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The Republican National Convention OT |2016|: Behold a Pale Horse With No Name

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It's so painful seeing how much of this shit shes like seeing for the first time on the teleprompter and shes going with it





How can you be this bad at giving a speech on this stage? For fucks sake this is worse than a high school speech class presentation


Because dems are horrible at energizing their base. Before the 2010 elections, a lot of shitty Democrats turned on Obama because it was the popular thing to do and a lot of GOP shits were getting bonus points for hating on the president. Once a portion of the dem party started doing that it disillusioned the base. I know this all too well, I was graduating from college at the time and saw far too many young people just not giving a shit about going out and voting. They were either dumb or lazy and thought that there were enough people going out to vote and they didn't have to.

That's unfortunate. Surely the Dems now smell blood in the water and will really go for it. There's the chance here to hold the presidency and control both houses for the next 8 years uninterrupted.


"To protect our young entrepreneurs, we will subject them to yuuuge healthcare bills that they can never get the chance to pay back!"
Damn, she caught me.

It was me, guys. I'm the liberal who's been destroying America. I'm the one who's stopping America from being great again. I really thought I was doing a better job of keeping it under wraps, but the way the RNC has been harping on it every five minutes, I guess it's pretty obvious the cat's out of the bag.

I would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for that mischief-making imp Priebus.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
"I owe it to god and my parents."

So you're saying hard work doesn't matter. Just leave it to heaven and your parents.


It has been months now but this still feels like a nightmare I can't wake up from. Millions of people think Donald Trump is worthy of being president. The man has been the butt of jokes since I was a kid and lots of people look at him and say, "Yeah, he can uphold the legacy of the party of Lincoln."


She might be a bit flustered speaking in front of so many people, but if that's the case who decided she should go out and not just be a splinter session speaker?

Wasn't she the one speaking to the empty room from the Medium post?

EDIT: Maybe not


We're making progress on other planets, it's just an enormous waste of resources to fart around on the Moon and we're doing good work with machines on Mars.

Which is why we need to move to settle those places, not just visit. Again, we are doing good work with machines, but we could do so much more with Humans on mars and the moon and more.


Damn, she caught me.

It was me, guys. I'm the liberal who's been destroying America. I'm the one who's stopping America from being great again. I really thought I was doing a better job of keeping it under wraps, but the way the RNC has been harping on it every five minutes, I guess it's pretty obvious the cat's out of the bag.

I would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for that mischief-making imp Priebus.
Lock Im Up! Lock Im Up!

Sean C

And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, “Come and see.” And I beheld, and lo a black horse, and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny, and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.


Watching David Brooks on NPR is fascinating tbh, dude clearly does not want to associate himself with social conservatives.
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