how was that scene trash? not to mention its followed up by one of the most memorable scenes in the movie where he goes inside the horse
There's getting mauled by a a bear and then there's American Indians have spaghetti aim like a Star Wars storm trooper against one guy who is sleeping when they approach. It really jumps the shark there for me. I don't know the original book but it seemed like a convenience to get; HORSE DIES therefore GET INSIDE HORSE. Obviously can't have him kill the horse to survive because people don't like animals getting killed.
The CGI is awful!
We're expected to believe they just up and left assuming he died from the fall even after he shot them, but of course "there's a storm rolling in so they had to leave him". I think it could've been done differently. No Indians, just the freeze coming and the horse meeting its end naturally?
The soundtrack is pretty perfect for the movie. Really surprised Ryuichi Sakamoto was involved.