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The Resistance: Avalon [mafia?] |OT| I Put on my Robe and Wizard Hat


It seems Lone wants us to discuss the team makeup but I'm not sure what we could possibly say at this moment. Right now there is one person who has yet to respond at all in this thread. Want them to chime in? Hopefully they will vote so the voting phase doesn't take forever.


Right now there is one person who has yet to respond at all in this thread. Want them to chime in? Hopefully they will vote so the voting phase doesn't take forever.

I think you mean me, right? I don't really know what to discuss right now. And yes, of course I'll be voting. I don't want voting phases that take forever either.


Why is Max posting in a thread that Lone recently posted in? It's about a PM so shouldn't a PM have been sent in this case?


Good morning.

The proposal phase is now over and we are now entering the voting phase. Please PM your votes to me. No more posts here.

Droplet and I have looked into the matter of the rogue PM and we have reason to believe it is a fabrication. Please disregard it as we continue with the game.


I'm sorry, LP and others. It es meant to be a really dumb joke. I should have been more obvious about it. 😕 my humble apologies, sincerely.

Edit: even dumber and more embarrassingly, I see now that in my tired stupor yesterday I had LP confused with a different poster (who I've bantered with previously and would have known me and known I was making a (really dumb) joke). So that just further compounds my idiocy in the situation. Blegh. Again, apologies all.


Well, there's everyone's answers.

The three chosen knights sat together, polishing their armor and sharpening their swords. It was to be their first mission, and it was time they proved their worth.

Well, all but one.

Palmer_v1 sat in the corner, chugging a bottle of whiskey by himself. Lone_Prodigy and CzarTim look towards each other, and then back to him.

"What are you doing?" asked Lone_Prodigy. "You're not getting ready?"

"Pssssh," psshed Palmer_v1 as he downed the rest of his whiskey. "I don't trust any of you! Come on CzarTim, overriding a doctor?"

"Wait, what?" asked this totally unrelated CzarTim.

"And you, Lone_Prodigy! You didn't send that PM, my ass! 'Tsar Tim' that sounds exactly like you!"


"I'm onto you! And I bet nobody else trusts you either!" screamed Palmer_v1, slamming down his whiskey bottle.

Just then, the door opened suddenly.

"The quest team was approved!" screamed the messenger. "Wait, why are you drinking whiskey?"

"WHAT?" screamed a now-sober Palmer_v1. "What?"


Lone_Prodigy: Approve
Kalor: Approve
Rynam: Approve
UltraJay: Approve
TheExodu5: Approve
Lord of Castamere: Approve
ultron87: Reject
kingkitty: Approve
Palmer_v1: Reject
CzarTim: Approve

The quest team has been approved! Quest 1 begins now.



As a reminder, everyone may post during this time. Those on the quest team, please send in your successes or failures using the format from above.


I guess I'm curious why anyone who wasn't on the mission, Approved it.

Also, for the sake of brevity, I propose we address things as such:

The was Quest 1, Mission Team 1. Or, Q1M1.


Some people just like to watch the world burn.

Some people just want more information.

just admit it, you voted reject because you wanted to be the cool kid.

anyways, my reason for approving, is just the fact that we didn't have any past votes/quest results to suggest that this team combo would be a bad Day 1 start. and I didn't see any big issue from the players that made me willing to reject.


just admit it, you voted reject because you wanted to be the cool kid.

anyways, my reason for approving, is just the fact that we didn't have any past votes/quest results to suggest that this team combo would be a bad Day 1 start. and I didn't see any big issue from the players that made me willing to reject.

To be fair, if Ultron jumped off a bridge, I would totally do it too.
I didn't really see a reason to reject it. Maybe under the grounds that lp didn't make the quest list, idk?

Without any info, it seemed pointless. I have little reason to believe the people on the list are scum.


Glad you got my back. /fistbump

I kinda thought it would pass, but I didn't expect us to be the only dissent.

Currently my concern is exodus who so happily suggested a team that he is not on, using a fairly arbitrary method to pick 2/3 of members. LP a little bit for going along so easily with it. And as always, Czartim and LP if it fails.

I'm prepared for nearly infinite amounts of WIFOM.


I approved as there's nothing to really say that it would be a bad idea. It will be interesting to look at the first team later on and see if there was a deeper reason that it was suggested.


Yes, there isn't any reason besides you, yourself, the one guaranteed good player, being on the mission to vote no from a pass/success standpoint. But it would be been much better to see like 2 or 3 proposals from different people and then approving one of those. More proposals = more votes = more information for good.


