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The Sims 4 |OT| Behold its true form and despair!


FYI, for the thread, Jim Sterling's Review. Gave it 2 1/2 stars. Other critics are giving it either 7's or 8's and some lower than 7's so far.

Yeah, I can't say that I agree.
All it did was make me want to go back and play the last game in the series, and that's really not a good thing.
Quite the opposite for me is true, and I certainly wasn't expecting that given the list of absent features. Obviously, that is still a major negative point and it's not a 9/10 game for me either, but it's a solid 7/10 title that I don't regret buying at all.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Yeah, I don't agree with a score like that at all. What's here works well and is a definite improvement when it comes to the core Sims gameplay. There is certainly obvious things to dislike/dock for, but that is going way too far.

Things like multitasking already make it hard to go back. Had my sim go on a date to the gym, and it was nice seeing how he could run on the treadmill, hold a conversation, and watch TV at the same time and get the benefits of each.


I succumbed and bought it. Uh... very mixed feeling about this. I certainly missed a lot of shits. I ended up asking "Why?" a lot of time playing this. The core gameplay is for the better, but people saying that it has just as much stuffs as barebone Sims 3 are full of it.

Was confused as fuck when my house burned down because the fire alarms are fuck useless...No eating out, only chips at bar... Like 5 house in a nieghborhood... why? A lot of those shits.

But being able to read book on a crapper and converse while on treadmills are awesome.


You got me on this one. Other than googling on the issue I can't be of much more help. My only other suggestion is to do a full re-install, but make sure to delete your Sims 4 folder out of your Documents folder where all your settings would be.

FYI, for the thread, Jim Sterling's Review. Gave it 2 1/2 stars. Other critics are giving it either 7's or 8's and some lower than 7's so far.

I can't say I agree with anything that he's saying.

"you'll need to sit through a loading screen every time you want to go from your home to the park"
Is that a bad thing?
You'd rather wait 10-30 seconds in a taxi looking at buildings popping in and out only to arrive at a place that still hasn't had it's textures load yet in a place that's empty because it needs to render a huge world and story progression and maybe even have sub-optimal FPS if your PC isn't that good?
Really? You'd rather have that? I'd rather have 5-15 second load times in a lot that feels more lively.

"It doesn't help that, in addition to not adding any of the extended content, the basic game appears to be suffering from multiple reductions in its own right, leading to a game that feels inadequate in the face of its predecessors."
Like what exactly? What extended content?
Pools? I don't think pools make or break Sims, it's not the defining feature.

Toddlers? Again, it's not the defining feature.

Not enough items/jobs? It's a base vanilla Sims game. It's always been like this.

"Basic game appears to be suffering from multiple reductions"
If anything it's received multiple improvements in the form of improved CAS, improved build/buy mode, multitasking and emotions.

" The new emotions that Sims can feel are cute at first, but one soon cycles through them all,"
Because you're supposed to utilize these emotions to get the most out of everything.
Want to get better at your job? Turn up to work focused.
Want to get lucky tonight? Try to get into a flirty of playful mood.
It's not just about playing seeing the funny portraits of each emotions and getting bored of it.

"It doesn't help that the game is pretty damn buggy"
Because every single EA and Sims game has been bug free.

"Visually, the game looks enhanced from the last outing, but not dramatically so."
It's subjective, but I'll just leave this here.

"By far this game's biggest crime? It's boring, and The Sims should never be boring."
Saying it's boring is completely subjective.

"Existing as merely a shell compared to the experience we've gotten used to over the years, a husk when put up against the kind of content we know exists and know will be sold to us at a later date, there's just not enough meat on the bones to make The Sims 4 a worthy successor to its predecessor. All it did was make me want to go back and play the last game in the series, and that's really not a good thing."
That's kind of the point of Sims games and it's always been like this.
What the hell were you expecting? To get the same amount of content as Sims 3? A game that's had 5 years of patches, expansion packs and mods.
Complaining about content on a base Sims 4 game at launch is the most stupidest thing I've ever heard.

