Talking points don't really help your case. I mean, again, what's the point here? This seems like the purpose of posting was to stroke a subset of people's egos and slam a political philosophy you dislike. There were much more neutral ways to present the information rather than giving educated liberals a virtual cookie for actually accepting the science on nuclear power when the premise is that conservatives don't generally accept science. It seems like the point is not merely to denigrate one and uplift the other, it's that liberals when they choose to accept science that conservatives accept are better people because they accept the same scientific reality that conservatives already accept.
Again, I see no way to read that than that the intent was to stoke partisan reactions.
The point is that it's futile to argue with someone when they don't accept basic reality. I know your hung up on the nuclear thing, but the point is that liberals can be educated on the facts and they are willing to change their opinion based on these facts. How can you argue with conservatives when the more you state facts that contradict their gut, the more they trust their gut.
The point is that it's futile to argue with someone when they don't accept basic reality. I know your hung up on the nuclear thing, but the point is that liberals can be educated on the facts and they are willing to change their opinion based on these facts. How can you argue with conservatives when the more you state facts that contradict their gut, the more they trust their gut.
So guns aren't a problem because knives exist?
I don't buy this logic.
Also, don't bring Hitler into this. He was religious, much of his appeal was religious, his followers were religious.
I think a lot of atheists like to believe his intensions were religiously motivated. But they weren't. Again, quite the opposite. He used every propaganda and misinformation tool at his disposal to push his agenda, religion being just another (very small) part of that.
Personally, based on life's experiences etc. I think any group that vehemently supports one thing or another and loses compassion in the middle is equally drawn to ignorance, fear, hatred etc. Same with the extreme religious, and the same with militant atheists. Problem for example, in places like the US, is that there is a rapid growth and disparity in both sides. And that irrational fear, hate and discourse is widening. Both sides feeling under attack.
It's interesting, because here in the UK I'd say we were quite a Liberal country, where most are actually non religious. But many people (non religious) also talk of the dangers of the rise of militant atheism, being just as much of a danger to society and divides as extreme religion itself. I'd have to agree.
I like how people immediately protest at the slightest mention of Hitler now.
Hey, drop the Hitler stuff. It is irrelevant and you are wrong.
Your dodge is noted.
No, they very much are not. You push your (ignorant) viewpoint because you are vehemently anti religion. But Hitler's religious devotion is something that is contested. Did he use it now and again to push an agenda? Sure. But privately he was very critical of Christianity and preferred to pursue his anti-religious theories on non-equality and superior race.
No, they very much are not. You push your (ignorant) viewpoint because you are vehemently anti religion. But Hitler's religious devotion is something that is contested. Did he use it now and again to push an agenda? Sure. But privately he was very critical of Christianity and preferred to pursue his anti-religious theories on non-equality and superior race.
This is not true. I've had many discussions with liberals that are convinced that the country is getting more violent, 'more racist', more impoverished, etc etc. They are just as likely to believe that the time they are living in is the 'worst ever' despite many metrics that prove otherwise.
It's more an issue of media sensationalism and saturation.That's true, and another good example. If you ask the average person whether violence against police officers is more or less common you'd likely be told it was much more common. In reality police officers are being attacked significantly less by every measure and the decline has been happening for decades. That's not a liberal or a conservative issue, nor is it meant to suggest it is or should be. But a lot of people believe narratives whether they're true or not.
It's funny how you ignore two elements of my initial rebuttal to your drivel.
And then lie about (or display deep misunderstanding of) the third.
If I was a leader who was pushing a very much anti-religious general agenda of divide and rule, and a large portion of my followers were religious, I'd pander to them too. Throughout Hitler's life he was quite sceptical or religion, especially organised religion, and only even went along with certain aspects of it skeptically or begrudgingly. It is not at all surprising he might use it in small context to appeal to his religious followers whilst at the same time privately criticising it.
godwin's law in full effect.
You honestly don't have a clue what you're talking about. You're like so many others. Quick to assign religion as the key catalyst for this problem or that, not thinking rationally or researching the more prominent reasons at the foundation. Just do a little reading dude. Even Wiki it for heavens sake.
EDIT: Here you go. Made it easier for you.'s_religious_views
Except you look at a issue like nuclear power and what happens? Well, educated liberals are praised for their open mindedness, but left unsaid is that Republicans support nuclear power as well and to a greater degree than liberals. It seems like the way the article is framed is designed to provoke ideological reactions, either ego stroking from liberals or anger from conservatives.
