 3 (there isn't one for Barud-dur), you won't even be able to tell. SO excited to play the shit out of this game.

It definitely goes faster when you've already got one under your belt. My goal is to have it cleaned and back together in 2 weeks. Will finish taking it apart and cleaning it tomorrow. After that, it's time to clean all the parts (that will take a few days). Once I reassemble with protectors and Cliffy's and such, I'll begin the hard stuff (flipper rebuild, new sound ROMs, adjusting kicks/springs/etc).


Man, that is looking slick as hell. If I can make one request: please don't go gaudy with colour-saturated GI. Sometimes (all the time) less is more :)


Saint Nic
newest member of the family

love me some bad movie pins

I didn't even get a chance to comment - how are you liking JM? I've never had a chance to play one but have always wanted to.

Man, that is looking slick as hell. If I can make one request: please don't go gaudy with colour-saturated GI. Sometimes (all the time) less is more :)

I'm actually not touching any of the LEDs at the moment. Whatever is in there will stay for now. Once the game is back up to 100%, I'll start tweaking things to my liking. LED-OCD, a few mods (probably side blades to hide the scuffs on the inside of the cabinet) and maybe some cosmetic figure additions.

Having the double layer clear is really an amazing thing in terms of playfield preservation.


newest member of the family

love me some bad movie pins

Bad movie pins are some of the best bang-for-your-buck pins out there (this as well as Lethal Weapon 3 and Last Action Hero). My wife and I got to play it for the first time at MGC back in April and it is pretty high on my wishlist. It is a fast game with a lot of cool toys. I really liked the video modes, though they can take a bit to figure out how to control.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Bad movie pins are some of the best bang-for-your-buck pins out there (this as well as Lethal Weapon 3 and Last Action Hero). My wife and I got to play it for the first time at MGC back in April and it is pretty high on my wishlist. It is a fast game with a lot of cool toys. I really liked the video modes, though they can take a bit to figure out how to control.

Congo is my favorite pin of all time, so I know all about bad movie machines.
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