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The Republican National Convention OT |2016|: Behold a Pale Horse With No Name

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Maybe by mispronouncing Trumps name Ryan invoked some arcane loophole where Donald J Trump was not nominated....

Seriously, how do you screw that up?


Was it me or did Ryan pause as the reality of the situation hit him. Guy definitely paused and stumbled for a second.

He did. A ripple became a tidal wave at that moment. He reflected on how he himself failed in 2012 and his mistakes lead to his being haunted in the present.


Donald DAY Trump.

I'd expect it from nervous delegates but Ryan should be ashamed to fuck that up.

I think he may have done that because he had pledged to Belzebub he would not confirm Donald J Trump as the nominee. Soul saved.

BREAKING: Paul Ryan Declares Donald Day Trump as GOP Presidential Nominee, Donald Trump "Stunned"

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