This guy is so Z-list that Trump didn't even get him on Celebrity Apprentice
How is Trump in any way seen as living as Jesus? In any way? How the fuck does this man become a hero to everyday Christians and evangelicals?
Actor? Never heard of him.
Antonio Sabato Jr
the stars keep coming!
s o c i a l i s m
FWIW, a good portion of Evangelicals hate him.How is Trump in any way seen as living as Jesus? In any way? How the fuck does this man become a hero to everyday Christians and evangelicals?
"Obama and Clinton promote division. Trump promotes UNITY!"
I'm fucking done with this. Jesus Christ...
Underwear model lol
Underware model
who this guy
fuck this guy
If Donald Trump is president, Obama and Hillary won't kill anyone else
One America!!without mexicans, blacks and muslims!
RNC is LOADED my goodness! Whose next? Screech from Saved by the Bell?
"This is the responsibility of the GOVERNMENT"
The same government that has their hands tied at every turn.