Yes, there isn't any reason besides you, yourself, the one guaranteed good player, being on the mission to vote no from a pass/success standpoint. But it would be been much better to see like 2 or 3 proposals from different people and then approving one of those. More proposals = more votes = more information for good.

you were free to suggest a proposal when you had the chance Ultron.

but we should keep this advice in mind for the future.


Yeah, I maybe sorta should've voted against it simply from my problem with Exodus picking the team, but my one vote wouldn't have made it go through. You're right that more proposals = more votes which leads to more discussion. What are people's thoughts on whether this will pass or fail? I don't believe a success here would let the three party members off the hook. I think scum wouldn't want to fail such an early quest and want to get town points for being on a passing team.

Scum being present on this team could also explain the votes being so overwhelmingly positive. I don't think a SUCCESS on this quest is going to give us much information. Or I could just be overthinking this.


Yeah, I maybe sorta should've voted against it simply from my problem with Exodus picking the team, but my one vote wouldn't have made it go through. You're right that more proposals = more votes which leads to more discussion. What are people's thoughts on whether this will pass or fail? I don't believe a success here would let the three party members off the hook. I think scum wouldn't want to fail such an early quest and want to get town points for being on a passing team.

Scum being present on this team could also explain the votes being so overwhelmingly positive. I don't think a SUCCESS on this quest is going to give us much information. Or I could just be overthinking this.

If it's a success we send the same team + 1 more. It's possible to just luck into a good team and ride it to victory without spies being able to stop it much.

If it fails, well, WIFOM time for everyone but Percy, Merle, and the bad guys.


If it's a success we send the same team + 1 more. It's possible to just luck into a good team and ride it to victory without spies being able to stop it much.

If it fails, well, WIFOM time for everyone but Percy, Merle, and the bad guys.

Sounds like a good plan. As UltraJay mentioned, there could be a chance scum might try to earn trust by passing the quest on purpose. If there was a time to do such a plan, it would be during the first Day, and not later on when the game is in a steamy boil. And I doubt they'd try to do it twice since that would leave very little space to win. If the three musketeers (which includes you) are able to pass two quests in a role, I would feel pretty good about them tbh.


I kinda thought it would pass, but I didn't expect us to be the only dissent.

Currently my concern is exodus who so happily suggested a team that he is not on, using a fairly arbitrary method to pick 2/3 of members. LP a little bit for going along so easily with it. And as always, Czartim and LP if it fails.

I'm prepared for nearly infinite amounts of WIFOM.

It wasn't arbitrary.

It's just my general rule I like to follow when playing Avalon. If the last players on the list aren't picked early on they may never go on a mission. I like to include them in the first team since that forces the second captain to change things up. Im not sure if it's good strategy or not, to be honest. I'm not sure how much strategy can be involved since the first mission team is blind.

Why would I suggest myself? Because I know I'm loyal? That's a weak argument that won't win any favour at this early stage of the game.

If everyone rejected a team they weren't on the game would be at a standstill.

Anyways, with 4 minions, odds are this will fail. Which makes me wonder...is the game properly balanced? The official rules only have 3 minions for a 10 player game. I'm curious to see how this will play out.


Please, we designed this to imitate the real game as closely as possible. I copied most of this straight from the manual. Next time, feel free to PM me if you have questions, or bring them up before we start like I asked you to.


I don't think this quest will fail purely because it's a low number of players and scum might not want to draw attention to themselves this early. Since they have four players they are more likely to get into the larger groups later on and won't immediately draw attention to themselves like they would today.


So a 3/5 chance our first player is good, 5/9 chance for second player, and 1/2 on our last.

So in a vacuum, I think that's a 16% chance we got all loyal players on Q1. I might be making a fundamental mistake here though. With setup time to mitigate the risks should there be two scum, I don't see any reason for scum to pass this.


That seems about right. I've been thinking that this will succeed but then I'm used to smaller groups where it normally doesn't make sense to pass the first game since it might be 2 scum in a 6 person group. Though with four scum they can afford for a couple of them to be suspected.


So a 3/5 chance our first player is good, 5/9 chance for second player, and 1/2 on our last.

So in a vacuum, I think that's a 16% chance we got all loyal players on Q1. I might be making a fundamental mistake here though. With setup time to mitigate the risks should there be two scum, I don't see any reason for scum to pass this.

27% chance. Still bad odds.


Going 4 minutes early because I want lunch.

