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The problem with lower classes thinking brexit/trump means they're winning vs elites

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Lots of words. Many words. The best words. Believe me.

FAKE EDIT: please replace each "low class" with " low wealth". Sounds more appropriate and editing this cluster on a ablest ain't gonna work.


If every economic/social class was visually represented as rungs on a ten step ladder, with each class holding a set of steps with the poorest at the bottom and wealthiest at the top, it would look like:


Realistically the elites would have basically all the steps and everyone else would be under the feet of the ladder but for the purpose of the thread....

The elite have most wealth/power/influence etc, followed by high class, middle and low.

Below the very lowest class, is a boiling pot of water that the low class generally spend most of their lives trying to stay out of the very moment they slip off the last step of the ladder. Sometimes boiling hot water will splash up and burn them, but they heal and live another day. Sometimes that burn loosens their grip enough for them to fall in.

The middle classes worry that they'll one day slip into the lower class section with nothing to support them.

The high class pretty much have a good enough social favouring and cushioning that life just doesn't really allow wealthy people to not just stay wealthy.

Elites obviously DGAF about boiling water. They probably own majority shares in the company who manufactured the pot and the energy companies who boil the water.

So anyway, back to the ladder.

This election/referendum , we've seen the biggest reasons people will give to justify things like brexit and Trump as being the forgotten, struggling families let down by "the liberal elite" (I know, I know) and such.

So how do we fix that ladder hanging those with the least directly above a boiling pot of water waiting to destroy them and their families (literally sometimes) the very minute they can't pay a bill, get injured and can't work are just subjected to the every day struggles the poorest have to go through?

The obvious answer is we turn that ladder horizontal. Not exactly horizontal even, just rotate it so the pot of water is a little further away. Then, Add another support below so people don't just fall into the boiling pot of water when they're down? Sounds logical no? If the whole point is that we're thinking about helping these guys?

However, it seems all we want to do right now...........is uh....LOWER THE LADDER, becAuse that way, the elites are getting fucked......uh, right? Wait.....right....? That's what's happening right now isn't it? Aren't elites screwed right now?

But wait, if we lower the ladder any farther........aren't we just dipping those just hanging on right into the boiling water, and leaving those who were just managing even less chance of not falling in some day?

How is reducing the value of the pound and making food prices in stores go up helping those who were already "just about managing"?

How is voting for a party who wants to destroy government programs that help these people the most...., help them?

How does accepting things will be worse for any undetermined amount of time with no actual guarantee of returning to better times, help these people?

But the other question, is how in the hell is ANY of this effecting any elite person, anywhere?

How are megacorps actually being affected?

As far as I can see, any raise in cost to elites and megacorps is being subsidised by actual taxpayers and consumers.

So if we are going to dunk the lower classes of people into a boiling hot pot of water, because we're upset about the treatment of people at the bottom of the ladder.........isn't that.........bullshit?

During the election cycle, were talking about suicide rates in rural America, during the referendum, were talking about Eastern Europeans pricing lower class families out of work.

So our answer is to gut their support networks and reduce the value of the money in their pocket, so that we can stick our middle fingers up at the elites, who will now only earn $999,950, instead of $1,000,000. HAH. Got em. Fuckers! Ah shit, snapped my ankle while jumping for joy. It's cool, we have the affordable care ac-.......

But wait, if we lower that ladder down a step into the boiling hot water, doesn't that put the previous middle class now directly above the boiling water instead?
But because people at the top talk shit about people at the bottom, you don't want to class yourself as being at the bottom, so you think when an elite says "we're going to win", you mistakenly think he means you too.

And furthermore, do we REALLY think elites are getting "hit" anywhere in the near future by voting for shit like this?

If anything, the ladder will just look like:


Elites will keep ALL their damn wealth, add a support step,below themselves and push everyone else down to keep things in order.

Want proof? Donald Trumps healthcare plan. Tax cuts for his dinner party guests. Fuckery for everyone else.

And okay, okay. MAYBE I could believe that America really wants to fuck with the elites, if they didn't just find the most popularly elite guy in America and put him in charge of destroying elitism. Kinda making me skeptical.

So why can't we just rotate the ladder more horizontal and add support where needed, instead of just dipping it into a pot of boiling water, to maybe, kinda, not really hit the elites where it hurts, while burning the shit out of the struggling population?

Oh. "Socialism". That thing that every western country has been part of since taxes were invented, but is so scared of because reasons (read: indoctrination).

We CANT enact more socialist values...we CANT. The ladder MUST be vertical. Completely vertical. We MUST NOT even the playing field. At ALL. We need LESS government. LESS regulations on the mega corps........wait, but I don't like them, we need to stop them and their globalist.....agenda....but....less regulations because......so that.....uhh? Down with the mega corps! De-regulate the shit out of em! See how they like THAT!
Oh and we must support Theresa May in her efforts to "persuade" businesses to stay in the U.K. after brexit. I'm sure she'll be tough as hell with them now that we need to suck up to them and make Britain look like a place they want to stay!

Anyone see that south park episode where Cartman sucks off butters while butters was asleep and thought that made butters gay and not him? This is that level of extreme confusion.

Well, if we can't rotate the ladder, then surely at the very least we want to add safety steps between the boiling hot water and low class population? What say you rural America with the our high suicide rates and rust belt voters!? Oh, you voted conservative? You want less government, but don't like the way low wealth Americans are treated? Okay.

In conclusion, take your "but people are struggling" argument and do something extremely physically uncomfortable with it, because it's.........crap.

/whatever this is
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