Willco said:
Thanks a fucking lot, Sera. Thanks to you, SolidSnake and that picture, I am now the new face of erectile dysfunction.
Sure that's not repeated viewing of Spiderman 2 Wilco?
Toby's acting, barechested Alfred Molina and the non-entity that is Kirsten Dunst would make any man's cock flaccid.
And this lawsuit is bullshito. It's like me submitting a script to hollywood that contains loads of carchases, and then suing Holllywood for Bad Boys 2 ect that also contains one. If anything this woman should be sueing George Lucas - honestly, just read her website - whole thing is writtien in Ebonics. America just makes itself look pathetic with these trivial lawsuits.
I mean...
Fans who have taken Stewart's allegations seriously, have found eerie mythological parallels, which seem significant in a case that revolves around the highly metaphorical and symbolic Matrix series. Sophia, the greek goddess of wisdom has been referenced many times in speculation about Stewart. In one book about the Goddess Sophia, it reads, "The black goddess is the mistress of web creation spun in her divine matrix."
...come on.