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The Salty Spitoon [Mafia] |OT| How tough are you?

I just want everyone here to know it's been fun. We've been through a lot together; bullets, bodies, braggadocio. We've all grown closer than I've ever been comfortable with. I would even call some of you guys family. I mean I'd call CzarTim my brother at this point without batting an eye.

I don't think I even want to be a scumbag anymore. I know what love feels like now.

I love you guys.


Night 2 has ended.


Summary up in a bit.



The gentle breeze quietly shared its love with the faces of the surviving Magnificent 4. Plankton quickly realized that he was, by far, outclassed by his rivals. I mean, they had multiple cells. Even then, he lost no heart and prepared his mechasuit to bring the pain. He had a plan, a risky, cunning plan. He could see ahead of everyone else. He did not need to be the fastest, he just needed to hit when the moment was right...

Dawkins, in his own way. was close to the same conclusion. He knew what he needed to be done. He was, after all, omniscient. His divine powers gave him knowledge far outside the reach of human capacity of understanding. He could just make a T-Shirt out of his own free will, but what would be the fun of that? He wanted his creatures to provide one to them, unwillingly. Angelic music filled the air, slowly at first, but constantly rising.

Dawkins started to glow with a holy light, feet rising from the ground and floating ethereally into the sky. The other 3 couldn´t help but open their mouth in confusion and reverence, and Richard raised more and more, his power not worthy of mortal eyes. The angelic music had reached mind shattering decibels and Dawkins was growing stronger and stronger, power to destroy all his enemies. Power beyond what was possible. Power that made the 3 rivals cower in fear. Power so powerfully powerfully, not only a god like Richard Dawkins himself could handle.

He exploded from pure awesome.

Kristoffer, the Richard Dawkins, has died

Welcome to The Salty Spitoon [Mafia]

You are Richard Dawkins, the REAL GOD.

Sure, you published all those books claiming to be an atheist, but the truth is you don´t want THEM to find out YOU are the real deity! Then they would want you to solve their problems, and who has time for that? Not you. Screw them.

You are aligned with no one. You win when only you remain alive in the game.

You can kill another player each night. You also have a vote on the day.

PM me the command Eliminate: <player1> to get rid of a murderous rival.

Remember, every single player has a different priority when killing, and you will have to figure out where your priority stands.

Also, you might or might not have a special ability, maybe your kill is special? Maybe your vote is? Only I (And the Spectator thread) knows.

PM with any questions. Have fun!

The Game thread is here

Keanu... John Wick was having the shittiest day ever, he was feeling down in his luck, so down not even his dashing looks were enough to cheer him up. Witnessing a God just blew up, on the other hand, was clearly the highlight of his day. Clearly impressed, he didn´t notice the two big, sharp wounds that playfully rebounded inside his body.

His path of violence and revenge had finally got to him, beaten by a blondie and a green blob. Not a bad way to go, I guess.

CzarTim. the John Wick, has died
Welcome to The Salty Spitoon [Mafia]

You are John Wick, Keanu Reeves in disguise.

I guess you are back, huh.

You are aligned with no one. You win when only you remain alive in the game.

You can kill another player each night. You also have a vote on the day.

PM me the command Eliminate: <player1> to get rid of a murderous rival.

Remember, every single player has a different priority when killing, and you will have to figure out where your priority stands.

Also, you might or might not have a special ability, maybe your kill is special? Maybe your vote is? Only I (And the Spectator thread) knows.

PM with any questions. Have fun!

The Game thread is here
Wesker took off his sunglasses and give them a nice, quick clean. Plankton, eyebrow frowning, faced him.

"I see we got the same idea huh."

Wesker ignored Plankton´s comment, and kept on wiping and wiping. Plankton was getting impatient.

"Hey, cornhead, you gonna fight or what? I don´t have all day you know."

A red glow suddenly sparkled in the man´s eyes. With a grunt, his face started to grow weird, tentacle like appendages, his arms and twisted and his whole body changed shape. He was more monster than man now.


Plankton peed his pants a little.

"Well, talk about unexpected. Now would be a perfect time for me to transform too"

But of course, he couldn´t, that would be too convenient. Don´t you think?

"Uh... please?"

...all right, for the fans, I guess.

Plankton felt a force push him from inside his stomach, like air. Hot, hot air, filling him, feeding him. He grew and grew, just like my selfsteem when entering college, until his body reached the ultimate physical apex. He was a contender now.


The both of them, weirdly grossed out by the ridiculous aspect of the abomination they had in their way, raised their arms.

A rooster crowed in the distance.

The Final Battle Starts.

Remaining players
6) *Splinter (Albert Wesker)
8) kingkitty (Plankton)

So, just to clarify, the game has ended. One of you have already won... but who?
I´ll be writing The Final Battle, take your time to figure it out x). You are free to post who you think won, place bets, all the good stuff, I´ll be posting the final summary in 20 minutes.


It all makes sense now.