The castle was shrouded in fog today, and none had heard any tidings of how the first quest had gone. This time they were sent to slay a dragon in the Eastern mountains, and the castlefolk feared the three questgoers lives had been lost in the dark pits of the dragon's stomach.

One of the guardsmen was the first to notice them, three dark figures limping through the fog. They looked worse for wear, but they were alive.

"How goes?" yelled the guardsman. "Does the dragon yet live?"

"The dragon is no more!" roared Lone_Prodigy. He and Palmer_v1 pulled from a sack the dragon's head. "There were many sacrifices, but the deed has been done."

The guardsman noticed that Lone_Prodigy's left arm was now in a cast and Palmer_v1's face was wrapped in a way that might suggest a large gash from his forehead down to his cheek. CzarTim was missing the middle and index fingers of his right hand.

"Was that from the dragon?" the guard asked CzarTim. "The beast bit off your fingers?"

"Oh uh, no," CzarTim shuffled awkwardly. "This was uh...from a guy I picked a fight with in a tavern on the way back. He uh, he had a knife."

The first quest has succeeded!

We are now beginning Quest 2, which requires 4 players. The first proposal for this quest will be made by Kalor.



Well, I half expected the success so I'm curious what everyone who thought it would fail thinks.

As for my proposal I'm thinking of including one or two people from the first group, myself and then someone else. I think we should have some crossover to try to test if someone is evil or not since I still believe that even if someone was evil in the first group that they would pass it.


Couple things:

1. Exodus suggested this team. If he were scum, there's no way he'd suggest an all good team, so he's either Scum and knows Czar or LP are scum who are slow-playing it, Good who mistakenly picked a team with Scum, or Good who picked a Good team.

2. LP went along with the suggestion, so some of the same logic applies, and also forms a tenuous link between them.

3. If there were no scum on the team, it means all of the scum except possibly ultron approved it, which is odd. If they had worked it out ahead of time with Ultron as scum, he'd know I was quite likely to reject it no matter what. I take this as minor proof that scum are on the team already.

4. Nothing can be learned about Czartim based on current voting and results.

5. Kalor has suggested we mix the team up. That seems dangerous to do when we've passed one already. If we're all loyal already, there's a 3 in 7 chance of adding 1 and getting another loyal. If we dilute the pool further by removing semi-known quantities in favor of new people, the chances get worse, and the information gained is also muddied. Minimizing variables seems best to me.

6. The reason I suggest exodus as the new inclusion is that by proposing us to begin with, he formed that tenuous link. He's either a dangerously selfless Good player, or a conniving scum. Worst case is he's already tricked us into somewhat trusting a scum. To mitigate that, we simply add him to the team. They only need 1 to fail the next Quest, so possibly having two on the team would be bad for them. A failure on Q2 would then cast doubt on 4 players, 2 of whom are possibly scum.

I think that's it for now?


I gave you guys my reasoning for the first team. It's not really about strategy...I just like including the last players since they sometimes never get to participate in much of a way. There's nothing selfless about it. Proposing myself for the first team does little good, since there is little argument to be made for my case, or anyone's case for a first vote.

Going into the second vote, I definitely think minimizing variables is a good thing.

All we have to go on is votes right now. Scum upvoting the first team doesn't mean much. I've rarely had the first team fail...rejecting the first team only puts suspicion on those that did.

Now that I think about it, I feel that with this game balance, if there was only 1 scum on the first team, then they would have failed it. It somewhat outs one of them, but there would be 3 scum left out of the remaining 7 players, so that would leave them with even better odds of getting picked in subsequent missions. That leads me to believe that one of two things happened for this first mission:

1) There were no scum on the mission
2) There was more than one scum on the mission.

I'm honestly shifting towards picking a completely different team in this case.


Also, to those unfamiliar with Avalon, unless scum badly screws up, there's never enough information to go on. The only way to catch scum is reads, voting patterns, and playing the odds.


I'm going with my second assumption, so I'm working under the assumption that there were 2 scum first mission. Gut reads. I'm not going to give any indication as to why just yet...I'm just using my experience as a barometer here.

1. [m] Lone_Prodigy - scum
2. [m] Kalor - scum
3. [m] Rynam
4. [m] UltraJay - loyal
5. [m] TheExodu5 - loyal
6. [m] Lord of Castamere
7. [m] ultron87 - loyal
8. [m] kingkitty
9. [m] Palmer_v1 - loyal
10. [m] CzarTim - scum

Nothing is set in stone. I could be completely off base. These are just gut reads.
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