Saw it yesterday at TIFF. It was fantastic. I can be picky about certain aspects like it being a slight bit cheesey at moments(the timing of when certain characters show up) but it wouldn't take away much from the movie tbh.
I loved that the movie embraced unconventional character types. The main characters opening scene made her immediately relatable for the average Joe and the way the movie portrays the theme of love felt real and not overly cheesey or false like Hollywood typically does. I'll paraphrase Del Toro's reasoning from his q&a "It's like you meet someone, shit clicks and then you fuck". There doesn't need to be all that extra Hollywood drama build up.
The use of color as a metaphor(green/blue
) was interesting. I feel like the movies biggest strength is that it's not afraid to make characters who are perceived as other being the ones helping each other. It was quite heart warming.