Splinter...you were the one who killed brother Makai. And despite your assurances, you decided to kill your ally CzarTim.

DUEL: Splinter

It's time to end this.


The Final Battle

Godzilla vs Gamera.

Superman vs Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Goku

Kitty vs Bath time.

Some forces of nature are not meant to face each other. Sometimes, they have in order to keep peace. Sometimes, they lust for strength mightier than their own. To be beaten, to be defeated, to not feel alone in the world.

This time... a T-Shirt was all it took.

The two golems clashed their bodies against each other, blood and sweat generously pouring all over their disfigured faces and fine toned muscled. Deafening yells and grunts from the top of their lungs could be heard between the punches.

The went on and on, trading blow for blow, with each hit losing a bit of their humanity, of their conscience. Again and again and again. All they knew was what was in front of them, the mass they had to destroy and the pain in their soul.

Wesker was giving a massive beating to poor plankton, his biochemical perfection was no match for the feisty green mass, and have pushed Plankton so far back that they were fighting near the Chum Bucket. Plankton, desperate, protected himself as he could and, in a swift motion, took the giant bucket from his restaurant sign and shoved it in Wesker´s head.

Taking this chance, Plankton raised his fist high, and, with a motion stolen from the best of Thor comics, hammered down. Wesker was a bit slow in his reaction, and got a full, devastating blow it was impossible for him to recover from.

"Got ya you little *horn noise*, you piece of *bike bell*, you flippant *dog bark* you..."

Plankton stopped mid sentence. His mouth opened in terror. From inside the bucket, below his feet, what seemed like hundreds of tentacles started climbing his arm. Plankton tried to remove his arm, but it was too late, he saw in horror how more and more tentacles covered him, with painful precision, and could feel thousands of little sharp objects entering his body.

"No... this is not at all like my plan. No... Nooo!"

He could feel every single bit lurking and exploring his inside, destroying them.

"I thought this was a *scratched disk* kids cartoon, what is happening, oh my god this was n-"

The tentacles entered his mouth and his eye, he was now completely covered in darkness. He could feel his consciousness fading away. It was calm, warm... cheerful.

For the first time of his life, he felt... happy.

For the very first time.

kingkitty, the Plankton, is dead.

SalvaPot said:
Welcome to The Salty Spitoon [Mafia]

You are Plankton, Restaurant Owner.

Not only do you have to deal with the Krusty Krab and their stupid Secret Formula, now you have a rival bar trying to get the few low life costumers you have! Well, its time to get rid of them.

You are aligned with no one. You win when only you remain alive in the game.

You can kill another player each night. You also have a vote on the day.

PM me the command Eliminate: <player1> to get rid of a murderous rival.

Remember, every single player has a different priority when killing, and you will have to figure out where your priority stands.

Also, you might or might not have a special ability, maybe your kill is special? Maybe your vote is? Only I (And the Spectator thread) knows.

PM with any questions. Have fun!

The Game thread is here

The Salty Spitoon doors opened and all kinds of quirky people exited in the more violent way possible. It was a complete riot, with bodies leaving through the window, fishmen punching each other in their way home and motorcycles riding into the sunset. Only one thing they had in common, a nice, bright, white T-shirt with the words "The DIO Salty Spitoon".

The chatter died down when the last couple people, and what seemed to be a squirrel, disappeared in the distance. A man went out of the bar with a trash bag and started picking up root beer bottles in the classiest way possible, pulling impossible stylish poses with every pick up and shouting WRRRRRRYYY at every chance. Dio was cheerfully doing the clean-up.

He stumbled into a naked man, just lying on the floor, barely awake.

"Wake up kid, get out of my sight"

He threw a kick, strong enough to chop off the head of a horse, in the direction of the naked man. Surprisingly, his kick was stopped.

"Uuugh, I hate when I have to do that"

The naked man stood up and picked up his glasses, he looked up at the barman.

"You again"

Dio looked at him and, with a smirk in his face, gave a knowing nod. He gave his back to Wesker and walked in the direction of his bar. But before entering, he took off the T-shirt he was wearing and threw it from behind his shoulder.

The T-shirt floated for a bit, and, gently, fell into the floor.

Wesker could only smile.

*Splinter, the Albert Wesker, is the Toughest of them all!

*Splinter wins!

SalvaPot said:
Welcome to The Salty Spitoon [Mafia]

You are Albert Wesker, Stylish Bastard.

Somehow you always to come on top, maybe because you are so goddamn stylish. Or evil. Either one. Both maybe.

You are aligned with no one. You win when only you remain alive in the game.

You can kill another player each night. You also have a vote on the day.

PM me the command Eliminate: <player1> to get rid of a murderous rival.

Remember, every single player has a different priority when killing, and you will have to figure out where your priority stands.

Also, you might or might not have a special ability, maybe your kill is special? Maybe your vote is? Only I (And the Spectator thread) knows.

PM with any questions. Have fun!

The Game thread is here

The game has ended!