In my opinion Sims 3 was trash but I guess that's not surprising seeing as how it was developed by a different studio.


Yeah, the base/engine of the game is a clear improvement, then the content is a bit light, just wait and see what will be added.
Honestly I don't regret buying it for 26€, it was the right price IMO.


I think Jim has some valid points, especially with not taking some of the better ideas from expansions. Do remember, aspirations and Wants came from Sims 2 expansions into Sims 3. There were some good ideas in Sims 3 expansions that could have been used in Sims 4.

That said, I think he's stressing his points to hard. In the end, I agree with Kabouter. Sims 3 definitely is far more with all the expansions, but DAMN it runs so poorly so later this weekend, I'm probably going to uninstall it and the rest of the expansions. Too much damn jury-rigging through mods and waiting for the game to load to warrant it.

Though I did think about installing BASE game Sims 3, no expansions and, if I can, no patches, just to see how it holds up to 4.

So far though, I caved in right before the Mexican Internet, so I bought at full price, but still don't regret the purchase.


Though I did think about installing BASE game Sims 3, no expansions and, if I can, no patches, just to see how it holds up to 4.

Do it man. The thing that always bugged me about 3 was how ugly the Sims were. I couldn't get over it no matter what else they added.
Has anyone else gotten 2 or 3 friends/acquaintances that visit your home almost each day? The AI in this game sure does prove to be really chatty with you.
Why are people shitting on Jim Sterling's review? Man can give a game any score he wants for any reasoning he wants. If you don't agree with it, that's fine too but the dog pile on him in the last page because he doesn't like it?

That said, I haven't yet played the game myself yet so I don't have an opinion of my own. My wife however, who is a giant sims fan, has been fully engrossed and loves it so far so EA obviously hasn't shat over the series like some people (Jim included) have implied.


Kind of a long shot, but has anyone tried this streaming with a shield tablet? Wonder how it would work and if it emulate the mouse enough for a decent touch screen experience.


Finally caved in and bought the game. Tried to resist by playing sims 3 but after having to do resetsim every 5 min because of action freezes I had enough :p.

And as most people who shat on the previews, I ate crow, I am quite enjoying what there is.. I am just fearing what EA will do to expand.. I really hope they keep the EP model and no mini DLC/F2P Shop like model, but hearing about this premium service I fear the worse.

Has anyone else gotten 2 or 3 friends/acquaintances that visit your home almost each day? The AI in this game sure does prove to be really chatty with you.

It happened to my sims too. stopped as soon as they lost friend status with them.


Do it man. The thing that always bugged me about 3 was how ugly the Sims were. I couldn't get over it no matter what else they added.

No patches as well?
Do it!

do it for the science! I want to know this out of curiosity.

Unplayable, the base game has less content that sims 4 as well.

Well, given this response, I'm underway. For the record, I am uninstalling all my Sims 3 packs and the base game. I'm deleting all the installed custom content, all script mods, and even my settings. Then, I will reinstall Sims 3 and try to prevent any automatic updating through the launcher. Not sure if I can stop it, but I'll certainly try.
So, yea, from what I've seen in live streams I don't think the loading times are that bad. They are fairly quick and when I went to play Sims 3 after, like someone here pointed out, going to a bar or something takes for fucking ever anyway because the game gets so chunky driving around everywhere it ends up taking more time. Sims 4 optimization looks brilliant and I kind of hope that they keep the loading times in the expansions if it allows for the game to play so smoothly. I kind of don't want to play Sims 3 ,seeing 4 made me realise (something that I knew already), Sims 3 is a mess with the expansions, it has a lot of content but plays horribly.


Well, given this response, I'm underway. For the record, I am uninstalling all my Sims 3 packs and the base game. I'm deleting all the installed custom content, all script mods, and even my settings. Then, I will reinstall Sims 3 and try to prevent any automatic updating through the launcher. Not sure if I can stop it, but I'll certainly try.
Unplugging your internet cable/disconnecting your WiFi should work :p


I'll have to look but i think you are right. You can buy tablets and play games.