Yeah, normally I'm not a big fan of godwin's law because I'd like to think we're mature enough to discuss hitler.
Unfortunately, the evidence normally tends to prove you wrong.
(It's not a question of discussing Hitler. It's a question of bringing Hitler into discussions that are not about Hitler.)
There's no science here. I'm not even sure that a sociological approach to this question makes much sense given there are so many confounding factors. There have been a few neurological studies but there's little evidence to support the claims in this article.
You're missing the point, which is either a sign that you still haven't read the OP properly or a sign that you suffer from the problems they're describing.
This is nothing to do with open-mindedness. There's no implication that Republicans don't support nuclear power - quite the opposite. It's portrayed as an issue where there's a Republican/Liberal split with the Republicans tending to be in favour and Liberals against, with the distinction being that the more educated the Liberal, the more likely they are to realise that their instinctive position based on ideological boundaries is wrong when presented with the facts.
There's no science here. I'm not even sure that a sociological approach to this question makes much sense given there are so many confounding factors. There have been a few neurological studies but there's little evidence to support the claims in this article.
Sure. But how are they characterizing the liberals that support nuclear power?
Let's say I support X, because X has been supported scientifically to my satisfaction. Then Mr. W comes along and says publicly he ALSO supports X even though he belongs to an organization that does not, on the whole support X. Should Mr. W be praised as open-minded then merely for bowing to the facts while it is merely accepted that I should? That is not an even handed treatment of science.
I think that there is probably an interesting book to be written about this but what's in the OP seems more propaganda than science. I mean you couldn't come up with a better label than 'smart idiots'?
I'm sure Chris's stuff is all well-sourced. He's an active blogger, so he's been collecting information for years now. All you have to do is compile the information you want, frame it in the way you want, and viola, you have a book for the digital-age.
I agree. So much information exists in the world that you can cherry pick and frame virtually any conclusion. This seems like a particularly likely example, given that only two topics total were researched; climate change and nuclear power. If he had included even a couple more data points, I would have found this far more convincing; furthermore, he would have been far more convincing if his tone were not so deliberately antagonistic.
I agree. So much information exists in the world that you can cherry pick and frame virtually any conclusion. This seems like a particularly likely example, given that only two topics total were researched; climate change and nuclear power. If he had included even a couple more data points, I would have found this far more convincing; furthermore, he would have been far more convincing if his tone were not so deliberately antagonistic.
William Buckley used to laugh at Ayn Rand's cult and noted that her hate for altruism was wrong. Now republicans are pretty much objectivists though. It really sucks how far right this country has gotten.
fear is a helluva drug.
Even more potent when you get a nice fear-religion-nationalism feedback loop going.
But there's no proof of global warming though
I think people let their irrational hatred for religion seriously cloud their judgement and common sense.
What on Earth does religion have to do with Global Warming? You honestly think it says somewhere in the Bible or Qur'an or whatever that we can never do damage to the Earth? That we should be wasteful etc? Quite the opposite...The latter two, maybe. But my guess is it sometimes has little to do with religion and more to do with the general political mentality, often spurred by Right Wing media and think tanks.
Well, in my experience, a lot. For example, at my old church, kids had to deny scientific theories/facts before the entire congregation (such as that the existence of fossils is proof that the earth is older than 6000 years) during the confirmation ceremony. Someone who is very religious and goes to church is far more likely to hold false beliefs about (and even ill will towards) science than someone who does not consistently put him/herself in that environment.
Well, in my experience, a lot. For example, at my old church, kids had to deny scientific theories/facts before the entire congregation (such as that the existence of fossils is proof that the earth is older than 6000 years) during the confirmation ceremony. Someone who is very religious and goes to church is far more likely to hold false beliefs about (and even ill will towards) science than someone who does not consistently put him/herself in that environment.
What type of church of was this?
Of the earth getting warmer there certainly is. This assumes you believe in things like thermometers.
That's natural though, who's to say it was through what we did?
Part of the reason why college educated Republicans are even MORE wrong on science is likely because Republicans and conservatives in general don't typically do science degrees. They are more likely to do business-type degrees, so in their case, more education does nothing to improve their understanding of science. However, it does make them feel more confident in their positions because of their education, whereas an uneducated conservative may have more doubt due to feeling less confidence from not having a degree.
I have a silly theory that there is a rejection based on "well, these people support abortion & gays therefore they are evil therefore everything they say is wrong"