Well, that was a fun time, feel free to post comments and share opinions, the dead/spectator thread is here: http://www.quicktopic.com/51/H/BqWD6xGd3vwv

The Priority list:
1 CzarTim (John Wick) (Vote 0-.)
2 Cornburrito (Manfred von Karma)
3 *Splinter (Albert Wesker)
4 Makai (Makai)
5 Kristoffer (Richard Dawkins)
6 Hyperactivity (Lago)
7 Sorian (Light Yagami)
8 Fireblend (Waluigi)
9 kingkitty (Plankton)
10 LaunchpadMcQ (SWAG Hitler) (Vote 1.5)

Prizes and comments about the game from the moderator will be up in a bit x).


So I´ll share what happened and how it happened:

This is how the kills went on Night 1.

5)Kristoffer -->Fireblend-->kingkitty-->Sorian-->*Splinter-->Hiperactivity
8)Fireblend -->*Splinter
9)kingkitty -->Makai
10)LaunchpadMcQ -->Makai-->CzarTim-->Cornburrito

Of course, this was hilarious because splinter could have save cornburrito if he hadn´t changed his kill to fireblend, besides that I was expecting far more backstabbing.

Hyper, Sorian, Fire and Launch died before they could get their command out. Its kind of funny how pretty much everyone from the Magnificent 7 had high priority.

Meanwhile, night 2 was far more simple.

1) CzarTim-->Kristoffer

Czar was in a hard place with this one, but splinter was pretty adamant in what he needed to do. Splinter called his pm "necessary gambit" and it paid off. In the other hand, if kingkitty had killed splinter instead of czar, he would have won in the day time with his vote. So close!


These people should not be trusted in future alliances:


You all suck, we had a plan!


Next season I am planning on running my first big game, the Harry Potter game. Unlike this one, that one relies heavily on flavor for it to make sense, so I felt the need to get my feet wet and get some training. I think it was the right call.

I tried to run The Salty Spitoon game as casually as possible, in doing so, I closed cycles as soon as possible and then heavily underestimated how long it takes to make a summary, the main fuck up was with the voting system for morning one.

You see, I kind of forgot CzarTim had had a 0.5 vote, so I typed in that the majority was reached with 3. Of course, this is not mathematically true. Two votes was enough to reach majority, since the players had, in total 3.5 votes. I retconned this by claiming it was a player majority. 3 players needed to vote for one option, so the majority needed was 2.5. Oh well, live an learn, never rush the summary to get stuff out on time.

"Great Leader" award
From the very start Czar grabbed the game concept and decided to fuck with it, suggesting alliances and running the game at his pleasure. No wonder you are a scum role in the GAFIA game.

"...Aww, come on!" award
Launchpad wake up to an impossible situation, all alliances have been made by then and all he could do was try to survive the day.

"Last time, I swear" Award
Kristoffer send me a record 5 kill actions in the first night, the spectator thread could barely keep up. As I said to him, it was fun, so don´t mind doing it again when Czar is running the game.

Magnificent Bastard Award
Of course, *Splinter read everyone else like a book and took it to his advantage. He looked at the flipped data from the first day, correctly guessed who killed who, and then made a gamble that lead him to victory. Well played all around.

For a moment I really considered having a final minigame with the two surviving members, but that would be, for all intends and purposes, bullshit. I´ll love to run a similar, more complex, even more mindbending version of this game later on, but for now I´ll let Tim grab it so I can play instead! Oh, and ynny made the spectator thread a riot, so go give that a look.

Visit the bar again sometime, you scum!
grats splinter!!! :D well played everyone else!!!

salva, i LOVE your flavour <3 oh also, that fanfic you wrote about DR first day was just very cute <3 you really have a terrific eye for humour :D


grats splinter!!! :D well played everyone else!!!

salva, i LOVE your flavour <3 oh also, that fanfic you wrote about DR first day was just very cute <3 you really have a terrific eye for humour :D

Thank you! I feel a bit limited by my english, grammar is kind of hard for me, I need to get that fixed by next time for sure.
Czar was in a hard place with this one, but splinter was pretty adamant in what he needed to do. Splinter called his pm "necessary gambit" and it paid off. In the other hand, if kingkitty had killed splinter instead of czar, he would have won in the day time with his vote. So close!

These people should not be trusted in future alliances:


You all suck, we had a plan!

Only people I could count on in the alliance to not kill me waere the election scum members (corn, splinter, you)

Makai was for sure dead
Kingkitty and makai were going to be dueling, plus KK is still election
I had semi-antagonized kristoffer

1 spot down, this really annoys me


Surprised there weren't more betrayals (lol Makai)

Also you give me too much credit, when I saw Czar had a "special ability" (it seemed bad but didn't really affect the votes) I figured he must be the lowest priority (you said that in the recruit thread but must have changed it). Obviously 0.5 could also means he's too priority, but I thought it was a kind of bluff.

There was no way KingKitty killed anyone but Makai though :D
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