So I have to buy everyone a tablet? Damn, that'll be costly. Thanks though, at least I know how I can do it now.

Is there any way to send your teens to high school if they miss the 8am time? My sim's just standing around and I don't know how to tell him to go.

Edit: Nvm, gives you the option after school starts in the career panel.


I have the Computer Whiz aspiration and should play video games for 2 hours while being focused.
I'm not quite sure what I have to do. Can anyone help?
The tool tip mentions playing chess or reading a book gets you focused but my Sim has always different moods, not focused.


So, yea, from what I've seen in live streams I don't think the loading times are that bad. They are fairly quick and when I went to play Sims 3 after, like someone here pointed out, going to a bar or something takes for fucking ever anyway because the game gets so chunky driving around everywhere it ends up taking more time. Sims 4 optimization looks brilliant and I kind of hope that they keep the loading times in the expansions if it allows for the game to play so smoothly. I kind of don't want to play Sims 3 ,seeing 4 made me realise (something that I knew already), Sims 3 is a mess with the expansions, it has a lot of content but plays horribly.

After the abysmal nature of loading Sims 3 up, The Sims 4 loading time goes so bloody quickly, even when not comparing it to its predecessor.
I have the Computer Whiz aspiration and should play video games for 2 hours while being focused.
I'm not quite sure what I have to do. Can anyone help?
The tool tip mentions playing chess or reading a book gets you focused but my Sim has always different moods, not focused.

Yeah I want to know this too, my sim wants to go focused to work. Bought the chess set and still no focused. She is always so happy though :D


I have the Computer Whiz aspiration and should play video games for 2 hours while being focused.
I'm not quite sure what I have to do. Can anyone help?
The tool tip mentions playing chess or reading a book gets you focused but my Sim has always different moods, not focused.

Not sure. I guess just stack all of the actions that make you focused and keep doing it until it works.
Play chess, browse Simpedia and read a book.


I have the Computer Whiz aspiration and should play video games for 2 hours while being focused.
I'm not quite sure what I have to do. Can anyone help?
The tool tip mentions playing chess or reading a book gets you focused but my Sim has always different moods, not focused.

Check to make sure you have no environmental items clashing. Items that put out an emotional aura.


Thank you :) I got it.
I checked Simpedia on the PC. This gave me very quickly the purple focused-icon for 4h. Tthe mood was still on inspired for most the time though, but apparently this doesn't matter.
I played a game and cancelled the action after 2h and the goal was fulfilled.


Doing some writing training (or whatever it's called in english) on the computer is enough for my sims to be focused.
But he has the genius trait.


Rodent Whores
Not gonna lie, some of these livestreams are really entertaining, and it makes me wonder if that means I'd have that much more fun playing it myself - or do I just appreciate the commentary of these streamers as they're messing around?

I was trying to play SIms 2 Ultimate (which I got for free), and it just seemed so overwhelming. The entire catalog of expansion packs is in there, and having never played any of them, there was so much to take in all at once.


I got the "game freeze for 1 sec everytime you press a keyboard button".
Sometime it's here, sometime not, hope it'll be quickly fixed.


Not gonna lie, some of these livestreams are really entertaining, and it makes me wonder if that means I'd have that much more fun playing it myself - or do I just appreciate the commentary of these streamers as they're messing around?

I was trying to play SIms 2 Ultimate (which I got for free), and it just seemed so overwhelming. The entire catalog of expansion packs is in there, and having never played any of them, there was so much to take in all at once.

The way to get into the expansion packs is to take it one day at a time. If you have the sudden urge to take your sim on vacation...go for it. If you want to go back to school so you can get a good career....go for it. Treat the expansion like a option for the game rather than see 100 add on's to go through.
Has this been posted? http://imgur.com/a/rfpBW

That person got Jerry's flat spot on!



