I think it's time to go off topic for a moment and state that...why do you still have that SummerSlam logo in your avatar? It's been well over a year and a half now since I saw you first use it.
I think it's time to go off topic for a moment and state that...why do you still have that SummerSlam logo in your avatar? It's been well over a year and a half now since I saw you first use it.
My favorite part is that it's not even a current SummerSlam logo.
Should I have bothered in pointing that out?My favorite part is that it's not even a current SummerSlam logo.
They haven't used that one since 1997 when they were still the WWF.
(I'm well aware of the irony of making this observation when I have an avatar of Lisa wearing an outfit from an episode that aired in Spring 1996.)
My favorite part is that it's not even a current SummerSlam logo.
They haven't used that one since 1997 when they were still the WWF.
(I'm well aware of the irony of making this observation when I have an avatar of Lisa wearing an outfit from an episode that aired in Spring 1996.)
You know, why are they making a big deal that Ned "exploded" in Hurricane Neddy? I mean he was able to express anger in prior episodes.
See you in the car!summer of 4'2" is so fucking unbelievably good.
You know, why are they making a big deal that Ned "exploded" in Hurricane Neddy? I mean he was able to express anger in prior episodes.
And that is how all good writers got fired.I sure hope somebody got fired for that blunder.
i heard your dad went into a restaurant and ate everything in the restaurant and they had to close the restaurant
i heard your dad went into a restaurant and ate everything in the restaurant and they had to close the restaurant
wait did this episode come before or after the worst case of false advertising since the Neverending Story?
"What are you looking at? The innocent words of a drunken child. Well, I'll tell you what you're looking at, a town gone mad!"What are you looking at?
Diorama from yesterday's Simpsons trivia in Chicago - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6whrpXVGA8
Diorama from yesterday's Simpsons trivia in Chicago - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6whrpXVGA8
Diorama from yesterday's Simpsons trivia in Chicago - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6whrpXVGA8
Cool, but hardly first place material.
What's a diorama?Diorama from yesterday's Simpsons trivia in Chicago - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6whrpXVGA8
Cool, but hardly first place material.
Oh hey, Hurricane Neddy is yet again airing here lol
The more I watch it, the more less I feel about it. Seriously, he even has angry groans in the episode itself prior to the outburst. And what makes me feel lessen the episode's quality is the theme - you'd think it'd be about his faith waning or being tested, but nope - LOL mental issues.
I haven't seen it in a while but Hurricane Neddy is one of my favorite episodes in terms of dissecting a supporting character, and developing them in an unexpected way. Boss Doggie, you seem to dislike that it sets up Ned's faith as something that will be "tested" in the episode, but the whole point of that was to show how much he relied on religion as a means to suppress his natural feelings of negativity and force happiness. It's only after the events of the first act that he is pushed so far that religion just can't cut it and he snaps. It follows it's natural conclusion by delving into the reason Ned uses faith to smother his anger to begin with. But again I haven't seen it in years, so I may be forcing a narrative here.
Abrupt?! That episode was 7 seasons in the making by that point.
Ned Lasting as long as he did Is part of his character.
At a casual glance, I believe that scene is from Lost Our Lisa. Bart glues all of that magic crap to his face using rubber cement. Marge takes him to Hibbert so "terror sweat" can save the day and Lisa heads out to the Isis exhibit at the museum on her own.And what episode is that image above from? Because those could all be references depending on the season. Carbon rod, gun, soft ball, the diamond card...
Looks like Lost Our Lisa.It wasn't abrupt. Ned had been set up as the nicest guy in the world. Nothing could make him mad. It only makes sense that someone that nice is going to crack eventually.
And what episode is that image above from? Because those could all be references depending on the season. Carbon rod, gun, soft ball, the diamond card...