Rebel Leader
How stupid must you be to think that America is constantly under attack from outside forces
How stupid must you be to believe the shit these gaping maw of an ass spit out that we're under constant attack by outside forces
I am looking into a window of stupidity and I cannot look away. There is such stupidity gathered within this room that I am getting an aneurysm. It's almost as if the forces of stupid somehow managed to maneuver their way across the country into this one location to light up a beacon of dim-witted, hate mongering, short-sighted, slack jaw idiots.
I'm sorry if anyone is offended by what I'm saying, and truly believe in the Republican message. I just don't care about your feelings anymore.
Trust me I know. And I don't even pay to politics, atleast not before this cycle. Everything that I gathered by myself is being made true, and I'm kinda flabbergasted that I was right in guessing their tactics without paying attention to the actual words that they've said.It's easier to place the blame on The Other than it is to take a good hard look at ourselves and the society we've built.
You are right, CNN froze as it showed old footage with that in the ticker.. oops.
statistically, crime is at an all time low despite the fear
Crime is DOWN, jackass.
Haha, did someone say that on the Twitch chat? I moved over to TYT. I'm clearly not as clever or original as I imagined.
btw, just going to say this, as much as a train wreck as this has been, the stream itself has been pretty good, and chat and live posting with gaf has been awesome and fun
I just tuned in to Black Lives Matter is anarchy, oh boy, I can tell this has been quite the circus.
Sounds like "Make America safe"what was the audience trying to chant?
what was the audience trying to chant?
And brown on black crime.Bringing out all the pandering tonight. Greiving mothers, former military, Z-list celebrities, black hating black man...