Quick question before I buy. I like playing as one adult that never grows into an old person. Is there still aging? If there is is there still an option to turn aging off?


Initial thoughts on Base Games Versus, Sims 3 & 4:

- Sims 4 needs a tutorial removal option, IMMEDIATELY!
- For TS3, Loading into a new game is relatively quick, pop-in of structure aside. Fairly comparable to TS4.
- I forgot how much unlocking the sliders and custom skins in CAS make a difference. Sims I make look horrid to me.
- Amount of content in CAS is about the same as Sims 4, maybe a bit more. That said, though Create a Style is nice, the palette wheel is far nicer. That is something that absolutely should come back.
- Miss not being able to modify the body as well as the head. The two sliders for fitness and fatness are meh, comparatively.
- I know graphics are subjective, but I can't understand how people think sims in TS3 look better than TS4. Realistic or not. The shading and everything might be realistic, but the facial structures are ridiculous.
- Those world maps in TS4 are doing them no favors. The in game neighborhoods have more scenery, props, and look more like a living city, even with loading screens, but that's no conveyed in the world maps. TS3, being open, conveys alot more space and freedom, but looks mostly empty.
- Find it ironic that though TS3 has landscaping tools, the premade lots are 95% totally flat.
- Missing part-time jobs.
- Runs decently, but still putters at time. Decent framerate throughout, but can see little jumps, plenty of texture pop-in etc.
- Content in Build Mode is the same, if not a touch less. Again, this ignores Create a Style.
- Though Sims do show up in the area you're at, not many are passing by. They just showup. Also, they usually don't seem to be already there. I've been to gym in TS4, and all the machines were in use when I arrived.

Got to break now, but I'll give more stream of consciousness later. I'll say this, if anything, this exercises shows me how badly the expansions took the engine out back and beat the shit out of it.


Did everyone know that you can go to that orchard behind the Holliday house without any loading screen? I just saw a group of sims milling about there and sent my sim to investigate. I expected to encounter a loading screen, as you would just going to visit a neighbor, but there wasn't one. I could socialize and harvest the plants there to my hearts content. Small, but neat.


Initial thoughts on Base Games Versus, Sims 3 & 4:

- Sims 4 needs a tutorial removal option, IMMEDIATELY!

The amount of time it takes to dismiss a tutorial tip and have the next pop up is terrible. How they slowwwwwly fade away and then, a second or two later the next pops up. Hate it.


- Sims 4 needs a tutorial removal option, IMMEDIATELY!

There already is one and has been since the game launched.

Right click The Sims 4 game in your Origin library, select 'Game Properties' then in the command line box type ––no_tutorial and click apply. :)


You got me on this one. Other than googling on the issue I can't be of much more help. My only other suggestion is to do a full re-install, but make sure to delete your Sims 4 folder out of your Documents folder where all your settings would be.

Full reinstall and same behavior. I think this is in EA's hands at this point.


There already is one and has been since the game launched.

Right click The Sims 4 game in your Origin library, select 'Game Properties' then in the command line box type ––no_tutorial and click apply. :)

Eeeehhhhh, that's a command line option. Not the same as having it included in the in-game options. Sure, it gets me what I need, but what about people who don't know about that command?

cory64 said:
Full reinstall and same behavior. I think this is in EA's hands at this point.

Given that it hasn't launched, bear in mind that you can return it for a refund. Even if bought through Origin.

Kvothe said:
Did everyone know that you can go to that orchard behind the Holliday house without any loading screen? I just saw a group of sims milling about there and sent my sim to investigate. I expected to encounter a loading screen, as you would just going to visit a neighbor, but there wasn't one. I could socialize and harvest the plants there to my hearts content. Small, but neat.

You load when visiting other lots, but the screen will highlight lots and the cursor will change when you are on another lot's spot. All the public space is loaded with a lot. Street, that back garden, etc.
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