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The Republican National Convention OT |2016|: Behold a Pale Horse With No Name

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Am I supposed to buy this pull yourself up from your own bootstraps from a guy who's lived the millionaire life since he was born. Feel bad for any of the people who actually fall for this bullshit.


He went reverse bobby jindel
Or Univision Romney


How does this country "favor" illegal immigrants?

Never mind, don't think about it. It sounds true, so it is.

EDIT: Other countries' education systems work because teachers are actually paid, schools are funded, and their societies actually value education and learning.
LoL...he basically just said "We want all kids to go to a super elite private school that costs 10,000+ a year"

I mean....this is horrible.
Are they still trying to get the Sanders fans? I'm pretty sure most of us have already shifted to Clinton except for the most stubborn.

And get tf outta here with this "school of choice" bs. Michigan tried this, nothing came out of it except affluent whites sending their kids to schools that didn't have many blacks.
The fact the the Democrats have given the Republicans any opportunity to claim to stand for the working and middle class is a massive, massive failure.
lol, he just got every teacher in America to vote Democrat

Nah, don't kid yourself, people vote against their own self interests all the time.

Have tons of co-teachers who love the Republican party and openly support Trump.

The fact the the Democrats have given the Republicans any opportunity to claim to stand for the working and middle class is a massive, massive failure.

They haven't.
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